• Title/Summary/Keyword: Probability Analysis

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Development of a Model for Analylzing and Evaluating the Suitability of Locations for Cooling Center Considering Local Characteristics (지역 특성을 고려한 무더위쉼터의 입지특성 분석 및 평가 모델 개발)

  • Jieun Ryu;Chanjong Bu;Kyungil Lee;Kyeong Doo Cho
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2024
  • Heat waves caused by climate change are rapidly increasing health damage to vulnerable groups, and to prevent this, the national, regional, and local governments are establishing climate crisis adaptation policy. A representative climate crisis adaptation policy to reduce heat wave damage is to expand the number of cooling centers. Because it is highly effective in a short period of time, most metropolitan local governments, except Jeonbuk, include the project as an adaptation policy. However, the criteria for selecting a cooling centers are different depending on the budget and non-budget, so the utilization rate and effectiveness of the cooling centers are all different. Therefore, in this study, we developed logistic regression models that can predict and evaluate areas with a high probability of expanding cooling centers in order to implement adaptation policy in local governments. In Incheon Metropolitan City, which consists of various heat wave-vulnerable environments due to the coexistence of the old city and the new city, a logistic model was developed to predict areas where heat waves can be cooling centered by dividing it into Ganghwa·Ongjin-gun and other regions, taking into account socioeconomic and environmental differences. As a result of the study, the statistical model for the Ganghwa·Ogjin-gun region showed that the higher the ground surface temperature and the more and more the number of elderly people over 65 years old, the higher the possibility of location of cooling centers, and the prediction accuracy was about 80.93%. The developed logistic regression model can predict and evaluate areas with a high potential as cooling centers by considering regional environmental and social characteristics, and is expected to be used for priority selection and management when designating additional cooling centers in the future.

Actual Conditions of Burglaries and Analysis on Residential Invasion Burglaries in Daegu Area (강도 범죄의 실태 및 대구 지역 침입 강도 범죄 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Ho;Kwak, Jyung-Sik
    • Journal of forensic and investigative science
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.5-20
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    • 2007
  • During the period from 2001 to 2005, 29,892 burglaries took place in Korea with the approximate average annual number - 5,978 cases. This study was conducted to analyze the reported burglaries and the result was summarized as follows. There were 8,605 residential invasion burglaries (28.8%) as the most frequent characteristic pattern. The exit was used as the most frequent invasion route for 4,031 invasion burglaries (64.3%), and an unlocked exit door or window was used as the most frequent invasion method for 2,462 invasion burglaries (28.6%). The hours just after midnight (between 00:00 and 04:00) were the most frequent time for invasion burglary to occur. Also, 5,652 burglaries occurred on Wednesday which was twice higher than on Sunday (2,988 burglaries). It was shown that the number of persons injured during burglaries were 260 deaths and 10,610 injuries. The places of the highest occurrence were the street with 10,183 burglaries (34%) and then residential place with 7,527 burglaries (approximately 25%). One-man burglary was the highest complicity: 15,012 offenders (56.1%). The knife was used as the most frequent instrument for 6,498 burglaries (24,3%) what is rare, while no criminal tool or instrument was used for 15,631 burglaries (58.4). During the period from 2001 to 2006, 1,506 burglaries occurred in Daegu and the average annual number was 251 burglaries. Among those,515 residential invasion burglaries (34.2%) took place and the average annual number was approximately 86 cases. The hours just after midnight (between 00:00 and 04:00) were the most frequent time for invasion burglary to occur (194 cases, 37.7%), the place of the highest invasion occurrence was the residential place (259 cases, 50.3%), and the exit was used as the most frequent invasion route (87 cases, 37.7%). An unlocked exit door or window was the most frequent invasion method (65 cases, 25.1%). In addition, pretending to be a delivery man, visitor or following the victim methods were used for 26 burglaries (10%). It is apparent that personal preventive measures against crimes, as well as governmental and social measures, play an important role in preventing burglaries. In particular, based on the analyzed result that an unlocked window or exit door was most frequently used for reported burglaries, it seems that there is a lack of understanding of crime prevention while little effort has been made to prevent crimes. Although everyone knows that locking a door is one of the basic measures to prevent crimes, many people tend to pay little attention to lock a door properly so burglary takes place. This study, therefore, is intended to encourage people to pay more careful attention to crime prevention, in order to help reduce the probability of burglary. With the recent improvement in social understanding of scientific crime investigation, a wide variety of police professions, including crime analysts, crime victim police counselors and coroners, have been prepared to develop the scientific crime investigation and crime analysis. In addition, it is hoped that further this study will contribute to encourage studies on crime prevention to be carried out in the future.

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Relationships on Magnitude and Frequency of Freshwater Discharge and Rainfall in the Altered Yeongsan Estuary (영산강 하구의 방류와 강우의 규모 및 빈도 상관성 분석)

  • Rhew, Ho-Sang;Lee, Guan-Hong
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.223-237
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    • 2011
  • The intermittent freshwater discharge has an critical influence upon the biophysical environments and the ecosystems of the Yeongsan Estuary where the estuary dam altered the continuous mixing of saltwater and freshwater. Though freshwater discharge is controlled by human, the extreme events are mainly driven by the heavy rainfall in the river basin, and provide various impacts, depending on its magnitude and frequency. This research aims to evaluate the magnitude and frequency of extreme freshwater discharges, and to establish the magnitude-frequency relationships between basin-wide rainfall and freshwater inflow. Daily discharge and daily basin-averaged rainfall from Jan 1, 1997 to Aug 31, 2010 were used to determine the relations between discharge and rainfall. Consecutive daily discharges were grouped into independent events using well-defined event-separation algorithm. Partial duration series were extracted to obtain the proper probability distribution function for extreme discharges and corresponding rainfall events. Extreme discharge events over the threshold 133,656,000 $m^3$ count up to 46 for 13.7y years, following the Weibull distribution with k=1.4. The 3-day accumulated rain-falls which occurred one day before peak discharges (1day-before-3day -sum rainfall), are determined as a control variable for discharge, because their magnitude is best correlated with that of the extreme discharge events. The minimum value of the corresponding 1day-before-3day-sum rainfall, 50.98mm is initially set to a threshold for the selection of discharge-inducing rainfall cases. The number of 1day-before-3day-sum rainfall groups after selection, however, exceeds that of the extreme discharge events. The canonical discriminant analysis indicates that water level over target level (-1.35 m EL.) can be useful to divide the 1day-before-3day-sum rainfall groups into discharge-induced and non-discharge ones. It also shows that the newly-set threshold, 104mm, can just separate these two cases without errors. The magnitude-frequency relationships between rainfall and discharge are established with the newly-selected lday-before-3day-sum rainfalls: $D=1.111{\times}10^8+1.677{\times}10^6{\overline{r_{3day}}$, (${\overline{r_{3day}}{\geqq}104$, $R^2=0.459$), $T_d=1.326T^{0.683}_{r3}$, $T_d=0.117{\exp}[0.0155{\overline{r_{3day}}]$, where D is the quantity of discharge, ${\overline{r_{3day}}$ the 1day-before-3day-sum rainfall, $T_{r3}$ and $T_d$, are respectively return periods of 1day-before-3day-sum rainfall and freshwater discharge. These relations provide the framework to evaluate the effect of freshwater discharge on estuarine flow structure, water quality, responses of ecosystems from the perspective of magnitude and frequency.

The Effect of Attributes of Innovation and Perceived Risk on Product Attitudes and Intention to Adopt Smart Wear (스마트 의류의 혁신속성과 지각된 위험이 제품 태도 및 수용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Eun-Ju;Sung, Hee-Won;Yoon, Hye-Rim
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.89-111
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    • 2008
  • Due to the development of digital technology, studies regarding smart wear integrating daily life have rapidly increased. However, consumer research about perception and attitude toward smart clothing hardly could find. The purpose of this study was to identify innovative characteristics and perceived risk of smart clothing and to analyze the influences of theses factors on product attitudes and intention to adopt. Specifically, five hypotheses were established. H1: Perceived attributes of smart clothing except for complexity would have positive relations to product attitude or purchase intention, while complexity would be opposite. H2: Product attitude would have positive relation to purchase intention. H3: Product attitude would have a mediating effect between perceived attributes and purchase intention. H4: Perceived risks of smart clothing would have negative relations to perceived attributes except for complexity, and positive relations to complexity. H5: Product attitude would have a mediating effect between perceived risks and purchase intention. A self-administered questionnaire was developed based on previous studies. After pretest, the data were collected during September, 2006, from university students in Korea who were relatively sensitive to innovative products. A total of 300 final useful questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS 13.0 program. About 60.3% were male with the mean age of 21.3 years old. About 59.3% reported that they were aware of smart clothing, but only 9 respondents purchased it. The mean of attitudes toward smart clothing and purchase intention was 2.96 (SD=.56) and 2.63 (SD=.65) respectively. Factor analysis using principal components with varimax rotation was conducted to identify perceived attribute and perceived risk dimensions. Perceived attributes of smart wear were categorized into relative advantage (including compatibility), observability (including triability), and complexity. Perceived risks were identified into physical/performance risk, social psychological risk, time loss risk, and economic risk. Regression analysis was conducted to test five hypotheses. Relative advantage and observability were significant predictors of product attitude (adj $R^2$=.223) and purchase intention (adj $R^2$=.221). Complexity showed negative influence on product attitude. Product attitude presented significant relation to purchase intention (adj $R^2$=.692) and partial mediating effect between perceived attributes and purchase intention (adj $R^2$=.698). Therefore hypothesis one to three were accepted. In order to test hypothesis four, four dimensions of perceived risk and demographic variables (age, gender, monthly household income, awareness of smart clothing, and purchase experience) were entered as independent variables in the regression models. Social psychological risk, economic risk, and gender (female) were significant to predict relative advantage (adj $R^2$=.276). When perceived observability was a dependent variable, social psychological risk, time loss risk, physical/performance risk, and age (younger) were significant in order (adj $R^2$=.144). However, physical/performance risk was positively related to observability. The more Koreans seemed to be observable of smart clothing, the more increased the probability of physical harm or performance problems received. Complexity was predicted by product awareness, social psychological risk, economic risk, and purchase experience in order (adj $R^2$=.114). Product awareness was negatively related to complexity, meaning high level of product awareness would reduce complexity of smart clothing. However, purchase experience presented positive relation with complexity. It appears that consumers can perceive high level of complexity when they are actually consuming smart clothing in real life. Risk variables were positively related with complexity. That is, in order to decrease complexity, it is also necessary to consider minimizing anxiety factors about social psychological wound or loss of money. Thus, hypothesis 4 was partially accepted. Finally, in testing hypothesis 5, social psychological risk and economic risk were significant predictors for product attitude (adj $R^2$=.122) and purchase intention (adj $R^2$=.099) respectively. When attitude variable was included with risk variables as independent variables in the regression model to predict purchase intention, only attitude variable was significant (adj $R^2$=.691). Thus attitude variable presented full mediating effect between perceived risks and purchase intention, and hypothesis 5 was accepted. Findings would provide guidelines for fashion and electronic businesses who aim to create and strengthen positive attitude toward smart clothing. Marketers need to consider not only functional feature of smart clothing, but also practical and aesthetic attributes, since appropriateness for social norm or self image would reduce uncertainty of psychological or social risk, which increase relative advantage of smart clothing. Actually social psychological risk was significantly associated to relative advantage. Economic risk is negatively associated with product attitudes as well as purchase intention, suggesting that smart-wear developers have to reflect on price ranges of potential adopters. It will be effective to utilize the findings associated with complexity when marketers in US plan communication strategy.

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A Study on the Application of Outlier Analysis for Fraud Detection: Focused on Transactions of Auction Exception Agricultural Products (부정 탐지를 위한 이상치 분석 활용방안 연구 : 농수산 상장예외품목 거래를 대상으로)

  • Kim, Dongsung;Kim, Kitae;Kim, Jongwoo;Park, Steve
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.93-108
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    • 2014
  • To support business decision making, interests and efforts to analyze and use transaction data in different perspectives are increasing. Such efforts are not only limited to customer management or marketing, but also used for monitoring and detecting fraud transactions. Fraud transactions are evolving into various patterns by taking advantage of information technology. To reflect the evolution of fraud transactions, there are many efforts on fraud detection methods and advanced application systems in order to improve the accuracy and ease of fraud detection. As a case of fraud detection, this study aims to provide effective fraud detection methods for auction exception agricultural products in the largest Korean agricultural wholesale market. Auction exception products policy exists to complement auction-based trades in agricultural wholesale market. That is, most trades on agricultural products are performed by auction; however, specific products are assigned as auction exception products when total volumes of products are relatively small, the number of wholesalers is small, or there are difficulties for wholesalers to purchase the products. However, auction exception products policy makes several problems on fairness and transparency of transaction, which requires help of fraud detection. In this study, to generate fraud detection rules, real huge agricultural products trade transaction data from 2008 to 2010 in the market are analyzed, which increase more than 1 million transactions and 1 billion US dollar in transaction volume. Agricultural transaction data has unique characteristics such as frequent changes in supply volumes and turbulent time-dependent changes in price. Since this was the first trial to identify fraud transactions in this domain, there was no training data set for supervised learning. So, fraud detection rules are generated using outlier detection approach. We assume that outlier transactions have more possibility of fraud transactions than normal transactions. The outlier transactions are identified to compare daily average unit price, weekly average unit price, and quarterly average unit price of product items. Also quarterly averages unit price of product items of the specific wholesalers are used to identify outlier transactions. The reliability of generated fraud detection rules are confirmed by domain experts. To determine whether a transaction is fraudulent or not, normal distribution and normalized Z-value concept are applied. That is, a unit price of a transaction is transformed to Z-value to calculate the occurrence probability when we approximate the distribution of unit prices to normal distribution. The modified Z-value of the unit price in the transaction is used rather than using the original Z-value of it. The reason is that in the case of auction exception agricultural products, Z-values are influenced by outlier fraud transactions themselves because the number of wholesalers is small. The modified Z-values are called Self-Eliminated Z-scores because they are calculated excluding the unit price of the specific transaction which is subject to check whether it is fraud transaction or not. To show the usefulness of the proposed approach, a prototype of fraud transaction detection system is developed using Delphi. The system consists of five main menus and related submenus. First functionalities of the system is to import transaction databases. Next important functions are to set up fraud detection parameters. By changing fraud detection parameters, system users can control the number of potential fraud transactions. Execution functions provide fraud detection results which are found based on fraud detection parameters. The potential fraud transactions can be viewed on screen or exported as files. The study is an initial trial to identify fraud transactions in Auction Exception Agricultural Products. There are still many remained research topics of the issue. First, the scope of analysis data was limited due to the availability of data. It is necessary to include more data on transactions, wholesalers, and producers to detect fraud transactions more accurately. Next, we need to extend the scope of fraud transaction detection to fishery products. Also there are many possibilities to apply different data mining techniques for fraud detection. For example, time series approach is a potential technique to apply the problem. Even though outlier transactions are detected based on unit prices of transactions, however it is possible to derive fraud detection rules based on transaction volumes.

Intelligent VOC Analyzing System Using Opinion Mining (오피니언 마이닝을 이용한 지능형 VOC 분석시스템)

  • Kim, Yoosin;Jeong, Seung Ryul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2013
  • Every company wants to know customer's requirement and makes an effort to meet them. Cause that, communication between customer and company became core competition of business and that important is increasing continuously. There are several strategies to find customer's needs, but VOC (Voice of customer) is one of most powerful communication tools and VOC gathering by several channels as telephone, post, e-mail, website and so on is so meaningful. So, almost company is gathering VOC and operating VOC system. VOC is important not only to business organization but also public organization such as government, education institute, and medical center that should drive up public service quality and customer satisfaction. Accordingly, they make a VOC gathering and analyzing System and then use for making a new product and service, and upgrade. In recent years, innovations in internet and ICT have made diverse channels such as SNS, mobile, website and call-center to collect VOC data. Although a lot of VOC data is collected through diverse channel, the proper utilization is still difficult. It is because the VOC data is made of very emotional contents by voice or text of informal style and the volume of the VOC data are so big. These unstructured big data make a difficult to store and analyze for use by human. So that, the organization need to automatic collecting, storing, classifying and analyzing system for unstructured big VOC data. This study propose an intelligent VOC analyzing system based on opinion mining to classify the unstructured VOC data automatically and determine the polarity as well as the type of VOC. And then, the basis of the VOC opinion analyzing system, called domain-oriented sentiment dictionary is created and corresponding stages are presented in detail. The experiment is conducted with 4,300 VOC data collected from a medical website to measure the effectiveness of the proposed system and utilized them to develop the sensitive data dictionary by determining the special sentiment vocabulary and their polarity value in a medical domain. Through the experiment, it comes out that positive terms such as "칭찬, 친절함, 감사, 무사히, 잘해, 감동, 미소" have high positive opinion value, and negative terms such as "퉁명, 뭡니까, 말하더군요, 무시하는" have strong negative opinion. These terms are in general use and the experiment result seems to be a high probability of opinion polarity. Furthermore, the accuracy of proposed VOC classification model has been compared and the highest classification accuracy of 77.8% is conformed at threshold with -0.50 of opinion classification of VOC. Through the proposed intelligent VOC analyzing system, the real time opinion classification and response priority of VOC can be predicted. Ultimately the positive effectiveness is expected to catch the customer complains at early stage and deal with it quickly with the lower number of staff to operate the VOC system. It can be made available human resource and time of customer service part. Above all, this study is new try to automatic analyzing the unstructured VOC data using opinion mining, and shows that the system could be used as variable to classify the positive or negative polarity of VOC opinion. It is expected to suggest practical framework of the VOC analysis to diverse use and the model can be used as real VOC analyzing system if it is implemented as system. Despite experiment results and expectation, this study has several limits. First of all, the sample data is only collected from a hospital web-site. It means that the sentimental dictionary made by sample data can be lean too much towards on that hospital and web-site. Therefore, next research has to take several channels such as call-center and SNS, and other domain like government, financial company, and education institute.

SKU recommender system for retail stores that carry identical brands using collaborative filtering and hybrid filtering (협업 필터링 및 하이브리드 필터링을 이용한 동종 브랜드 판매 매장간(間) 취급 SKU 추천 시스템)

  • Joe, Denis Yongmin;Nam, Kihwan
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.77-110
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the diversification and individualization of consumption patterns through the web and mobile devices based on the Internet have been rapid. As this happens, the efficient operation of the offline store, which is a traditional distribution channel, has become more important. In order to raise both the sales and profits of stores, stores need to supply and sell the most attractive products to consumers in a timely manner. However, there is a lack of research on which SKUs, out of many products, can increase sales probability and reduce inventory costs. In particular, if a company sells products through multiple in-store stores across multiple locations, it would be helpful to increase sales and profitability of stores if SKUs appealing to customers are recommended. In this study, the recommender system (recommender system such as collaborative filtering and hybrid filtering), which has been used for personalization recommendation, is suggested by SKU recommendation method of a store unit of a distribution company that handles a homogeneous brand through a plurality of sales stores by country and region. We calculated the similarity of each store by using the purchase data of each store's handling items, filtering the collaboration according to the sales history of each store by each SKU, and finally recommending the individual SKU to the store. In addition, the store is classified into four clusters through PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and cluster analysis (Clustering) using the store profile data. The recommendation system is implemented by the hybrid filtering method that applies the collaborative filtering in each cluster and measured the performance of both methods based on actual sales data. Most of the existing recommendation systems have been studied by recommending items such as movies and music to the users. In practice, industrial applications have also become popular. In the meantime, there has been little research on recommending SKUs for each store by applying these recommendation systems, which have been mainly dealt with in the field of personalization services, to the store units of distributors handling similar brands. If the recommendation method of the existing recommendation methodology was 'the individual field', this study expanded the scope of the store beyond the individual domain through a plurality of sales stores by country and region and dealt with the store unit of the distribution company handling the same brand SKU while suggesting a recommendation method. In addition, if the existing recommendation system is limited to online, it is recommended to apply the data mining technique to develop an algorithm suitable for expanding to the store area rather than expanding the utilization range offline and analyzing based on the existing individual. The significance of the results of this study is that the personalization recommendation algorithm is applied to a plurality of sales outlets handling the same brand. A meaningful result is derived and a concrete methodology that can be constructed and used as a system for actual companies is proposed. It is also meaningful that this is the first attempt to expand the research area of the academic field related to the existing recommendation system, which was focused on the personalization domain, to a sales store of a company handling the same brand. From 05 to 03 in 2014, the number of stores' sales volume of the top 100 SKUs are limited to 52 SKUs by collaborative filtering and the hybrid filtering method SKU recommended. We compared the performance of the two recommendation methods by totaling the sales results. The reason for comparing the two recommendation methods is that the recommendation method of this study is defined as the reference model in which offline collaborative filtering is applied to demonstrate higher performance than the existing recommendation method. The results of this model are compared with the Hybrid filtering method, which is a model that reflects the characteristics of the offline store view. The proposed method showed a higher performance than the existing recommendation method. The proposed method was proved by using actual sales data of large Korean apparel companies. In this study, we propose a method to extend the recommendation system of the individual level to the group level and to efficiently approach it. In addition to the theoretical framework, which is of great value.

The Evaluation of Attenuation Difference and SUV According to Arm Position in Whole Body PET/CT (전신 PET/CT 검사에서 팔의 위치에 따른 감약 정도와 SUV 변화 평가)

  • Kwak, In-Suk;Lee, Hyuk;Choi, Sung-Wook;Suk, Jae-Dong
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.21-25
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: For better PET imaging with accuracy the transmission scanning is inevitably required for attenuation correction. The attenuation is affected by condition of acquisition and patient position, consequently quantitative accuracy may be decreased in emission scan imaging. In this paper, the present study aims at providing the measurement for attenuation varying with the positions of the patient's arm in whole body PET/CT, further performing the comparative analysis over its SUV changes. Materials and Methods: NEMA 1994 PET phantom was filled with $^{18}F$-FDG and the concentration ratio of insert cylinder and background water fit to 4:1. Phantom images were acquired through emission scanning for 4min after conducting transmission scanning by using CT. In an attempt to acquire image at the state that the arm of the patient was positioned at the lower of ahead, image was acquired in away that two pieces of Teflon inserts were used additionally by fixing phantoms at both sides of phantom. The acquired imaged at a were reconstructed by applying the iterative reconstruction method (iteration: 2, subset: 28) as well as attenuation correction using the CT, and then VOI was drawn on each image plane so as to measure CT number and SUV and comparatively analyze axial uniformity (A.U=Standard deviation/Average SUV) of PET images. Results: It was found from the above phantom test that, when comparing two cases of whether Teflon insert was fixed or removed, the CT number of cylinder increased from -5.76 HU to 0 HU, while SUV decreased from 24.64 to 24.29 and A.U from 0.064 to 0.052. And the CT number of background water was identified to increase from -6.14 HU to -0.43 HU, whereas SUV decreased from 6.3 to 5.6 and A.U also decreased from 0.12 to 0.10. In addition, as for the patient image, CT number was verified to increase from 53.09 HU to 58.31 HU and SUV decreased from 24.96 to 21.81 when the patient's arm was positioned over the head rather than when it was lowered. Conclusion: When arms up protocol was applied, the SUV of phantom and patient image was decreased by 1.4% and 9.2% respectively. With the present study it was concluded that in case of PET/CT scanning against the whole body of a patient the position of patient's arm was not so much significant. Especially, the scanning under the condition that the arm is raised over to the head gives rise to more probability that the patient is likely to move due to long scanning time that causes the increase of uptake of $^{18}F$-FDG of brown fat at the shoulder part together with increased pain imposing to the shoulder and discomfort to a patient. As regarding consideration all of such factors, it could be rationally drawn that PET/CT scanning could be made with the arm of the subject lowered.

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Relationship between Physical Health Status and Life style(Health Practices) (건강상태(健康狀態)와 생활양식(生活樣式)(건강습관(健康習慣))과의 관계(關係))

  • Choi, In-Sook;Roh, Pyong-Ui;Park, Young-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.3
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    • pp.111-140
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted from April 1 through April 30, 2002 in order to figure out the relationship between physical health status and life style and the factors influencing physical health. Subjects were selected from among the residents older than 20 years old by probability scheme of one out of 2000. Three thousand people were interviewed by questionnaires, and 2,742(91.4%) respondents were used for analysis, and the results are as follows: 1. Ridit(Relatives to an identified distribution it) of category one by sex was 0.26 in man, and 0.25 in woman. Ridit of category two was 0.57 in man and 0.53 in woman, those of category three was 0.72 in man and 0.65 in woman. That of category four was 0.86 in man and 0.85 in woman, that of category five was 0.95 in man and 0.97 in woman, and that of category six was 0.98 in man and 0.99 in woman. The ridits and health related categories by sex were r=.954 in man and r=.966 in woman(p<0.01) 2. Ridits of healthy behavior 2-1. The ridit of males who slept for less than 6 hrs was 0.71, that of those who slept for $7{\sim}8$ hrs was 0.24, and that of those who slept for more than 9 hours was 0.96. The ridit of females who slept for less than 6 was 0.80, that of those who slept for $7{\sim}8$ hrs was 0.32, and that of those who slept for more than 9 hrs was 0.97. 2-2. The ridit of male, who ate breakfast everyday was 0.30, that of those who ate one to four breakfast per week was 0.87, and that of those who never ate breakfasts was 0.96. The ridit of females who ate breakfast everyday was 0.32, that of those who ate breakfast one to four times a week was 0.75, and that of those who never ate breakfast was 0.99. 2-3. The ridit of males whose body weights were 10% lower than normal body weight was 0.45, that of those with $5{\sim}9.9%$ less than normal body weight was 0.28, that of those with ${\pm}4.9%$ of normal body weight was 0.12, that of those whose body weights were $5{\sim}9.9%$ heavier than normal was 0.40, that of those whose body weights were $10{\sim}19.9%$ heavier than normal was 0.74, that of those with $20{\sim}29.9%$ heavier than normal body weights was 0.78 and that of those with 30% heavier than normal body weight was 0.87. That of females with 10% less than normal body weight was 0.53, that of those with $5{\sim}99%$ less than normal body weight was 0.32, that of 4.9% those with ${\pm}f$ normal body weight was 0.14, that of those with 5.0 to 9.9% heavier body weights was 0.43, that of those with 10 to 19.9% heavier body weight was 0.65, that of those with $20{\sim}29.9%$ heavier body weight was 0.94 and that of those with more than 30% of normal body weight was 0.94. 2-4. The ridit of males who exercised everyday was 0.11, that of those who exercised three to four times a week was 0.25, that of those exercising once or twice a week was 0.48, and that of those who never exercised was 0.80. The ridit of females exercising everyday was 0.08, that of those exercising three to four times a week was 0.21, that of those exercising one to two times was 0.35 and that of those who never exercised was 0.72. 2-5. The ridit of males who did not drink at all was 0.14, that of those who drank one or two cups of hard liquor(Soju) was 0.39, that of those who drank a half bottle of Soju was 0.56, that of those who darnk a bottle of Soju was 0.73 and that of those who drank two bottles of Soju was 0.96. The ridit of females who did not drink at all was 0.30, that of those who drank one or two cups of Soju was 0.70, that of those who drank a half bottle of Soju was 0.84, that of those who drank a bottle of Soju was 0.97 and that of those who drank more than two bottles of Soju was 0.99. 2-6 The ridit of males who did not smoke was 0.20, that of those who smoked one or two cigarettes was 0.44, that of those who smoked about ten cigarettes was 0.58, and that of those who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes was 0.85. The ridit of females who did not smoke at all was 0.90, that of those who smokes one or two cigarettes was 0.91, that of those who smoked about the cigarettes was 0.93 and that of those who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes was 0.96 3. The ridit of males who had healthy behavior in six categories was 0.43 and the average age of them was 45, that of those who had healthy behavior in five categories was 0.47 and the average age was 45, that of those who had healthy behavior in three categories was 0.50 and the average age was 43, that of those who had heathy behavior in two categories was 0.60 and the average age was 40, that of those who had healthy behavior in one category was 0.68 and the average age was 38, and that of those who did not have healthy behavior at all in six categories was 0.79 and the average age was 41. The ridit of females who had heathy behavior in six categories was 0.38 and the average age was 45, that of those who had healthy behavior in five categories was 0.40 and the average age was 44, that of those who had healthy behavior in four categories was 0.46 and the average age was 43, that of those who had healthy behavior in three categories was 0.52 and the average age was 44, that of those who had healthy behavior in two categories was 0.57 and the average age was 41, that of those who the healthy behavior in one category was 0.62 and the average age was 40, and that those who did not have healthy behavior in six categories was 0.79 and the average age was 43. 4. The health statues of the persons who the healthy behavior were better than those who did not have healthy behavior. If the people have healthy behavior in young age and they have healthy education continuously, they can live healthier lives.

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Surgery Alone and Surgery Plus Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Patients with pT3N0 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Invading the Chest Wall (흉벽을 침범한 pT3N0 비소세포폐암 환자에서 수술 단독과 수술 후 방사선치료)

  • 박영제;임도훈;김관민;김진국;심영목;안용찬
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.10
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    • pp.845-855
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    • 2004
  • Background: No general consensus has been available regarding the necessity of postoperative radiation therapy (PORT) and its optimal techniques in the patients with chest wall invasion (pT3cw) and node negative (N0) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We did retrospective analyses on the pT3cwN0 NSCLC patients who received PORT because of presumed inadequate resection margin on surgical findings. And we compared them with the pT3cwN0 NSCLC patients who did not received PORT during the same period. Material and Method: From Aug. of 1994 till June of 2002, 22 pT3cwN0 NSCLC patients received PORT-PORT (+) group- and 16 pT3cwN0 NSCLC patients had no PORT-PORT (-) group. The radiation target volume for PORT (+) group was confined to the tumor bed plus the immediate adjacent tissue only, and no regional lymphatics were included. The prognostic factors for all patients were analyzed and survival rates, failure patterns were compared with two groups. Result: Age, tumor size, depth of chest wall invasion, postoperative mobidities were greater in PORT (-) group than PORT (+) group. In PORT (-) group, four patients who were consulted for PORT did not receive the PORT because of self refusal (3 patients) and delay in the wound repair (1 patient). For all patients, overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), loco-regional recurrence-free survival (LRFS), and distant metastases-free survival (DMFS) rates at 5 years were 35.3%, 30.3%, 80.9%, 36.3%. In univariate and multivariate analysis, only PORT significantly affect the survival. The 5 year as rates were 43.3% in the PORT (+) group and 25.0% in PORT (-) group (p=0.03). DFS, LRFS, DMFS rates were 36.9%, 84.9%, 43.1 % in PORT (+) group and 18.8%, 79.4%, 21.9% in PORT(-) group respectively. Three patients in PORT (-) group died of intercurrent disease without the evidence of recurrence. Few suffered from acute and late radiation side effects, all of which were RTOG grade 2 or lower. Conclusion: The strategy of adding PORT to surgery to improve the probability not only of local control but also of survival could be justified, considering that local control was the most important component in the successful treatment of pT3cw NSCLC patients, especially when the resection margin was not adequate. Authors were successful in the marked reduction of the incidence as well as the severity of the acute and late side effects of PORT, without taking too high risk of the regional failures by eliminating the regional lymphatics from the radiation target volume.