• Title/Summary/Keyword: Questionair

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A Study on the Improvement Direction of Barrier-Free Certification Evaluation Items -Focusd on the Evaluation Items of the Building (장애물 없는 생활환경 인증제도 평가지표 개선방향 연구 -건축물분야 인증지표를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Kyoo-Il;Kang, Byoung-Keun
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2011
  • As International considerations about the Barrier-Free environment increase, Korean Barrier-Free Environment Certification System has operated since 2008 in Korea. The purpose of this study is to find way to improve evaluation items, so this study analyzed the result of examination certified facilities and investigated the importance of the evaluation item for conducted a questionair survey with the BF experts. As a result, a lower scored and high important item should assign a higher score or lower the difficulty level, so induces applicants to be certified. Second, a higher scored and lower important item should assign a lower score or increase the difficulty of evaluating. The results suggested are expected the use in the improvement direction of BF certification evaluation items.

An Analysis on Satisfaction of Users to Institutional Household Management -A Comparison with Users to Noninstitutional Household Management- (공공가정경영에 대한 이용자의 만족도 조사 연구 -비공공가정 이용자와의 비교를 중심으로-)

  • 송혜림
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2001
  • This study focused on the satisfaction of user to institutional household management. In this study the institutional household management system was consisted in leadership management, marketing management, production management, personal management, material management and financial management. The purposeful questionair was developed for this 6 categories of institutional management system and the findings of users' satisfaction in these areas were analized. The findings were compared with the satisfaction of users to noninstitutional household management. The degree of satisfaction of users with leadership management, Production management. marketing management and financial management in institutional household was higher than those in noninstitutional household.

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Educational Needs Related to Clothing and Textiles Perceived by Secondary Students, Home Economics Teachers and Professors (중.고등학교 가정과목 의생활 분야 교육내용 연구 -학생, 교사, 전공 교수의 요구도 분석-)

  • 성화경
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this research are (1) determining the basic concepts of clothing field which are included in the middle and high school home economics education curriculum ; (2) comparing the extent of need to those three groups; (3) classifying the basic concepts into units; (4) ana-lyzing the extent of need by units and providing basic data for curriculum revision. The data collecting methods of this research is questionair and the contents of this are the same. The subjects are 1085 students, 402 teachers and 80 professors. The data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA, scheffe test and factor analysis. The results were as follows: (1) 43 basic concepts were determined. (2) While the extent of need in the teachers and professors was high, that of students was me-dium or lower than the other two groups. (3)The extent of need to 40 concepts among three groups were significantly different. (4)According to the results from the factor analysis 7 units were formed. (5)‘Accurate dressing’was the most needed thing among three groups.

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A Study of the Assessing the High Risk Mothers and Influencing to Their Newborn Babies (고 위험 임신과 신생아 상태와의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • 이경혜;이자형
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 1979
  • This study was undertaken to determine .the identify the relation between the high risk mother and their baby which then allows the nurse to assess and plen for the delivery of optimal health care to the high risk groups. This study was carried out between January through December 1978. This study sample consisted of 300 pregnant women who visited Ewha womens hospital during this time. The method used to for the collection of data was an“Antepartum High-risk pregnancy scoring form. The questionair included 4 categories: 1) reproductives history 2) Associated conditions 3) pre-sent pregnancy and 4) total risk score . The bind are as follows: 1. The frequency of high risk pregnancy women 149(49.7%) was highest. 2. In the investigation sample high risk factors were related to hypertension and toremia. 3. There was a difference in the high risk scores and newborn babys scores (r = 0.610). 4. Relationship between high risk pregnancy women and least of pregnant women was highest prenatal mortality. Implications of positive assessing of high risk factors by MCH nurse and community health nurses.

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Formation and Changing Pattern of Nursing Perspectives of Nursing Students (간호학생의 간호관 형성과 변화양상)

  • Cho, Kyul-Ja;Song, Mi-Ryeong
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.17-35
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the formation and changing pattern of nursing perspectives of nursing students. 176 subjects were composed of 118 nusing students and 58 non-nursing students. The data were collected through openended question and structured questionair. The result were as follows : 1. Nursing perspectives were classified six categories(nature of nursing, image of nursing, component of nursing, meaning of nursing, range of nursing, function of nursing) 2. As increased major lecture period, the item of ${\lceil}$Nursing is helping${\rfloor}$ was changing positively. 3. As incresed clinical practice, the student's perception about items of ${\lceil}$Nursing has gap between theory and practice${\rfloor}$, ${\lceil}$Nursing is helping${\rfloor}$ was increased. 4. As increased self-concept, the students were considered the item of ${\lceil}$Nursing is action that giving knowledge and helping to effective coping for individual and group${\rfloor}$ significantly. 5. 1) The students having religion were considered the item of ${\lceil}$Nursing must doing politely${\rfloor}$ significantly relatively to the students don't have religion. 2) The students having experience of admission to hospital in their or their family had negative nursing perspectives. 3) Against the students who select nursing major for his high school perfoermonce and advice of their significant others, the students who select nursing major for service had positive nursing perspectives.

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Epidemiologic Study of Female's Part-Cold Hypersensitivity Syndrome (여성(女性) 냉증(冷症)의 설문(設問)을 통(通)한 실태분석(實態分析))

  • Jang, Jun-Bock;Lee, Kyung-Sub;Song, Byung-Kee
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1 s.29
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 1995
  • The female's part-cold hypersensitivity syndrome is a disease which the oriental people better than the western people suffer from and if it would be sick for a long time, it could bring into the other diseases. In the Oriental Medicine, the coldness is regarded as one of the most important causes which induce female's diseases. Nowadays the number of the female patients are ascending that serously appeal the coldness-sense and pain-sense at the particular part of the body, for example, hand, foot, abdomen, waist, external genital portion and so on. These are caused by female's own characteristics of the menstration and delivery, and the influence of the circumstances. The Oriental Medicine have better effects by the diagnosis and treatment according per symptom in the contrast with the Western Medicine having difficulties in the point of accurate diagnosis and treatment. This epidemiologic study was undertaken by using specifically designed questionair and physical examination to evaluate the incidence and degree of female's part-cold hypersensitivity syndrome in 362 parous women, Who were randomly selected among the patients visiting the Department of Gynecology, Kyung Hee Medical Center from Feb. to Jul. 1995. The results were as follows: 1. The overall incident of female's part-cold hypersensitivity syndrome was 92.8%. 2. Subdivision of 336 patients was made according to severity Grade I - 31.9%, severity Grade II - 46.9%, severity Grade III - 21.4%. 3. As for the appealed portion of female's part-cold hypersensitivity syndrome, foot and hand, lower abdomen, knee, waist, hip, shoulder, leg, and ankle were in desending order. 4. As for the causes of female's part-cold hypersensitivity syndrome, it was deeply associated with the management of the abortion, delivery and puerperium. 5. The incidence of female's part-cold hypersensitivity syndrome did not show incerased tenency according to the quantity and quality of female's menstration, leukorrhea, and the increase of parity. 6. 165 patients among 336 patients wanted the treatments of the Oriental Medicine.

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A study on the status of menstruation of elementary school girls (국민학교(國民學校) 아동들의 생리실태(生理實態)에 관(關)한 조사(調査)연구)

  • Ko, Young Aie
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the status of menstruation of elementary schoolgirls. The date was collected from 20th May to 3rd June, 1989. The survey was conducted by using prepared questionair and 859 6th grade schoolgirls in 7 public elementary schools in Seoul were sampled for this study. The results of study are summerized as follows. 1. 13.9 percent of the school girls have experienced menarche. 0.7 percent of them began in 4th grade, 5.8 percent began in 5th grade and 7.0 percent of them began In 6th grade. 2. Among them 90.8 percent had knowledge of menstruation before menarche.43.7 percent of the respondents learned it through their mothers and 27.8 percent learned it through teachers. 3. About the menstruation, the girls who think it as a physiological phenomena as a woman showed 52.9 percent and 14.3 percent of them thought it was trouble some but, being a woman, regarded it as a inevitable thing. The repondents who think menstruation is tiresome and want not to have it were 31.9 percent. 4. At menarche 20.2 percent of the girls managed it by themselves, 72 percent disposed of it by asking someone and 2.5 percent of them managed it by their family members when the sign was detected. 5. During the menstruation 72.3 percent of the samples had some symptom and the most common symptom was abdominal pain(84.9 percent). 6. In menarche only 16.8 percent of the girls had positive response. 7. In their present menstruation 35.3 percent of them had positive response on it.

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A Study for Reorientation of Home Care Service at Community (일개 보건소 방문간호사업의 업무 분석)

  • Lee, Hong-Ja;Kim, Chun-Mi;Yun, Soon-Nyong
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the community based home care service, and make reorientation for better service. The data was collected from the public health center, which was operated for one year, 1997. This case is evaluated and reoriented according to five elements of public health care system; system of resources for public health, organization and administration, health care delivery system of financing, management. In resources for public health, available health personnels are 15 physicians, 17 nurses, 11 nurse aides and 2 other persons. One professional health personnel take care of 609 clients, The equipments used for elderly and the disabled are 6 wheelchairs, 4 walkers, 1 hairwashers and 30 viberations. But these equipments are not enough to deal all clients. In organization and administration, planning and setting goals for community home care are made by the director, supervisor of family department and public health nurse. So there is no regular commitee for home care services in this community. The form of delivery of health care is focused on preventive health care. The important works of public health nurse are health education, preventive care for hypertension, D.M. and vaccination of communicable desease. In finaning system, funds come from central government(8.3%), local goverment(16.7%) and health center itself(3.8%), The services consist of health education, vaccination, clinical test and equipment. There are several local volunteers, which are local hospitals, a college, a christian association, a catholic association, a drivers association and a disabled association. The volunteer groups give physical and mental support to the clients. In management, this health center has three evaluation methods. One is done by local government, one is done by health center itself, and the other is done by clients with questionair. But the evaluation tools are deferent between agency. Home care services must be planned and evaluated. This public health center has to have more personnel, equipments, education for professional kowledge and meetings with community volunteer agencies.

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Sensory Quality Attributes of Takju and Their Changes During Pasteurization (탁주의 관능적 품질요소와 이들의 열처리에 의한 변화)

  • Lee, Cherl-Ho;Lee, Hyun-Duck;Kim, Ji-Yong;Kim, Ki-Myung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.405-410
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    • 1989
  • The sensory quality describing terms of Takju were surveyed by questionair and classified according to the sensory characteristics. The effects of thermal treatment for the pasteurization of Takju on the sensory quality were tested and statistically evaluated. The important sensory quality attributes of Takju were white, gray, and yellow for color, acidic and yeasty for smell, sour, astringent, bitter and sweet for taste and gritty, viscous and carbonated for mouthfeel. The organoleptic properties of grayness, yeasty and cooked smell, astringent and bitter taste and thickness increased, while sourness, sweetness, yellowness, grittiness and carbonated feel decreased by the pasteurization treatments, heating $82^{\circ}C$, $93^{\circ}C$ or $135^{\circ}C$ for 9 seconds. These changes coincided with the overall reductions in the preference scores of pasteurized Takju. The degree of sensory quality deterioration appeared to be affected to some extent by the heating temperature.

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A Study on the Knowledge and Attitude about Emplyee's Health Management in the Provinces (경기지역 일 산업장 근로자의 건강관리에 대한 지식 및 실태에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Hee
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.299-318
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted in order to grasp the condition of the Worker's knowledge and attitude about health management. And to offer the basic materials for the health promotion in industrial field. The objects were comprised 336 of volunteered who work in E.shoemaking factory. The material of this study was the questionair (chronbach a=.8871) suited to the purposed of this research which has been made through studying references. All the guestionaire were collected inmediately without explanation. The data collected from 18th September to 1st Octover. Analysis of the data was done utilizing SAS program for percentage, mean, ANDVA. The result are as follows: 1. General features of the objects of study. Male was highest (58.6%), mean age was 30.07 years, graduated high school was highest(59.2%), producer in present place of employment was highest (76.2%), mean career was 7.45 years. 2. The conditions of attitude about health man agement. Correct answer of health examination was 77.8%. Having experience of health examination was 69.5%, among them have regularity was 70.9%. Think it too much trouble to do not health examination was 69.7%. Have got to do health examination was 95.6%. The reason of set up health clinic was emergency care 58.9%, health education 22.1%. Using health clinic was 70.4%, by monthly was 53.0%. The reason of think it too much trouble to use not health clinic was 65.2% The need of health clinic was 96.4% 3. The conditions of knowledge about health management. When 5 points was given to 'very affirming' and 1 point was given to 'very deny', the total average was 3.67, the range was 2.96-4.54. Exactly, company must given to employee put in operative health examination was highest, worked 34 hours per week on harmful worked place was lowest. And knowing about kind of harmful work was 2.86, dangerous work was 2.90. 4. Correlation between the general features and attitude variables. Female group may have more knowledge on reason of health examination. Over 50 years aged group, middle school graduated group, white colored group, less then 1 year career group may have more knowledge on health examination. White colored group may have more attitude on health examination$(\chi^2=5.210,\;P<.07)$. High careered group may have more using on health clinic $(\chi^2=12.08,\;P<.007)$. 5. Difference between the general features and knowledge of health management. High educated group were highest score in knowledge (F=5.214, P<.002). White colored group were highest score in knowledge (F=23.019, P<.000). 6. Difference between the attitude and knowledge of health management. Needing of health examination group were highest score in knowledge. (t=2.54, P<.011). Using of health clinic group were highest score in knowledge(t=190, P<.048). Needing of health clinic group were highest score in knowledge(t=5.13, P<.000).

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