• Title/Summary/Keyword: Processing Map

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The Processing of Spatial Joins using a Bit-map Approximation (비트맵 근사 표현을 이용한 효율적인 공간 조인)

  • 홍남희;김희수
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2001
  • This paper studies on the processing of spatial joins. The spatial join operation is divided into filters and refinement steps in general. The processing of spatial joins can be greatly improved by the use of filters that reduce the polygons in order to find the intersecting ones. As a result, three possible sets of answers are identified: the positive one, the negative one and the inconclusive one. To identify all the interesting pairs of polygons with inconclusive answers, it is necessary to have access to the representation of polygons so that an exact geometry test can take place. We introduce a bit-map approximation technique to drastically reduce the computation required by the refinement step during refinement processing. Bit-map representation are used for the description of the internal, the external and the boundary regions of the polygon objects. The proposed scheme increases the chance of trivial acceptance and rejection of data objects, and reduces unnecessary disk accesses in query processing. It has been shown that the reference to the object data file can be cut down by as much as 60%.

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Construction of Skin Color Map for Resolving Hand Occlusion in AR Environments (증강현실 환경에서 손 가림 해결을 위한 피부 색상 정보 획득)

  • Park, Sang-Jin;Park, Hyungjun
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2014
  • In tangible augmented reality (AR) environments, the user interacts with virtual objects by manipulating their physical counterparts, but he or she often encounters awkward situations in which his or her hands are occluded by the augmented virtual objects, which causes great difficulty in figuring out hand positions, and reduces both immersion and ease of interaction. To solve the problem of such hand occlusion, skin color information has been usefully exploited. In this paper, we propose an approach to simple and effective construction of a skin color map which is suitable for hand segmentation and tangible AR interaction. The basic idea used herein is to obtain hand images used in a target AR environment by simple image subtraction and to represent their color information by a convex polygonal map in the YCbCr color space. We experimentally found that the convex polygonal map is more accurate in representing skin color than a conventional rectangular map. After implementing a solution for resolving hand occlusion using the proposed skin color map construction, we showed its usefulness by applying it to virtual design evaluation of digital handheld products in a tangible AR environment.

An Application of MapReduce Technique over Peer-to-Peer Network (P2P 네트워크상에서 MapReduce 기법 활용)

  • Ren, Jian-Ji;Lee, Jae-Kee
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.586-590
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this paper describes the design of MapReduce over Peer-to-Peer network for dynamic environments applications. MapReduce is a software framework used for Cloud Computing which processing large data sets in a highly-parallel way. Based on the Peer-to-Peer network character which node failures will happen anytime, we focus on using a DHT routing protocol which named Pastry to handle the problem of node failures. Our results are very promising and indicate that the framework could have a wide application in P2P network systems while maintaining good computational efficiency and scalability. We believe that, P2P networks and parallel computing emerge as very hot research and development topics in industry and academia for many years to come.

High Performance Coprocessor Architecture for Real-Time Dense Disparity Map (실시간 Dense Disparity Map 추출을 위한 고성능 가속기 구조 설계)

  • Kim, Cheong-Ghil;Srini, Vason P.;Kim, Shin-Dug
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.14A no.5
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes high performance coprocessor architecture for real time dense disparity computation based on a phase-based binocular stereo matching technique called local weighted phase-correlation(LWPC). The algorithm combines the robustness of wavelet based phase difference methods and the basic control strategy of phase correlation methods, which consists of 4 stages. For parallel and efficient hardware implementation, the proposed architecture employs SIMD(Single Instruction Multiple Data Stream) architecture for each functional stage and all stages work on pipelined mode. Such that the newly devised pipelined linear array processor is optimized for the case of row-column image processing eliminating the need for transposed memory while preserving generality and high throughput. The proposed architecture is implemented with Xilinx HDL tool and the required hardware resources are calculated in terms of look up tables, flip flops, slices, and the amount of memory. The result shows the possibility that the proposed architecture can be integrated into one chip while maintaining the processing speed at video rate.

Detection and Reconstruction of Road Infromation from Maps by Optical Meural Metwork (시각 신경망을 참고로 한 지도에서의 도로정보의 추출과 복원)

  • Lee, U-Beom;Hwang, Ha-Jeong;Kim, Uk-Hyeon
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.859-870
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    • 1997
  • Computerized map reading system is one of the most important application areas in the image processing.A map databaes can be used for a wide range of scial activities such as narural resource assessment,regional plan-ming,and reaffic nabigation system. The road segments,however,are extracted as briken in the area where they are overlapped and interupted by chracters and symbols.Few approaches have been taken to complete road segnents interupted by map symbols.In this paper,a movel approach for the extracation and completion of road segements interupted by map symbols is proposed using neural networks.The system is applied to 1/25,000 scaled maps published by the Grographical Survey Unstitute of Ministry of Construction of Korea.It will be shown that the system can extract and reconstruct road segmetns for the various areas of maps sucessfully.

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A Parallel Approach for Accurate and High Performance Gridding of 3D Point Data (3D 점 데이터 그리딩을 위한 고성능 병렬처리 기법)

  • Lee, Changseop;Rizki, Permata Nur Miftahur;Lee, Heezin;Oh, Sangyoon
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.3 no.8
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    • pp.251-260
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    • 2014
  • 3D point data is utilized in various industry domains for its high accuracy to the surface information of an object. It is substantially utilized in geography for terrain scanning and analysis. Generally, 3D point data need to be changed by Gridding which produces a regularly spaced array of z values from irregularly spaced xyz data. But it requires long processing time and high resource cost to interpolate grid coordination. Kriging interpolation in Gridding has attracted because Kriging interpolation has more accuracy than other methods. However it haven't been used frequently since a processing is complex and slow. In this paper, we presented a parallel Gridding algorithm which contains Kriging and an application of grid data structure to fit MapReduce paradigm to this algorithm. Experiment was conducted for 1.6 and 4.3 billions of points from Airborne LiDAR files using our proposed MapReduce structure and the results show that the total execution time is decreased more than three times to the convention sequential program on three heterogenous clusters.

A Low Cost IBM PC/AT Based Image Processing System for Satellite Image Analysis: A New Analytical Tool for the Resource Managers

  • Yang, Young-Kyu;Cho, Seong-Ik;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Miller, Lee-D.
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 1988
  • Low-cost microcomputer systems can be assembled which possess computing power, color display, memory, and storage capacity approximately equal to graphic workstactions. A low-cost, flexible, and user-friendly IBM/PC/XT/AT based image processing system has been developed and named as KMIPS(KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology) Map and Image Processing Station). It can be easily utilized by the resource managers who are not computer specialists. This system can: * directly access Landsat MSS and TM, SPOT, NOAA AVHRR, MOS-1 satellite imagery and other imagery from different sources via magnetic tape drive connected with IBM/PC; * extract image up to 1024 line by 1024 column and display it up to 480 line by 672 column with 512 colors simultaneously available; * digitize photographs using a frame grabber subsystem(512 by 512 picture elements); * perform a variety of image analyses, GIS and terrain analyses, and display functions; and * generate map and hard copies to the various scales. All raster data input to the microcomputer system is geographically referenced to the topographic map series in any rater cell size selected by the user. This map oriented, georeferenced approach of this system enables user to create a very accurately registered(.+-.1 picture element), multivariable, multitemporal data sets which can be subsequently subsequently subjected to various analyses and display functions.

Real-time brain mapping system using EEG and evoke potential (뇌파 및 Evoke potential을 이용한 실시간 Brain mapping system)

  • Cho, Sang-Heum;Kim, Pan-Ki;Park, Sue-Kyoung;Kim, Ji-Eun;Song, Eun;Kang, Mahn-Hee;Ahn, Chang-Beom
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.1983-1984
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    • 2008
  • 뇌 활동의 전기적 신호인 뇌파(EEG)와 외부 자극에 대한 유발 전위(EP)를 측정하여 실시간으로 뇌지형도를 생성하는 real-time brain mapping system을 개발하였다. 측정 전극은 32채널을 사용하였고, EEG를 실시간 및 누적 주파수 분석을 통한 뇌파의 활성도 진단, EP를 측정하여 시각적/청각적 자극에 의한 유발 전위 분석을 할 수 있다. 본 시스템은 측정 대상군의 통계적 분석을 위한 Database를 구축하였고, 신뢰성 높은 뇌파 및 유발 전위 신호를 위하여 실시간 측정과정 및 측정 후 Data 검토과정에서 다양한 Artifact 제거 알고리즘이 도입되었다. 또한, 32 채널 Brain map을 구성하여 뇌파를 공간적으로 분석 가능하며, 시간 및 주파수의 증가에 따라 Brain map을 동영상화하여 시간적/주파수적 변화에 따른 분석이 가능하다.

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Brain Mapping: From Anatomics to Informatics

  • Sun, Woong
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.184-187
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    • 2016
  • Neuronal connectivity determines brain function. Therefore, understanding the full map of brain connectivity with functional annotations is one of the most desirable but challenging tasks in science. Current methods to achieve this goal are limited by the resolution of imaging tools and the field of view. Macroscale imaging tools (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion tensor images, and positron emission tomography) are suitable for large-volume analysis, and the resolution of these methodologies is being improved by developing hardware and software systems. Microscale tools (e.g., serial electron microscopy and array tomography), on the other hand, are evolving to efficiently stack small volumes to expand the dimension of analysis. The advent of mesoscale tools (e.g., tissue clearing and single plane ilumination microscopy super-resolution imaging) has greatly contributed to filling in the gaps between macroscale and microscale data. To achieve anatomical maps with gene expression and neural connection tags as multimodal information hubs, much work on information analysis and processing is yet required. Once images are obtained, digitized, and cumulated, these large amounts of information should be analyzed with information processing tools. With this in mind, post-imaging processing with the aid of many advanced information processing tools (e.g., artificial intelligence-based image processing) is set to explode in the near future, and with that, anatomic problems will be transformed into informatics problems.

Design and Implementation of Open Web Map Server (개방형 웹 맵 서버의 설계 및 구현)

  • Cho, Dae-Soo;Park, Jong-Hyun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.6
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    • pp.981-990
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    • 2002
  • Over the past few years, a number of studies have been made on web map services which enable the GIS user to access spatial data through the web. They, however. have focused on only implementation techniques separately, such at map client implementation map server implementation, communication between client and server, and the map data representation. Therefore, it is hard to share and practical use the spatial data, because they does not ensure interoperability in heterogeneous map servers. In this paper, In this paper, we have designed and implemented the web map server with open architecture. which complies with the standard interfaces proposed by OpenGIS Consortium (OGC). In particular, we have extended the OGC's Interfaces for a map server to support one or more data sources. This paper has contributed to construction and practical use of web map services by newly proposing the method of implementation of a map server. which could be reused regardless of the types of data sources.