Clinical and Microbiological Diagnosis of Tetanus in an American Pit Bull Terrier dog

American Pit Bull Terrier메서 파상풍에 대한 임상적 및 미생물학적인 진단

  • 허은정 (전북대학교 생체안전성연구소) ;
  • 박영재 (박영재 동물병원) ;
  • 김남수 (전북대학교 생체안전성연구소) ;
  • 송희종 (전북대학교 생체안전성연구소) ;
  • 채준석 (전북대학교 생체안전성연구소)
  • Published : 2000.12.01


A 3 year-old male American Pit Bull Terrier in Kwang-Ju, Chonnam was admitted to the Teaching Animal Hospital, Chonbuk National University. He showed convulsive spasms of skeletal muscles, raised tail-head, and rigidity of rigidity. Based on these clinical sign\ulcorner tetanus was suspected Hematological test results showed and WBC value (21 ,800/$\mu$l/) with neutrophils (17.877/$\mu$l) and monocytes (1.744/$\mu$l). The blood chemical values ALT (86 IU/L) and AST (119 IU/L) were elevated. Fecal sample from the dog was cultured in anaerobic chamber. A Gram positive, drumstick shaped bacteria was isolated. The bacteria was identified as Clostridium tetani by biological and biochemical tests. The dog was hospitalized in a quiet place where the light was cut off and treated with penicillin G procaine and phenobarbital sodium. The dog made a complete recovery 25 days after treatment. This Is the first report on C. tetani infection of domestic dog in Korea.



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