• Title/Summary/Keyword: Price response

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Is There a J-Curve Effect in the Trade with China via Korean Ports? (한국의 대중국 항만 무역에서 J-curve 효과는 존재하는가?)

  • Kim, Chang-Beom
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2011
  • The effect of real exchange rate changes on trade balance is called the J-curve effect. That is, after real depreciation, the trade balance will deteriorate in the short run and improve in the long run. Specially, import and export prices respond with little or no decline in volume. Assuming a zero initial trade balance and dominance of the exporter currency in invoicing trade contracts, the trade balance continues to deteriorate in the medium term. Over time, the relative price-induced volume effect comes to dominate the price effect and the trade balance improves. This pattern of the trade balance adjustment is commonly referred to as the J-curve effect. This study examines the effects of changes in the exchange rate on the Korean port trade balance to China. The empirical results indicate that whilst there is J-curve effect in the short-run, but in the long-run, the real depreciation of the Korean won has positive impact on port trade balance to China.

An Exploratory Study on University Student's Service Complaint and Recovery Perception toward Internet Fashion Shopping Mall (대학생들의 인터넷 패션 쇼핑몰에 대한 서비스 불평과 회복 지각에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Chung, Myung-Sun;Ju, Seong-Rae
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.551-568
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of this study were to identify factors of dissatisfaction and complaining behavior in internet fashion shopping mall, and to investigate constructs of service recovery for solution to this problems. Data were obtained from 201(male: 87, female: 114) internet fashion shopping mall consumer who have experiences of dissatisfaction and complaining behavior after buying products, and were analyzed using by descriptive analysis, factor analysis, Cronbach' $\alpha$, t-test. The results were as follows. First, the most response(80.4% of reponses) was experience to dissatisfaction through internet fashion shopping mall, and the most dissatisfied items were blouse, sweater, T-shirt in upper garment. Also, in men's case, the most satisfied price zone was not exceeding $30,000{\sim}50,000\;won$ and in women's case, it was not exceeding $20,000{\sim}30,000\;won$. Second, 7 factors of dissatisfaction(called quality, payment, delivery, price, interaction, returning/changing/refunding, contract) were identified after purchasing fashion products from internet shopping mall. 3 factors of complaining behavior(called private action, legal action, remedial seeking action) were investigated. Third, constructs of perceived service recovery were extracted from literature review: perceived interaction and justice. Perceived interaction were categorized into two factors: the interaction on the part of the consumer, the interaction in the part of the shopping mall. And perceived justice were categorized into three factors: interactional justice, distributive justice, procedural justice. Usually, university students were likely to take a serious view of service recovery through interaction and justice with internet fashion shopping mall.

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Consumer response analysis to use-by date labeling system: Focused on willingness to accept

  • Jong Mun Kim;You Been Jo;Seung Hyun Han;Uhn-Soon Gim
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.399-412
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to analyze consumers' behaviors and reactions to the use-by date labeling system and provide policy implications for its efficient implementation, by utilizing 213 consumers data conducted via an Internet survey using the Google online form. We refer "pure consumption date" as the period that have passed sell-by date yet have not passed use-by date. Consumers' willingness to accept (WTA) for pure consumption date food was surveyed, which means the discount ratio of pure consumption date food compared to the original price by sell-by date. Setting the expected effects of use-by date labeling system as five: food waste reduction (waste), food purchasing cost reduction (cost), and international standardization (standard), etc., Tobit regression result showed waste had the greatest (negative) impact on consumer's WTA, while cost and standard had positive impact on consumer's WTA. The logistic regression result revealed that consumers trying to reduce grocery costs have higher probability to purchase use-by date labeling food, and further expect higher WTA. Also consumers valuing the importance of environmental protection or food quality are more likely to purchase use-by date food. Conversely consumers valuing food safety importance tend to have negative impact on purchasing use-by date food, hence expect higher WTA. It is noteworthy that consumers valuing the importance of promoting the use-by date labeling system have significantly higher probability of purchasing use-by date food. Additionally, consumers' WTA averaged 54.3%, implying that consumers are willing to purchase use-by date food when it is discounted more than 54.3% from the original price, where women expect higher WTA, the aged over 60 expect higher WTA, furthermore single-parent households expect 21.3% higher than the average WTA. However, old-aged, unmarried women, higher educated and higher income groups were negative in purchasing use-by date food. These results suggest that customized sales policy and effective promotion strategies reflecting socio-demographic characteristics of consumers would be necessary to achieve effective implementation of the newly introduced system.

Determinants of IPO Failure Risk and Price Response in Kosdaq (코스닥 상장 시 실패위험 결정요인과 주가반응에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Sung-Bae;Nam, Sam-Hyun;Yi, Hwa-Deuk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 2010
  • Recently, failure rates of Kosdaq IPO firms are increasing and their survival rates tend to be very low, and when these firms do fail, often times backed by a number of governmental financial supports, they may inflict severe financial damage to investors, let alone economy as a whole. To ensure investors' confidence in Kosdaq and foster promising and healthy businesses, it is necessary to precisely assess their intrinsic values and survivability. This study investigates what contributed to the failure of IPO firms and analyzed how these elements are factored into corresponding firms' stock returns. Failure risks are assessed at the time of IPO. This paper considers factors reflecting IPO characteristics, a firm's underwriter prestige, auditor's quality, IPO offer price, firm's age, and IPO proceeds. The study further went on to examine how, if at all, these failure risks involved during IPO led to post-IPO stock prices. Sample firms used in this study include 98 Kosdaq firms that have failed and 569 healthy firms that are classified into the same business categories, and Logit models are used in estimate the probability of failure. Empirical results indicate that auditor's quality, IPO offer price, firm's age, and IPO proceeds shown significant relevance to failure risks at the time of IPO. Of other variables, firm's size and ROA, previously deemed significantly related to failure risks, in fact do not show significant relevance to those risks, whereas financial leverage does. This illustrates the efficacy of a model that appropriately reflects the attributes of IPO firms. Also, even though R&D expenditures were believed to be value relevant by previous studies, this study reveals that R&D is not a significant factor related to failure risks. In examing the relation between failure risks and stock prices, this study finds that failure risks are negatively related to 1 or 2 year size-adjusted abnormal returns after IPO. The results of this study may provide useful knowledge for government regulatory officials in contemplating pertinent policy and for credit analysts in their proper evaluation of a firm's credit standing.

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A Study on the Problem and Improvement of Distribution Structure of Farm Product in Korea (우리나라 농산물 유통구조의 문제점과 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Chol, Soo-Hwan;Kim, Joong-Won;Kim, Kyung-Rok;Lee, Young-Suk
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.70-83
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    • 2011
  • The number of agricultural products due to open in response to international competitiveness of the farming press and the need for structural adjustment in agriculture and in agricultural crops receive a fair market price, fair trade, such as improving efficiency sidaejeo appropriate response to the request of the government must have. For this purpose, compared to the communist bojaphan agricultural water efficiently changing the structure of the distribution, agricultural products originating from the acquisition phase choice of shipping a stable product supply and plans to expand production system to induce a smooth supply of agricultural products, expand processing capacity and sales control should be. Also, in the distribution process by eliminating various immoral conduct commerce retail establishment and enforcement of policies for efficient and accurate distribution statistics, information is needed. The ultimate goal of agricultural restructuring and ensure fair price for producers sangpuui and improvement of production facilities for maximizing and affordable for consumers, according to your preferences to receive the best offer will be Foo. Therefore, management increases the efficiency of just distribution costs, or margins, lowering the improvement is not practical to restructure the distribution structure of costs for the best product and must supply the next country of agricultural products, strengthen the consumer's purchase desire to meet will be.

Assessment of Main Management Components for Successful University Foodservice Operations By Using SERVQUAL Model (대학 급식소의 성공적인 운영을 위한 필수관리요소 평가 : 서브퀄모델을 활용한 서비스품질관리 활동 평가)

  • Gwak, Dong-Gyeong;Jang, Hye-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.123-140
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study were to assess main management components that can lead to successful university foodservice operations. Specifically, it was intended to develop the tool which assesses the service quality, management, to assess the difference between customer importance from and perceptions of service quality, to compare management perceptions of customer importances with actual service delivery, and to identify internal problems which affect service quality with the use of gap model. Three types of questionnaires were developed and implemented for customers, foodservice personals and foodservice manager. Assessment tools were developed based on the literature review, SERVQUAL, GAP model, and the pilot study. Through the validity and reliability test, the questionnaires were revised. Questionnaires were distributed to 900 university students, 207 foodservice personnels, and 54 foodservice manager respectively. 831 university students, 177 foodservice personnels, and 48 foodservice manager were responded with a response rate of 92.3%, 85.5%, and 88.8% respectively. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SPSS programs for descriptive analysis, ANOVA. and SNK test. The results of this study can be summarized as follows : 1. In quality service management components, 31 quality service attributes were categorized and named into primary quality, secondary quality, hygiene, empathy, tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, and price by the factor analysis. 2. Importance mean score of customers was 4.02 out of 5, but perception mean score of customers was 2.55. So there was a relative big gap(1.47) between importance and perception scores, especially in three dimensions of responsiveness, primary quality, and hygiene. 3. It showed that customers' mean scores of perceived service quality by dimensions were the following order : price > reliability > secondary quality > hygiene > tangibles > primary quality > responsiveness > empathy. And the perception mean score of rented(2.59) or contracted(2.58) management was significantly higher than that of self-operated(2.48). 4. Customers' importances mean score which internal customers recognize was 4.23 out of 5, but service delivery mean score was 3.85. So there was a little gap(0.39) between management perceptions of customer importances and actual service delivery. 5. In gap model, SERVQUAL score showed -1.47, Gap 1 positive 0.15, gap 2 negative 0.61, and gap 3 was positive 0.19. 6. The internal problems were as follows : (1) The managers of University foodservice perceived well enough the customers' expectation value but their management competency was lacked in terms of responding customer needs, (2) The foodservice staff perceived service performance more highly than service quality specifications.

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Consumers' Subjective Risk Perceptions of Tab Water and Stated Preferences for Safe Drinking Water (소비자들의 수돗물에 대한 주관적 위험인지와 안전한 음용수에 대한 진술선호 분석)

  • Eom, Young Sook
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.147-175
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    • 2006
  • This paper attempts to incorporate three important factors-perceptions, behavior and valuation-in analysing consumers' responses to health risks from environmental pollutants. Using a survey sample of 500 consumers in the Chonbuk province area, this paper empirically investigated determinants of risk perceptions from using tap water as drinking water. Most consumers were considerably concerned about health risks from drinking tap water. Moreover, those subjective concerns were not random, but were systematically related to individuals' demographic variables such as age, gender, and family size. Those subjective beliefs also influenced respondents' purchase intentions on safer water bottles, in response to a contingent behavior question of presenting two types of water bottles. The technical risk information provided in the survey had significant effects on purchase intentions only when it was interacted with respondents' actual averting practice. In addition, the sample selection effects were present by eliminating respondents who decided not to purchase either of two types of water bottles. The potential selection bias had impacts on the coefficients of the price difference variable, and subsequently the estimates of the price increments for health risk reductions.

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Study on the Effect of Product Line Pricing on Loading Efficiency and Logistics Cost (상품라인별 가격결정이 적재효율 및 물류비에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Sung-Tae;Yoon, Nam-Soo;Han, Kyu-Chul
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.55-69
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - Despite the importance of price, many companies do not implement pricing policies smoothly, because typical price management strategies insufficiently consider logistics efficiency and an increase in logistics costs due to logistics waste. This study attempts to examine the effect of product line pricing, which corresponds to product mix pricing, on logistics efficiency in the case of manufacturer A, and analyzes how logistics performance changes in response to these variables. Research design, data, and methodology - This study, based on the case of manufacturer A, involved research through understanding the current status, analyses, and then proposing improvement measures. Among all the products of manufacturer A, product group B was selected as the research object, and its distribution channel and line pricing were examined. As a result of simulation, for products with low loading efficiency, improvement measures such as changing the number of bags in the box were suggested, and a quantitative analysis was conducted on how these measures influence logistics costs. The TOPS program was used for the Pallet loading efficiency simulation tool in this study. To prevent products from protruding out of the pallet, the maximum measurement was set as 0.0mm, and loading efficiency was based on the pallet area, and not volume. In other words, its size (length x width) was focused upon, following the purpose of this study and, then, the results were obtained. Results - As a result of the loading efficiency simulation, when the number of bags in the box was changed for 36 products with low average loading efficiency of 73.7%, as shown in

    , loading efficiency improved to 89.9%. Further, from calculating logistics cost based on the cost calculation standard of manufacturer A, the amount of annual logistics cost reduction amounted to 101,458,084 KRW. Given that the sum of the logistics cost of the product group B of manufacturing enterprises A is 400,340,850 KRW, it can be reduced by 25%, to 298,882,766 KRW. Although many methods improve loading efficiency, this study proved that logistics cost could be reduced by changing the number of bags within boxes. If this measure is applied to other items, visible logistics cost reduction effects will be realized through improvements in loading efficiency. Conclusions - Future pricing policies should consider their correlation with quality, loading efficiency, product specifications, and logistics standardization to prevent logistics waste, enabling management to improve earnings for companies. Thus, when companies decide pricing policies for new products, the aspects of merchandising and marketing should take priority; however, the aspect of logistics also needs to be considered as significant. Measures revealed by the study results are not only the responsibilities of manufacturing enterprises. Pricing policy agreements between manufacturing enterprises and distribution companies, and logistics factors related to price determination should be considered; further, governments should also support them for their collaborations. This will enable consumers to purchase quality products with low prices.

  • Purchasing Japanese Brand Products According to the Patriotism of Consumers in Their 20s (20대 소비자의 애국심에 따른 일본브랜드 구매 특성)

    • Kim, Jisu;Seo, Wooyoung;Na, Youngjoo
      • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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      • v.24 no.1
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      • pp.11-24
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      • 2021
    • This study investigates the buying behavior pertaining to Japanese brands according to the degree of patriotism of consumers in their 20s. A survey of 235 university students was conducted; the survey questioned the basic purchasing attitudes of consumers in their 20s regarding outerwear and underwear and then surveyed the purchasing attitudes regarding U brand's (representative Japanese brand) outerwear and underwear. To detect the correlation between patriotism and U brand purchases, this study asked questions about patriotism and investigated basic personal information. The research results were as follows. First, there was a significant difference in consumer's purchasing attitude toward outerwear and underwear. When of consumers who are in their 20s purchase outerwear, its design was the most important factor, whereas when purchasing underwear, functionality was the most crucial factor. Second, it was confirmed that consumer's attitudes toward U brand's outerwear and underwear differed. Although the evaluation of U brand's outerwear design was not positive, the consumer tended to be satisfied with the price. U brand's score concerning the functionality of underwear products received a slightly positive response. Third, a total of 235 respondents were divided into a high- and low-patriotism-group based on questions about patriotism. There were significant differences in their attitudes toward clothing and consumer's purchasing behavior at U brand. Highly patriotic consumers thought negatively about U brand outerwear products in terms of price and product quality than low patriotic consumers; however, there was no significant difference only regarding design evaluation. For underwear products, low patriotic consumers were more positive about the price, design, and functionality of U brand products than high patriotic consumers.

    Analysis of the 2nd Pilot Test of Time of Use (TOU) Pricing for Korean Households (주택용 계시별 요금제 2차 실증사업의 효과 분석)

    • Kim, Jihyo;Lee, Soomin;Jang, Heesun
      • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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      • v.31 no.2
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      • pp.205-232
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      • 2022
    • This study analyzes the effect of the 2nd pilot test of Tiime of Use (TOU) pricing for Korean households using a two-level electricity demand model. The test, implemented from May to September 2021, was conducted to compare the effects of two TOU pricing rates and the standard rates for households living in apartment and detached house in 7 provinces of Korea. Based on the data on electricity consumption during the test period and during the same period last year of the 1,292 participants and their socio-economic characteristics, this study analyzes (1) whether the relative demand across periods has changed in response to hourly price changes and (2) whether the price responsiveness of daily consumption has changed after the introduction of TOU pricing. The results show that both types of TOU pricing affect neither the relative demand across periods nor the price responsiveness of daily consumption. The reason behind the results could be related to the level of TOU pricing rates and the periodical classification, which were not sufficient to induce changes in the participants' electricity demand patterns.

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