• Title/Summary/Keyword: Price response

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A Consumer-Oriented Study of Price Increases and Downsizing : Focused on Roles of Competitor's Pricing Strategy and Risk-Aversion (가격인상과 용량감소에 관한 소비자 관점의 비교 연구 : 경쟁사 가격전략과 위험회피성향을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hye Young;Kang, Yeong Seon
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2015
  • The main objective of this study is to investigate the moderating roles of the competitor's pricing strategy and the degree of consumer's risk-aversion on perceived risk and perceived benefit in responding to price increases and package downsizing. Based on Prospect Theory, several prior researches find that consumers perceive increased price as more loss than package downsizing and perceive package downsizing as more benefit than increased price. We extend these behavioral economics approach using the reference effect of competitor's pricing strategy. We focus on consumer heterogeneity on risk-aversion, measure the degree of consumer's risk-aversion, and divide the consumers into two groups of high levels of risk-aversion vs. low levels of risk-aversion. We find that the firm's pricing strategies of both price increases and package downsizing do not significantly influence the perceived benefit for relatively low risk-aversion consumers. We find that when the firm reduce the package size, relatively high risk-aversion consumers perceived more benefit and had higher purchase intention compared to price increases. We also find that the competitor's pricing strategies do not significantly influence the consumer's response for relatively low risk-aversion consumers. For relatively high risk-aversion consumers, they perceived more loss when the firm has different pricing strategy from the competitor's.

The Coal Price Shock and Its Impacts on Indonesian Macroeconomic Variables: An SVAR Approach

  • Kamal Maulana ALFI;Nasrudin
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: Changes in energy prices can be considered as one of the factors of macroeconomic uncertainty. This study examines the impact of coal price shocks on Indonesian macroeconomic variables. Research design, data and methodology: The structural vector autoregressive model is used on monthly data from January 2010 to June 2023. Results: The impulse response functions indicate that coal price shocks have a negative impact on output and a positive impact on CPI (Consumer Price Index) and the effective real exchange rate. Following a shock in coal price growth, output growth takes twelve months, CPI growth takes fifteen months, and the effective real exchange rate takes seventeen months to reach equilibrium. Coal price growth shocks generally do not have a significant contribution to the variation in output, CPI growth and effective real exchange rate. On average over a twelve-month simulation, coal price growth shocks contribute 2.06 percent to output growth variation, 0.0042 percent to CPI growth variation, and 0.0046 percent to effective real exchange rate growth variation. Conclusions: This study finds that the impact of rising coal prices, as an energy source in Indonesia, can be offset by coal export revenues. This is possible considering that 70-80% of Indonesia's coal is exported.

A comparison study on price discount of bi-national product (복합원산지제품의 가격할인에 대한 비교연구)

  • Lee, Jiwon;Jin, Sungmin;Kang, Inwon
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.169-194
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to explain the cause of price differences of bi-national products based on consumer response of product type, distribution channel, and consumer nationality, respectively. Specifically this study investigated whether price discount and distribution channel affect consumer evaluation by luxury and non-luxury product type. In the case of bi-national product toward the non-luxury, price discount had positive influence on preference, regardless of distribution channel. By revealing the influence of price discount on bi-national products on consumer response of product type and distribution channel respectively, the study suggests meaningful implications for the strategic management of bi-national products.

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Demand Response Real Time Pricing Model for Smart Grid Considering Consumer Behavior and Price Elasticity (소비자 행동과 가격탄성을 고려한 스마트 그리드 수요반응 실시간 가격 결정 모델)

  • Moon, Yongma
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.49-67
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    • 2014
  • This paper proposes a real time pricing model for smart grid considering consumers' behavior, real time price elasticity, and exogenous price. Based on the proposed model, we found the weight of utility over cost is the most sensitive factor compared to other factors. Also, if the electricity price is set to be changed too sensitively to energy consumption, it is warned that real time pricing sometimes can cause increment of peak-time demand and volatility. Finally, real time pricing could be less efficient when the difference between the maximum and the minimum consumption level is small.

A Study on the Determination of the optimal incentives and amount of load reduction for a retailer to maximize profits considering Demand Response Programs (수요반응 프로그램을 고려시 전력판매사업자의 이익을 최대화하는 최적 인센티브 및 부하 감축량 결정)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kwag, Hyung-Geun;Kim, Jin-O
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.291-297
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    • 2010
  • A system called demand response programs (DRP) is being introduced among various countries owing to the lack of new generation capacity and the higher fuel generation cost. It is a program which provides for the end-users to select their consumption of electricity by recognizing the value of their consumption in real time. That is, Demand Response can be defined as the changes in electric usage by end-use customers from their normal consumption patterns in response to changes in the price of electricity or other signals. It is expected that the effects of DRP are preventing price spike, improving supply reliability and social welfare and increasing option of customers. Considering the customer's thermal comfort zone, this paper determines the most profitable combination of optimal incentives and amounts of load reduction for a retailer to maximize profits according to predicted outdoor temperatures while implementing DRP.

A Dynamic Causality Analysis of Oliver Flounder Producer Price by Region using the Panel VAR Model (패널 VAR 모형을 이용한 지역별 양식넙치 산지가격의 동태적 인과관계 분석)

  • Jeon, Yong-Han;Nam, Jong-Oh
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the leading price between Jeju and Wando's oliver flounder producer price and to analyze the dynamic effect of the regional producer price using the panel VAR model. In the process of analysis, it was confirmed that there are unit roots in the monthly data of Jeju and Wando's oliver flounder producer price. So, in order to avoid spurious regression, the rate change of producer price which carries out log difference was used in the analysis. As a result of the analysis, first, the panel Granger causality test showed that the influence of the change rate of producer price in oliver flounder in Jeju was slightly larger than that in Wando, but it was found that each region all leads the change rate of the producer price in oliver flounder. Second, the panel VAR estimation showed that the rate change of producer price in Jeju and Wando a month ago had a statistically significant effect on the change rate of producer price of each region. Third, the impulse response analysis indicated that other regions are affected a little more than the same region in case of the occurrence of the impact on the error terms of the change rate of produce price in Jeju and Wando oliver flounder. Fourth, the variance decomposition analysis showed that the change rate of producer price in the two regions was higher explained by Jeju compared to Wando. In conclusion, it is expected that the above results can not only be useful as basic data for the stabilization of oliver flounder producer price and the establishment of policies for easing volatility but can also help the oliver flounder industry operate its business.

Impact of Oil Price Shocks on Stock Prices by Industry (국제유가 충격이 산업별 주가에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yun-Jung;Yoon, Seong-Min
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.233-260
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we analyzed how oil price fluctuations affect stock price by industry using the non-parametric quantile causality test method. We used weekly data of WTI spot price, KOSPI index, and 22 industrial stock indices from January 1998 to April 2021. The empirical results show that the effect of changes in oil prices on the KOSPI index was not significant, which can be attributed to mixed responses of diverse stock prices in several industries included in the KOSPI index. Looking at the stock price response to oil price by industry, the 9 of 18 industries, including Cloth, Paper, and Medicine show a causality with oil prices, while 9 industries, including Food, Chemical, and Non-metal do not show a causal relationship. Four industries including Medicine and Communication (0.45~0.85), Cloth (0.15~0.45), and Construction (0.5~0.6) show causality with oil prices more than three quantiles consecutively. However, the quantiles in which causality appeared were different for each industry. From the result, we find that the effects of oil price on the stock prices differ significantly by industry, and even in one industry, and the response to oil price changes is different depending on the market situation. This suggests that the government's macroeconomic policies, such as industrial and employment policies, should be performed in consideration of the differences in the effects of oil price fluctuations by industry and market conditions. It also shows that investors have to rebalance their portfolio by industry when oil prices fluctuate.

The Effect of Price Competition Structure and Change of Exchange Rate among Exports Countries to the Korea's Fish Import Market (우리나라 수산물 수입시장에서 수출국간의 가격경쟁구조 및 환율변화가 수출가격에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ki-Soo;Lim, Eun-Son
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.27-49
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    • 2009
  • Recently, the Korea's economy concerns the second money crisis because of the rapid increase of the exchange rate. The Korea's economy which is very dependent on the foreign trade is more sensitive to the change of exchange rates. There are many literatures which analyze the effects of variations of the exchange rates on the secondary and tertiary industries such as the manufacturing industry and IT(Information Technology). But there have been no studies which try to figure out the effects of variations of exchange rate on the primary industries, especially, fisheries' industry. Therefore this paper tries to analyze the effect of price competition structure and the change of exchange rate on foreign fisheries exporting prices in Korea's fisheries import market. This study utilizes OLS(Ordinary Least Squares Analysis) for the analysis in the market of frozen yellow corvina, hairtail, angler fish which are major fisheries importable in Korea. The results show that the exporting country which has the highest market share is more sensitive to the change of the exchange rates itself than that of the other exporting countries' price when it starts to set up its exporting price. And the exporting countries which have low market share are more sensitive to the change of price which country has the highest market share than that of price whose countries have low market share and those of their exchange rate. Also we can find out that the countries which have similar market share try to set up price-setting strategy in the opposite direction. In other words, one country tries to bid up its price, other countries response to rival country by lowering their prices. In the consideration of the fact that most exporting countries aren't affected by Korea's fisheries' prices, the exporting countries in Korea's fisheries import market are more sensitive to the prices of other exporting countries than that of Korea's. This result indicates that the price leader-follower model could be applicable to the Korea's fisheries import market.

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A Study on Economic Demand Response NBT and Performance (우리나라 전력시장에서 경제성 DR의 NBT 및 낙찰 관계 분석)

  • Yang, Min Seung;Lee, Sung Moo
    • Current Photovoltaic Research
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.100-104
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    • 2017
  • This paper analyzes the correlation between Net Benefit Test (NBT) and System marginal price (SMP), which has a significant impact on the allocation of demand response (DR) resources in resource scheduling and commitment (RSC) process, based on the performance data of the demand resource market which has been established in 2014. Demand resources compete with generation resources in the RSC process, and it is prescribed to use demand resources only when net benefit occurs. Analysis result shows that the larger the SMP than the Net Benefit Threshold Price (NBTP), the more the winning bid of demand response resource was. It is interpreted that the introduction of NBT in DR market is justified. The demand resource market has been steadily growing. It is required to expand the scope of resources up to the small-sized DR, and to expand the functionalities of demand resources not only in the current energy market but also in the reserve market in the future. In order for that, institutional improvements are required.

Social welfare according to the Price elasticity of electric market participants (시장참여자의 가격탄력성에 따른 사회적 이득에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Ho;Kim, Jin-O;Choi, Joon-Young
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07a
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    • pp.379-381
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    • 2000
  • In the new electric industry, many of generators and consumers exist in competitive market and electric price is determined by the response of suppliers and consumers. Power supply and consumption make change the electric price and social welfare depends on the elasticity that indicates sensitivity to changes of price related on the electric demand or supply. If elasticity is changed, social welfare that represents the sum of producers and customers surplus will be changed together. This paper investigates the change of the social welfare depending on the elasticity, and presents the propriety of competitive electric market.

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