• Title/Summary/Keyword: Problem Creating

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A Study on Strategy and Utilization for Practical Application of BIM in MEP Area (국내 MEP 분야 BIM 활용 실태 조사 및 실무 적용 활성화 방안 제시)

  • Kim, Yi-Je;Kim, Yong-In;Kim, In-Chie;Chin, Sang-Yoon
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 2020
  • In the MEP(Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing) field, the utilization of BIM-based drawings is lower than in the architectural and structural sectors, and the limited BIM collaboration problem caused by different levels of BIM utilization in each field is becoming a serious problem in adoption and utilizing BIM. Therefore, this study analyzed the current status of BIM application in the field of mechanical equipment in the construction industry and analyzed the practical problems and limitations of adoption and utilizing BIM from a corporate perspective based on Delphi analysis techniques. Based on the results of the analysis, the limitations of the current MEP BIM application were classified into economic, technical, institutional, and social factors to derive detailed items, and, accordingly, the improvement measures were classified as institutional, policy, and technical measures. As a result, the company intends to maximize the value of BIM utilization in the MEP field by presenting improvement plans to activate BIM in the field of mechanical equipment based on the opinions of the company, thereby laying the foundation for BIM in the construction industry by creating a collaborative BIM environment for each sector in the domestic construction industry.

A Study on Policy Alternatives to the Development of Urban Regeneration Project Using AHP Analysis (AHP분석을 이용한 도시재생사업의 발전에 대한 정책적 대안에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Sam-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.6_3
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    • pp.1303-1313
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    • 2022
  • Modern cities need to revitalize the downtown area, which is declining due to population decline, economic recession, and deterioration of the residential environment, economically, socially, and physically by introducing and creating new functions. In addition, the hollowing out of the existing city center is getting worse due to the development of the outskirts of the city. Therefore, the discussion for the development of urban regeneration is the core task of modern cities. This study analyzed based on a basic understanding of urban regeneration projects, and through this, the problems of domestic urban regeneration projects were derived. In addition, the problem factors and major improvement plans of the urban regeneration project were analyzed from the expert's point of view using the AHP analysis technique. Based on this, the purpose is to present policy alternatives for the future development of urban regeneration projects. The problems derived to present the policy alternatives and improvement directions of the urban regeneration project were classified into problems related to goal achievement, problems related to the business itself, and problems related to project results. It was subdivided into sub-categories. This study analyzed the problem factors and major improvements from the expert's point of view by using the AHP analysis technique for the problems of the urban regeneration project. Based on the AHP analysis results and experts' opinions, five policy alternatives for the development of urban regeneration projects were presented.

Suggesting Structure and Direction of a Library and Information Science Curriculum Applying Design Thinking Methods

  • Kung Jin Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.339-363
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    • 2023
  • In response to the changing needs of users and library services, there is a need to develop a library information science curriculum that reflects such change and to foster competent librarians. Recent studies abroad have emphasized the need for librarians who can apply design thinking methods which is a problem-solving methodology that expansively explores various alternatives and derives results, in response to recent changes and problems occurring in libraries. In this study, in order to understand how design thinking methods can be taught and to understand the perceptions of the students and librarians involved in the course, a case study is conducted of a class that applied design thinking methods and students and librarians have been interviewed who had experience participating in the class. By reflecting on the needs of students and librarians', this study explored new directions of what forms courses can take for future librarians. Based on the results of the analysis, among the different characteristics of design thinking, the value of cooperation, problem-solving ability, flexibility and iteration of design characteristics was considered as the value of a class for LIS students and librarians where design thinking methods were applied. From the findings, the research suggests future directions of creating more structured courses that involve an element of design thinking.

Simulating large scale structural members by using Buckingham theorem: Case study

  • Muaid A. Shhatha
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.133-145
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    • 2023
  • Scaling and similitude large scale structural member to small scale model is considered the most important matter for the experimental tests because of the difficulty in controlling, lack of capacities and expenses, furthermore that most of MSc and PhD students suffering from choosing the suitable specimen before starting their experimental study. The current study adopts to take large scale slab with opening as a case study of structural member where the slab is squared with central squared opening, the boundary condition is fixed from all sides, the load represents by four concentrated force in four corners of opening, as well as, the study adopts Buckingham theorem which has been used for scaling, all the parameters of the problem have been formed in dimensionless groups, the main groups have been connected by a relations, those relations are represented by force, maximum stress and maximum displacement. Finite element method by ANSYS R18.1 has been used for analyzing and forming relations for the large scale member. Prediction analysis has been computed for three small scale models by depending on the formed relations of the large scale member. It is found that Buckingham theorem is considered suitable way for creating relations among the parameters for any structural problem then making similitude and scaling the large scale members to small scale members. Finally, verification between the prediction and theoretical results has been done, it is observed that the maximum deviation between them is not more than 2.4%.

On the thermo-mechanical vibration of an embedded short-fiber-reinforced nanobeam

  • Murat Akpinar;Busra Uzun;Mustafa Ozgur Yayli
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.197-211
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    • 2024
  • This work investigates the thermo-mechanical vibration frequencies of an embedded composite nano-beam restrained with elastic springs at both ends. Composite nanobeam consists of a matrix and short fibers as reinforcement elements placed inside the matrix. An approach based on Fourier sine series and Stokes' transform is adopted to present a general solution that can examine the elastic boundary conditions of the short-fiber-reinforced nanobeam considered with the Halpin-Tsai model. In addition to the elastic medium effect considered by the Winkler model, the size effect is also considered on the basis of nonlocal strain gradient theory. After creating an eigenvalue problem that includes all the mentioned parameters, this problem is solved to examine the effects of fiber and matrix properties, size parameters, Winkler stiffness and temperature change. The numerical results obtained at the end of the study show that increasing the rigidity of the Winkler foundation, the ratio of fiber length to diameter and the ratio of fiber Young's modulus to matrix Young's modulus increase the frequencies. However, thermal loads acting in the positive direction and an increase in the ratio of fiber mass density to matrix mass density lead to a decrease in frequencies. In this study, it is clear from the eigenvalue solution calculating the frequencies of thermally loaded embbeded short-fiber-reinforced nanobeams that changing the stiffness of the deformable springs provides frequency control while keeping the other properties of the nanobeam constant.

Creativity Development and Design in Digital Era (디지털 시대의 창조성 개발과 디자인)

  • Rhi, Joo-Myung
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.265-272
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    • 2005
  • In Korean language, 'changeu'(originality) and 'changjo'(creativity) has been used as almost same meaning, because these have similar pronunciation. However, originality means idea and creativity means process. The former is based on intuition, and the latter is on both of logic and intuition. Intuition process is not perceived very well, but logic has very clear one. We can find the due for that creating something is not difficult too much anymore, because the process is identified. The creation process is a problem solving process and it has the design on its center. Designer study the problem solving process and learn how to solve the problem with many cases on its studio class. Then we can call them as a creator. The meaning of design that it is a styling is very usual in Korean public and even designers. However, it will be not valid anymore in the upcoming digital age, which reproduction is possible with a little restriction. Design should be back as an original methodology for creation with the designer's own capability such as conception, intermediation, and visualization.

  • PDF

Analysis on the Problem-Solving Methods of Students on Contextual and Noncontextual problems of Fractional Computation and Comparing Quantities (분수의 연산과 크기 비교에서 맥락 문제와 비맥락 문제에 대한 학생들의 문제해결 방법 분석)

  • Beom, A Young;Lee, Dae Hyun
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.219-233
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    • 2012
  • Practicality and value of mathematics can be verified when different problems that we face in life are resolved through mathematical knowledge. This study intends to identify whether the fraction teaching is being taught and learned at current elementary schools for students to recognize practicality and value of mathematical knowledge and to have the ability to apply the concept when solving problems in the real world. Accordingly, contextual problems and noncontextual problems are proposed around fractional arithmetic area, and compared and analyze the achievement level and problem solving processes of them. Analysis showed that there was significant difference in achievement level and solving process between contextual problems and noncontextual problems. To instruct more meaningful learning for student, contextual problems including historical context or practical situation should be presented for students to experience mathematics of creating mathematical knowledge on their own.

The Effects of App Programing Education Using m-Bizmaker on Creative Problem Solving Ability (m-Bizmaker를 활용한 앱 프로그래밍 교육이 창의적 문제해결력에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Soon-jae;Kim, Sung-Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to suggest app programming education plan by analyzing the effects of app programming education using m-bizmaker on the creative problem solving ability in specialized high school students. Currently, The South Korean government is preparing to conduct SW education in primary and secondary schools. Developing smartphone apps that are familiar to students can be seen as a very effective tool of SW educational measures. In general, app development can only be achieved through specialized training on how to use the app programming language. So, many students think the app programming is difficult areas before creating apps because tired of learning how to an app programming language. As a result of applying app programming education using m-Bizmaker, which is one of the app authoring tools, to the class, it is desirable as an app programming education plan. And according to survey results, it has been proved that the app programming education plan using m-Bizmaker is effective to improve creative problem solving ability.

Development and Application of Artificial Intelligence STEAM Program for Real-time Interactive Online Class in Elementary Science - Focused on the Unit of 'Life of Plant' - (초등과학 실시간 쌍방향수업을 위한 인공지능 융합교육프로그램의 개발과 적용 - '식물의 생활' 단원을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hye-Ran;Choi, Sun-Young
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.433-442
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an artificial-intelligence STEAM program for real-time interactive online class for elementary science and to analyze its effect on science academic achievement and creative problem-solving ability. The applied unit was 'Life of plant', a 4th grade science subject with high difficulty in teaching and learning mainly by memorization. The theme of the program is 'Creating a doctor of plant artificial intelligence chatbot'. The results of this study were as follows: The program developed in this study had a positive effect on elementary school students' science academic achievement and creative problem-solving ability. Therefore, the artificial intelligence STEAM program for elementary science interactive online class is effective in improving students' scientific academic achievement and creative problem-solving ability, and further research on artificial intelligence STEAM education theory, method, and practice is required.

The structure of teacher discourse in the process of solving mathematic problems (수학 문제 해결 과정에서의 교사 담론 구조)

  • Choi, Sang-Ho
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.273-286
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the teacher's discourse structure in the process of solving mathematics problems based on the communication between teachers and students. To achieve this goal, we observed a semester class by a teacher with experience who practiced a teaching method that creates mathematical meanings based on students' participation in class. In order to solve problems based on the participation of students in each class, the similarities between the processes of creating the structure of the discourse were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the teacher was able to focus on the goal in the process of starting a discourse, and in the process of developing the discourse, the problem was solved by focusing on understanding the problem. In the process of arranging the discourse, the problem-solving process and the core of the result is summarized. Based on the possibility of generalization of the teacher discourse structure, it will be able to provide practical help in the process of implementing a teaching method that solves mathematics problems by communicating with students in the future.