• Title/Summary/Keyword: Psychological Character

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Structural Model Of Delinquent Behavior Influencing by Media Violence (폭력매체에 의한 비행행동의 구조모형 개발)

  • 김현실
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.148-159
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to test the theoretical model designed to explain juvenile delinquency by media violence. Data were collected through questionnaire survey over a period of 3 months. Subjects served for this study consisted of 537 adolescents including 217 delinquent adolescents and 320 student adolescents in Korea, sampled from Korean student population and delinquent adolescent population confined in juvenile correctional institutions, using proportional stratified random sampling method. In this study, exogeneous variable was family dynamic environment and endogeneous variables were character of adolescent including need satisfaction/ frustration, sociability, antisocial personality tendency, complaints of psychosomatic symptoms and depressive trend, juvenile delinquent behavior and media violence themes including the extent of interest in and exposure and modelling impulsiveness and modelling to media violence themes. A total of 18 instruments were used to operationalized concepts in this model. A validation study indicated that internal consistencies for the 18 instruments which the researcher used were reliable. The one month test-retest correlation for these instruments ranged from 0.54 to 0.88. Statistical methods employed were descriptive statistics and covariance structural modelling. In summarized conclusion, it was found that media violence served as the most contributor to juvenile delinquency by direct effect of 0.64(t=10.18). That is, as the adolescents have to be the higher extent of interest in and exposure and modelling impulsiveness and modelling to media violence themes, they will show the more frequency of delinquent behavior. The single most powerful contributor by total effect of 0.73(t=7.90) (direct effect=0.19, indirect effect=0.54) to the development of delinquent behavior identified in this study was a construct defining family dynamic environment. That is, as the adolescents had to be more unstable family dynamic environment, they became more frustrated to their psychological need, and revealed the more maladaptive personality pattern, consequently they behaved the higher misconducts such as juvenile delinquency through media violence.

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A Study on Contemporary Murals of Korea; in Lacan′s Psychoanalytic View (라캉의 정신분석학 개념으로 살펴 본 한국의 현대 벽화)

  • 조현신
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2002
  • This article is a study on modern wall painting of Korea. The system of wall paintings in Korea is studied in the first chapter. It contains the function, the painters'peculiar character, the psychological basis and the subjects of wall painting. The most popular subjects are the Lee dynasty's folk custom and visual symbols of this period. The second chapter sees the study of these subjects in Lacan's psychoanalytic view. The representation of Lee dynasts custom in this post modern society reveal that the Korean lives in the realm of the imaginary in visual level. That is the projection of their desire to be in the perfect community which is believed to be existed in Lee's dynasty. However the visual circumstance in Korea is the symbolic which is constructed of the Western symbols. This visual confliction reveals Korean Habitus and the lack of independent visual expression method. For conclusion, it is proposed that the relation of Korean Habitus and design must be studied to create proper visual circumstance.

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Mothers Perception of Fatigue in Postpartum Period (산욕기 어머니가 자각하는 피로)

  • Kim, Shin-Jeong;Jeong, Geum-Hee;Kim, Eun-Ha
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.461-472
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    • 2001
  • A study was done to identify mothers' perception of fatigue in postpartum period. Questionnaires were collected from 267 normal postpartum mothers in Korea from July to December 2000. The questionnaires used to measure mothers' fatigue were "Subjective Symptoms of Fatigue Test" designed by Research Committee of Industrial Fatigue in Hygienic Association of Japan Industry. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS-Win. The results revealed that The average fatigue score of subjects was 1.70; Physical fatigue had the highest value with a mean of 1.89, followed by psychological fatigue with a mean score of 1.62, neuro-sensory fatigue was rated lowest with a mean of 1.58. Sorting out the subjects fatigue level per a week during Sweeks, 6th week after postpartum had the highest value with a mean of 1.85. Degree of fatigue was also compared with the respect to the general characteristics of mothers: There were statistically significant differences according to mothers' job (t=-2.021, p=.046), sleeping time (t=2.771, p=.006), having a nap (t=-2.132, p=.034), baby character (F=3.089, p=.047), baby sex (t=-2.054, p=.041), having a person who help domestic affairs (t=2.292, p=.023). Therefore variable nursing intervention should be provided to alleviate the fatigue according to the postpartum period. Especially the nursing intervention program to alleviate the physical fatigue is needed.

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A Study on the Stress and Coping Effort of Hospitalized Children's Mother (입원 환아 어머니의 스트레스와 대처노력에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Young-Sook
    • Korean Parent-Child Health Journal
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Assessment of stress and coping effort of hospitalized children's mother are very important factor to support and recover the children. The purpose of this study was to identify the stress and coping effort in mothers whose children are hospitalized. And analyzes the correlation between mother's stress and coping effort on the hospitalized children. Method: This study surveyed 70 mothers whose children are hospitalized. The data was collected for this study at one university hospital in Daejeon from June 1,2007 to July 10, 2007. The instruments used in this study were the mother's stress scale which was developed by Ok-Nam, You(1998), modified by Ho-Jin, Mun(2001), and the mother's coping effort were measured with the Coping Health Inventory for Parents(CHIP) developed by McCubbin and Patterson(1981). The data was analyzed by using SPSS program and include ANOVA, and Pearson's Correlation. Result: The mother's stress was average 2.42 out of a possible 4 points. Type of coping effort was in order of type III(cope with it by understanding medical circumstances)(M=2.73), type I(Cope with it through positive definition)(M=2.43), type II (cope with it by maintaining psychological stability)(M=2.28). Total coping effort according to general character of mothers whose children are hospitalized showed a significant difference in occupation(P<.05). Correlations between mother's stress and total coping effort was r=-.361(P<.05). Conclusion: This study based on nursing of stress and coping effort of hospitalized children's mothers. Pediatric nurses need to establish a stronger communication board and a relationship between medical staff and children's parents so that have supportive information. And to establish a support program that strengthens the coping effort of hospitalized children's mothers.

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Awareness and social psychological phenomenon for the elderly -The Structural Analysis of the film 'Miss Granny'- (노인에 대한 인식과 사회심리현상 -영화 '수상한 그녀'의 구조분석-)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sim;Han, Eun-Hwa
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.283-294
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    • 2015
  • Through the film 'Miss Granny', we analyzed a variety of structures. Social awareness of the cultural content of the film shown in the form of elderly social psychology, combination of approaches, role structural analysis of the people around centered the main character, acceleration structure analysis of the people around, the atmosphere structural analysis according to the environment of the people around. By these analysis, the elderly mentality was noticed by sociological theory related to the elderly. The formation of negative stereotypes and perceptions in what young people have a bias and unconscious, conscious discrimination against the elderly was mentioned in conclusion. Because the positive changes in recognition of the elderly is necessary, collective prejudice should be eliminated. The social atmosphere composition that can empathize with the sentiment of the elderly in the pursuit of youth and the necessity to develop generation integrated social programs with that younger generation and older generation sympathize together were suggested. were heartfelt suggested.

A Study on the customs in Han Hyungmo's film (한형모 감독의 영화 <자유부인>에 나타난 복식에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyejeong
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.98-113
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    • 2013
  • This study is an attempt to analyze the daily life of the Western-yearning Seoul citizens and the inflow of the Western culture into certain social classes. The customs of the characters in the film are studied to illustrate the process of deconstruction of Korean traditional clothes due to the Western influence. The combined application of the Western and Korean styles is also observed. All this study leads to the sense of homogeneity of the times and the conformity to the culture the Korean women shared, which boils down to the social identity of the Korean women who sought an escape from the men-centered social structure by displaying their competence in the field of global modern fashion. As Seonyeong Oh, the main character of the film, , was wearing in the movie the Korean traditional dress, socks, rubber shoes, and then a western-style coat, it well shows that in 1950's, the traditional dress and ornaments were mixed with Western styles. In time, men's wear were completely changed from the traditional Korean clothes to suits, while women's could not break off from the traditional clothes and become westernized, which indicates that the men-centered conservative ideas to keep women within the feudal regime of the society remained. The military look of Seonyeong Oh while she was acting in the society was a symbol of anti-bias against women and anti-convention as well as the will of freedom as an independent woman. Besides, the modern girls would wear clothes of military fashion, Dior's trapeze line, and knit styles flattering the figures. All these well show their desires to embrace Western cultures, especially their dress fashions as well as manners as so-called enlightened ladies. All these elements show that the director was trying to represent the progress of the drama, characters, and psychological states by means of the dress and ornaments.

What Makes Korean Youth Happy: Self-Directedness Mediates the Relationship between Parenting and Subjective Well-Being (무엇이 한국 청소년들을 행복하게 하는가: 부모의 양육행동과 주관적 안녕감의 관계에서 자율성의 매개효과)

  • Choi, Ara;Lee, Sook
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.499-512
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    • 2019
  • Korean adolescents have a lower subjective well-being compared to their counterparts in other Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development member countries as well as experience more psychological difficulties than adults. Previous research shows that parenting behavior has a considerable influence on adolescent subjective well-being. Additionally, the personality dimension of self-directedness, the ability to regulate personal behavior to obtain onindividual goals, has a positive influence on subjective well-being. This study analyzed the structural relationship between parenting behavior, self-directedness, and the subjective well-being of Korean adolescents as well as investigated the mediating effect of self-directedness in the relationships between parenting behaviors and the subjective well-being of adolescents. Participants were 325 middle school students in Gwangju, Korea, who completed measures of self-directedness (from the Korean Junior Temperament and Character Inventory), subjective well-being (Well-Being Scale of Adolescents in Korea), and perceived parenting behaviors (My Memories of Upbringing - Short Korean version). Results showed that emotional warmth had a statistically significant direct impact on adolescents' subjective well-being. However, the findings also indicated a statistically significant indirect impact mediated by self-directedness. Rejection and overprotection had a statistically significant indirect effect on adolescents' subjective well-being that was mediated by self-directedness. The results provide information that can be used to develop programs to improve the subjective well-being of adolescents as well as confirm the importance of parenting behavior and self-directedness during adolescence.

A Study on the Expression of Social Agenda through the Analysis of Symbolism and Meaning of Formative - Focused on the Animation (조형의 상징성과 의미 분석을 통한 사회 의제 표현 연구 - 애니메이션 <윌러비 가족>을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ye-Eun;Lee, Tae-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.607-615
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    • 2022
  • Animation is a popular art in the form of enlightenment that intimately approaches people of various ages and makes them reconsider the social problems they have ignored. Therefore, this paper analyzes how the character setting and formative symbolism in "The Willoughbys" raise awareness of social agendas. The previous studies found that the modern society needs to be aware of child abuse and various types of family, and examined that color and formativeness of animation induce psychological and behavior change from the audience. The work shows emotional abuse and neglect as characters, and presents the subdivided form of the family. The rainbow symbolizes diverse family members. The agents with visual characteristics express the modern principle-based secondary perpetrator along with apathetic neighbors to urge a change in audience perception. This paper insists the value of animation when it is essential to raise public awareness prior to the construction of a welfare society and support system.

Money as a Polycontextual Value and Means of Self-Identification of a Modern Person: Traditional vs Virtual

  • S. Khrypko;Qi Yang;M. Kozlovets;I. Chornomordenko;M. Kolinko ;V. Havronenko;O. Lobanchuk;Н. Salo
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2023
  • The article examines the axiological psycho-philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of money and its value role in modern society. The traditional and virtual context of the representation of the money phenomenon is considered.Following the ideas of G. Simmel, the authors consider money not only as a purely economic, but also a psycho-philosophical, cultural and social phenomenon. Money appears as a result of cultural development of the world and gradually forms a monetary culture as a space of economic and social interaction of people. Under the influence of the monetary culture of one or another historical period, the character of a person's economic activity, values and life orientations are formed. Modern money culture is often called financial civilization. Peculiarities of modern monetary culture are studied, its main features and problems are determined in the article. The problem of the peculiarities of the constructive and destructive attitude of the individual towards money is identified; a psycho-philosophical and cultural-identification typology of people is described, which is based on clinical observations and interpreted through the prism of psychoanalytic theory. The concept of money is highlighted from the standpoint of a social-psychological approach. The theoretical foundations of money's influence on the decision-making process and human behavior are also revealed.

Mary Wroth's Urania and Renaissance Stoicism (메리 로쓰의 『유래이니어』와 르네상스 스토아철학)

  • Lee, Jin-Ah
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.57 no.5
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    • pp.757-786
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    • 2011
  • Seneca, the most influential classical Stoic and Justus Lipsius, the founder of Renaissance Stoicism suggest constancy, an unmovable strength of the steadfast mind based on reason and sound judgment, as a practical way or attitude in life full of both public and private evils. As a member of the Sidney family, Wroth is very much likely to have been influenced in molding her concept of constancy by Senecan and Lipsian Stoicism, which was introduced into England through Sir Philip Sidney's friendship with Lipsius. This paper explores Wroth's concept of constancy in Urania as a Stoic ideal in the context of the major Stoic writings of Seneca and Lipsius. While the titular character of the romance Urania shows some inherent attributes of Stoic constancy from the beginning of the romance, Pamphilia as the pattern of constancy gradually perfects the virtue through the ordeals of her love of Amphilanthus and her queenship. Her frequent retirements into private and secluded places are the essential occasions for her disciplining in Stoic constancy through self-examinations of her psychological and emotional disorders and poetry writing. Amphilanthus, a constantly inconstant lover, fully understands the importance of constancy in love as well in life only after his marriage to another woman and Pamphilia's marriage to another man. At the end of the romance they come to accept the vicissitudes of life in Stoic constancy. In Urania, Wroth transforms the strongly masculine Stoic constancy into a female heroic ideal. Thereby she presents those female characters as important political, ethical and cultural subjects and their constancy as a thread through the labyrinths of love and life.