• 제목/요약/키워드: Product model

검색결과 4,781건 처리시간 0.037초

기업통합을 위한 설계프로세스 기반의 제품정보모델 (A Product Information Model based on Design Process for Enterprise Integration)

  • 김종수
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제22권52호
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    • pp.229-239
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    • 1999
  • Enterprise integration, which aims to enhance an enterprise's competitive edge, requires a highly structured product information model as a common product database. Previous research works on this issue have been narrowly focused on the transformation of product information between various operation areas, leading to a situation where enterprise integration lacks a formal method of information modeling. In this paper, research works and issues surrounding product information modeling for enterprise integration are reviewed, and the requirements for a product information model are identified. A product information model called L3DPIM (Layered Three Dimentional Product Information Model) is proposed, which is based on a feature-based design process. This model is expected to serve as a modeling paradigm for enterprise integration.

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Product data model for PLM system

  • Li, Yumei;Wan, Li;Xiong, Tifan
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2011
  • Product lifecycle management (PLM) is a new business strategy for enterprise's product R&D. A PLM system holds and maintaining the integrity of the product data produced throughout its entire lifecycle. There is, therefore, a need to build a safe and effective product data model to support PLM system. The paper proposes a domain-based product data model for PLM. The domain modeling method is introduced, including the domain concept and its defining standard along the product evolution process. The product data model in every domain is explained, and the mapping rules among these models are discussed. Mapped successively among these models, product data can be successfully realized the dynamic evolution and the historical traceability in PLM system.

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협업적 제품개발에서의 관점기반 제품정보 모델링 (The viewpoint-based product information modeling in collaborative product development)

  • 채희권;최영환;김광수
    • 한국전자거래학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전자거래학회 2003년도 종합학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2003
  • The information sharing is essential to make collaboration by participants in the collaboration environment. The sharing of the information is necessary to reduce time-to-market of new Product. In this paper, V2-model is proposed far supporting the sharing of the information on product development. V2-model supports collaborative product development in design and supply chain. Through viewpoints, V2-model supports 1) two-level structure that consist of private level and public level ,2) level-up process and 3) product development process. The public level information supports to share the product information on collaborative supply chain and design. The viewpoints in V2-model are divided into public viewpoints that point to the public level information and private viewpoints that point to the private level information. Private viewpoints are transformed into public viewpoints. The extended Topic Map has B-Topic, S-Topic and View for representing V2-model in this paper. The level-up process of V2-model is implemented through the merging of S-Topics. V2-model is implemented with washing machine model using extended Topic Maps. In this model, the public viewpoints and private viewpoints are represented and the level-up process, which transforms private viewpoints into public viewpoints, is implemented.

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다중 관점 제품계열아키텍처의 가변성 관리 및 일관성 검사를 위한 특성 지향 접근방법 (A Feature-Oriented Approach to Variability Management and Consistency Analysis of Multi-Viewpoint Product Line Architectures)

  • 이관우
    • 정보처리학회논문지D
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    • 제15D권6호
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    • pp.803-814
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    • 2008
  • 제품계열아키텍처는 제품에 따라 선택될 수 있는 가변요소를 포함하고 있는 아키텍처이다. 제품계열아키텍처부터 특정 제품을 위한 유효한 아키텍처를 유도하기 위해서는 제품계열아키텍처 내의 가변요소들을 체계적으로 관리해야 한다. 본 논문에서는 특성모델과 제품계열아키텍처 모델간의 명시적인 대응관계를 통해서 제품계열아키텍처의 가변성을 관리한다. 하지만, 이들 모델 간의 대응관계가 올바르지 않거나, 제품계열 아키텍처의 구성요소들 간에 일관성이 없다면, 제품계열아키텍처의 가변성 관리가 올바르게 이루어지지 않게 된다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 먼저, 제품계열아키텍처를 개념, 프로세스, 배치, 모듈의 네 가지 관점의 모델로 정의하고, 특성 모델과 이들 모델 사이의 대응관계를 정형적으로 정의 한다. 이를 바탕으로 제품계열아키텍처의 올바른 가변성 관리를 위해서, 제품계열아키텍처 모델의 일관성, 다른 관점의 아키텍처 모델간의 일관성, 특성모델과 제품계열아키텍처 모델간의 일관성 검사를 위한 규칙을 정의한다. 이러한 일관성 규칙은 제품계열아키텍처로부터 유효한 제품 아키텍처를 유도하기 위한 이론적 기반을 제공한다.

컴퓨터통합제조시스템을 위한 수명주기 모형 (A Life Cycle Model for Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems)

  • 이대주
    • 한국경영과학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.127-141
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, we propose a 7-phase life cycle model which applies to Computer Integrated Manufacturing systems. The model emphasizes product design and manufacturing design activities of CIM to secure the critical success factors of CIM systems such as high quality, adaptability, productivity, and flexibility. It is argued that the product design aspect would be divided into three phases-conceptual design, embodiment design, and detialed design. The conceptual design phase is to build a conceptual model of the product based on requirements and specifications which reflect "the voice of the customer". THe embodiment design phase utilizes specific design tools such as DFM, CAE, and CAD, and results in a concrete model of the product and parts. The detailed design phase is to crete a working prototype of the product and design tools such as DFA. CAD and CAM are employed in this phase. The output of the product design activity is to be the input for the manufacturing design activity. Using the proposed model, one can effectively and efficiently manufacture a high-quality, low-cost product with short delivery time, and above all achieve customer'ssatisfaction.isfaction.

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시뮬레이션 기반 함정 개발을 위한 함정 제품모델 및 관리시스템 개발 (Development of a Naval Ship Product Model and Management System)

  • 오대균;신종계;최양열;여용환
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 2009
  • The Korean navy has made many efforts to apply the concepts of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and M&S to its naval design and production. However, most of the efforts that have being applied to some acquisition processes, focused only on the element technologies without information models and data frameworks. This study discusses an information model of naval ships for advanced naval acquisitions. We introduce a naval ship product model, and it refers to the DPD (Distributed Product Description) concept of SBA (Simulation-Based Acquisition). To realize the product model concept, we design a data architecture and develop a Product Model Management System (PMMS) based on a PDM System. It is validated through the case study of building the product model of the battle ship that the PMMS has the applicability to effectively manage the naval ship acquisition data on the basis of a 3D product model.

특성 지향의 제품계열분석 모델의 정형적 정의와 일관성 분석 (Formal Definition and Consistency Analysis of Feature-Oriented Product Line Analysis Model)

  • 이관우
    • 한국정보과학회논문지:소프트웨어및응용
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2005
  • 제품계열분석(product line analysis)은 제품계열자산(product line asset)을 개발하기에 앞서, 제품계열 내에 속한 제품들의 다양한 요구사항과 이들 간의 관계 및 제약사항을 분석하는 활동을 말한다. 지금까지 특성모델링(feature modeling)이라 불리는 특성 지향의 공통성과 가변성 분석은 제품계열분석의 핵심적인 부분으로 간주되어 왔다. 비록 공통성과 가변성 분석이 제품계열분석의 핵심적인 요소이지만, 이것만으로는 재사용가능하고 적응성이 뛰어난 제품계열자산(예, 아키텍처와 컴포넌트) 개발에 한계가 있다. 특성간의 의존성 및 특성결합시간도 제품계열자산 개발에 중대한 영향을 미치는 요소이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 기존에 공통성과 가변성 관점에서 제품계열을 분석한 결과인 특성모델(feature model)을 세 가지의 특성 측면(즉, 제품특성의 공통성과 가변성, 특성간의 의존성, 그리고 특성결합시간)으로 확장한 특성지향의 제품계열분석 모델을 제안한다. 특히, 세 가지 측면의 일관성을 검증하기 위해서, 특성 지향의 제품계열분석 모델을 정형적으로 정의하고, 모델의 일관성을 검사하는 규칙을 제공한다.

소프트웨어 하드웨어 협동설계를 위한 통합모듈을 지원하는 제품자료모델 (A Product Data Model for the Integration Module for Supporting Collaborations on Hardware and Software Development)

  • 도남철
    • 한국IT서비스학회지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2012
  • Since software and hardware integration has became a strategic tool for companies to innovate their products, an information system that can comprehensively manage software and hardware integrated product development is critical for the current product development. This paper proposed a product data model that can support modules of related software and hardware parts in Product Data Management(PDM) integrated with Software Configuration Management(SCM). The model allows engineers to define software and hardware product structure independently, and support the integration module that can summon related software and hardware parts to build a comprehensive module for collaboration. Through the integration module, engineers can identify and examine the effectiveness of their design alternatives to other related parts form different disciplines. The product data model was implemented as a prototype PDM system and tested with an example robotics product.

PDM 데이터베이스로부터 핵심성과지표를 추출하기 위한 정보 시스템 아키텍쳐 (An Information System Architecture for Extracting Key Performance Indicators from PDM Databases)

  • 도남철
    • 대한산업공학회지
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2013
  • The current manufacturers have generated tremendous amount of digitized product data to efficiently share and exchange it with other stakeholders or various software systems for product development. The digitized product data is a valuable asset for manufacturers, and has a potential to support high level strategic decision makings needed at many stages in product development. However, the lack of studies on extraction of key performance indicators(KPIs) from product data management(PDM) databases has prohibited manufacturers to use the product data to support the decision makings. Therefore this paper examines a possibility of an architecture that supports KPIs for evaluation of product development performances, by applying multidimensional product data model and on-line analytic processing(OLAP) to operational databases of product data management. To validate the architecture, the paper provides a prototype product data management system and OLAP applications that implement the multidimensional product data model and analytic processing.

프랜차이즈 브랜드에서 모델의 매력성 및 적합성이 브랜드 태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of Attractiveness and Match-Up of Model on Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention of Franchise Brands)

  • 안병옥;허정무;이동한
    • 한국프랜차이즈경영연구
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of model attractiveness on brand attitude and purchase intention, and examine whether product-model match-up plays a moderating role in the relationship between model attractiveness and brand attitude and purchase intention. The model attractiveness is consist of psychological and physical attractiveness of the model. The authors investigate how product-model match-up influence the strength of the relationship between model attractiveness - brand attitude and purchase intention. The purpose of this is to test whether product-model match-up influence the form and effectiveness of a model attractiveness on brand attitude and purchase intention and suggest the effective and efficient methods in the model selection strategies to increase advertising effectiveness based on the results of this study. Research design, data, and methodology - The experimental design for this study was the between subject design based on 2 group of the psychological attractiveness(high vs. low) × product-model match-up(high vs low) and 2 group of the physical attractiveness(high vs. low) × product-model match-up(high vs low). And a preliminary investigation was conducted to develop experimental stimuli through manipulation check to enhance the external validity of experimental research. The attractiveness of the model and product-model match-up are independent variables and manipulative variables in presentation of experimental stimuli. The self-administered methode experiment was conducted on 300 subjects in four groups constructed according to the independent variables. Result - The findings provide partial support for a moderator for product-model match-up on the model attractiveness - brand attitude and purchase intention. First, the influence of psychological attractiveness and physical attractiveness on brand attitude and purchase intention was shown significant. Also, it was found that the average value of brand attitude and purchase intention according to psychological attractiveness was significantly higher than the average value of brand attitude and purchase intention according to physical attractiveness in additional analysis. Second, the average value of brand attitude and purchase intention were higher when product - model match-up was high in both high and low psychological attractiveness and physical attractiveness of the model. However, in the case of psychological attractiveness, the correlation effect with product - model match-up was significant, but in the case of physical attractiveness, it was not significant. Conclusions - The results of this study suggest that the attractiveness factor should be considered in selecting the ad model by verifying the effect of the attractiveness of the model on the advertising effect. In particular, this study has great significance both academically and practically in terms of suggesting such implications that the advertising effect of psychological attractiveness and physical attractiveness may be different depending on the product type by additional analysis.