• Title/Summary/Keyword: Project Progress Management

검색결과 344건 처리시간 1.721초

Project Management Information System Using Work Breakdown Structure (업무분할체계를 이용한 사업관리정보시스템)

  • 이정구
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 한국산업정보학회 1997년도 추계학술대회 발표논문집:21세기를 향한 정보통신 기술의 전망
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    • pp.303-320
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    • 1997
  • In A institute, project managers present quarterly project performance report according to institute's law. In quarterly project performance report, progress of project performance and budget expended should be written. Progress of project performance and progress of budget expended are key management factors in A institute. Because financial database system Is already constructed, progress of budget expended is got from information system. But the progress of project performance that project manager estimate subjectively can not be judged of its correctness because there is not project management information system that is able to calculate the progress of project performance systematically. In this study, we present the project management system assign all activities to every project participator according to their work share rate using WBS(Work Breakdown Structure) and calculate the progress of project performance systematically Also we construct project management information system for above project management system implementing.

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Analysis of Construction Schedule Progress Management Practice (건설공사 진도관리의 현황 분석에 대한 연구)

  • Shin, Yoon-Kyung;Yun, Seok-Heon;Pack, Joon-Hong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2010년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회 1부
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    • pp.207-211
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    • 2010
  • As mega-sized and complex building construction projects are increased, the importance of project scheduling and control is emphasized. Project scheduling and control technic is not used widely yet in Korea, but interests in it is progressively increased. By now, most research projects mainly have focused on scheduling issues. Project progress management is also as much important as project scheduling issues. Current state about project progress management in Korea is analysed and way for improvements are suggested in this paper. At first, research projects undergone and practice are analysed and fields experts are survey about current state about project progress management. This study suggests the progress management method for quantitative and qualitative project progress analysis.

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Development of a Project Management System for the Turnkey-based Plant Project (중공업 일괄수주공사를 위한 프로젝트 관리 시스템 개발 사례)

  • Ko, Chang-Seong;Rho, Jae-Jeung;Hyun, Jae-Myung;Kim, Myoung-Gwan
    • IE interfaces
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.167-180
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    • 1998
  • This study is concerned with the development of a project management system for the turnkey-based plant project, which will help the site manager to plan, control, and report the project progress. This system has been developed as one of the modules of the integrated information system for the H Heavy Industry Co. and is composed of five subsystems; project information system, drawing-material management system, process management system, project progress report system. A/S management system. it also integrates commercial project management package in order to schedule the project activities and report the project progress to the owner. The main purpose of the system is to provide project information, including drawing, material, and progress, to the site manger in the real time and to accumulate site know-how for the turnkey-based plant project.

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  • Seunghee Kang;Youngsoo Jung
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • The 3th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.1068-1074
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    • 2009
  • The progress is widely used as a critical index for successful construction project management. In spite of the importance of progress measurement, the excessive management effort to collect and maintain detailed data has been highlighted as a major barrier to measurement of highly accurate progress. In order to reduce the required workload and to enhance accuracy, several researches have been conducted. These researches can be categorized into two groups. First group focuses on automated data collection utilizing advanced technologies only for limited construction tasks. The second group is a research area where the standard progress measurement methodologies encompassing entire construction tasks are investigated. Topics include the adjusting the level of details, standardizing work processes, and applying flexible WBS. However, the techniques for automated data collection are not fully investigated yet in the second group. Combining these two research areas can provide a solution for more effective progress management in terms of enhancing accuracy and optimizing workload. However, there has been no comprehensive research addressing these two research groups in an integrated manner. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to propose a methodology that identifies the most suitable measurement method and data acquisition technology (e.g., GPS, RFID, etc.) for entire construction tasks of a project. The proposed methodology in this paper will be able to facilitate the selection process of data acquisition technologies for entire construction tasks of a project and to support the overall enhancement of automated progress management.

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A Standard Method for Progress Measurement in a Petrochemical Plant EPC Project (석유화학 플랜트 EPC 사업의 진도율 산정표준의 제안)

  • Cho, Hong-Yeon;Yoo, Hoseon
    • Plant Journal
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2011
  • In proportion to continuing growth of overseas plant market and the trend of its mega scale of the project, the importance of management is significantly emphasized for the successful execution of the project. And it is recognized that progress control is the most important management item amongst the others in the management. Progress control is importance of progress measurement for performance measurement and process control of project, but it is hardly obtainable securing the objectivity in the progress measurement since the progress measurement are being applied differently in accordance with the project conditions and the experience level of the person in charge for the progress control. This study has conducted as following to propose a standard method for progress measurement in a petrochemical plant protect. Domestic and overseas plant projects are investigated variously with the applied method of progress measurement, and the deduced problem of progress measurement. And then standard method for progress measurement of engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning has been proposed according to comparison and analysis of practices in domestic & overseas plant project, procedures for progress control in the globally reputed petrochemical client, company rules and recommendation of the expert in progress control.

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A Study on the Improvement through Analysis with Present Condition of Progress Management for Construction Project (공사 진척관리 현황분석을 통한 진척관리 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Won-Ho;Sim, Jae-Kwang;Yun, Seok-Heon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2010
  • As mega-sized and complex building construction projects are on the rise, the importance of project scheduling and control is being highlighted. Project scheduling and control techniques are not yet widely used in Korea, but interest in these has progressively been increasing. Until now, most research projects have mainly focused on scheduling issues, but project progress management is of equal importance. In this research, the current state of project progress management in Korea is analyzed, and ways for improvement are suggested. We begin by analyzing previous research and practical studies in this field, and then survey experts about the current state of project progress management. This study suggests the Building Information Modeling (BIM)base project progress management method for quantitative and qualitative project progress analysis. Currently, BIM is applied to design, construction and maintenance for construction projects. BIM can also contribute to improving accuracy and understanding of the current project situation.

A Method of Progress Management of Projects Based on Schedule for Small and Medium Enterprises (중소기업을 위한 일정 기반의 프로젝트 진도 관리 방안)

  • Oh, Joseph;Kim, Bo-Hyun;Baek, Jae-Yong;Jung, So-Young;Choi, Young-Jae
    • IE interfaces
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.276-282
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    • 2012
  • Earned value management(EVM) based progress management was designed to systematically manage large or huge projects with budget based criteria. For this reason, existed methods of EVM based progress management have a practical difficulty to apply to small and medium enterprises(SMEs) not possessing enough human resource, time, and cost. In other words, SMEs have performed simultaneously many small-sized projects emphasizing more project delivery than project budget. This study focuses on the area of project management applying to many small-sized projects simultaneously conducted by SMEs. Thus, the method proposed in this study is to manage only the progress of projects after removing cost factor in order to reduce man powers required for allocating the budget of projects to their all activities in detail in the stage of project planning. This study reveals that SMEs are able to manage progress of many projects easily and intuitively using the proposed method.


  • Kyusung Lee;Hojeong Song;Jaehyun Choi
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • The 5th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.352-358
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    • 2013
  • As amount of information in construction industry is growing, the role of information system in project management is becoming increasingly important. With the emerging IT application to the advancing construction industry, construction project management system with advanced technology has been progressed vigorously to improve construction productivity and management efficiency. Recently, a web-based Project Management Information System (PMIS) is developed to support decision-making process by efficiently managing project related information generated from various discipline. Many firms are in the process of developing the PMIS system or already have been applied the system to various projects. However, PMIS is still in its early stage of development to be applied at industrial plant construction projects that process management is significantly emphasized for the successful execution of the project. With the complexity of the industrial plant projects, the industry practitioners need to be able to visualize the construction schedule information to manage the project efficiently. This study suggests methodologies for improving PMIS specialized for industrial plant piping construction projects to estimate the baseline schedule and performance measurement more accurately by developing a framework for the piping construction projects. By using this developed system, the researchers expect that piping construction projects will be more efficiently managed on a real-time basis through measuring progress of piping at each and every state of progress milestone and provide management with opportunities to forecast the level of efforts required to execute the remaining work scope in a timely manner

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Real-time Construction Progress Monitoring Framework leveraging Semantic SLAM

  • Wei Yi HSU;Aritra PAL;Jacob J. LIN;Shang-Hsien HSIEH
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • The 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.1073-1080
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    • 2024
  • The imperative for real-time automatic construction progress monitoring (ACPM) to avert project delays is widely acknowledged in construction project management. Current ACPM methodologies, however, face a challenge as they rely on collecting data from construction sites and processing it offline for progress analysis. This delayed approach poses a risk of late identification of critical construction issues, potentially leading to rework and subsequent project delays. This research introduces a real-time construction progress monitoring framework that integrates cutting-edge semantic Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) techniques. The innovation lies in the framework's ability to promptly identify structural components during site inspections conducted through a robotic system. Incorporating deep learning models, specifically those employing semantic segmentation, enables the system to swiftly acquire and process real-time data, identifying specific structural components and their respective locations. Furthermore, by seamlessly integrating with Building Information Modeling (BIM), the system can effectively evaluate and compare the progress status of each structural component. This holistic approach offers an efficient and practical real-time progress monitoring solution for construction projects, ensuring timely issue identification and mitigating the risk of project delays.

Research of Schedule Managing and Forecasting for Project Progress Method in Defense Research & Development using Earned Schedule Concept (Earned Schedule 개념을 활용한 국방 연구개발 사업진도 기법의 일정 관리 및 예측 기능 연구)

  • Cho, Jungho;Ryu, Sangchul;Lim, Jaesung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.567-574
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    • 2019
  • Traditional project progress method(PPM) has been used for Korean defense research and development project management for the last 20 years. However, it is difficult to intuitively understand the performance in terms of the project schedule, because the PPM does not provide the function of managing and forecasting project schedule. Therefore, this paper proposes new schedule managing and forecasting function for the PPM using earned schedule management concept. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed functions through several defense projects and prove that it is possible to reinforce the schedule management function of the PPM.