• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quality function Deployment(QFD)

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Analysis of Requirements Using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) in Virtual Reality(VR) (가상현실(VR)에서 품질기능전개(QFD)를 활용한 요구사항 분석)

  • Park, Jihye;Kim, Mincheol
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to analyze the user requirements and developer requirements in virtual reality(VR), and suggest ways to increase the satisfaction of users who experience virtual reality. Specifically, focused on experience store of VR as a distribution retailer, user requirements were analyzed according to the results of previous research that the characteristics of Affordance, Presence, and Head Mounted Display (HMD) affect user satisfaction. Research, design, data, and methodology - Based on previous studies, in this study, we analyzed the importance of immerse, interaction, perception, and presence for the satisfaction of the user through the questionnaire, and the user experiences virtual reality (VR) The importance of HMD, Presence, Affordance, and experience satisfaction were analyzed. Based on this, we analyzed the user requirements and the developer requirements based on the questionnaires and interviews of the experts, starting from the user's desire or preference using QFD technique. Results - As a result of the analysis, the development factors that occupied a big part in the virtual reality field appeared to be visual. In detail, this showed that there was a lack of sense of presence for users. This should be improved. This paper shows that the requirements for visual, auditory, and tactile development are necessary. For the satisfaction of the users of virtual reality (VR) users, it is necessary to develop them according to their priority in consideration of importance and difficulty in the future. Conclusions - In this study, it was suggested that development according to priority should be considered, considering the difficulty level. Based on the results of this study, the following suggestions are made. First, we tried to search the list of user requirements as much as possible, but it is likely to change due to the development of VR technology. Therefore, it is necessary for developers to continually supplement user requirements with recent research literature. Second, development priorities according to difficulty level should be considered. This aspect should be considered in the actual VR development process, so if the numerical value of the difficulty is calculated, it should be presented in the research.

A Strategy on Performance Assessment Information System of Building Remodeling

  • Hong, Eun Hwa;Kim, Gyu Jin;Lee, Sang Chul;Lee, Jong Sik;Jo, Jae Ho;Chun, Jae Youl
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.643-645
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    • 2015
  • This study is designating the scope, in order to establish the information management system of performance assessment for remodeling buildings, to analyze the current status of performance assessment, and to identify technologies and concepts applicable to performance assessment model.

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Moderating Effects of 3 years over Startup QFD Training Participants' Characteristics on Transfer Intension (창업기업 QFD 교육 훈련 학습자 특성이 학습 전이의도에 미치는 조절 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Bo-Yun;Yang, Young-Seok;Kim, Myung-Seuk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to assess the training effect of QFD(Quality Functional Deployment) program for 3 years over startups, adopted from the conventional QFD widely used in the large companies to break up to a sluggish sales and growth, for employees working in startup whether the participants in startup and venture company taking this lessons into their real tasks or not. In particular, the focus of this study falls on figuring out whether individual characteristics of the participants play a role in moderating effect over transfer intension factors and its link path structure. The research results drive out two significant findings. First, in terms of relationship between the influence of transfer intension by self-efficacy and the validity of training content with the learner's readiness, the moderating effect of demographic features of the participants is effective partially by the sex and fully by their working position, but not statistically significant by age, education, and the prior startup career. This research deliver the following significant implication that the active participation of CEO level, decision-maker guarantee the higher performance of the training program like QFD program, more stresses falling on practical implementation in real business rather than just ending up with career training. This study gives significant policy implication to quasi-government organization running all public startup training projects.

Estimation of Process Parameters Using QFD and Neural Networks in Injection Molding (품질기능전개와 신경망 회로를 이용한 사출성형 공정변수의 예측)

  • Koh, Bum-Wok;Kim, Jong-Seong;Choi, Hoo-Gon
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2008
  • The injection molding process is able to produce high precision manufactures as a single process with fast speed. However, the prices of both the mold and the molding machine are expensive, and the single process is very complex and difficult to compose of the exact relationship between the process setting conditions and the product quality. Therefore, the quality of a molded product often depends on a skillful engineer's operations in the design of both parts and molds. In this paper, the relationship between the process conditions and the defectiveness is built for better manufactures under settings of the appropriate parameters, and so it can reduce the setup time in the injection molding process. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) provides severe defectiveness factors along with the related process parameters. Also, neural networks estimate the relationship between defective factors and process setting parameters, and lead to reduce the defectiveness of molded parts.

Technical Parameter Selection Method of the System Development - Focusing on the Military R&D Project - (시스템개발에서의 기술적성과측정 파라미터 선정 방법 - 국방 R&D 사업 중심으로 -)

  • You, Yi-Ju;Kim, Jin-Hoon;Park, Young-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2009
  • This research attempts to acquire technical performance measure information based on identifying the Critical To Quality(CTQ) parameters of user requirement by using Quality Function Deployment(QFD) methodology in the initial phase of a defense R&D project. This results will contribute to the integration of technical progress to the Work Breakdown Structure(WBS) based project performance tracking. It also improve the bridging of systems engineering activities to the project management and the project decision making process.

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A Study on Measurement and Improvement of Service Quality using QFD in the Law Firm Industry (QFD를 이용한 기업 법무 서비스 품질 측정 및 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Pyo, In Soo;Lee, Jae Kwang
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2016
  • As entry barriers at the legal service market in Korea have been recently lifted, the legal service market has dramatically changed from a seller's market to a buyer's market. Externally, the Korean legal service market has been open to foreign law firms and internally, lawyers graduating from law schools have been increasing. In addition, as even the general public can easily access, through the official sites of government organizations, to the basic legal information such as laws and judicial precedents, the degree of information asymmetry has also decreased. These phenomena require the legal service industry to be a more client-oriented and more quality-oriented one. Having said that, legal service providers also need to continue to make strenuous efforts to measure and improve the service quality from the customers' perspective. Under these circumstances, this study introduced a certain type of model which may be of help of measuring and improving the quality of legal service of law firms, in particular, with a focus on those firms providing corporate legal service. This study used a Quality Function Deployment (QFD) in order to measure and thereby improve the quality of corporate legal service in the law firm industry. Above all, this study showed, by using SERVQUAL, each and every service attributes of quality measurement of the corporate legal service and also calculated the degree of importance of service quality at each process of providing corporate legal service. Next, this study introduced all supporting factors necessary for the provision of corporate legal service and calculated the degree of importance of each and every supporting factors in the service process. This study may be of help to provide the substantial and systematic approaches to the corporate legal service providers who would like to set up a certain methods of measuring and further improving the quality of corporate legal service from the customers' perspective.

Study of Development of Selective Removal Adsorption Ion Exchange Resin Materials for Fabricated with Chemical-biological Cloth by QFD (QFD 기법을 이용한 특정 유해가스 노출제어 이온선택성 보호복 소재개발연구)

  • Song, Hwa Seon;Koo, Il Seob;Kim, In Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.359-372
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: Through studying the expert's and non-experts panel responses to the questions regarding the attributes of chemical-biological protection cloth quality in terms of the levels of customer demand and technical factors has been studied. We are applied to a QFD matrix with find out the relationship between the selective removal efficiency of chemical-biological cloth and the guidelines of technical approach. Methods: We fabricated several composite of ion-exchange resins with selectively permeable performance designed to facilities water vapor transport and selective adsorption of the harmful gases. With these materials, we characterized on the selectively permeable performance to identify ion-exchange resin with chemical-biological protective cloth. Results: Results showed that ion exchange materials possessed performance with selectively efficiencies as NH3, SOx, NOx and HCl gas. The selective adsorption amount of ammonia and hydrogen gases were 9080μg/g with TRILITE SCR-BH sulfonated ion exchange resin. The PP non-woven/ion exchange resin adsorbent materials possessed performance with water vapor permeability were 1,100-1,350 g/m2/day, it's was two times high value compare with activated carbon. With these materials, we characterized selectively removal efficiency to identify new ion-exchange material with chemical-biological protective capability. Conclusion: This study shows that a QFD aids in deciding with of the adsorption parameters to optimized with chemical-biological protection cloth manufacturing.

Development of Data Base and Interface for Sofa Design Considering Consumer Sensibility (소비자 감성을 고려한 소파 설계 DB 및 Interface 개발)

  • Song, Mi-Jin;Sim, Joung-Hoon;Heo, Chun-Wook;Yoon, Hoon-Yong
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to develop data base and interface for sofa consumers and sofa designers. The human sensibility ergonomics method was used to find the consumer needs and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method was used to extract the designing characteristics required for sofa production. About 200 words and 100 images were gathered from sofa and furniture related catalogs and internet sites to find the best emotional words and images that can express the various sofa aspect. Among the collected words and images, 34 emotional words were selected for sensibility experiment according to the opinions of experts, relations of closeness and frequency of use, and 50 images were selected for the experiment by the diversity. Selected words and images were used for the semantic differential method with 94 subjects, and sensibility characteristics of sofas were defined through various statistical analysis methods including basic statistical analysis, factor analysis and multi-dimensional scale. In reflecting design characteristics of sofas, design factors of sofas were divided into backrest, seat, armrest, neck support and leg, and relative importance of each factor for design was determined with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) by utilizing the experts' opinions. Based on the results above, relationship analysis between emotional evaluation results and design factors was performed. Also, as various sofa images are presented diagrammatically through multidimensional scaling method, it can be used as an important tool for the development of sofa design. This study will contribute improving the product quality of sofas as it enables applying consumer needs into the sofa design.

The Study on Empirical Application of QFD and Conjoint Analysis to e-business Curriculum Development for the Advance of Educational Quality (교육품질 향상을 위한 e-비즈니스 커리큘럼개발에 QFD와 컨조인트분석의 실증적 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Park Gi Nam;Jo Jae Gyun;Jeong Seok Chan;Jeon Jong Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.678-685
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    • 2002
  • e-business curriculum needs to be developed reflecting requirements of the stakeholder which involve a close relation with a industrial and educational job performed in the field. In this paper, we present a new methodology for developing a market-oriented and stakeholder-led e-business curriculum using quality function deployment(QFD) and conjoint analysis. For this purpose, we analyze the data resulting from the surveyed opinions of respondents working for e-business companies, the interviewed results with professors and students and evaluate the importance of each course being involved in the curriculum with respect to the job classification (e.g.. Web planner. Web master. Web programmer. Web marketer. Web designer), and then. complete a curriculm flow diagram(CFD) considering precedence and relative difficulty among the selected courses. The e-business curriculum developed by the proposed method is useful to provide guidelines for determining courses required toward a desired job and for making a partial amendment of the curriculum.

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A Study on the Processes of Applying GT and QFD Methodologies for Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Items (웹 접근성 평가항목 선정을 위한 GT와 QFD 적용 프로세스 연구)

  • Lim, Jong Duck;Ahn, Jae Kyoung
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.63-84
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    • 2020
  • With the recent announcement of the WCAG2.2 Work Draft of the W3C, revision of the WCAG2.2 guidelines will be made soon. Consequently, the revision of KWCAG2.1 in response to changes in the domestic and international environment of web accessibility is urgent. The revision primarily involves development and selection of web accessibility evaluation items. In this study, the efficient procedures and useful methodologies for developing and selecting the evaluation items are to be presented. FGI (Focus Group Interview) has been devised to reflect every stakeholders opinion fairly. GT (Group Technology) has been applied to expedite the revision processes particularly in the FGI. QFD (Quality Function Deployment) method plays an important role in investigating the relationship between evaluation items and its characteristics, and in analyzing the importance and priorities of each item. This study proposes 5 principles, 17 guidelines and 39 evaluation items which can be used for the revision of KWCAG 2.1. This study is expected to be of great help in establishing the KWCAG 2.2 in the near future.