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Effectiveness of Antagonistic Bacterial Metabolites to Control Rhizoctonia solani on Lettuces and Fusarium oxysporum on Tomatoes

  • Vu, Van Hanh;Thi, Quyen Dinh;Rita, Grosch;Dung, Nguyen Ngoc
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2013
  • Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum cause yield losses in numerous economically important crops. To develop a bio-control agent, cell free extracellular compounds (ECs) of 5 bacterial strains Burkholdria sp. L1, Pseudomonas sp. L4, Pseudomonas chlororaphis VN391, Bacillus subtilis VN21 and Enterobacter sp. VN99 from Vietnamese fields, which reduced levels of R. solani root rot in lettuces and F. oxysporum root rot in tomatoes, were investigated. In a growth chamber, ECs of all antagonists markedly enhanced the biomass of lettuces (10 to 14.1%) and tomatoes (11.38 to 13.88%). In greenhouses, the disease's severity on both crops treated with ECs of the antagonists was reduced significantly and biomass losses in the plants decreased markedly. The reduction level of R. solani root rot in lettuces was 75, 66.7, 50, and 16.7% by ECs of strains L1, L4, VN21 and VN391, respectively. The biomass of lettuces increased markedly by 29.13%, 21.67%, and 23.4% by ECs of strains L1, L4 and VN21, respectively. Similarly, the reduction levels of F. oxysporum root rot in tomatoes was 76.3, 75, 41.7 and 25% by ECs of strain L1, L4, VN21 and VN391, respectively, and the biomass was significantly enhanced by 14.42, 12.7 and 13%, respectively. The ECs of strain L1 exhibited the most effective bio-control agents to suppress R. solani and F. oxysporum.

Quantitative analysis of 3-MCPD in water using LC-MS (LC-MS를 이용한 수용액중의 3-MCPD 정량)

  • Park, Gyo-Beom;Kim, Yong-Hwa;Kim, Jin-Sung;Jeong, Ja-Young;Kim, Choong-Yong;Lee, Sueg-Geun
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 2007
  • The analysis method of 3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol (3-MCPD) compound in water was developed using liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. Aqueous solution was controlled in strong basic condition with sodium hydroxide, and then $25{\mu}L$ of benzoyl chloride was added to the solution for the derivatization of 3-MCPD. The derivative was extracted using pentane and analyzed by the selected ion monitoring (SIM) method of LC-MS. The results of analyses showed that the calibration curves was in the range of 1.0 to $100{\mu}g/mL$ with a good linearity (correlation coefficient of $r^2=0.992$) and limit of detection was below $0.01{\mu}g/mL$. The recoveries of this analysis method by LC-MS were 92.3-98.0 %.

Analysis of Cadaverine and Its Worker Honeybee Venom Content (Apis mellifera L.) (꿀벌(Apis mellifera L.) 일벌독의 생체아민 cadaverine 함량 및 분석법)

  • Choi, Hong Min;Kim, Hyo Young;Kim, Se Gun;Han, Sang Mi
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.144-148
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to analyze the content and composition of a biological amine, cadaverine, isolated from the venom of worker honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). This biological amine―which has diverse functionality, such as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects―has not been previously reported in bee venom. An assay completed in 13 minutes was developed for the cadaverine present in the bee venom using an ultra-performance liquid chromatograph and a Halo C18 column with acetonitrile and water as the mobile phase. The specificity, accuracy, and precision of the assay were verified, and the assay was validated. The linearity for cadaverine in the bee venom was R2=0.99 or above, indicating a moderate level. The limit of detection and limit of quantification were both 0.3 ㎍/ml, and the rate of recovery was 97.6%-99.1%. The relative standard deviation (RSD) of the intra-day precision and inter-day precision for cadaverine was 0.25%-0.44% and 0.25%-1.25%, respectively, with an RSD that fell within 5% indicating excellent precision. Through this novel assay, it was found that the mean content of cadaverine was 1.10±0.05 mg/g. Our results indicated that the linearity, limit of detection, limit of quantification, and rate of recovery of the cadaverine assay were of a satisfactory level, and the cadaverine content of the bee venom was ably determined. This study provides basic data on cadaverine in bee venom, which will prove useful in further studies on the bioactivity of this component.

Effect of Feeding Induced Molting on the Visceral Organs and Blood Component Profile in Laying Hens (비절식 강제 환우 방법이 산란계의 장기 비율과 혈액 성상에 미치는 영향)

  • Na, J.C.;Park, S.B.;Yu, D.J.;Bang, H.T.;Kim, S.H.;Kang, G.H.;Kim, H.K.;Choi, H.C.;HwangBo, J.;Kang, B.S.;Suh, O.S.;Jang, B.G.;Choi, J.T.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.375-380
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding induced molting on the visceral organs and blood component profile in laying hens and designed to test 400 flocks of 60 week old Leghorn laying hens for 34 weeks. A total of four molting treatment methods by including the molted with customary molting by fasting method (c), feeding single diet of corn (T1), feeding single diet of wheat bran (T2) and feeding single diet of alfalfa meal (T3) were tested, and each treatment was repeated for 5 times, and 20 laying hens were randomly assigned in an cage for each repeat. As the result of the experiment, ovary was $2.03{\sim}6%$ and oviduct was $2.51{\sim}3.47%$ in visceral organs for body weight at pre-molting term, but there was no significant difference. At post-molting, no significant difference was found, ovary was $0.25{\sim}0.41%$, uterus of control, T1, T2 and T3 was 1.12%, 0.82%, 0.48% and 0.90%, respectively. T2 was significantly lower than control, T3 (p<0.05) at the 50% of egg production. Ovary was $2.20{\sim}2.60%$ and oviduct was $2.98{\sim}3.45%$. In addition, ovary was $2.65{\sim}3.01%$, oviduct was $3.23{\sim}3.64%$ at the peak egg production, but there was no significant difference by non-feeding and feeding molting treatments. In blood component profile, cholesterol was $179.8{\sim}245.7\;mg/dL$ at pre-molting, but there was no significant difference and at post-molting, concentration of cholestrol in control, T1, T2 and T3 was 353.6, 229.1, 261.8 and 300.6 mg/dL, respectively. T1 was significantly lower than control and T3 (p<0.05). In addition, first laying day was $228.1{\sim}271.8\;mg/dL$, 50% of egg production was $236.5{\sim}284.8\;mg/dL$, there was no significant difference. Concentration of cholestrol in control, T1, T2 and T3 was 324.1, 591.6, 363.0 and 315.6 mg/dL, respectively, at the peak egg production period. T1 was significantly higher than other treatment (p<0.05).

Syntheses of Anilide Derivatives from Amino Acids ad Their Biological Activities (Ⅰ). Preparation of (R)-2-Pyrrolidine-5-carbox-anilide Derivatives and Their Effects on the Germination of Plant Seeds (Amino酸으로부터 Anilide誘濤體의 合成과 生理活性에 關한 硏究 (第1報). (R)-2-Pyrrolidone-5-carbox-anilide 誘濤體의 合成과 植物種子發芽에 미치는 影響)

  • Chun-Soo Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 1981
  • Pyrrolidone-anilide derivatives from L-glutamic acid and anilines were synthesized as follows: The products were identified by elementary analysis, IR, NMR and Mass spectra with (R)-2-pyrrolidone-5-carbox-anilide, (R)-2-pyrrolidone-5-cabox-p-chloroanilide, (R)-2-pyrrolidone-5-carbox-o-toluidide, (R)-2-pyrrolidone-5-carbox-m-toluidide and (R)-2-pyrrolidone-5-carbox-p-toluidide. The products were testes for their phytotoxicity on the germination and the seedling growth of radish and rice plants. Among them, (R)-2-pyrrolidone-5-carbox-anilide and (R)-2-pyrrolidone-5-carbox-p-chloroanilide derivatives were strongly inhibitory especially on the germination and the seedling growth of radish seeds. All the compounds also showed an inhibitory activity upon the germination of rice seeds. Additionally, the inhibiting rate of radish growth differs according to the isomeric position(ortho, meta and para) of the methyl group; (R)-2-pyrrolidone-5-carbox-m-toluidide derivative was more effective than both (R)-2-pyrrolidone-5-carbox-o-toluidide and (R)-2-pyrrolidone-5-carbox-p-toluidide derivatives.

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Anaerobic Digestion Efficiency of Remainder from Bacterial Cellulose Production Process using Food Wastes (음식 폐기물을 이용한 박테리아 셀룰로오스 생산 공정 잔류물의 혐기성 소화효율)

  • Jin, Sheng-De;Kim, Seong-Jun
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.97-101
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    • 2007
  • This study was performed to examine the availability of anaerobic digestion of the remainders caused by bacterial cellulose production process using food wastes. They maybe to be considered as others second pollution sources. Thus, this study was targeted to minimize content of organic material and to obtain more energy in those remnants using two-phase UASB reactor. The working volume of first hydrolysis fermentor was 35 L (total 55 L) and the second methane fermentor was 40 L (total 50 L). The organic loading rate of hydrolysis fermentor was 3 g-VS/L${\cdot}$day and 25,000 ppm of $COD_{cr}$ for methane fermentor. The hydraulic retention time was 18 days for hydrolysis reactor and 33 days for methane reactor. The hydrolysis reactor and methane reactor were performed at 35, 40$^{\circ}C$ respectively. For the efficient stable performance, the composition of organic wastes at each stage was as follow; Food waste with bacterial culture remnants (1 : 1), bacterial cellulose remnants, bacterial cellulose culture remnants with food wastes saccharified solids (1 : 1). When the anaerobic digestion was performed stably at each stage, the COD removal efficiency was 88, 90, 91 % respectively. At this time, methane production rate was 0.26, 0.34, $0.32m^3\;CH_4/kg-COD_{remove}$. As well as the values of anaerobic digestion at third stage were more higher than values of anaerobic digestion using food wastes. It is clearly to say that the food wastes zero-emission system constructed in our lab is more efficient way to treat and reclaim food wastes.

An Evaluation of the Anti-thrombosis and Antioxidant Activities of Different Parts of Dystaenia takeshimana (섬바디 부위별 추출물의 항혈전 및 항산화 활성)

  • Kang, Deok-Gyeong;Lee, Yun-Jin;Kim, Jong Sik;Sohn, Ho-Yong
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.303-309
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    • 2022
  • Dystaenia takesimana is an endemic plant found only in Korea, especially on Ulleung Island. The leaves and roots of D. takesimana have been used as food, forage, and oriental medicine. Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammation, antioxidant, and α-glucosidase inhibition biological activities have been reported in the plant's root extract. However, studies concerning the anti-thrombosis activities of D. takesimana are still in the rudimentary stage. In this study, the extracts of the leaf (DT-L), stem (DT-S), and root (DT-R) of D. takesimana were prepared using 70% ethanol, and their anti-thrombosis activities were evaluated. DT-L extracts (0.25 mg/ml) showed strong inhibitions against platelet aggregation, comparable to aspirin, with strong radical scavenging activities. Furthermore, the DT-L extract did not show any RBC hemolysis up to 1 m/ml. The ant-coagulation and antioxidant activities of the DT-S extract were ignorable. While the DT-R extract showed inhibitions against thrombin and blood coagulation factors, it also showed strong platelet aggregation. This is a first report of the anti-thrombosis activities of D. takesimana, and our results suggest that DT-L could be developed as a valuable bioresource for high value-added products.

Ammonia Removal Capacities of Several Filter Media in a Seawater Recirculating Aquaculture System (해수 순환 여과 양식 시설의 여과 재료별 암모니아 제거 능력)

  • 전임기;손맹현;조재윤;이종문
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.261-271
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    • 1997
  • Ammonia removal capacities of five submerged filter media, 2~3mm sand, 30~50mm gravel, 20~40mm coral sand, polythylene net, and corrugated plastic plate in a seawater recirculating system were tested. A rotating biological contactor (RBC) was also tested for comparison. Oxygen consumption rates were measured along with the ammonia removal efficiencies. The ammonia concentrations in the system were maintained from 0.052 to 0.904 mg/l (mean 0.338$\pm$0.219 mg/l) and the water temperature was ranged from 19.2 to $21.4^{\circ}C\;(mean 20.2^{\circ}C\pm0.58^{\circ}C$). The 1/2-order kinetic model (Y:g/$m^3$/day) and the mean ammonia removal rates (g/$m^3$/day) of the filter media were : Sand : Y=135.5X0.5-25.1(r2=0.8110), 45.1 Coral sand : Y=125.1X0.5-33.0 (r2=0.7307), 31.8 Polyethylene net : Y=87.4X0.5-20.1 (r2=0.6780), 25.2 Corrugated plastic plate : Y=87.4X0.5-20.1(r2=0.5206), 19.2 Gravel : Y=4307X0.5-5.5 (r2=0.2596), 17.1 RBC : Y=127.6X0.5-33.4 (r2=0.7146), 32.8 where X is the concentration of ammonia. Oxygen consumption rates well corresponded to the ammonia removal capacities of each filter medium, thus the sands showing the highest value (442g/$m^3$/day) followed by coral sands (291.1g/$m^3$/day), polyethylene nets (236.9g/$m^3$/day), gravels (135.6g/$m^3$/day) and corrugated plastic plates (134.2g/$m^3$/day). Oxygen consumption rate of the RBC was unable to measure because of the characteristics of the structure.

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Logosphère de G. Bachelard et les rêveries de langue (바슐라르의 Logosphère와 언어적 몽상)

  • HONG, Myung-Hee
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.25
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    • pp.679-694
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    • 2011
  • La langue est un des ${\acute{e}}l{\acute{e}}ments$ $privil{\acute{e}}gi{\acute{e}}s$ de la $r{\hat{e}}verie$ chez Bachelard. La langue est une force fondamentale de l'imagination. D'une part, elle garde son propre valeur dans le processus de l'imagination, et d'autre part elle forme sa propre image. La $priorit{\acute{e}}$ de langue chez Bachelard a, en effet, quelque liaison avec la notion de Logos qui avait ${\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ $trait{\acute{e}}$ depuis longtemps comme $v{\acute{e}}rit{\acute{e}}$ ${\acute{e}}ternelle$ dans la $m{\acute{e}}taphysique$ occidentale. Cependant, la notion de logos de Bachelard se $diff{\grave{e}}re$ de celle de $m{\acute{e}}taphysique$ occidentale. Tandis que la $m{\acute{e}}taphysique$ traditionnelle traite le logos comme un but ${\acute{e}}ternel$ de sa $m{\acute{e}}ditation$, Bachelard donne l'importance sur la $capacit{\acute{e}}$ linguistique et imaginaire du logos. Le $logosph{\grave{e}}re$ est un des exemples qui montre bien la $diff{\acute{e}}rence$ entre la notion de logos de Bachelard et celle de $m{\acute{e}}taphysique$ traditionnelle. Le $logosph{\grave{e}}re$ est un $n{\acute{e}}ologisme$ de Bachelard qui est fait pour $d{\acute{e}}signer$ $l^{\prime}atmosph{\grave{e}}re$ verbal de la $soci{\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ contemporaine $gr{\hat{a}}ce$ ${\grave{a}}$ l'emission de radio. Bachelard comprend le $ph{\acute{e}}nom{\grave{e}}ne$ de radio en tant que $r{\acute{e}}alisation$ de $Psych{\acute{e}}$ dans la vie quotidienne. C'est $gr{\hat{a}}ce$ ${\grave{a}}$ la technologie moderne que nous pouvons avoir l'univers de langue plus facilement par rapport aux $si{\grave{e}}cles$ $pr{\acute{e}}c{\acute{e}}dents$. Selon Bachelard, la radio n'est pas un simple instrument de communication. C'est une porte pour entrer dans la $r{\hat{e}}verie$ universelle. La radio est une voix du monde qui exprime notre inconscient. Quand un $r{\hat{e}}veur$ $r{\hat{e}}ve$, son $r{\hat{e}}verie$ se $d{\acute{e}}veloppe$ en se discutant avec le monde. Alors, quand nous $r{\hat{e}}vons$, nous parlons au monde et nous ${\acute{e}}coutons$ du monde, de sorte que nous devenons les citoyens du $logosph{\grave{e}}re$. Dans son oeuvre Sur la Grammatologie, J. Derrida critique la $m{\acute{e}}taphysique$ occidentale en la intitulant logocentrisme. Derrida pense que la philosophie occidentale a comme le but final la $pr{\acute{e}}sence$ de logos. Cette $pr{\acute{e}}sence$ de logos ne peut ${\hat{e}}tre$ $r{\acute{e}}alis{\acute{e}}e$ que par la langue de la voix, non pas par la langue de $caract{\grave{e}}re$. $D^{\prime}o{\grave{u}}$ vient le logocentrisme ou le phonocentrisme de $m{\acute{e}}taphysique$ occidental. Mais Derrida pense que le logocentrisme n'est qu'un autre aspect de l'ethnocentrisme ${\acute{e}}troit$ de l'occident. La notion de $logosph{\grave{e}}re$ de Bachelard a quelques ressemblances avec logocentrisme par ses apparences. Cependant, elles ont une $diff{\acute{e}}rence$ fondamentale depuis leur $d{\acute{e}}part$. Tandis que logocentrisme $tra{\hat{i}}te$ la parole en tant que $mani{\grave{e}}re$ d'expression de raison qui est une puissance fondamentale de l'homme, Bachelard pense que la parole est un $r{\acute{e}}sultat$ d'une opposition et fusion de notre raisons et parole. Bachelard pense que la parole est une $r{\acute{e}}alisation$ de l'image qui est l'essence de notre $psych{\acute{e}}$. Pour lui, la parole, la quintessence de $logosph{\grave{e}}re$, est le champ de l'imagination $d^{\prime}o{\grave{u}}$ jaillissent les images. C'est pour cela que $logosph{\grave{e}}re$ se situe ${\grave{a}}$ l'antipode de logocentrisme. $Logosph{\grave{e}}re$ nous fournit un espace de $r{\hat{e}}verie$ de langue. Notre $soci{\acute{e}}t{\acute{e}}$ contemporaine $fourr{\acute{e}}e$ des images visuelles creuses est $d{\acute{e}}pouill{\acute{e}}e$ de plus en plus des espaces de $r{\hat{e}}veries$. C'est une des raisons que le $logosph{\grave{e}}re$ de Bachelard doit ${\hat{e}}tre$ $r{\acute{e}}activ{\acute{e}}$ aujourd'hui.

Biological Treatment of Nutrients and Heavy Metals in Synthetic Wastewater Using a Carrier Attached to Rhodobacter blasticus

  • Kim, Deok-Won;Park, Ji-Su;Oh, Eun-Ji;Yoo, Jin;Kim, Deok-Hyeon;Chung, Keun-Yook
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.666-674
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    • 2022
  • The removal efficiencies of nutrients (N and P) and heavy metals (Cu and Ni) by Rhodobacter blasticus and R. blasticus attached to polysulfone carriers, alginate carriers, PVA carriers, and PVA + zeolite carriers in synthetic wastewater were compared. In the comparison of the nutrient removal efficiency based on varying concentrations (100, 200, 500, and 1000 mg/L), R. blasticus + polysulfone carrier treatment showed removal efficiencies of 98.9~99.84% for N and 96.92~99.21% for P. The R. blasticus + alginate carrier treatment showed removal efficiencies of 88.04~97.1% for N and 90.33~97.13% for P. The R. blasticus + PVA carrier treatment showed removal efficiencies of 18.53~44.25% for N and 14.93~43.63% for P. The R. blasticus + PVA + zeolite carrier treatment showed removal efficiencies of 26.65~64.33% for N and 23.44~64.05% for P. In addition, at the minimum inhibitory concentration of heavy metals, R. blasticus (dead cells) + polysulfone carrier treatment showed removal efficiencies of 7.77% for Cu and 12.19% for Ni. Rhodobacter blasticus (dead cells) + alginate carrier treatment showed removal efficiencies of 25.83% for Cu and 31.12% for Ni.