• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quality function Deployment(QFD)

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A Study on Component Design Process using QFD for Automated Steel Fabrication System (QFD를 이용한 철골 조립 자동화 시스템의 부재 디자인 개발 프로세스 연구)

  • Jin, Il-Guan;Shin, Yoonseok;Lee, Ung-Kyun;Yoo, Wi Sung;Cho, Hunhee;Kang, Kyung-In
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.213-218
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    • 2008
  • Recently automatic construction system is attended in construction domains because of the increase of aged workers and the shortage of the experienced. The research level of automatic construction system in Korea will soon attain to the stage of full automation like Japan, which is the highest level in the world. However, in the fully automated level, it is difficult for the automatic system to operate flexibly like the human in various work condition. In the result, the higher the level of automation in the system is, the less efficient the automatic system work in the site. So, it's necessary the development material design to compensate for the flexibility shortage of the system. Therefore, this study proposes the development process to material design suitable for automatic construction system using QFD technique.

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Derivation of Weights for Customer Requirements Attribute in Kano-QFD Integration Model (Kano-QFD 통합모형에서의 고객 요구속성 중요도 산정)

  • Moon, Kyung-Won;Kim, Nak-Hoon;Jeong, Byung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 2014
  • Recently, companies are trying to gain a competitive advantage in the market to meet the voice of customer. For this purpose, QFD has been used as product development technology in many areas to include the customer' requirements. Also, Kano model has been used to understand the customer' requirements for an effective way. Therefore integration of Kano model and QFD can more efficiently reflect the customer' requirements when designing a new service. This paper proposes PI index by taking into account the current satisfaction position of our company and competitors while IR (Improvement Ratio) value was set uniformity. This study suggests a more accurate index to predict potential improvements and calculates the final importance or priority. Through case studies targeted at elevator maintenance companies, we can have a general idea how much to improve in the near future and estimate the final importance of customer requirements.

A Study on the ANP Application for the Construction of Integrated CEM Model (CEM통합모델 구축을 위한 ANP활용에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Han-Xin;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.171-184
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    • 2005
  • Today, the usage of DB already becomes an important issue for many companies' survival, especially, for the companies who have adopted CRM(Customer Relationship Management). CEM(Customer Experience Management), as a practical alternative, can settle it. In this paper, we use QFD(Quality Function Deployment) and GA(Genetic Algorithm)-based Group ANP(Analytic Network Process) to construct the Integrated CEM Model to help company decide the priorities of investment in customer experiences.

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Implementation of Concurrent Engineering Principles for ROC Development of an IFV (IFV의 ROC도출을 위한 동시공학기법의 적용)

  • 선승규;이희각;김충관
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 1999
  • This paper treats the implementation of concurrent engineering principles for ROC development of a future infantry fighting vehicle. Based on the acquisition process of weapon systems and operational requirements provided by users, Quality Function Deployment(QFD) is used to translate the requirements of the user into specific trade-off analysis. Results of these studies and the use of concurrent engineering principles are presented.

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Development of a CCTV Based Smart Safety Management System in Thermal Power Plants (석탄발전산업을 위한 지능형 CCTV 기반 스마트안전관리시스템 개발 연구)

  • Song, Ho Jun;Gao, Jianxi;Shin, Wan Seon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.50-63
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    • 2021
  • There has been a steady rate of accident in Coal Thermal Power Plants which have relatively higher chance of mortality. However, neither the systematic view of safety management nor the methodology such as safety factors or system requirements are yet to be studied in detail. Therefore, this study aims to propose a methodology to preemptively deal with safety issues and to secure fact focused responsibility in safety. It consists of two main parts. First, the Safety Measurement Index(SMI) with total 50 factors is proposed by analyzing the key factors that contribute to safety accidents based on failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) and quality function deployment (QFD). To analyze the safety requirements, index presented by major countries and organizations are discussed. Second, main features of intelligent CCTV are studied to determine their relative importance for the framework of Smart Safety Management System (SSMS). Main features are discussed with four technological steps. Also, QFD was held to analyze to analyze how key technologies deal with Quality Measurement Index(QMI). The research results of this study reveal that scientific approaches could be utilized in integrating CCTV technologies into a smart safety management system in the era of Industry 4.0. Moreover, this reasearch provides an specific approach or methodology for dealing with safety management in Coal Thermal Power Plant.

Weld Quality Monitoring System Development Applying A design Optimization Approach Collaborating QFD and Risk Management Methods (품질 기능 전개법과 위험 부담 관리법을 조합한 설계 최적화 기법의 용접 품질 감시 시스템 개발 응용)

  • Son, Joong-Soo;Park, Young-Won
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.207-216
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    • 2000
  • This paper introduces an effective system design method to develop a customer oriented product using a design optimization process and to select a set of critical design paramenters,. The process results in the development of a successful product satisfying customer needs and reducing development risk. The proposed scheme adopted a five step QFD(Quality Function Deployment) in order to extract design parameters from customer needs and evaluated their priority using risk factors for extracted design parameters. In this process we determine critical design parameters and allocate them to subsystem designers. Subsequently design engineers develop and test the product based on these parameters. These design parameters capture the characteristics of customer needs in terms of performance cost and schedule in the process of QFD, The subsequent risk management task ensures the minimum risk approach in the presence of design parameter uncertainty. An application of this approach was demonstrated in the development of weld quality monitoring system. Dominant design parameters affect linearity characteristics of weld defect feature vectors. Therefore it simplifies the algorithm for adopting pattern classification of feature vectors and improves the accuracy of recognition rate of weld defect and the real time response of the defect detection in the performance. Additionally the development cost decreases by using DSP board for low speed because of reducing CPU's load adopting algorithm in classifying weld defects. It also reduces the cost by using the single sensor to measure weld defects. Furthermore the synergy effect derived from the critical design parameters improves the detection rate of weld defects by 15% when compared with the implementation using the non-critical design parameters. It also result in 30% saving in development cost./ The overall results are close to 95% customer level showing the effectiveness of the proposed development approach.

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The Direction of EOD Robot(Manipulator) Developments in ROK (한국군 폭발물처리 로봇 개발 방향에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Seung-Ho;Koh, Doo-Yeol;Jung, Won-Suk;Kim, Kyoung-Soo;Kim, Soo-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.753-759
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose the direction of development for EOD robot. We collected and analyzed the opinions of EOD teams. In order to verify the opinions, we conducted QFD(Quality Function Deployment) analysis. Based on the QFD analysis, we work out the priority of EOD robot development. And we establish the goal of development(target system) and suggest the development direction of EOD robot on each issue.

Aircraft configuration selection method using the airworthiness certification and the decision making process (항공안전 규정 및 의사결정모델을 이용한 항공기 형상선정기법 연구)

  • Yoon, Jung-Won;Bae, Bo-Young;Lee, Jae-Woo;Byun, Yung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.467-476
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    • 2010
  • For the very light jet aircraft design, the design baseline configuration has been selected using the logical decision making process, and the design optimization problem is formulated by considering the airworthiness regulations as design constraints. Airworthiness regulations are the minimum requirements for the safe aircraft flight and must be considered from the conceptual design stage. After carefully selecting the airworthiness constraints and the user specified requirements, a series of design making models including the affinity diagram, nested column diagram, quality function deployment (QFD), Pugh concept selection matrix, are used to find and evaluate alternative configuration baselines. From the feasible design space searching process, the best altenative design, which satisfies the airworthiness constraints while excluding the user subjective decisions as much as possible, has been successfully derived.

Study on the Optimal Location Selection for Environmental Noise Monitoring Systems (환경소음측정망 최적 위치선정에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Sangmun;Won, Jeongwoo;Kim, Hwail
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.1307-1320
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    • 2014
  • A number of problems associated with environmental noises in urban areas have significantly been considered. Specific measurement and estimation of the environmental noise became a primary issue in local governments. Environmental noise monitoring system is required in order to estimate and verify the a city noise map. However, current monitoring positions may not perfectly represent and incorporate many different view points, such as districts of a city, different utilizations of a city by the law, populations, and classifications and traffics of roads. In addition, scientific method to provide specific noise monitoring positions my not be avaliable in current literature. For this reason, the primary objective of this paper is to propose a new method for introducing a number of monitoring positions in the entire city. First, the quality function deployment (QFD) method was utilized to simultaneously represent both districts and utilizations of a city. Second, a new algorithm to find a number of monitoring positions was proposed by compromising many different view points: populations, classifications of roads and areas, and traffics of roads. Finally, the proposed monitoring positions and a sample noise map was provided for verification purposes. Based on these results, the proposed algorithm including the QFD concept may successfully provide specific noise monitoring positions by simultaneously consider may different view points and requirements of a city.