• 제목/요약/키워드: Public design

검색결과 4,651건 처리시간 0.028초

The Practical Suggestion for the Production of Educational Animation for Prevention of Safety Accidents (안전사고 예방을 위한 교육용 애니메이션 제작에 대한 실천적 제안)

  • Lee, Hyun-Seok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2018
  • The Korean society has become increasingly concerned about the safety consciousness because of the Sewol Ferry disaster in April 2014. This shows the absence of social system and safety consciousness of Korean society that has been rapidly growing through fast industrialization. The purpose of this paper is to suggest guidelines for the production of a safety animation by approaching the discourse of public value. For this research process, first, literature review will be conducted by focusing on the safety culture, causes of safety accidents, safety education and educational effect using animation. Second, I will analyze 11 safety animation films by focusing on (1) construction of accident environment(narrative, character and background design) (2) exploration of dangerous elements and accident happening(accident type and dangerous elements, method of direction for accident happening, damage degree) (3) the guideline for safety behaviour. Third, guidelines for the production of safety animation will be suggested by analyzing the results of literature reviews and case studies in a comprehensive way. It is expected that this paper will be used as a basic data for academic research and animation production related to the safety accident.

Effects of Consumer Co-creation on Consumer Attitude: Moderating Roles of Consumer Motivation (공동가치창출 경험이 소비자 태도에 미치는 영향: 소비자 동기의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Son, Jungmin;Kang, Wooseong;Kang, Seongho
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • 제13권12호
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Many global companies across industries are paying significant attention to co-creation activities, which enable consumers to participate in firms' value creation process, as a main model of new product development processes. In this study, we aim to examine different types of co-creation activities and their effects on consumer attitudes. We focus on upstream co-creation, downstream co-creation, autonomous co-creation, and sponsored co-creation. Upstream co-creation includes firms' control and management in the initial stage of new product development and prototype testing. Downstream co-creation indicates that consumers participate in firms-initiative activities at a later stage in new product development, such as public relations and marketing communications. Autonomous co-creation includes consumers' commitment activities in the absence of firms' rewards. However, under the sponsored co-creation, consumers can return monetary and social rewards from firms through their co-creation activities. The hypotheses regarding the effect of co-creation on consumer attitudes are as follows. (H1, H2, H3, H4) Upstream, downward, autonomous, and sponsored co-creation has positive effects on consumer attitude. (H5, H6) As intrinsic motivation increases, the positive effect of upstream and autonomous co-creation increases. (H7, H8) As extrinsic motivation increases, the positive effect of downward and sponsored co-creation increases. Research design, data, and methodology - To achieve our research goals, we analyzed responses from 246 samples from Korean consumers and verified the proposed hypotheses using a linear regression model. The samples include Korean consumers who experienced upstream, downstream, autonomous, and sponsored co-creation by firms. Results - First, both upstream co-creation and downstream co-creation with firms and consumers are found to have positive effects on consumer attitudes. Second, autonomous co-creation and sponsored co-creation are found to positively affect consumer attitudes. Third, consumers' intrinsic motivation has a fit-effect between upstream co-creation and autonomous co-creation, and their extrinsic motivation has a fit-effect between downstream co-creation and sponsored co-creation. Consumers who have strong intrinsic motivation are affected by upstream co-creation and autonomous co-creation. However, consumers who have strong extrinsic motivation are affected by downstream co-creation and sponsored co-creation. Conclusion - These results indicate that the fit between consumers' co-creation participation types and consumers'motivations is a significant factor in determining consumer attitudes. The results of this study imply that various types of consumer participation actually improve consumers' attitudes toward products and brands. In addition, our study also suggests that firms should consider the fit between co-creation types and consumers' motivations when they initiate co-creation activities. In this study, we survey consumers who participated in firms' co-creation activities. Future studies can compare different types of consumers. For instance, we can examine the different in different test by comparing experienced versus inexperienced consumers. Finally, we expand this research to user-generated content topics. This attending issue focuses on the mechanism that breaks down the boundaries and barriers between consumers and producers.

Product Market Competition and Corporate Social Responsibility Activities (제품 시장 경쟁 및 기업의 사회적 책임 활동)

  • RYU, Hae-Young;CHAE, Soo-Joon
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • 제10권11호
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Corporate social responsibility is a self-regulating business model that helps a firm be socially accountable to the public. By practicing corporate social responsibility, firms can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental. Corporate social responsibility activities are not directly linked to increasing corporate performance and corporate value, but rather involve spending expenses. Based on these facts, this study verifies whether the effects of corporate social responsibility activities differ depending on the firm's situation. Research design, data and methodology: This study analyzed the effect of market competition on corporate social responsibility activities using logistic regression analysis on listed companies in the KOSPI and KOSDAQ for fiscal years 2014 through 2016. In this study, market competition was measured using the Herfindahl-Herschman Index(HHI). Higher HHI value can be interpreted as a lower degree of market competition. We also measured corporate social responsibility activities using the KEJI Index published by the Korea Economic Justice Institute (KEJI). If a firm-year is included in the top 200 companies of the KEJI Index, it is classified as a good corporate social responsibility activity firm. Results: We find that companies in less competitive market were not included in the KEJI Index. This result indicates that firms in the market with lower market competition perform less corporate social responsibility activities that incur costs. An additional analysis showed that there was a significant negative relationship between the market competition and the corporate social responsibility activity scores published by the KEJI Index. These result adds robustness to the result of the hypothesis that firms that have a monopolistic place in the market practice passive corporate social responsibility activities. Conclusions: The results show that managers of a firm in the lower market competition have a lower incentive to use limited resources for projects that are not directly related to revenue. The results of this study imply that corporate social responsibility activities vary according to the position of the business. Therefore, this study suggests that market investors should consider the degree of competition in the market when they evaluate corporate social responsibility activities.

A Basic Study on The Management Plan of Traditional Gardens in Folk Houses as a Park (민가정원의 효율적 유지관리를 위한 공원화 방안에 대한 기초연구)

  • Yeom, Sung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.50-57
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    • 2015
  • A traditional garden in Korea has diverse cultural, historical values, such as the then phases of the times, life phase, culture and art, etc. because it was developed on the basis of the harmony between nature and artificial structures. However, in reality, it's urgent to do efficient, continuous maintenance of traditional gardens which are being damaged and lost due to the problems like an owner's aging, inheritance, and lack of management, etc., especially in case of private property which was designated as a cultural property among such traditional gardens under the Cultural Properties Protection Law. Accordingly, this study conducted this research in a bid to use these research results as basic evidentiary materials for suggesting directivity in introduction of park planning of traditional gardens in folk houses in the near future by implementing the case investigation of transformation into public parks from traditional private gardens in Japan, which is putting the newly introduced park planning to efficient use, together with its systematic management, and the survey on domestic traditional gardens in folk houses status, as well as the hearing-based survey on a traditional gardens in folk houses owner's level of willingness to accept the introduction of parking planning. As a result, this study could confirm that in case of traditional gardens in Japan, they are mobilizing the revenue from admission fees for traditional gardens maintenance by incorporating the main entity of possession, and Japan is promoting transformation of traditional gardens into parks on the basis of use and preservation through the connection with local governments and research institutes. In addition, as a result of surveying domestic traditional gardens in folk houses, it was found that most of the garden owners had hardships in its management, and they were positive about systematic maintenance of gardens through park planning.

Design and Implementation of an Access Control System Based on GeoXACML (GeoXACML 기반의 접근 제어 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Ban, Hyun O;Shin, In Su;Kim, Jeong Joon;Han, Ki Joon
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2013
  • Recently, as the spatial information and various multimedia are fused together, the demand for the high value-added spatial information contents and the necessity of technology for spatial information security are increasing. However, since the current security policy is being managed independently by each system, there is a problem with unreliable or costly to modify or revise the security policy. Such problems occur frequently in the process of coordination or integration of the spatial information management systems that are used in public institutions and private companies. Therefore, in this paper, the access control system that could provide an integrated security policy for many spatial platforms and systems with expandable grammar and semantics was designed and implemented based on GeoXACML proposed by OGC. As the GeoXACML-based access control system designed and implemented in this paper follows the international standard specifications, it provides high portability and interoperability. Finally, in this paper, the efficiency of the system was proved by applying it to a virtual scenario on the military area requiring the access control.

The Effect of Clan Culture on Market Culture of Public Organization Focusing of Mediating Effect of Women Leader's Position and Carrier (글로벌기업의 집단형 문화가 합리형 문화에 미치는 영향 -여성 리더의 직위와 경력의 매개효과를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hyuk Young;Kim, Taek
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.271-280
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    • 2020
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study examines the mediating effect of women leader's characteristics in the relationship between clan culture and market culture of global companies. In addition, this study attempts to analysis the mediating effect of women leader's position and carrier in the relationship among facilitator, mentor, producer, and director leadership using partial mediation and completed mediation model. Research design, data, methodology : Conceptual research model is designed with three constructs such as clan culture, woemn leader's characteristics, and market culture. Based on five hundred cases with leadership styles and organizational culture of global companies, this study examine the mediating effect of women leader's characteristics in the relationship between clan culture and market culture using structured equation modeling. Results : Facilitator leadership have a significantly positive influence on women leader's position and carrier. Mentor leadership have a significantly positive influence on women leader's carrier while they are not correlated with mentor leadership and women leader's position. Women leader's position and carrier have a significantly positive influence on director leadership while women leader's position and carrier not have a positive influence on procucer leadership. Also facilitator and mentor leadership have a significantly positive on producer and director leadership. Conclusions : By controlling for the mediating effect of women leader's characteristics, this study have improved the academic contributions as well as policy and practical implications through empirical study of clan culture that affect market culture in the filds of leadership style and organizational. In addition, this study means that the mediating effects on the variables of women leader's position and carrier were examined.

Evaluation of Anti-Smoking Public Relations Messages -An Exploratory Study On the Effects Using Televised Health Messages- (금연홍보 캠페인의 메시지 효과평가 -영상홍보물을 이용한 탐색적 연구-)

  • Lee, Cheol-Han
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • 제44권
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    • pp.223-247
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the anti-smoking message effects and smoking status on smoking belief attributes. Based on the health behavior theories such as theory of reasoned action, health belief model, and social cognitive theory, three factors are selected to investigate the effects of anti-smoking campaign messages. The balance of benefits and barriers, self-efficacy, and social pressure are selected as independent variables. Three two-way ANOVA were conducted. Results showed that the main effect of social pressure were found with the social smoking attributes. Interaction effects were found on the nonsmoker-social pressure group and the non-smoker-two sided message group. It is found that nonsmokers accepted these two anti-smoking messages easily as compared to smoker groups. No main smoking status was found in this study; it is believed that smoking is a habitual that is not changed easily because attitude formation takes time. Results revealed that the two-sided message video releases and the social pressure video releases were favored by both smokers and nonsmokers. This study contributes the theoretical framework that can be transferred to the practices of anti-smoking campaign. Also, the researcher produced the televised stimuli which is not common in health message studies. By using the televised message material, the research tried to solve the validity problem which is common in experimental design.

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Experimental Evaluation of Bi-directionally Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Panel Blast Resistance Behavior under Blast Loading Scenario (폭발하중 시나리오에 따른 2방향 비부착 프리스트레스트 콘크리트 패널부재의 폭발저항성능에 대한 실험적 거동 평가)

  • Choi, Ji-Hun;Choi, Seung-Jai;Cho, Chul-Min;Kim, Tae-Kyun;Kim, Jang-Ho Jay
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.673-683
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    • 2016
  • In recent years, frequent terror or military attack by explosion, impact, fire accidents have occurred. Particularly, World Trade Center collapse and US Department of Defense Pentagon attack on Sept. 11 of 2001. Also, nuclear power plant incident on Mar. 11 of 2011. These attacks and incidents were raised public concerns and anxiety of potential terrorist attacks on major infrastructures and structures. Therefore, the extreme loading researches were performed of prestressed concrete (PSC) member, which widely used for nuclear containment vessel and gas tank. In this paper, to evaluate the blast resistance capacity and its protective performance of bi-directional unbonded prestressed concrete member, blast tests were carried out on $1,400{\times}1,000{\times}300mm$ for reinforced concrete (RC), prestressed concrete without rebar (PSC), prestressed concrete with rebar (PSRC) specimens. The applied blast load was generated by the detonation of 55 lbs ANFO explosive charge at 1.0 m standoff distance. The data acquisitions not only included blast waves of incident pressure, reflected pressure, and impulse, but also included displacement, acceleration, and strains at steel, concrete, PS tendon. The results can be used as basic research references for related research areas, which include protective design and blast simulation under blast loading.

A Study on the Characteristics of the Spatial Distribution of Sex Crimes: Spatial Analysis based on Environmental Criminology (성폭력 범죄의 공간적 분포 특성에 관한 연구: 환경범죄학에 기반한 공간 분석)

  • Lee, Gunhak;Jin, Chanwoo;Kim, Jiwoo;Kim, Wanhee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • 제51권6호
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    • pp.853-871
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    • 2016
  • The interest in the prevention of sex crimes and social secure is growing as the number of cases by sexual offences becomes higher. Although various punishable ways have been introduced so far, increasing sex crime is still going on. Thus, effectiveness of legal systems for preventing crimes is questionable. More recently, the approach for environmental criminology has been paid attention for reducing criminal opportunities through environmental design and management of crimes. This study attempts to look over the spatial distribution of sexual crimes in the context of environmental criminology, and examine the correlation between regional environmental factors and the occurrence of sexual crimes empirically. To do this, we visualized the map for sex crimes at the macro-scale and explored the spatial distribution of sexual crimes and spatial clusters based on various spatial statistics using sex crime data published online by the ministry of gender equality and family. Also, we derived the environmental characteristics of sexual crimes by multivariate regression analysis on a large number of explanatory variables of regional environment. Our results will help to understand the current situation and spatial aspects of sex crimes in the nation more realistically. Further, it is respected that our results might be useful basic information for establishing regional policies and plans for the prevention of the sexual crime and enhanced public policing.

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Automation of Information Extraction from IFC-BIM for Indoor Air Quality Certification (IFC-BIM을 활용한 실내공기질 인증 요구정보 생성 자동화)

  • Hong, Simheee;Yeo, Changjae;Yu, Jungho
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2017
  • In contemporary society, it is increasingly common to spend more time indoors. As such, there is a continually growing desire to build comfortable and safe indoor environments. Along with this trend, however, there are some serious indoor-environment challenges, such as the quality of indoor air and Sick House Syndrome. To address these concerns the government implements various systems to supervise and manage indoor environments. For example, green building certification is now compulsory for public buildings. There are three categories of green building certification related to indoor air in Korea: Health-Friendly Housing Construction Standards, Green Standard for Energy & Environmental Design(G-SEED), and Indoor Air Certification. The first two types of certification, Health-Friendly Housing Construction Standards and G-SEED, evaluate data in a drawing plan. In comparison, the Indoor Air Certification evaluates measured data. The certification using data from a drawing requires a considerable amount of time compared to other work. A 2D tool needs to be employed to measure the area manually. Thus, this study proposes an automatic assessment process using a Building Information Modeling(BIM) model based on 3D data. This process, using open source Industry Foundation Classes(IFC), exports data for the certification system, and extracts the data to create an Excel sheet for the certification. This is expected to improve the work process and reduce the workload associated with evaluating indoor air conditions.