• 제목/요약/키워드: Psychological factor

검색결과 1,579건 처리시간 0.029초

재활의료서비스 전문성을 위한 물리치료의 직무특성과 임파워먼트 및 조직몰입 간의 관계 (The Relationships between Job Characteristics and Empowerment, Organizational Commitment of Physical Therapist to Professionalism of Rehabilitation Service)

  • 임정도;장막숙;이용철;정용모
    • 대한물리의학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : This study purposes to suggest some basic data for the efficiency of a hospital management by drawing out the efficient ways to manage manpower to professionalism of rehabilitation service. Methods : The study used the questionnaire written by respondents themselves, and conducted the regression analysis on the relationships among the job characteristics, the empowerment and organizational commitment. Rusults : Among job characteristics, the wage was the influential factor on the empowerment(psychological, structural), and the specialty physical therapist license was the factor affecting on the psychological empowerment. Among the psychological empowerment factors, the higher meaning of his/her existence, the lower self-decision level, the higher structural empowerment are, the higher organizational commitment was. Conclusion : There were not identified any significant job characteristics influencing on the organizational commitment. Among the structural empowerment factors, the apply of job performance was the largest factor affecting on the organizational commitment.

비만 아동과 관련된 환경적.심리적 요인 분석 (The Analysis of the Environmental and Psychological Factors in Obese Children)

  • 장유경;이세라;이석화
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to investigate the differences in environmental and psychological factors in children with obesity and to offer useful information for obesity treatment and prevention. 123 children of 5-6th grade in elementary school and their mothers were included in this study and divided into either the obese group and normal group(obese group: 61, normal group: 62) according to the Weight-Length Index(WLI). Results showed that between the two groups there no significant differences in family income, mother's occupation status, educational level, and anthropometric measurement. Nutritional knowledge in the obese group was significantly higher than that of the normal group(p<0.05). The mothers of children with obesity had a higher level of nutritional knowledge than the mothers of normal children(p<0.05). There were no significant differences in food behavior between the obese and normal groups. There were no significant differences in maternal child-rearing practices and in maternal attitude on flood behavior of children. Considering psychological factors ; 72.1% of the children with obesity appraised their body image as obese(p<0.05), and 54.1% of the mothers in obese group perceived their child's body shape as obese(p<0.05). The level of self-esteem were not significantly different when compared between the obese and normal groups. From these results, it was suggested that effective measures for obesity treatment and prevention should include nutritional monitoring, and such efforts need to be maintained in order to help the obese children and their mothers.

구성원의 지식 심리적 주인의식과 지식공유 거부의도 간의 관계에 관한 실증연구: 구성원의 동기요인을 중심으로 (An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Employee's Knowledge Psychological Ownership and Knowledge Withholding Intention: Focused on Employee's Motivational Factors)

  • Heo, Myung Sook;Cheon, Myun Joong
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.103-130
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    • 2016
  • Many organizations have paid less attention to knowledge withholding intention (KWI) rather than knowledge sharing. KWI is the likelihood that employees will give less than their full effort to contributing knowledge. KWI can be affected by employee's knowledge psychological ownership (KPO), cultural level (Individualism/collectivism: I/C), and altruism for organizational benefits. Also I/C is an important motivational factor that affects KPO and KWI closely. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between employee's KPO and KWI in the perspective of employee's motivational factors (I/C, altruism for organizational benefits). The results of analysis show that employee's KPO and collectivism are driving forces leading to KWI and that individualism is the significant influential factor of employee's KPO. For theoretical and practical contributions, the research presents the grounds for arguments that KPO and I/C are employee's psychological motivation for individual KWI and organizations trying to pay attention to employee's KPO and individualism need to decrease employee's KWI under individual, leader, and organizational dimensions. Limitations arisen in the course of the research and suggestions for future research directions are also discussed.

서비스 품질 평가와 지각된 위험이 인터넷 쇼핑몰에서의 패션상품 구매의도 및 만족에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Service Quality Estimation and Perceived Risk on Purchase Intention and Satisfaction of the Fashion Merchandise to Internet Shopping Malls)

  • 이은진;홍병숙
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제44권5호
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze whether service quality and perceived risk have an effect on purchase intention and satisfaction of the fashion merchandise in internet shopping malls. To this end, a survey was conducted from June 20 to July 30 in 2005, among married women aged in their 20s and 30s, on their purchase experience of fashion merchandise from internet shopping malls. The survey was conducted over the internet with 306 subjects. The statistical analysis methods were frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. First, the service quality factors were determined to be reliability, responsibility, ease of transaction, order convenience, and site characteristics. Perceived risk factors were determined to be merchandise risk, information exposure risk, social psychological risk, and function risk. Second, service quality factors of responsibility, ease of transaction, order convenience, site characteristics and perceived risk factor of social psychological risk had an effect on internet purchase intention of the fashion merchandise. Greater site use convenience, lower price, simpler ordering, and lower social psychological risk were all positively correlated with higher internet purchase intention of fashion merchandise. Third, nice quality factors and social psychological risk had an effect on satisfaction degree in internet shopping.

한의학 이론에 기반을 둔 양성치료(養性治療)가 비만여성의 생물학적, 심리적 지표 변화에 미치는 영향 (The effect of Yangsung program (oriental psychological treatment based on Confucian ideas program) for obesity on self esteem, self control and weight of women)

  • 최승;황의완;김종우
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2006
  • Objective : This study examined whether Yangsung program (oriental psychological weight regulation model based on Confucian ideas) is effective on weight loss, self esteem, three factor on eating questionnaires(restraint eating, disinhibition and hunger), distortion of body-image and biochemistry of blood. Method : 23 women were assigned randomly into 2 groups; experimental group(n=10) and control group(n=13). Experimental group had 7 personal sessions consisting of personal Yangsung therapy, meditation, general diet and exercise education. Control group had personal sessions with general diet and exercise education once a week for 6 weeks. All subjects were weighed and evaluated with Rosenberg self esteem scale, distortion of body-image, biochemistry of blood and three factor eating questionnaires at the beginning and end of the program. Result : There is significant difference between two groups in changes of self esteem, disinhibition and hunger(p<0.05). There is no significant difference in weight reduction and BMI between two groups. Conclusion : This study showed a new possibility of unique psychological program for obesity characterized by its philosophical context.

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대학생의 삶의 만족에 영향을 주는 변수들 - 사회심리적 변수들과 의복 쇼핑자심감 - (Factors influencing life satisfaction among college students - Social psychological variables and shopping confidence for clothing and accessories -)

  • 박혜정
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.1061-1081
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    • 2015
  • Recently, there has been an increase in wellbeing marketing, which focuses on increasing consumer life satisfaction or consumers' sense of subjective wellbeing. Numerous studies have been conducted to identify which aspects contribute to consumer life satisfaction. In order to provide additional insights into consumer life satisfaction, this study aimed to identify the relationships among social psychological variables (consciousness of social face, social interaction anxiety, and career anxiety), shopping confidence, and life satisfaction. Shopping confidence in this study relates to confidence for clothing/accessories. It was hypothesized that social psychological variables influence life satisfaction not only directly but also indirectly through shopping confidence. Data were gathered by surveying university students in Seoul, using convenience sampling. Two hundred eighty six questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. Factor analysis of consciousness of social face revealed two factors, 'desire to gain face' and 'fear of losing face'. Factor analysis of social interaction anxiety, shopping confidence, and life satisfaction revealed that these variables were uni-dimensional. Test of the hypothesized path showed that all social psychological variables influenced life satisfaction indirectly through shopping confidence, whereas 'fear of losing face' of consciousness of social face and career anxiety influenced life satisfaction directly. The results give marketers some understanding of their consumers' life satisfaction in relation to consciousness of social face, social interaction anxiety, career anxiety, and shopping confidence.

A Study on the Viewing Experience and Performance of Professional Baseball Team: The Team Performance Side and the Fan Performance Side

  • Byun, Kyung-Won
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.166-175
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the structural relationship among fan experience, fan satisfaction, team attachment, psychological well-being, team loyalty and quality of life. Specifically, the structural equation model is analyzed for the team performance side leading to fan experience-fan satisfaction-team attachment-team loyalty and the an performance side leading to fan experience-fan satisfaction-psychological well-being-quality of life. The survey to achieve the goal of this study is a professional baseball fan. 150 pilot envestigation and 348 main envestigation were selected as the final effective samples. Data processing was done with SPSS 23 for frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis. Also, AMOS 21 was used for confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis. The results of the analysis are as follows: First, fan experience had a positive effect on the fan satisfaction. Second, fan satisfaction had a positive effect on the team attachment. Third, fan satisfaction had a positive effect on the psychological well-being. Fourth, team attachment had a positive effect on theteam loyalty. Fifth, psychological well-being had a positive effect on the quality of life.

Psychological Factors Affecting the Level of Loan Use of Investors in Vietnam's Real Estate Market

  • NGUYEN, Ha Phi Ho
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제9권5호
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    • pp.171-176
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    • 2022
  • The article analyzes the impact of psychological factors on the level of loans used by investors in Vietnam's real estate market. Individual investors in the Vietnamese real estate industry were surveyed using a questionnaire. A total of 320 questionnaires were collected for the survey. The author finalized 314 questionnaires after deleting those that were invalid due to too many blank cells. SPSS 25 was used to conduct quantitative research. According to the findings, Excessive Optimism (EO) is the factor that has the highest impact on the level of loan used by investors in the Vietnamese real estate market, and this relationship is positive. With an influence level of 0.261 and 0.130, the elements of herd psychology and overconfidence also have a beneficial impact on the degree of loan used by investors in Vietnam's real estate market. Fear of loss is a factor that has a negative relationship with the level of loan utilization by investors in the Vietnamese real estate market, although, with a beta coefficient of 0.134, the degree of influence is not significant. Studies on psychological aspects and human behavior in general, and investors in particular, can help investors avoid falling into these psychological traps.

한국 남성들의 외모 관련 삶의 질 척도 개발 및 외모 관련 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 신체요인 분석 (Development of a Appearance related Quality of Life Instrument for Korean Men and Investigation on Body Factors Influencing Appearance related Quality of Life)

  • 유혜경;고선영
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.595-605
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    • 2016
  • Importance of appearance as a means of self-expression and communication is increasing in modern society even for men. And appearance has become an significant factor affecting men's quality of life. The main objectives of this study were to develop an instrument measuring appearance related quality of life(ARQoL), and examine the body factors influencing ARQoL. The ARQoL instrument was developed from in-depth interviews, focus group interviews, and literature review, and were revised through two pre-tests. The final questionnaire was administered through on-line survey with 440 men. Quota sampling was used based on age and body size. The results indicated that high ARQoL group showed significantly higher satisfaction on body factors including face, weight, shape, body proportion, hair, and overall impression than low ARQoL group. There was no significant difference in terms of satisfaction on height between two groups. Factor analysis showed that ARQoL consists of four factors - physical, economic, psychological and social factors. Overall impression was the most important body factor affecting all four factors of ARQoL and has very strong influence especially on economic ARQoL. BMI was also a significant factor affecting physical, economic and social ARQoL except psychological factor of ARQoL. Face had significant influence only on economic and psychological aspects of ARQoL.

세대간 노인에 대한 태도와 행동의 차이에 관한 연구 (Generational Differences in Attitude and Voluntary Behavior toward the Elderly)

  • 홍성희;곽인숙
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.177-199
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine generational differences between the youth and the middle-aged in attitude and voluntary behavior toward the elderly, to analyze the socio-demographic and psychological characteristics influencing attitude and behavior toward the elderly, and to find out whether the attitude of the youth and the middle-aged toward the elderly was the decisive factor in their behavior toward them. For this study, we surveyed 252 youth (between the ages of 20 and 30) and 314 middle-aged people (between the ages of 40 and 60). The major results were as follows: First, the psychological factor had a stronger influence on the positive attitude toward the elderly than did the socio-demographic factor. The psychological factor had an especially significant impact on the attitude of the middle-aged population. Second, youths' attitude toward the elderly influenced their behavior toward them; whereas, for the middle-aged, the socio-demographic characteristic was a decisive factor. Third, the youths' area of residence was an important factor in their attitude toward the elderly; the youth in the metropolitan area had a more negative attitude than did their counterpart. Therefore, it is necessary to develop programs to improve the negative attitude toward the elderly for the youth residing in the metropolitan area. The middle-aged need more easily accessible voluntary work programs by which a positive attitude toward the elderly leads to immediate action.

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