• Title/Summary/Keyword: Public open space

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Effect of aging on the sorption and desorption behaviors of Pb and Cd in the coastal sediment (노화(aging)가 연안 퇴적물 내 납과 카드뮴의 흡/탈착 거동에 미치는 영향)

  • Gwak Mun-Yong;Sin Won-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.247-252
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    • 2006
  • 오염 퇴적물내 중금속의 방출과 이에 따른 생이용성(bioavalability)은 기존의 가역 평형관계로써 설명하기에 불충분한 것으로 알려져 있다. 최근 연구결과에 의하면 이러한 탈착 저항성을 설명하기 위한 비가역적 모델에 의해 퇴적물내 중금속의 탈착저항성 부분이 존재함이 밝혀졌다. 탈착저항성에 대해서는 아직 충분한 규명이 이루어지지 않았으나, 오염물질의 노화(aging)에 의해 일단 탈착저항성을 띠게 되면 생이용성(bioavailability)이 감소되는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 노화(aging)가 연안 퇴적물 내 납과 카드뮴의 흡/탈착 특성에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 연속 탈착실험과 biphasic 탈착모델을 적용함으로써 납과 카드뮴의 탈착저항성을 규명하고자 하였다. 그리고 연속 추출 실험을 통해서 노화(aging)에 따른 퇴적물 내 납과 카드뮴의 흡착 기작을 규명하고자 하였다. 연속탈착 실험 결과 시간이 경과함에 따라 탈착저항성부분의 크기가 증가하였으며, 연속추출 실험 결과 납의 경우 carbonate fraction에서 추출된 납이 가장 많았으며, 노화(aging) 따라 exchangeable fraction에서 추출된 납이 감소하는 반면 reducible, organic material, residual fraction에서 추출된 납의 양이 증가하였다. 카드뮴의 경우 가장 많은 양이 추출된 단계는 exchangeable fraction이였으며, organic material fraction에서는 카드뮴이 추출되지 않았다. 노화(aging) 따라 reducible fraction과 residual fraction에서의 추출량이 증가하는 경향을 보였으나 그 양은 매우 적은 것으로 나타났으며, 노화(aging)에 따른 exchangeable fraction과 carbonate fraction에서의 추출량은 큰 변화가 없었다. 대해서는 북한지역의 분포상황을 밝혔다.것을 알 수 있었으며, 크롬과 비소의 경우는 초기에 많이 용출되고, 구리의 경우는 꾸준히 용출되는 것을 알 수 있었다. 3년 된 통나무집이 8년 된 통나무집보다. 용출양이 더 컸으며, 이는 CCA성분이 초기에 많이 용출된다는 것을 의미한다. 억제 효과를 나타내었고 Hep3B에서는 부탄을 분획물 (1 mg/mL)에서 82%의 비교적 높은 성장억제효과를 나타내었다.as a "front" and "back". Thus, Germany′s private space may face a genuine public space and street, which is rare in the Korean housing. Although the layout of indoor space in the korean housing tends to be open, such an openness may be outstanding in living and dining spaces, kitchen and various accesses to rooms. In the case of Germany, such indoor spaces are usually closed to each other. Thus corridors act to separate these spaces. Such differences are analysed to be due to the different perceptions of interpersonal and socio-cultural attributes as intra-family and inter-neighbor relationships or communications. 알 수 있었다.도 질소와 인산처럼 토양지지대가 있는 경우가 낮은 함량을 유지하였다.pe from the daily life, to fantasize and daydre

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A Study on the Christianization of Roman Basilica and Romanization of Christian Building on the Early Christian Church Architecture - Focused on the 4th Century Constantinus Basilica Churches - (초기 기독교 교회건축에서 로마 바실리카의 기독교화와 기독교 건축의 로마화에 관한 연구 - 4세기 콘스탄티누스 바실리카 교회를 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Soon-Myung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2013
  • This study which analyzed 4th century Constantinus basilica church architecture is on how the Roman basilica architecture became to christianized and christian architecture became romanized. Basilica architecture of Rome which has strong public characteristic had approach from various direction, especially it has formed inter communicable open space to center forum. Even though, the early christian church has became to bigger size on the process of domus ecclesia centered growth, but it has formed essencially unhierarchy community of home based, it also seemed to have loose religious community below hundred. The result of analyzing 22 of 4 century basilica churches had been shown that more than 60% of them were built on historical place such as tomb of martyr, nearly 70% of them were long axis type, the size of church showed up $3,200m^2$ of average total area. In conclusion, this study concluded the result of christianized showed closeness pursue holiness by separation from the secular world, and long axis it was revealed as mass for the procession ceremony of catholic church. The result of romanized occurred from the process that the basilica church abandoned the unhierarchy, small sizing, worship simplicity of early domus ecclesia characteristics and accept hierarchy, big sizing, worship formalism and complexity of Roman empire system in the roman basilica churches. Through this study it could be grasp that the romanized of early christianity bring not only the change of church architecture but also degeneration of christian itself.

A Comparison on the Management Assessment of Professionals and Users for the City Natural Park - Focused on the City Natural Park in Incheon Metropolitan City - (전문가·이용자간 평가비교를 통한 도시자연공원 관리방안 - 인천광역시 도시자연공원을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Dong-Jun;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2005
  • In Incheon metropolitan city, the urban open space areas are deficient and it is nearly impossible to obtain newly the land for parks by reason of the risk of the land value, the budgetary deficit and so forth. Therefore, it seems to be urgent to consider how to manage the established urban natural park efficiently to enhance the quality of recreational experiences of the public. The organization for the urban natural parks management is to be completely put in good order, for the objects to manage is changeable as well as diverse and what users need should be full satisfied. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences of urban natural park's management suggest the improvement and development directions in urban natural park by group(professionals and Users). To do this, data were collected in the typical regions by urban natural park for this study, using the questionnaires. In these urban natural park, the on-site survey was carried out the users of these urban natural park during October in 2004. Also The analysis was done with the valid questionnaires of user's 644 and professional's 146. The questionnaires contained three of categories : openspace types' satisfaction and urban natural park's satisfaction, and management, and park user's socioeconomic characteristics and behaviors. Data collected from respondents were analysized by descriptive statistics, T-test, factor analysis and regression analysis. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; The evaluation of urban natural park management is predicted the operation management. So, one can draw a conclusion that user's needs is likely to be increased correspondingly as urban natural park planning and design, management which meets the overall satisfaction. Using the results of this study, we can make a guideline for a park management program, market positioning, standards and provisions of urban natural park by group.

The Chinese express opinion and concept of 'face' (중국인의 의견표명 행위와 체면관)

  • Ju, Min-Uk
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.62
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    • pp.74-94
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of the thesis is to find out the correlation between Chinese 'Personal Opinion Expression on Offline' and 'Personal Opinion Expression on Online'(Hypothesis 1) and between 'Save Face' and 'Personal Opinion Expression on Offline', 'Personal Opinion Expression on Online'(Hypothesis 2). It also analyzes and verifies the impact of 'Save Face' among 'Personal Opinion Expression on Offline', and 'Personal Opinion Expression on Online'(Hypothesis 3). The results of this study shows that correlation between 'behavior of opinion expression on Offline' and 'behavior of opinion expression on Online'. Chinese people who express their views in the public, tend to express their opinions on the Online. The thesis also covers that 'Silence' can be caused not only by 'Personal Fear of Isolation', but also by 'Save Face' upon 'The Spiral of Silence a Theory' by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, and prove that 'Save Face' relatively affects 'People talk about their observation'. It also confirms that 'Save Face in Open Space', a factor of 'Save Face's, performs a partial channel on 'Personal Opinion Expression on Online' and 'Personal Opinion Expression on Offline'.

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A Study on the Activation Factor and Characteristics of Street Design - Focusing on the Famous Streets in Tokyo, Japan - (가로 환경디자인의 활성화 요인 및 특성에 관한 연구 - 일본 도쿄시의 주요 가로를 중심으로 -)

  • 정수진
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.323-334
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    • 2004
  • This study is concerned about activation factor and characteristic of street design through survey that in Tokyo, Japan. The factor is largely distinguished form physical and non physical factors, these are institution programs, circulation of goods, space programs as culture and history, and they are form of city, structures, street, open spaces, trees, street furnitures. The investigation about sites that Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku, Ueno, and Ikebukuro, is resulted in dose-by public transportation, concerned with historic relationship, and increased in special experience of life. It is caused from controlling the law and rules, and making the sufficient infrastructures, and protecting a policy, and specializing with brand effect and place-marketing. The Street furniture emphasize to making street design. This conclusion is that involving physical and non physical factors, activate street design in making places.

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Analysis on the Amenity Resources of Open Space for Urban People (도시민을 위한 Recreation 공간의 Amenity 자원 분석)

  • 김용수;임원현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 1992
  • IN urban areas, public outdoor recreation opportunities are limited, traditional funding sources are being eraded, and crowding as well as ecological damage appear inevitable, these developments may require new analysis on the prospective policy of park, with the evaluation of the trend of amenity resources and recreation values, 16 parks were taken as informants in Deagu city area, the data for this research were collected 2,942 samples by the on-site-interview. The abstracted results of amenity elements were revealed as institutions and resource types, the attraction of resources was about twice as much as that of institutions. The resources is to be classified into two items ; national resources and human resources. The former is about five times as mcuh atractive as the latter. The attraction of natural resources consists in the atmospheric factors(35%), the biological factors(28%), the topographical factors(19%), and the scenery factors(18%). While, the attraction of human resources consists in the cultural factors(54%), the social factors(46%). The attraction of the base institutions is very low. The attraction of the static institution is three times as much as that of that of the dynamic institution. The above tendency is a general trend in Daegu city. But when we are taking into consideration in datail, we find that there is great difference among the green tract of land of the park. When the amenity resources of one's destination was used for the value of recreation, the pattern of attraction variables as a physical characteristics could explain 58%. Based on those result, this study is a small but important guidence for decision makings concerning to the allocation of scarce amenity resources.

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The Improvement of Design Inducement Incentive on Permitted Floor Area Ratio in District Detailed Plan -Focused on the Design Inducement Incentive items and parameters in formula- (서울시 지구단위계획 구역내 건축물의 계획유도를 위한 허용용적률 인센티브 개선방안 - 항목 및 세부계획기준의 계수를 중심으로)

  • Rim, Eun Young;Lee, Seung Joo
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Design inducement incentive item and formula on permitted floor area ratio in district detailed plan have been improved to reflect the actual application of guidelines and the social needs of city and architecture. However, the current guideline has a limit to realize the purpose of the plan. This study proposes improvement of the items and parameters in formula. Method: This study analyzed the district detailed planning guidelines since 2000 and the cases of general type district unit plan. In order to propose improved items and parameters, planing purposes and present parameters were compared and analyzed. Result: Items of guidelines have been changed according to public needs. High necessity items were applied to large parameters, and these items have been changed as the guideline changes. Diversity of items depended on regional characteristics, and parameters were more flexible than items for most cases. The purposes of plans, parameters and items were analyzed and it revealed four items needed improvement; the inducement of the limited building line, the improvement of the pedestrian and street environment, the necessity of the open space, and strengthening of the regional agreement. For improvement, this study added items and improved the relevance between items and sub-items. The parameters were improved by considering the importance, feasibility and comparing them with each other. Simulated result confirmed that proposed guideline is appropriate to operate, and also characteristics of area encourage to operate it more flexible.

Real-Time Multimedia Clock using Particle System (파티클 시스템을 활용한 실시간 멀티미디어 시계:구상적 이미지를 통한 시간의 형상화)

  • Im, Jin-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 2012
  • The newly developed field of media art is quickly making progress to include various and up-to-date forms of expression. Unlike in traditional art, the communication between the art and the viewer has become vastly important, in which the viewer is an active agent who participates and interacts with the artwork. These digital artworks can now be readily observed in everyday places and things, rather than being confined solely in the gallery space. By encouraging open interaction with the public, media art has become more accessible. Accordingly, this thesis examines the construction of a real-time multimedia clock piece using particle systems. Time has always been a significant theme in the realm of traditional art, which continues to be explored extensively in various forms of expression. In an attempt to express the continuity of time and the state of being value of existence based on technological skills, the thesis presents an artwork that uses the popular medium of a clock while also providing both usability and emotional satisfaction for the viewer's sensibility through interaction.

Two Modern Museums in San Francisco: SFMOMA and De Young Museum (San Francisco의 두 현대 미술관, SFMOMA와 De Young Museum)

  • Chung, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.7-22
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    • 2007
  • In San Francisco, two new museums were recently built in 1995 and 2005. The one is San Francisco Museum of Modern Art designed by Mario Botta and the other is De Young Museum designed by Jacques Herzog & Pierre de Meuron. The urban settings for the museums are compared with each other and theories of the architects are evolved on different branches in the modernist trends. The theories and settings are followed by the representation in the forms, facades, interior spaces and towers. SFMOMA is located on the SoMa area, which was recently developed into a cultural urban core with Moscone Center and Buena Yerba Garden. De Young Museum was rebuilt in the old museum site in the Golden Gate Park. The one is on the context of urban artefacts and the other on the context of natural artefacts. To Botta, the museum in today's city plays a role analogous to that of the cathedral of yesterday. It is a place of common encounter and confrontation. The volume of SFMOMA which is geometrical and symmetric with double pylons. The frontality on the street and public green open space and the axiality of SFMOMA runs through the Buena Yerba Garden over Buena Yerba Center for the Arts are reminded us of an urban core with a religious monument and a city square. The staircase with grandiose design in the atrium seems to work as an altar with lighting from skylight above enhancing the liturgical ambiance. De Young Museum is shaped in a rectangle with long narrow courtyards. Three bands of volumes are juxtaposed and the nature flows into the museum corridors and galleries. The tower is distorted so as to be aligned to the street grids of the surrounding area. The copper panel of De Young Museum and natural context evoke modern concept of "machine in the garden". The two museums from different pedigrees of Modern Architecture are now major landmarks of SF and urban expressions for the 21st century.

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An Analysis of Management Methods for Traditional Village in Japan -The Case of Tumago Village and Shiragawa Village- (일본 전통마을의 유지.관리방법 분석 -쯔마고마을과 시라카와마을을 사례로-)

  • 강동진
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2000
  • The traditional village, which is subject for this paper, can be defined as a community having unique combinations of natural, cultural, and social characteristics of that nation, which reflects settlement environments during hundreds of years. Now, in spite of tis potential power of traditional village, national strategies do not find satifsactory directions in Korea. In terms of this concenrs, this paper tries to analyze and diagnose about successful precedents(Tsumage village and Shiragawa village, Japan) with focus on the village management. And this paper aims to explore concrete management systems of Japanese cases, to find clues for practical application, and to suggest several instructive concepts in the light of management system of traditional village management. The analysis is progressed in three viewpoints(village space, village attraction, and village community). And it is extracted that diverse management systems are necessary to secure sustainable traditional village and their way of life, particularly in the face of the pressure of tourism. As a result of exploring of Japanese two cases, representative characteristics, which are found, are as follow; Fist, objective of management is not tourism development but maintenance of sustainable life system. Second, management systems are having not compulsory but spontaneous open decision making process, and in particular, village management is mainly operated by the local government and semipublic institute(inhabitants-oriented0 which have the strongest influential power in village composition units. Finally, village management programs are mostly experience-type and are composed of public law and regulations, diverse operation program, and individual efforts of inhabitants for village management. Because this paper mainly focused on two precedents, there should be more diverse cases. however, extracted conclusions have practical meanings for village management and can be used in re-establishing management concepts of Korean traditional villages.

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