• Title/Summary/Keyword: Quality Characteristics

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Comparision of Mineral, Hydroxy Methyl Furfural Content and SDS-PAGE Pattern of Proteins in Different Honeys (다양한 꿀에 함유된 무기물 조성, Hydroxy Methyl Furfural 함량 및 꿀 단백질의 전기영동 패턴 비교)

  • Jung, Mi-Ea;Kim, Cheon-Jei;Paik, Hyun-Dong;Oh, Jae-Wook;Lee, Si-Kyung
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.241-249
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to analyze ash content, mineral composition, hydroxy methyl furfural (HMF) content, stable carbon isotope ratio, and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis patterns to investigate the quality characteristics of various honeys harvested from different sources and to identify differences useful for distinguishing honey sources. Ash content was 0.046-0.012% in acacia honey, 0.565-1.318% in chestnut honey, 0.06-0.582% in polyfloral honey, and 0.237-0.893% in native bee honey. Potassium content was high in order of chestnut honey>native bee honey>polyfloral honey>acacia honey. The Na/K ratio was 0.92-1.97 in acacia honey, 0.02-1.59 in chestnut honey, 0.02-5.30 in polyfloral honey, and 0.22-0.51 in native bee honey. The HMF content was 9.60-12.85, 10.15-25.75, 9.7-33.5, and 6.25-21.5 mg/kg in acacia, chestnut, native bee, and polyfloral honeys, respectively. HMF content was the highest in native bee honey. A 59 kDa protein band was revealed in all samples by SDS-PAGE analysis. Protein bands of 32.1, 31.9, and 33.5 kDa were revealed in some chestnut honeys, and protein bands of 32.3 and 32.5 kDa were shown in native bee honeys. A protein band of 72 kDa was also confirmed in some chestnut honeys.

Abstracting Services in Korea (한국의 초록서비스에 대하여)

  • Choi Sung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.24
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    • pp.9-51
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study is twofold: to investigate into general characteristics of the abstracting services in Korea and to discuss general directions of development of the abstracting services in the country. This study is designed to achieve the purpose by gathering and analysing data related to the abstracting journals published in the past ten years and by comparing the results with similar data gathered by the investigator in 1984. The major conclusions made in this study is summarised as follows. (1) Researchers and professionals working in limited numbers of subject fields are benefited by abstracting services of recent achievements in research and development in Korea. Those in most of the fields have essentially no abstracting services of such achievements. Even many researchers and professionals in the limited numbers of the fields that have some elementary abstracting services are not informed of research results in their fields because the abstracting journals are scattered in many narrow subjects and in many cases, the abstracting journals only cover publications in some specific forms and kinds. (2) Abstracting journals of general subjects, which are supposed to be of more or less help to the researchers in the subject fields that have no abstracting journals of their own, have rapidly increased in number in the past ten years. Most of such abstracting journals carry thesis and dissertation abstracts, and the rest those of research papers published in specific places, in specific forms, by specific institutes, and of reports of research projects sponsored by specific foundations. These abstracting journals are not of the kind that comprehensively provide general readers with current awareness of publications of research results in Korea. (3) Most of the abstracting journals existing in Korea are published by institutions of higher education and research institutes, and the rest by commercial publishers, industrial firms, libraries, information centers, government agencies, research foundations, learned societies, etc. Those which publish many titles are small in number and those publish one or two titles are large in number. The former is largely made up of institutions of higher education and research institutes. (4) Ten years ago, there was not a single publishing house that produced abstracting journals. Three commercial publishing houses now produce abstracting journals. As this change occurs, centers of excellence are founded and competitive elements are introduced in abstracting services. This change, in turn, is expected to improve quality of the other abstracting journals in Korea. (5) The abstracting journals published in Korea are classified by type into those of dissertations, research papers, journal articles, patent specifications in that descending order. The fact that Master's and doctoral dissertation abstracts are dominating in Korea is due to the irrational practice of publishing those abstracts at many institutions. (6) Most of the abstracting journals existing in Korea are published by national or government-supported research institutes in order to publicise their own research outputs. Their coverage of literature is normally narrow, and naturally their value to users is limited. (7) The abstracting journals published in Korea increased in number at the rate of $77.8-100\%$ every five years in the past twenty-five years. Most of the abstracting journals that ceased to be published during the period survived for two years. (8) Korean is the desirable language for the abstracting journals designed to be distributed within Korea. About half of the abstracting journals published in Korea is printed in Korean and the other half in foreign languages, and in Korean with foreign languages. All the abstracting journals in foreign languages are printed in English xcept one, which is printed in Japanese. (9) Some twenty percent of the abstracting journals in Korea is published monthly, bimonthly, and quarterly. Others are published annually, biannually, and irregularly. The latter may not function properly as a current-awareness tool due to long intervals between their issues. It is particularly undesirable that about half of the abstracting journals in Korea is published irregularly. Most of the abstracting journals published in Korea are distributed freely to individuals and institutions selected by the publishers. (10) The abstracting journals published by the use of computers increased drastically in the past ten years. The abstracting journals produced by the conventional type-setting method will probably disappear In Korea in another ten years to come. Automation of the production of abstracting journals does not simply mean technical, economic improvement of publishing processes but availability of machine-readable databases that can be used for other purposes, including the generation of other publications and the provision of machine literature searching capabilities. Necessary steps should be taken for this important development that is occurring in the abstracting services in Korea.

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A Survey on Clients' Home Care Satisfaction in Taejon City in Korea (일개 시지역의 가정간호 수혜자들의 만족도 조사)

  • Kim, Sun-Sook;So, Hee-Young;Lee, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.5
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 1998
  • This study enrolled one thousand five hundred twenty one clients that were receiving home care services at five health centers and a home care services center in the city of Taejon from November 17 through December 7, 1997. The purpose of this study was to analyze satisfaction levels, general characteristics and efficacies, of the client served home care. The main results were as follows; The age group of most of the subjects was 70-79 years: 76.9% of them were female and 87.3% were over 65 years. In education variables, over 90% of the clients were below primary school. In marital status variables, 63.4% of them had no spouse, 57.5% of them were widows and widowers. In living arrangement variables, alone(35.8%) was the most. In insurance status variables, medical aid(69.9%) was the most. In household income variables, below 000 won(72.6%) was the most. In hospitalization variables, 53% of the clients had no hospitalization. The satisfaction level of home care service of male and female was similar. The older the age, the higher the satisfaction level. The satisfaction level of the group having religion was higher than the group having no religion and the Christianity group had the highest satisfaction level(p<0.001). In education variables, the over high school group was the highest satisfaction level(p<0.01). In living arrangement variables, the other (sisters or neighbors etc.) group indicated the highest satisfaction level(p<0.001). In insurance status variables, the other group(except for medical aid) was the highest satisfaction level(p<0.001). In household income variables, below 390,000 won was the highest satisfaction level(p<0.001). In hospitalization variables, 'over 4 times' group indicated the highest satisfaction level (p<0.01). Home care took place more in health centers than in home care services center. In frequency of home care per month three times was the most. In opinion of home care frequency per month 82.8% of the people answered 'proper'. A lot of present illness was neuralgia, arthritis, digestive disease, hypertension & CVA. In contents of home care services variables, education & counselling was the most and medication was second. In duration of illness variables, over 10 years was the most. In place of treatment before home care service variables, hospital(57%) was the most. In illness condition after home care variables, 'moderate' was the most and 'much better'(85.5%) was second. In help of home care variables, 'much help'(71.5%) was the most and 'moderate'(28.1%) was second. In contents of counselling variables, treatment method of illness was the most. Home care services center indicated higher level of satisfaction than health center(p<0.001). In opinion of home care frequency per month variables, 'less' was the highest satisfaction level (p<0.001). In duration of illness variables, below one year was the highest and over 10 years was second(p<0.001). In place of treatment before home care service variables, health center was the highest (p<0.001). In illness condition after home care variables 'much better' was the highest and 'worse' was second (p<0.001). I n help of home care variables, 'much help' was the highest (p<0.001). In contents of counselling variables, cause of illness was the highest(p<0.001). According to the 14 items which consisted of 3 point scales the total level of satisfaction of home care service was very high, with total mean score 36. According to the above results, most clients taking home care services are satisfied. However, organization and a fund are required to support high quality home care services to those who need them. Furthermore, a follow-up survey should be accomplished to evaluate the status of clients.

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A Spectrophotometric Study on Color Differences between Various Light-Cured Composite Resins and Shade Guides (광중합형 복합레진과 shade guide의 색차에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Kyung-Min;Lee, Min-Ho;Song, Kwang-Yeob
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2009
  • The composite resin, due to its esthetic quality, is considered the material of choice for restoration of anterior teeth. To get a satisfactory result in the composite resin restorations, it is necessary to choose right shade. At present, most of the commercial composite resins are based on the Vita Lumin shade guides or shade guides that are provided by their company, but color differences among them might be expected even using the same shade in various materials. This study is to measure color differences between various light-cured composite resins and shade guides and to provide the clinicians with information which may aid in improved color match of esthetic restoration. Four kinds of light-cured composite resins (Gradia Direct (GD), Z250 (Z250), Clearfil AP-X (AP-X), Esthet X (E X)) and shade guides with A2 and A3 shade were used. Three specimens of each material and one specimen of each shade guide were made. Each composite resin was filled into the Teflon mold (1.35 mm depth, 8 mm diameter), followed by compression, polymerization and polishing with wet sandpaper. Shade guides were grinded with polishing stones and rubber points to a thickness of approximately 1.35 mm. Color characteristics were performed with a spectrophotometer(color i5, GretagMacbeth, USA). A computer-controlled spectrophotometer was used to determine CIELAB coordinates ($L^*$, $a^*$, $b^*$) of each specimen and shade guide. The CIELAB measurements made it possible to evaluate the amount of the color difference values (${\Delta}E^*ab$) between composite resins and shade guides. CIE standard D65 was used as the light source. The results were as follows : 1. Among the $L^*$, $a^*$, $b^*$ values of most of 4 kinds of composite resin specimens which are produced by same shade, there were significant differences(p<0.05). 2. Among all 4 kinds of composite resin specimens which are produced by same shade, there were color differences that is perceptible to human eye(${\Delta}E^*>3.3$). 3. Between most of composite resin specimens investigated and their corresponding shade guides, there were color differences that is perceptible to human eye(${\Delta}E^*>3.3$). 4. In the clinical environment, it is recommended that custom shade guides be made from resin material itself for better color matching. Shade guides supplied by manufacturers or Vita Lumin shade guide may not provide clinicians a accurate standard in matching color of composite resins, and there are perceptible color differences in most of products. Therefore, it is recommended that custom shade guides be made from resin material itself and used for better color matching.

Analysis on the Labor Market Performance of Local University Graduates and Regional Education Gap (지방대학 졸업자의 노동시장 성과와 지역별 교육격차)

  • Kim, Hisam
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.55-92
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    • 2010
  • In terms of labor market accomplishments, such as income, size of the company, and the matching quality between one's job and college major (specialization), a very large discrepancy is observed between the graduates from colleges located in Seoul and those outside Seoul. But, when the department average score of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) at the time of college entrance is controlled for, the discrepancy is found to be reduced to a considerable degree. In the case of wage gap, at least two third can be explained by the SAT score gap. The remaining wage gap seems to reflect the characteristics of workplace. In other words, graduates with high SAT scores enter colleges located in Seoul and thus tend to find better jobs leading to earning differences. This result that confirms the importance of aptitude test scores suggests that in the labor market, one of the major reasons behind a lower accomplishment of the graduate from local colleges is due to a lower competitiveness of local colleges in attracting the brightest students. But, this should not be viewed as only an internal problem of local colleges. This is because the growth of local economies tends to haul the advancement of local colleges in that area rather than being the other way around. The agglomeration effect in Seoul where headquarters of large corporations and financial institutions gather is the factor that has elevated the status of colleges located in Seoul since this provides highly preferred job choices of graduates. When the competitiveness of college is significantly influenced by exogenous factors, such as the vicinity to Seoul, the effort being made by colleges alone would not be enough to improve the situation. However, the central government, too, is not in the position to carry out countermeasure policies for such problems. The regional development strategy boosted through supportive policies for local colleges, such as financial support, is not based on the persuasive and empirical grounds. It is true that college education is universal and that the government''s intervention in assisting local colleges to secure basic conditions, such as tenure faculty and adequate facilities is necessary. However, the way of intervention should not be a support-only type. In order to improve the efficiency and effect of financial support, restructuring programs, including the merger and integration of insolvent colleges, should be underway prior to providing support. In addition, when the policy is focused on education recipients-local college students, and not on education providers-local colleges, the importance of regional gap in compulsory education (elementary and junior high schools) turns out to be much important as the gap between metropolitan area colleges and local colleges. Considering the educational gap before college entrance shown from the discrepancies of aptitude test scores among different regions, the imbalance between regions in terms of human resources is apparently derived from compulsory education, and not from college education. Therefore, there is a need to double the policy efforts to reduce the educational gap among different regions. In addition, given the current situation where it is difficult to find appropriate ex post facto policy measures to solve the problem of income gap between the graduates from metropolitan colleges and local colleges, it can be said that improving the environment for compulsory education in local areas is a growing necessity for bridging the educational gap among different regions.

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Effect of Forage Species, Mixed Pastures and Mesh on Forage Yields and Botanical Composition for Rapid Establishment of Grassland at Cutting Area in Middle Region of Korea (중부지역 절개지에서 신속한 초지조성을 위한 목초의 초종, 혼파조합 및 그물망 설치가 생산성과 식생에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Seung Min;Ji, Hee Chung;Lee, Ki Won;Kim, Ki Yong;Park, Hyung Soo;Lee, Sang Hoon;Kim, Ji Hye;Sung, Kyung Il;Hwang, Tae Young
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the suitable method for rapid establishment of grassland according to forage species, mixed pastures and installation of mesh at 35 degree angle of cutting area in the middle region of Korea. In agronomic characteristics after wintering, vegetation coverage of Tall fescue(TF) was 74% in monoculture, which was the highest among 3 forage crops. Meanwhile average vegetation coverages of monoculture and mixed pasture were 67 and 92% in treated of mesh, which were 4 and 18% higher than untreated of mesh, respectively. In botanical composition, TF of monoculture and Orchardgrass(OG) and TF oriented mixed were indicated over 94% forage coverage. Meanwhile forage coverages Kentucky bluegrass(KBG) and Red top(RT) of monoculture and Perennial ryegrass(PRG) oriented mixture were 89, 81 and 92% in treated of mesh, which were 7, 6 and 5% higher than untreated of mesh, respectively. In forage productivity, dry matter yield(DMY) of TF(12,537kg/ha) and KBG(11,897kg/ha) of monoculture were significant(p<0.05) higher than RT(9,604kg/ha). Meanwhile DMY of OG(12,227kg/ha), TF(12,823kg/ha) and PRG(11,871kg/ha) oriented mixed were not significant difference(p>0.05). In forage quality of monoculture, in the first year, crude protein of KBG was 13.6%, which was the highest among 3 forage species. Also neutral detergent fiber(NDF) of TF was 56.5%, which was the lowest among 3 forage species. In mixed pasture, in the second year, NDF and acid detergent fiber of PRG oriented mixed were 56.5 and 34.3%, respectively, which was the lowest among 3 mixed pasture. In conclusion, forage species TF was more suitable on initial rootage and continuous forage coverage, OG and TF oriented mixed were more suitable on continuous forage coverage. Also the installation of mesh showed positive effects on initial rootage and maintain forage ratio.

Preparation of Freeze-dried Instant Spiced Toha-jeot (FIST) (동결.건조한 즉석토하젓의 제조)

  • 박복희;오봉윤
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.419-426
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to develope a convenient instant spiced Toha-jeot. Toha-jeot was manufactured by five samples; 8%, 10%, 13% 23% sodium chloride and a conventional type soy sauce. The Toha-jeot was refrigerated at 4$\pm$1$\^{C}$ for 3 months and then boiled glutinous rice, red pepper powder, chopped garlic and ginger were added, and the spiced Toha-jeot was fermented at 4$\pm$1$\^{C}$ for 2 months, was freeze-dried at a condition of 40$\^{C}$, vacuum 100∼200 millitor millitorr and then packed in vacuum. It is called freeze-dried instant spiced Toha-jeot (FIST). Changes in the components and quality of refrigerated spiced Toha-jeot (RST) and FIST were investigated for 30day. The moisture content of RST was 53.79∼58.91%. Among the mineral constituents of RST, Na and Ca were dominantly occupying. Water activity of FIST was 0.28-0.39 while that of RST was 0.87-0.92. TBA value of FIST was lower than that of RST. Acidity, VBN (volatile basic nitrogen) and TBA(thiobarbituric acid) of the FIST and RST increased slightly, whereas pH decreased. The major components of fatty acids in FIST and RST were analysed into a feater amount of linoleic acid (Cl8:2), palmitic acid (Cl6:1), oleic acid (Cl8:1), linolenic acid (Cl8:3), EPA (C2O:5) and stearic acid(Cl8:0). In sensory evaluation, the RST had higher scores in color and taste and the FIST in chewiness and flavor. The qualitative characteristics and sensory evaluation of FIST and RST were similar.

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Antioxidant activities of hot-water extracts from Aster scaber by cultivation and drying methods (참취의 재배 및 건조 방법에 따른 열수 추출물의 항산화 활성)

  • Hong, Ju-Yeon;Kim, Kyu-Min;Nam, Hak-Sik;Shin, Seung-Ryeul
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.82-90
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted in order to analyze the polyphenol contents and antioxidant activities of hot-water extracts of Aster scaber in the wild field and cultivated field, and through the drying methods for the comparison on the quality characteristics of Aster scaber, according to cultivation and drying methods, and the development of functional materials. The extraction yield was higher in the Aster scaber cultivated field than those of the Aster scaber in the wild field, and high from the dried Aster scaber. The total polyphenol and flavonoid contents of Aster scaber hot-water extracts from the wild field were higher than those in the cultivated field. The total polyphenol contents were high in the extract of blanched and dried Aster scaber, and the flavonoid content was high in the non-treated Aster scaber. The electron donating ability (EDA) values of Aster scaber hot-water extracts were increased along with the increase of extract concentration, while the EDA of the blanched and dried Aster scaber extracts was higher than the other extracts. Furthermore, the SOD-like activity was increased by the extract concentration, and was high in the extract of the non-treated Aster scaber. The nitrite scavenging ability in pH 1.2 was high in the non-treated, blanched, dried, and natural dried Aster scaber. The xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities were increased through the increase of extract concentrations, and higher in the hot-water extract from Aster scaber in the wild field (WRA) than those in the other extracts. The inhibition of tyrosinase and reduction of power were increased by the increased extract concentration, and high in the extracts of blanched and dried Aster scaber. The reduced power was higher in the Aster scaber hot-water extracts of cultivated field, and was higher in the extracts of blanched and dried Aster scaber than those in the extracts dried through the use of other drying methods. Aster scaber has a high content of polyphenol and flavonoid, and antioxidant activities, which were developed as functional materials.

Effect of black garlic on antioxidant activity and amino acids composition in Cheonggukjang (흑마늘 첨가에 따른 청국장의 항산화 및 아미노산의 변화)

  • Jeong, Tae-Seong;Kim, Jin-Hak;An, Shin-Ae;Won, Yong-Duk;Lee, Shin-Ho
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.643-649
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    • 2013
  • The antioxidant activity and amino acid composition of various Cheonggukjang extracts, such as the water extract from Cheonggukjang (CWE), the alcohol extract from Cheonggukjang (CEE), the water extract from Cheonggukjang with black garlic (BWE) and the alcohol extract from Cheonggukjang with black garlic (BEE), were examined to investigate the effect of black garlic on the sensory quality and functional properties of Cheonggukjang. The total polyphenol contents of various extracts were 7.03 mg/100 g (BWE), 3.64 mg/100 g (CWE), 2.88 mg/100 g (BEE) and 0.81 mg/100 g (CEE). The radical scavenging activity of the DPPH radical was highest in BWE (91.83%), followed by BEE (37.35%), CWE (25.54%) and CEE (14.80%), in that order. The SOD-like activity was highest in BWE (20.20%), followed by BEE (9.22%), CWE (7.91%) and CEE (6.45%). The thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were highest in BWE (35.18%), followed by BEE (28.33%), CWE (17.40%) and CEE ((14.93%). The total amino acid content of Cheonggukjang (CC) was higher than that of Cheonggukjang with black garlic (CCWB), but the essential amino acid content of CCWB (43.18%) was higher than that of CC (42.27%). The 27 kinds of free amino acid were found in CC, but only 23 kinds were found in CCWB. The L-lysine content was highest (9.23%) in CC, and the L-phenylalanine content was highest (23.14%) in CCWB. The free amino acids (L-threonine, L-serine, L-sarcosine, L-proline, L-alanine, L-valine and D,L-${\beta}$-aminoisobutyric acid) were found in CC but not in CCWB. The ${\gamma}$-amino-n-butyric acid (GABA) was found in CCWB but not in CC. These results suggest that the addition of black garlic has beneficial effects on the functionality of Cheonggukjang without decreasing its sensory characteristics.

Quality characteristics and preparing of solid starter using fungal strains for Takju (탁주용 곰팡이 고체종국 제조 및 품질 특성)

  • Baek, Chang-Ho;Baek, Seong Yeol;Mun, Ji-Young;Choi, Han-Seok;Kang, Ji-Eun;Jung, Seok-Tae;Yeo, Soo-Hwan
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.797-803
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we investigated the effect of fermentation conditions on the amylolytic and proteolytic activities of Aspergillus luchuensis strain 74-5 and Aspergillus oryzae strain 75-2, which are used in the preparation of the starter culture, for Takju (Korean traditional rice wine). The starter culture was optimized using different conditions, such as inoculum size, inoculation temperature, and incubation time. The enzyme activities under each condition were measured. In the A. luchuensis strain 74-5 starter culture, the ${\alpha}-amylase$ and glucoamylase activities increased, however the activity of acidic protease decreased as the diluent to starter culture ratio increased. In the A. oryzae 75-2 starter culture, all enzyme activities were maintained at a higher level even at 5% inoculation ratio. Higher enzyme activities were observed in the middle range of inoculation temperature (35, $40^{\circ}C$), than in the lower range (20, $30^{\circ}C$). Enzyme activity in the starter culture varied with incubation time, however it was the highest at 144 and 120 hr, respectively, for A. luchuensis strain 74-5 and A. oryzae strain 75-2. The spore count of the starter culture was approximately $2{\times}10^7$ during fermentation, out of which contamination by aerobic bacteria was about $3{\times}10^3$. The results suggested that the starter culture of each strain could be used as an inoculum for fermentation. However, we needs to conduct further research for the selection of suitable diluting agents as well as drying methods to reduce the contamination by aerobic bacteria, while retaining the enzyme activity.