• Title/Summary/Keyword: RGB color information

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Enhanced Integrated Multi-scale Retinex based on CIELAB Color Space for Improving Color Reproduction (색 재현 개선을 위한 CIELAB 색 공간 기반의 향상된 Multi -scale Retinex)

  • Kyung, Wang-Jun;Lee, Tae-Hyoung;Lee, Cheol-Hee;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose the digital image enhancement method including local tone reproduction and preservation of the hue. In recent studies, an integrated multi-scale retinex (IMSR) has produced great naturalness in the resulting images through enhancement of visibility in dark area in input images. However, most methods, including IMSR, work in RGB color spaces. As such, this produces hue distortion from the perspective of the human visual system, that is, hue distortion in CIELAB color space. Accordingly, this paper proposes an tone reproduction and enhancement of saturation method in a device-independent color space, CIELAB, to preserve the hue and obtain a high contrast and naturalness. First, to achieve the desired objectives, the IMSR is then applied to only the $L^*$ values in CIELAB color space, normalization, and simple mapping function, thereby preserving the balance of the color components and enhancement of visibility. Then, saturation adjustment is performed by applying the ratio of the chroma variation at the sRGB gamut boundary according to the corrected luminance. In experiments, the proposed method is shown to improve the visibility in dark shadows and bright regions in the resulting images and reduce any color distortion then preference test are performed.

A Two-Stage Learning Method of CNN and K-means RGB Cluster for Sentiment Classification of Images (이미지 감성분류를 위한 CNN과 K-means RGB Cluster 이-단계 학습 방안)

  • Kim, Jeongtae;Park, Eunbi;Han, Kiwoong;Lee, Junghyun;Lee, Hong Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.139-156
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    • 2021
  • The biggest reason for using a deep learning model in image classification is that it is possible to consider the relationship between each region by extracting each region's features from the overall information of the image. However, the CNN model may not be suitable for emotional image data without the image's regional features. To solve the difficulty of classifying emotion images, many researchers each year propose a CNN-based architecture suitable for emotion images. Studies on the relationship between color and human emotion were also conducted, and results were derived that different emotions are induced according to color. In studies using deep learning, there have been studies that apply color information to image subtraction classification. The case where the image's color information is additionally used than the case where the classification model is trained with only the image improves the accuracy of classifying image emotions. This study proposes two ways to increase the accuracy by incorporating the result value after the model classifies an image's emotion. Both methods improve accuracy by modifying the result value based on statistics using the color of the picture. When performing the test by finding the two-color combinations most distributed for all training data, the two-color combinations most distributed for each test data image were found. The result values were corrected according to the color combination distribution. This method weights the result value obtained after the model classifies an image's emotion by creating an expression based on the log function and the exponential function. Emotion6, classified into six emotions, and Artphoto classified into eight categories were used for the image data. Densenet169, Mnasnet, Resnet101, Resnet152, and Vgg19 architectures were used for the CNN model, and the performance evaluation was compared before and after applying the two-stage learning to the CNN model. Inspired by color psychology, which deals with the relationship between colors and emotions, when creating a model that classifies an image's sentiment, we studied how to improve accuracy by modifying the result values based on color. Sixteen colors were used: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, turquoise, pink, magenta, brown, gray, silver, gold, white, and black. It has meaning. Using Scikit-learn's Clustering, the seven colors that are primarily distributed in the image are checked. Then, the RGB coordinate values of the colors from the image are compared with the RGB coordinate values of the 16 colors presented in the above data. That is, it was converted to the closest color. Suppose three or more color combinations are selected. In that case, too many color combinations occur, resulting in a problem in which the distribution is scattered, so a situation fewer influences the result value. Therefore, to solve this problem, two-color combinations were found and weighted to the model. Before training, the most distributed color combinations were found for all training data images. The distribution of color combinations for each class was stored in a Python dictionary format to be used during testing. During the test, the two-color combinations that are most distributed for each test data image are found. After that, we checked how the color combinations were distributed in the training data and corrected the result. We devised several equations to weight the result value from the model based on the extracted color as described above. The data set was randomly divided by 80:20, and the model was verified using 20% of the data as a test set. After splitting the remaining 80% of the data into five divisions to perform 5-fold cross-validation, the model was trained five times using different verification datasets. Finally, the performance was checked using the test dataset that was previously separated. Adam was used as the activation function, and the learning rate was set to 0.01. The training was performed as much as 20 epochs, and if the validation loss value did not decrease during five epochs of learning, the experiment was stopped. Early tapping was set to load the model with the best validation loss value. The classification accuracy was better when the extracted information using color properties was used together than the case using only the CNN architecture.

Side-View Fan Detection Using Both the Location of Nose and Chin and the Color of Image (코와 턱의 위치 및 색상을 이용한 측면 얼굴 검출)

  • 송영준;장언동;박원배;서형석
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose the new side-view face detection method in color images which contain faces over one. It uses color and the geometrical distance between nose and chin. We convert RGB to YCbCr color space. We extract candidate regions of face using skin color information from image. And then, the extracted regions are processed by morphological filter, and the processed regions are labeled. Also, we correct the gradient of inclined face image using projected character of nose. And we detect the inclined side-view faces that have right and left 45 tips by within via ordinate. And we get 92% detection rate in 100 test images.

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Watching environment-independent color reproduction system development based on color adaption (색순응을 기반하여 관촬환경에 독립한 색재현 시스템 개발)

  • An, Seong-A;Kim, Jong-Pil;An, Seok-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2003
  • As information-communication network has been developed rapidly, internet users' circumstances also have been changed for the better, in result, more information can be applied than before. At this moment, there are many differences between real color and reappeared color on the CRT. When we observe a material object, our eyes perceive the multiplied form of light sources and nature spectral reflection. However, when the photographed signal is reappeared, illumination at that time of photographing and spectral reflection of a material object are converted into signal, and this converted RGB signal is observed on the CRT under another illumination. At this time, RGB signal is the reflected result of illumination at that time of photographing Therefore, this signal is influenced by the illumination at present, so it can be perceived another color. To accord the colro reflections of another color source, the study has been reported by S.C.Ahn$^{[1]}$, which study is about the color reapperarance system using neuron network. Furthermore, color reappearing method become independent of its circumstances has been reported by Y.Miyake$^{[2]}$. This method can make the same illuminations even if the observe circumstances are changed. To assume the light sources of observe circumstances, the study about color reappearing system using CCD sensor also have been studied by S.C.Ahn$^{[3]}$. In these studies, a population is fixed, first, on ab coordinates of CIE L${\ast}$a${\ast}$b${\ast}$. Then, color reappearing can be possible using every population and existing digital camera. However, the color is changed curvedly, not straightly, according to value's changes on the ab coordinates of CIE L${\ast}$a${\ast}$b. To solve these problems in this study, first of all, Labeling techniques are introduced. Next, basis color-it is based on Munsell color system-is divided into 10 color fields. And then, 4 special color- skin color, grass color, sky color, and gray-are added to the basis color. Finally, 14 color fields are fixed. After analyzing of the principle elements of new-defined-color fields' population, utility value and propriety value are going to be examined in 3-Band system from now on.

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Colorization Algorithm Using Wavelet Packet Transform (웨이블릿 패킷 변환을 이용한 흑백 영상의 칼라화 알고리즘)

  • Ko, Kyung-Woo;Kwon, Oh-Seol;Son, Chang-Hwan;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2008
  • Coloriztion algorithms, which hide color information into gray images and find them to recover color images, have been developed recently. In these methods, it is important to minimize the loss of original information while the color components are embedded and extracted. In this paper, we propose a colorization method using a wavelet packet transform in order to embed color components with minimum loss of original information. In addition, the compensation processing of color saturation in the recovered color images is achieved. In the color-to-gray process, an input RGB image is converted into Y, Cb, and Cr images, and a wavelet packet transform is applied to the Y image. After analyzing the amounts of total energy for each sub-band, color components are embedded into two sub-bands including minimum amount of energy on the Y image. This makes it possible not only to hide color components in the Y image, but to recover the Y image with minimum loss of original information. In the gray-to-color process, the color saturation of the recovered color images is decreased by printing and scanning process. To increase color saturation, the characteristic curve between printer and scanner, which can estimate the change of pixel values before and after printing and scanning process, is used to compensate the pixel values of printed and scanned gray images. In addition, the scaling method of the Cb and Cr components is applied to the gray-to-color process. Through the experiments, it is shown that the proposed method improves both boundary details and color saturation in the recovered color images.

Two-dimensional Oxygen Distribution in a Surface Sediment Layer Measured Using an RGB Color Ratiometric Oxygen Planar Optode (RGB color ratiomatric planar optode로 측정한 표층 퇴적물의 2차원 산소 분포)

  • Lee, Jae Seong;Kim, Eun-Soo;An, Sung-Uk;Kim, Jihye;Kim, Joung-Keun;Khang, Sung-Hyun;Kang, Dong-Jin
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.229-237
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    • 2013
  • We measured two-dimensional (2-D) oxygen distribution in the surface sediment layer of intertidal sediment using a simple and inexpensive planar oxygen optode, which is based on a color ratiometric image approach. The recorded emission intensity of red color luminophore light significantly changed with oxygen concentration by $O_2$ quenching of platinum(II)octaethylporphyrin (PtOEP). The ratios between the intensity of red and green emissions with oxygen concentration variation demonstrated the Stern-Volmer relationship. The 2-D oxygen distribution image showed microtopographic structure, diffusivity boundary layer and burrow in surface sediment layer. The oxygen penetration depth (OPD) was about 2 mm and the one-dimensional vertical diffusive oxygen uptake (DOU) was 12.6 mmol $m^{-2}d^{-1}$ in the undisturbed surface sediment layer. However, those were enhanced near burrow by benthic fauna, and the OPD was two times deeper and DOU was increased by 34%. The simple and inexpensive oxygen planar optode has great application potential in the study of oxygen dynamics with high spatiotemporal resolution, in benthic boundary layers.

Automatic Color Palette Extraction for Paintings Using Color Grouping and Clustering (색상 그룹핑과 클러스터링을 이용한 회화 작품의 자동 팔레트 추출)

  • Lee, Ik-Ki;Lee, Chang-Ha;Park, Jae-Hwa
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.35 no.7
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    • pp.340-353
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    • 2008
  • A computational color palette extraction model is introduced to describe paint brush objectively and efficiently. In this model, a color palette is defined as a minimum set of colors in which a painting can be displayed within error allowance and extracted by the two step processing of color grouping and major color extraction. The color grouping controls the resolution of colors adaptively and produces a basic color set of given painting images. The final palette is obtained from the basic color set by applying weighted k-means clustering algorithm. The extracted palettes from several famous painters are displayed in a 3-D color space to show the distinctive palette styles using RGB and CIE LAB color models individually. And the two experiments of painter classification and color transform of photographic image has been done to check the performance of the proposed method. The results shows the possibility that the proposed palette model can be a computational color analysis metric to describe the paint brush, and can be a color transform tool for computer graphics.

Face Detection in Color Image

  • Chunlin Jino;Park, Yeongmi;Euiyoung Cha
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.10b
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    • pp.559-561
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    • 2003
  • Human face detection plays an important role in variable applications. A face detection method based on skin-color information and facial feature in color images is proposed in this paper. First, the RGB color space is transformed to YCbCr space and only the skin region is extracted with the skin color information. And then, the candidate where face is likely to exist is selected after labeling processing. Finally, we detect facial features in face candidate. The experimental results show that the method proposed here is effective.

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Performance Analysis of Retinex-based Image Enhancement According to Color Domain and Gamma Correction Adaptation (Color Domain 및 Gamma Correction 적용에 따른 Retinex 기반 영상개선 알고리즘의 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Donghyung
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2019
  • Retinex-based image enhancement is a technique that utilizes the property that the human visual characteristics are sensitive to the difference from the surrounding pixel value rather than the pixel value itself. These Retinex-based algorithms show different characteristics of the improved image depending on the applied color space or gamma correction. In this paper, we set eight different experimental conditions according to the application of color space and gamma correction, and analyze the objective and subjective performance of each Retinex based image enhancement algorithm and apply it to the implementation of Retinex based algorithm. In the case of gamma correction, quantitative low entropy images and low contrast images are obtained. The application of Retinex technique in HSI color space rather than RGB color space is found to be high in overall subjective image quality as well as maintaining color.

Optimal Combination of Component Images for Segmentation of Color Codes (칼라 코드의 영역 분할을 위한 성분 영상들의 최적 조합)

  • Kwon B. H;Yoo H-J.;Kim T. W.;Kim K D.
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2005
  • Identifying color codes needs precise color information of their constituents, and is far from trivial because colors usually suffer severe distortions throughout the entire procedures from printing to acquiring image data. To accomplish accurate identification of colors, we need a reliable segmentation method to separate different color regions from each other, which would enable us to process the whole pixels in the region of a color statistically, instead of a subset of pixels in the region. Color image segmentation can be accomplished by performing edge detection on component image(s). In this paper, we separately detected edges on component images from RGB, HSI, and YIQ color models, and performed mathematical analyses and experiments to find out a pair of component images that provided the best edge image when combined. The best result was obtained by combining Y- and R-component edge images.