• Title/Summary/Keyword: Problem Creating

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A Study on the Contents of Low Birthrate Measures by the Government and Their Effectiveness (저출산 문제에 대한 대책 연구)

  • Choi, Nam-Sook
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2007
  • This study analyzes the contents of low birthrate measures by the government and their effectiveness. The discussion on the measures being promoted by the government is conducted by considering the analysis on the cause of low birthrates, introduction of overseas policies and government policy propositions, etc. The evaluation on effectiveness is conducted by considering the recognition of the policies by women who are the subject of childbirth and preceding studies. Low birth rates are not the problem of an individual anymore, but a task that the whole of society has to resolve. The comprehensive measures should be made including the elements that influence birth rate such as reducing the cost of raising a child, creating a favorable environment in society and worksite, and improving the nurturing environment, etc.

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A Study on Financial Contribution of Container for Pusan Metropolitan City (컨테이너의 부산광역시 재정기여도 분석)

  • 이원일;김상구
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 1999
  • By the IMF condition, tax revenues of local governments are decreasing, under these conditions, container tax take important proportion in financial resources in Pusan Metropolitan City. However the container tax have time limit until 2001, that is, purposeful tax. But after the creating container tax, the level of accomplishment is very insufficient. So for the activation of local economy, we need active study on the existence problem of container tax. Though the abolition of container tax item is frequently discussed in central government, If the worst case comes, namely the abrogation, it gives big damages to the financial management of Pusan Metropolitan City. Therefore the container tax should be existent for both residents and local government. Because the expansion rate of container tax is so rapid, it makes very critical contribution to the stability and sound condition of Pusan Metropolitan City's finances.

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Dynamic Culling Scheme Based on Altitude for Real-Time Rendering System (고도에 따른 렌더링 시스템을 위한 동적 컬링 방안)

  • Lee, Chungjae;Kang, Seokyoon;Kim, Ki Il
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2015
  • Dynamic culling scheme is usually implemented to handle overhead caused by rendering the massive large-scale terrain data in flight simulator. However, existing culling scheme without considering altitude is not suitable for flight simulator due to additional computational overhead. To solve this problem, in this paper, we propose hybrid approach by applying two dynamic culling schemes depending on altitude. In addition, we remove unnessary computational overhead by creating different z-map resolution when aircraft changes its altitude. The proposed scheme is implemented with open graphic library and tested with real terrain data. Through the experimental results, we can recognize the improved rendering speed about 8 to 73 percents as compared to existing scheme.

Determinants of Growth of Public Technology Based Start-up: Focused on Subsequent Support of Technology Subject (공공기술 기반 창업기업 성장 결정요인: 기술주체의 후속지원을 중심으로)

  • Bong, Kang Ho
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2020
  • A plan to promote public technology-based start-ups as a way to enhance the use of public technology has been emphasized. However, the problem of creating commercial value has persisted due to the lack of reproducibility and readiness of public technology. Although gap exists in the linking process between the public and private sector, it is difficult to find objective empirical evidence as most of them are only qualitative research. Our empirical works examine the impact of subsequent support of the public research institute on the commercialization of public technologies. Then, we analyze how commercialization of public technologies affects the growth of technology-based startups using 2-stage least square (2SLS) model. We find that the linkage with the technology subject contribute to the successful commercialization of public technology, and further to the survival and growth of technology-based start-ups. Our finding suggests that knowledge management system, to facilitate interaction between technology developer and consumers, is needed for the success of public technology-based start-ups.

A Study and Development of Materials for Experimental Classes through Group Activities in Secondary School Math Classes (중등학교 수학수업에서의 그룹활동을 통한 실험수업 연구와 자료 개발)

  • 김응환;한치원
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2000
  • The future society will demand that enables one to solve in many fields by connecting various informations in many fields and then creating his own information. In the coming society, creativeness will be regarded much important. This ability can be developed with materials through group activities experimental class in math classes. This classes using these materials are not teacher-oriented, explanatory classes but student-oriented ones. They offer students opportunities to think by themselves and expand their potential abilities. They are suitable for rising and keeping student's interests. Therefore experimental classes through group activities enable students to think mathematically and make them recognize the importance of mathematical approach by letting them work connecting other subjects or things in real life. They can develop not only expressive, communicative ability and cooperative spirit, but also the ability to transcend the class itself and then reorganize facts in new insights. Besides, math classes with experiments can arouse student's curiosity familiarizing them with mathematics. Moreover, they can expand student's originative and problem-solving abilities.

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A Study on Method to Complement Speed of the Reference Counting Smart Pointer (참조 카운팅 스마트 포인터의 속도 보완 방법 연구)

  • Park, Kyung-Joon;Seo, Min-Seok;Park, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.878-884
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    • 2013
  • Recent C ++ developers take advantage of the many advantages in memory management in the development of reference counting smart pointer. However, these have a problem more than the normal pointer. In this paper, we not only complement these by reference counting smart pointer which pointing a large dynamic object to perform a delete operation to improve performance by creating a thread for the delete operation but also Generalize all data types, we propose a convenient way to operate.

System for Individual Creation and Evaluation of Various Types of Assignments (다양한 과제 유형에 적용가능한 개인별 과제 부여 및 관리 시스템 구성)

  • Han, Hyungseok
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2012
  • This paper deals with the individual homework creating and management system. The proposed system can be applied to various types of homeworks such as problem solving, experiment and watching some video material related to lecture. Every authorized student can connect the web server in which the proposed system is implemented and download his assignment which is different from other student's. Also we provide real application examples to show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed system regarding 3 types of assignments and expect to help the students to do self-regulated study and improve their professional capability.

Learning High Mathematics on MathCad Base

  • Aripov M. M.;Tashpulatov F. A.
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.9 no.3 s.23
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    • pp.269-273
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    • 2005
  • Nowadays application of modem achievements of information technologies in science, engineering and education is usual phenomenon. Application of these technologies allows easily creating new methods of learning of mathematics. More of new methods of creation of multimedia electronic manuals on high mathematics are founded to application of multimedia and communication opportunities of the computer. But application only multimedia and communication opportunities of the computer at creation of multimedia electronic manuals on high mathematics is insufficient to elimination of 'gap' between training and studying high mathematics. So, we offer a new way of the decision of this problem: creation of a multimedia electronic manual on high mathematics with built-in a mathematical environment MathCad in the national language.

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A Study on the Developing of High Value Knitwears - Focusing on the Developing Brand of Women's Knitwears - (고부가가치(高附加價値) 니트웨어 상품(商品) 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 여성(女性) 니트웨어 브랜드 개발(開發)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Han, Kook-Hee;Cho, Kyu-Hwa
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.145-158
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to help you understand the importance of developing of high value added fashion culture goods being integrated with technology and knowledge. And to propose efficient ways of creating a new brand which can be accepted by anyone who has international sensibility. First of all, after making deep research and investigation about the status of current situation in domestic knitwears industries and brands, and exploring problem areas, a growth plan with priority given to strategies for creation of high value added knitwears and its brands will be presented. As methods used in this study, researches was made mainly by digging into technical books on knitwears, fashion trends, and domestic and international fashion information magazine and leaflets, let alone, a lot of domestic market research was performed, as required, and sometimes knitwears simple items were also actually made in parallel.

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Quorum based Peer to Peer Key Sharing Protocol over Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Yang, Soong-Yeal;Won, Nam-Sik;Kim, Hyun-Sung;Lee, Sung-Woon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2008.10b
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    • pp.445-448
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    • 2008
  • The key establishment between nodes is one of the most important issues to secure the communication in wireless sensor networks. Some researcher used the probabilistic key sharing scheme with a pre-shared key pool to reduce the number of keys and the key disclosure possibility. However, there is a potential possibility that some nodes do not have a common share in the key pool. The purpose of this paper is to devise a peer to peer key sharing protocol (PPKP) based on Quorum system and Diffie-Hellman key exchange scheme (DHS). The PPKP establishes a session key by creating a shared key using the DHS and then scrambles it based on Quorum system to secure that. The protocol reduces the number of necessary keys than the previous schemes and could solve the non-common key sharing possibility problem in the probabilistic schemes.

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