• 제목/요약/키워드: Public Database

검색결과 831건 처리시간 0.025초

건강도시 웹데이터베이스 활용방안 연구: 원주시 사례 (A Study on the Application of Web Database for Healthy City Wonju)

  • 남은우;박재성;최은희;김경나
    • 보건의료산업학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.219-229
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to introduce the web database for healthy city Wonju that contains healthy city indicators and materials. It has provided diverse information to public officers who are working on healthy city projects and citizens for monitoring and evaluating the projects, effectively. The web database was made on 2006 and was updated on 2009. The new Web database system was designed for supporting that the staffs of healthy city can manage all data update by themselves. The new Web database encompasses more recent information about health city projects. After identifying users' needs and reasons for modifying the fields of data, we added new indicators to the Web database. Some redundant indicators were deleted based on users' requests. The Web database quality evaluations were performed by using 13 quality evaluations constructs. Through all 13 constructs, less than 20% of study subjects felt that it did not satisfy their needs or expectations. Well developed and verified contents of the Web database for healthy city are very essential and important. The database makes healthy city projects alive by managing and sharing healthy city related data and indicators effectively.

Possibility of the Use of Public Microarray Database for Identifying Significant Genes Associated with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

  • Kim, Ki-Yeol;Cha, In-Ho
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2012
  • There are lots of studies attempting to identify the expression changes in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Most studies include insufficient samples to apply statistical methods for detecting significant gene sets. This study combined two small microarray datasets from a public database and identified significant genes associated with the progress of oral squamous cell carcinoma. There were different expression scales between the two datasets, even though these datasets were generated under the same platforms - Affymetrix U133A gene chips. We discretized gene expressions of the two datasets by adjusting the differences between the datasets for detecting the more reliable information. From the combination of the two datasets, we detected 51 significant genes that were upregulated in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Most of them were published in previous studies as cancer-related genes. From these selected genes, significant genetic pathways associated with expression changes were identified. By combining several datasets from the public database, sufficient samples can be obtained for detecting reliable information. Most of the selected genes were known as cancer-related genes, including oral squamous cell carcinoma. Several unknown genes can be biologically evaluated in further studies.

자가 건강관리를 위한 데이터베이스 시스템 구축에 관한 연구 - 수지침요법을 중심으로 - (The Development of a Database for Self Health Management - Focusing on the Soojichim (Koryo Hand Therapy) -)

  • 정혜명
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: As Koryo Hand Therapy is generally referenced by a manual, we made a database system to ease. Method: Using the basic theory of Koryo Hand Therapy with the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), we tested, analyzed, designed and implemented the system and constructed a database system with MS Access according to the symptoms. Results: We constructed the database system of Handing and the symptoms of Koryo Hand Therapy in 3 parts (Basic Data Management, Disorder Therapy Management, Report) for easy management. This database system will be useful for general users to protect, promote and measure their health. The structured database system was valued on the basis of the students basic knowledge of Koryo Hand Therapy. As a result, 80% of the respondents answered that the "system is well structured", 78% that "it's convenient to search", and 87% that "it's helpful for self health management". Conclusion: These study results provides people with information on the basic treatment of symptoms for the self health protection and promotion with Koryo Hand Therapy by constructing a database.

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다기능화에 의한 공공도서관의 공간구조에 관한 연구 - 일본 공공도서관을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Spacial Configuration of Public Libraries by the Multi-Functionality - Focus on the Japanese Public Libraries -)

  • 황미영
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2009
  • As database become more variable and multimedia, the integration between conventional library based on printed matter and digital library on IT makes it accelerated that the changes in today's information circumstances. Due to more leisure time modern people who get intellectual and interested in variety so they need continuing education, intellectual satisfaction and cultural life. Consequently today's public library expands to become a source of every kind of information, an educational facility and community facility to fulfill the cultural needs. On the assumption above, this study aims at offering database for planning public library that meets the needs for multifunctional library through analyzing space, structure, and character of modern public libraries and chooses 8 cases in Japan provide both primary and additional functions. Quantitative data from blueprints, websites and publications has been collected to analyze the space arrangement corresponding with the functional characteristics.

A Web-based Alternative Non-animal Method Database for Safety Cosmetic Evaluations

  • Kim, Seung Won;Kim, Bae-Hwan
    • Toxicological Research
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 2016
  • Animal testing was used traditionally in the cosmetics industry to confirm product safety, but has begun to be banned; alternative methods to replace animal experiments are either in development, or are being validated, worldwide. Research data related to test substances are critical for developing novel alternative tests. Moreover, safety information on cosmetic materials has neither been collected in a database nor shared among researchers. Therefore, it is imperative to build and share a database of safety information on toxicological mechanisms and pathways collected through in vivo, in vitro, and in silico methods. We developed the CAMSEC database (named after the research team; the Consortium of Alternative Methods for Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics) to fulfill this purpose. On the same website, our aim is to provide updates on current alternative research methods in Korea. The database will not be used directly to conduct safety evaluations, but researchers or regulatory individuals can use it to facilitate their work in formulating safety evaluations for cosmetic materials. We hope this database will help establish new alternative research methods to conduct efficient safety evaluations of cosmetic materials.

Data-processing pipeline and database design for integrated analysis of mycoviruses

  • Je, Mikyung;Son, Hyeon Seok;Kim, Hayeon
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2019
  • Recent and ongoing discoveries of mycoviruses with new properties demand the development of an appropriate research infrastructure to analyze their evolution and classification. In particular, the discovery of negative-sense single-stranded mycoviruses is worth noting in genome types in which double-stranded RNA virus and positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus were predominant. In addition, some genomic properties of mycoviruses are more interesting because they have been reported to have similarities with the pathogenic virus family that infects humans and animals. Genetic information on mycoviruses continues to accumulate in public repositories; however, these databases have some difficulty reflecting the latest taxonomic information and obtaining specialized data for mycoviruses. Therefore, in this study, we developed a bioinformatics-based pipeline to efficiently utilize this genetic information. We also designed a schema for data processing and database construction and an algorithm to keep taxonomic information of mycoviruses up to date. The pipeline and database (termed 'mycoVDB') presented in this study are expected to serve as useful foundations for improving the accuracy and efficiency of future research on mycoviruses.

SOP (Search of Omics Pathway): A Web-based Tool for Visualization of KEGG Pathway Diagrams of Omics Data

  • Kim, Jun-Sub;Yeom, Hye-Jung;Kim, Seung-Jun;Kim, Ji-Hoon;Park, Hye-Won;Oh, Moon-Ju;Hwang, Seung-Yong
    • Molecular & Cellular Toxicology
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.208-213
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    • 2007
  • With the help of a development and popularization of microarray technology that enable to us to simultaneously investigate the expression pattern of thousands of genes, the toxicogenomics experimenters can interpret the genome-scale interaction between genes exposed in toxicant or toxicant-related environment. The ultimate and primary goal of toxicogenomics identifies functional context among the group of genes that are differentially or similarly coexpressed under the specific toxic substance. On the other side, public reference databases with transcriptom, proteom, and biological pathway information are needed for the analysis of these complex omics data. However, due to the heterogeneous and independent nature of these databases, it is hard to individually analyze a large omics annotations and their pathway information. Fortunately, several web sites of the public database provide information linked to other. Nevertheless it involves not only approriate information but also unnecessary information to users. Therefore, the systematically integrated database that is suitable to a demand of experimenters is needed. For these reasons, we propose SOP (Search of Omics Pathway) database system which is constructed as the integrated biological database converting heterogeneous feature of public databases into combined feature. In addition, SOP offers user-friendly web interfaces which enable users to submit gene queries for biological interpretation of gene lists derived from omics experiments. Outputs of SOP web interface are supported as the omics annotation table and the visualized pathway maps of KEGG PATHWAY database. We believe that SOP will appear as a helpful tool to perform biological interpretation of genes or proteins traced to omics experiments, lead to new discoveries from their pathway analysis, and design new hypothesis for a next toxicogenomics experiments.

Patome: Database of Patented Bio-sequences

  • Kim, SeonKyu;Lee, ByungWook
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.94-97
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    • 2005
  • We have built a database server called Patome which contains the annotation information for patented bio-sequences from the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO). The aims of the Patome are to annotate Korean patent bio-sequences and to provide information on patent relationship of public database entries. The patent sequences were annotated with Reference Sequence (RefSeq) or NCBI's nr database. The raw patent data and the annotated data were stored in the database. Annotation information can be used to determine whether a particular RefSeq ID or NCBI's nr ID is related to Korean patent. Patome infrastructure consists of three components­the database itself, a sequence data loader, and an online database query interface. The database can be queried using submission number, organism, title, applicant name, or accession number. Patome can be accessed at http://www.patome.net. The information will be updated every two months.

기획 / 무선 공공 서비스로 대국민 서비스 질 높인다

  • 한국데이터베이스진흥센터
    • 디지털콘텐츠
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    • 7호통권98호
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    • pp.62-63
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    • 2001
  • 현재 추진하고 있는 전자정부와 연계한 이동공공서비스(Mobile Public Service) 시범사업 추진을 통해 PC를 기반으로 하는 유선 전자정부의 시.공간적 접근성 및 활용성 한계를 극복하고, 무선인터넷 기술을 통하여 전자정부서비스에 '이동성','휴대성' 및 '접근 용이성'을 제공하여 대 국민 서비스 질을 향상시킬 계획이다.

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정보공개 환경에서 개인정보 보호와 노출 위험의 측정에 대한 통계적 방법 (Review on statistical methods for protecting privacy and measuring risk of disclosure when releasing information for public use)

  • 이용희
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.1029-1041
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    • 2013
  • 최근 빅데이터의 등장과 정보 공개에 대한 급격한 수요 증가에 따라 자료를 일반에게 공개할 때 개인 정보를 보호해야 하는 필요성이 어느 때보다 절실하다. 본 논문에서는 마이크로 자료와 통계분석 서버를 중심으로 현재까지 제시된 개인정보 노출제한를 위한 통계적 방법, 정보 노출의 개념, 노출 위험을 측정하는 기준들을 개괄적으로 소개한다.