• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quiet American

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The Gender Inequality of an Asian Woman in The Quiet American (『조용한 미국인』에 표현된 동양 여성의 젠더 불평등)

  • Ryu, Da-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2020
  • Graham Greene's The Quiet American is a war novel set in Vietnam. Thus, although war-related political stories are mainly unfolded, this novel presumes that Westerners are basically superior to the colored Vietnamese. In addition to racial issues, it describes the dual discrimination and inequality that women face. Phung, a Vietnamese woman who wishes to live a rich and comfortable life through marriage to a Western man, is a gender underdog oppressed by the capital and males. She is discriminated against by selfish views created by men, such as being expressed as an ignorant woman who can feel physical pain but not mental pain and being described as a partner to satisfy men's pleasure. Fowler and Pyle, the male lead characters who are gender strong, treat the Asian woman as a low-status person who is qualitatively different from Westerner and use and exploit the woman simply to satisfy their selfish needs. Therefore, it is hard to say that this story involves true love, as it is based on an unequal relationship. Eventually, Pyle's death brings Phung back to Fowler, confirming that Asian women are unable to escape from the gender underdog of Western men.

Healing Design for Adolescent Patients and the Meaning of Home - American Adolescents' Preferences on Hospital Settings - (청소년을 위한 치유병원 디자인과 집의 의미와의 관계 - 미국 청소년을 대상으로 한 선호도 조사를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun Young
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2014
  • The objective of the present study is to investigate healing design attributes for adolescent patients and to identify the relationship among healing design attributes and the meaning of home. This study examined the environmental preferences of American adolescents for hospital rooms to investigate age-appropriate healing design attributes. The health-related quality of life (HRQOL) concept was adapted to this study as a theoretical framework. One hundred six American adolescents participated in the survey. Participant adolescents consisted of two groups by their health status: forty-seven adolescent patients who were waiting for their surgical operations in waiting rooms and fifty-nine healthy high school students while they were at school. Participants aged in range from 14-year to 18-year olds with a mean of 16-year olds. Data collection consisted of two different instruments: Emotional state survey with demographics and environmental preference survey. Environmental values that are important to adolescents were control of privacy, having outside view, and quiet places to go. However, staying in a single-bed room for hospitalization is ranked the lowest score for the participating adolescents. Adolescents who perceived higher stress level preferred to have quiet places to go, to control over privacy and to have outside view significantly. The study resulted that the most important design attribute for American Adolescents was "privacy control", which is the essence of the meaning of home. There are some significant discrepancies in environmental preferences of hospital rooms by different genders and different health status.

Comparison of Characteristics of Ganoderma lucidum According to Geographical Origins : Consideration of Morphological Characteristics(II)

  • Kim, Hong-Kyu;Seo, Geon-Sik;Kim, Hong-Gi
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.80-84
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    • 2001
  • Nine species of genus Ganoderma different in cultural characteristics each other were separated by histo-anatomical differences. Differences among the species and geographic distribution of G. lucidum were also analyzed to provide the criteria for the classification of Korean cultivation or wild type strains. Korean cultivation and wild type strains were quiet different from other species as well as Taiwan and North American G. lucidum strains in histo-anatomical traits of Ganoderma. Pore color of Korean G. lucidum strains was less brown than those of Taiwan and North American strains. Shapes of pores were round or circular in Korean strains but ellipsoidal or angular in Taiwan or North American strains. Pore numbers of Korean strains were more than those($4{\sim}6/mm$) of Taiwan or North American strains. Hardness of the pileus of Korean strains was much more than that of Taiwan or North American strains. Such characteristics of Korean strains were different from those of other species of Ganoderma. Korean G. lucidum strains could be classified into the other group because they had many different traits in growth characteristics of fruiting bodies and histo-anatomical characteristics from those of Taiwan or North American G. lucidum and other species of G. lucidum complex.

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Chinese-American Representation in Howard Fast's The Immigrants (하워드 패스트의 『이민자들』에 나타난 중국계 미국인 재현 연구)

  • Lee, Su Mee
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.35
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    • pp.97-122
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    • 2014
  • Since the arrival of Chinese immigrants in the 1850s, many Euro-American writers tended to project their fears, contempt, desires and fantasy onto the Other race and perceived Chinese Americans in stereotypes-dangerous villains, unassimilated aliens, quiet and passive servants, sexually submissive women, or seductive prostitutes. However in the 1970s and the 1980s Euro-American novels expressed varying attitudes towards Chinese Americans. Many earlier EuroAmerican writers began portraying positive characterizations of Chinese Americans. The purpose of this study is to examine the ways one of the Euro-American writers, Howard Fast characterized Chinese Americans in The Immigrants. Part of the novel concerns a Chinese American family. Fast gave a favorable portrayal of Chinese Americans. Unlike many Euro-American novelists who dealt only with Chinese American villains and prostitutes and view Chinese Americans as the lowest class of American society, Fast, on the other hand, portrayed Chinese Americans as law-abiding and useful citizens. Thus, I will discuss how Howard Fast subverted the familiar negative characterization of Chinese Americans and placed Chinese American experiences in the context of American immigration history. Many white Americans tended to notice only the lurid and sensational aspects in the Chinese American community. They seldom regarded Chinese Americans as people with homes and families and seldom saw Chinese Americans as individuals, as human beings with feelings, pain, and joy. To counter this racist view, Fast described the family life of Chinese Americans and depicted Chinese Americans as individuals with a full range of human emotions and with strong family and cultural ties. Though Fast debunked some myths about Chinese Americans, he also reinforces other stereotypes or some stereotypical illusions about them. In conclusion, I'll demonstrate Fast's work remains an incomplete representation of Chinese Americans.

Clinical and Microbiological Diagnosis of Tetanus in an American Pit Bull Terrier dog (American Pit Bull Terrier메서 파상풍에 대한 임상적 및 미생물학적인 진단)

  • 허은정;박영재;김남수;송희종;채준석
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.459-463
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    • 2000
  • A 3 year-old male American Pit Bull Terrier in Kwang-Ju, Chonnam was admitted to the Teaching Animal Hospital, Chonbuk National University. He showed convulsive spasms of skeletal muscles, raised tail-head, and rigidity of rigidity. Based on these clinical sign\ulcorner tetanus was suspected Hematological test results showed and WBC value (21 ,800/$\mu$l/) with neutrophils (17.877/$\mu$l) and monocytes (1.744/$\mu$l). The blood chemical values ALT (86 IU/L) and AST (119 IU/L) were elevated. Fecal sample from the dog was cultured in anaerobic chamber. A Gram positive, drumstick shaped bacteria was isolated. The bacteria was identified as Clostridium tetani by biological and biochemical tests. The dog was hospitalized in a quiet place where the light was cut off and treated with penicillin G procaine and phenobarbital sodium. The dog made a complete recovery 25 days after treatment. This Is the first report on C. tetani infection of domestic dog in Korea.

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The Translation of 『The Ugly American』(1958) and Ugly Japanese, Chinese, and Korean of The East Asia(1993) -Hate and Ethnicity, National Culture Theory- (『추악한 미국인』(1958)의 번역과 동아시아의 추악한 일본인, 중국인, 한국인(1993) -혐오와 민족성, 민족문화론-)

  • 이행선;양아람
    • 한국학연구
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    • no.48
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    • pp.315-350
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    • 2018
  • 이 연구는 『추악한 미국인』을 포함한 '추악한 시리즈'가 '한국'에서 번역되는 맥락과 의미를 분석하고자 했다. 이를 통해 『The Ugly American』이 동아시아 각국에 번역되고 전유되어 '추악한 시리즈'를 창출하고 그것이 한국에 번역되는 맥락을 파악할 수 있다. 『The Ugly American』(1958)은 윌리암 J. 레더러(Lederer, William J), 유진 버딕크(Burdick, Eugene) 공저의 풍자소설이다. 이 소설은 1959년 한국에 『추악한 미국인』으로 번역되면서 알려지기 시작하는데 베트남전쟁에서 미국인의 실수와 추태를 다룬 작품이다. 이 작품이 중요한 것은 월남전의 미국의 과오를 비판한 수준을 넘어 글쓰기의 아이디어와 방식이 미친 영향력이다. 제목이 함의하듯 이러한 책의 발상은 특정 국가와 그 민족구성원의 문제점을 지적하는 글쓰기 형식이기 때문에 민족(성) 비판과 맥이 닿아 있다. 『The Ugly American』의 수용과 전유는 한국뿐만 아니라 중국, 일본, 대만 등 동아시아 각국의 역사적 관계와 문명의 격차에서 기인하는 자기인식과 상대국에 대한 평가를 파악할 수 있게 한다. 소속 공동체에 대한 자긍심과 (민족)주체의 내적 발전 및 동태적 역동성의 발견 및 재인식 작업으로서의 민족문화론은 개인과 국가의 자기지식과 아이덴티티의 필수불가결한 구축 과정이며 진보와 지체를 둘러싼 일종의 자기반응이다. 이처럼 자신과 세계인식의 재갱신은 서구제국주의의 관점과 적자생존론, 민족주의를 경유해온 우리의 인식론적 성찰의 현실과 긴밀하게 관련된다는 점에서 '추악한' 시리즈는 그 실상과 강박을 접근할 수 있는 중요한 참조점이 될 것이다.

The Origin of Records and Archives in the United States and the Formation of Archival System: Focusing on the Period from the Early 17th Century to the Mid 20th (미국의 기록(records) 및 아카이브즈(archives)의 역사적 기원과 관리·보존의 역사 17세기 초부터 20세기 중반까지를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seon Ok
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.80
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    • pp.43-88
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    • 2024
  • The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is a relatively quiet latecomer to the traditional archives of the Western world. Although the United States lacks a long history of organized public records·archives management, it has developed a modern system optimized for the American historical context. This system focuses on the systematic management and preservation of the vast amount of modern records produced and collected during the tumultuous 20th century. As a result, NARA has established a modern archival system that is optimized for the American historical context. The U.S. public records·archives management system is based on the principle that records·archives are the property of the American people and belong to the public. This concept originated during the British colonial era when records were used to safeguard the rights of the colonies as self-governing citizens. For Americans, records and archives have long been a symbol of the nation's identity, serving as a means of protecting individual freedoms, rights, and democracy throughout the country's history. It is natural, therefore, that American life and history should be documented, and that the recorded past should be managed and preserved for the nation's present and future. The public records·archives management system in the United States is the result of a convergence of theories, practices, lessons learned, and ideas that have been shaped by the country's history, philosophies, and values about records, and its unique experience with records management. This paper traces the origins of records and archives in the United States in a historical context to understand the organic relationship between American life and records. It examines the process of forming a modern public records management system that is both uniquely American and universal to the American context without falling into the two forms of traditions that reflect the uniqueness of American history.