Generational Differences in Attitude and Voluntary Behavior toward the Elderly

세대간 노인에 대한 태도와 행동의 차이에 관한 연구

  • Hong, Sung-Hee (Dept. of Consumer Information Science, Keimyung University) ;
  • Kwak, In-Suk (Dept. of Senior Welfare, Woosuk University)
  • 홍성희 (계명대학교 소비자정보학과) ;
  • 곽인숙 (우석대학교 실버복지학과)
  • Received : 2010.04.01
  • Accepted : 2010.05.25
  • Published : 2010.05.31


The purpose of this study was to examine generational differences between the youth and the middle-aged in attitude and voluntary behavior toward the elderly, to analyze the socio-demographic and psychological characteristics influencing attitude and behavior toward the elderly, and to find out whether the attitude of the youth and the middle-aged toward the elderly was the decisive factor in their behavior toward them. For this study, we surveyed 252 youth (between the ages of 20 and 30) and 314 middle-aged people (between the ages of 40 and 60). The major results were as follows: First, the psychological factor had a stronger influence on the positive attitude toward the elderly than did the socio-demographic factor. The psychological factor had an especially significant impact on the attitude of the middle-aged population. Second, youths' attitude toward the elderly influenced their behavior toward them; whereas, for the middle-aged, the socio-demographic characteristic was a decisive factor. Third, the youths' area of residence was an important factor in their attitude toward the elderly; the youth in the metropolitan area had a more negative attitude than did their counterpart. Therefore, it is necessary to develop programs to improve the negative attitude toward the elderly for the youth residing in the metropolitan area. The middle-aged need more easily accessible voluntary work programs by which a positive attitude toward the elderly leads to immediate action.



Supported by : 우석대학교


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