• Title/Summary/Keyword: Project Map

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Development of Distribution System for Enhancing Utilization of Geotechnical Information DB (지반정보 DB 활용향상을 위한 유통시스템 개발)

  • Jang, Yong-Gu;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Koo, Jee-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.183-193
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    • 2007
  • Geotechnical Information Database Project was began by Ministry of Construction Transport at the 1999, because many people need a sharing and reusing the geotechnical report in construction process. In the beginning, target was report of national highway construction, the whole of country has been target on since the 2005. Today, the 60,581 number of geotechnical data(counted by boring number) is maintained. In this study, Geotechnical Information Distribute System(GIDS) was developed, in order to improve practical use and to be connected to National Geographic Information Center. and program to be applicable to construction was suggested. GIDS is able to search/download geotechnical report with digital map by internet. This system is consisted of geotechnical data and metadata editor, registration tool, and web system. We expect that GIDS make a effect to improve geotechnical data management and to be use in all part of construction process.

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Isolation of Mouse Ig Heavy and Light Chain Genomic DNA Clones, and Construction of Gene Knockout Vector for the Generation of Humanized Xenomouse (인간 단클론 항체 생산용 Humanized Xenomouse 제작의 기초 소재인 생쥐 Ig 중사슬 및 경사슬 Genomic DNA 클론의 확보 및 유전자 적중 벡터의 제작)

  • Lee, Hee-kyung;Cha, Sang-hoon
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2002
  • Background: Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) of rodent origin are produced with ease by hybridoma fusion technique, and have been successfully used as therapeutic reagents for humans after humanization by genetic engineering. However, utilization of these antibodies for therapeutic purpose has been limited by the fact that they act as immunogens in human body causing undesired side effects. So far, there have been several attempts to produce human mAbs for effective in vivo diagnostic or therapeutic reagents including the use of humanized xenomouse that is generated by mating knockout mice which lost Ig heavy and light chain genes by homologous recombination and transgenic mice having both human Ig heavy and light gene loci in their genome. Methods: Genomic DNA fragments of mouse Ig heavy and light chain were obtained from a mouse brain ${\lambda}$ genomic library by PCR screening and cloned into a targeting vector with ultimate goal of generating Ig knockout mouse. Results: Through PCR screening of the genomic library, three heavy chain and three light chain Ig gene fragments were identified, and restriction map of one of the heavy chain gene fragments was determined. Then heavy chain Ig gene fragments were subcloned into a targeting vector. The resulting construct was introduced into embryonic stem cells. Antibiotic selection of transfected cells is under the progress. Conclusion: Generation of xenomouse is particularly important in medical biotechnology. However, this goal is not easily achieved due to the technical difficulties as well as huge financial expenses. Although we are in the early stage of a long-term project, our results, at least, partially contribute the successful generation of humanized xenomouse in Korea.

A Study on Interior Design of Compound Bookstore Based on the Concept of Service Design (서비스 디자인 개념에 기초한 복합형 서점 실내 디자인 연구)

  • Pan, Ying-Ying;Kim, Myung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2020
  • Nowadays, '1+N' is the operation model of compound bookstores. This study firstly investigated the general information and needs of customers and analyzed 4 basic behaviors of customers in 10 functional space of bookstore. Secondly, a preliminary analysis framework of interior design of compound bookstore was established, by applying 3 research tools of service design to 3 design elements of interior design. Thirdly, the case was analyzed in the preliminary analysis framework to find out the detailed process of the interaction between the customer and the bookstore, the touchpoint and the interior design project, to find out the blind spots in design, and put forward the solutions. Finally, after being refined, a compound bookstore interior design model based on the concept of service design was established. This model can be used to test the design content and service quality of the interior functional area of the compound bookstore, and to find out the design blank points.

The Strategies of Technology Development for Geospatial Web Platform (Geospatial Web 플랫폼 기술 분석 및 기술개발전략)

  • Kim, Eun-Hyung
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.171-181
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    • 2009
  • In Web2.0 environment, with advanced platform technologies, global vendors such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo provide competitive geospatial services based on global map and satellite image. But the relatively low level of platform technologies has not rapidly increased the land information and geospatial service markets in Korea. For the ubiquitous next generation Internet, as a one of the R&D projects by Korean Land Spatialization Group, the project for platform technologies has being made to provide customized land information and geospatial service. The platform technologies can be categorized for streamming, mashup and geosearch. More specifically, the 2D/3D Hybird streamming engine, mashup engine for u-GIS service and next generation search engine for land information have being developed. In this context, the strategies for efficient development and use of geoweb platform technologies are required. This study surveys the present geospatial products and services using of platform technologies to propose the strategies for efficient development and use of platform technologies. The strategies for efficient development and use of platform technologies can be proposed focusing on target market and each of platform technologies.

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Environmentally Sound Land Use Planing in Cheju Island, Korea (제주도 중산간 지역의 환경보전적 토지 이용 계획)

  • 양하백
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 1997.11a
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    • pp.145-159
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    • 1997
  • Cheju Island is the most attractive resort area in Korea for its exotic landscape, natural beauty, and traditional culture which is quite different from that of the mainland. Until now, most of the recreational facilities and accomodations have been constructed along the coastal areas. Recently, mid-mountain area has been under very heavy development pressure because it is suitable for new sites for tourism facilities and the land price in the coastal area is very high. The mid-mountain area is the land located 200-600m above the sea level. It is a major source of water supply for the island and has exotic scenic beauty, which cannot be found in mainland but it is the area very vulnerable to water pollution Therefore, it is very important to manage this area based on the concept of environmentally sound and sustainable development in order to meet ever increasing demand for the land development The purposes of this project are: 1) to establish Geographic Information System for the whole island, 2)to formulate environmentally sound landuse plat However, There has been accuracy of the original map, defining criteria of analysis, updating of the data were identified for future tasks to be studied.

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Implementation and Analysis of Railway Design Model using ei-Rail with Joong-Ang and Seo-Hae Lines (ei-Rail을 활용한 노선설계 모형의 적용 및 중앙선/서해안선 사례분석)

  • Shin, Youngho;Kim, Jeong Hyun;Oh, Jitaek
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.407-415
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    • 2015
  • The railway route and alignment planning have been executed with a limited number of alternatives based on the site pre-survey and the topographic map. This study developed an intelligent railway alignment planning program (ei-Rail) which can derive all the considerable design alternatives and provide the data for the alternative evaluation such as constructions cost, operation cost, and etc. According to the comparisons with prevailing planned railway projects, the time and cost for planning can be reduced as well as the construction costs. This program may contribute to the development of railway industry by reducing the time and cost for planning as well as the total project cost.

A Study on the Invigoration of BIM Design of Public Institutions : Focused on the Case of LH (공공기관의 BIM 설계 활성화 방안 연구: LH 사례를 중심으로)

  • Yang, Dong-Suk;Lee, Ji-Eun
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.291-297
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    • 2016
  • Recently, foreign construction companies through the BIM-design have the effect of improving productivity and quality construction. On the other hand, domestic BIM-design is a little depressed because of lack of additional costs and professional personnel problem. The construction industry of recession, as reasons of construction market is downsizing. First must, enabling the design in public institutions, mainly BIM.. Design for BIM the construction sector, as well as an early stage actively introducing and spreading of the performance of him and domestic BIM technology should be able to promote the development. Public institutions in accordance with this study presented measures that can stimulate the BIM design on LH. To that end, the public agency's design were analyzed, and suggested the Improvement and Application of the four aspects for Modular Coordination BIM Design. Also, gradually formulate a "road map for public institutions applied design bim" in order to carry out the plans put forward and presented the expected effect of him. The proposed work was public institutions will be used as a pilot project in Korea Land Housing Corporation.

Geochemical baseline mapping for geochemical hazard assessment (지구화학적 재해 평가를 위한 지화학도 작성 및 기준치 설정)

  • 신성천;염승준;황상기
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.215-233
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    • 2000
  • The national geochemical baseline mapping project has been conducted since 1996 to establish a quantitative assessment system for geochemical hazards in natural environments. The geochemical image maps have been edited for thirty-six elements(i.e., 10 major oxides and 26 trace elements) in light sediments, finer fraction than 150 $\mu$m, collected from first- to second-order streams(totally 11,000) over five provinces in the western half(ca. 45,000 km$^2$) of Korea. Natural background values of the elements were given for different geological environments. Based on the statistics, geochemical baselines were newly obtained for a quantitative hazard assessment on toxicity of heavy metals and deficiency of essential nutrients. Some chosen examples of geochemical hazards are presented based on new geochemical image maps and related baseline data.

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A Comparative Assessment of the Efficacy of Frequency Ratio, Statistical Index, Weight of Evidence, Certainty Factor, and Index of Entropy in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping

  • Park, Soyoung;Kim, Jinsoo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.67-81
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    • 2020
  • The rapid climatic changes being caused by global warming are resulting in abnormal weather conditions worldwide, which in some regions have increased the frequency of landslides. This study was aimed to analyze and compare the landslide susceptibility using the Frequency Ratio (FR), Statistical Index, Weight of Evidence, Certainty Factor, and Index of Entropy (IoE) at Woomyeon Mountain in South Korea. Through the construction of a landslide inventory map, 164 landslide locations in total were found, of which 50 (30%) were reserved to validate the model after 114 (70%) had been chosen at random for model training. The sixteen landslide conditioning factors related to topography, hydrology, pedology, and forestry factors were considered. The results were evaluated and compared using relative operating characteristic curve and the statistical indexes. From the analysis, it was shown that the FR and IoE models were better than the other models. The FR model, with a prediction rate of 0.805, performed slightly better than the IoE model with a prediction rate of 0.798. These models had the same sensitivity values of 0.940. The IoE model gave a specific value of 0.329 and an accuracy value of 0.710, which outperforms the FR model which gave 0.276 and 0.680, respectively, to predict the spatial landslide in the study area. The generated landslide susceptibility maps can be useful for disaster and land use planning.

The strategy and current status of Brassica rapa genome project (배추 유전체 염기서열 해독 전략과 현황)

  • Mun, Jeong-Hwan;Kwon, Soo-Jin;Park, Beom-Seok
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2010
  • Brassica rapa is considered an ideal candidate to act as a reference species for Brassica genomic studies. Among the three basic Brassica species, B. rapa (AA genome) has the smallest genome (529 Mbp), compared to B. nigra (BB genome, 632 Mbp) and B. oleracea (CC genome, 696 Mbp). There is also a large collection of available cultivars of B. rapa, as well as a broad array of B. rapa genomic resources available. Under international consensus, various genomic studies on B. rapa have been conducted, including the construction of a physical map based on 22.5X genome coverage, end sequencing of 146,000 BACs, sequencing of >150,000 expressed sequence tags, and successful phase 2 shotgun sequencing of 589 euchromatic region-tiling BACs based on comparative positioning with the Arabidopsis genome. These sequenced BACs mapped onto the B. rapa genome provide beginning points for genome sequencing of each chromosome. Applying this strategy, all of the 10 chromosomes of B. rapa have been assigned to the sequencing centers in seven countries, Korea, UK, China, India, Canada, Australia, and Japan. The two longest chromosomes, A3 and A9, have been sequenced except for several gaps, by NAAS in Korea. Meanwhile a China group, including IVF and BGI, performed whole genome sequencing with Illumina system. These Sanger and NGS sequence data will be integrated to assemble a draft sequence of B. rapa. The imminent B. rapa genome sequence offers novel insights into the organization and evolution of the Brassica genome. In parallel, the transfer of knowledge from B. rapa to other Brassica crops would be expected.