• Title/Summary/Keyword: Preservice teachers

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Effects of Teacher Disposition and Teaching Ethics on the Teacher Competency of Preservice Early Childhood Teachers (예비유아교사의 교직인성과 교직윤리의식이 교사역량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.278-287
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to research how a teaching personality and ethics in teaching affect the competence of students majoring in early childhood education. Questionnaires were distributed to 211 early childhood education students residing in I-city. For this study, frequency analysis, averages, and standard deviation were calculated by using SPSS 22.0, with Cronbach's alpha for the reliability test. To determine the relevance of each variable, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were done, with results as follows. First, the teaching personalities perceived most by the students were morality and educational principles. Ethics for infants and ethics for households were most perceived in the ethics of teaching; for competency, understanding of the curriculum, understanding infant protection, and learning support were perceived the most. Second, there is a statistically significant correlation among a teacher's personality, ethics, and competence. Third, the sub-factors of both personality and ethics have a positive effect on competence. The above results indicate that there should be multilateral research into students majoring in early childhood education to ensure they have correct and positive competency so they can provide high-quality early childhood education services, recognizing the importance of competence.

Exploring Pre-Service Science Teachers' Positioning and Epistemic Understanding in a Course about Designing Inquiry-Based Lessons (탐구 수업 설계 강좌에서 예비 중등 과학 교사의 위치짓기와 인식적 이해 탐색)

  • Ha, Heesoo;Kang, Eunhee;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.307-320
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    • 2020
  • This study explores how the positioning of two pre-service science teachers (PSTs) is reflected in their different epistemic understandings of inquiry-based lessons. We collected the PSTs' products during their design and enactment of an inquiry-based lesson and recorded their practices in the enacted lesson. Interviews were recorded and transcribed for analysis. The results indicate that one PST, Dohyung was positioned as a subject of evaluation throughout the course and the other, Jinwoo, was positioned as a preservice teacher and a subject of evaluation. Their positions were reflected in their epistemic understandings of inquiry-based lessons, which were developed when designing these lessons. During lesson design, both PSTs showed a shared understanding; they explained inquiry-based lessons as students setting and evaluating hypotheses under teachers' guidance. However, as they faced unexpected situations during lesson enactment, they developed different epistemic understandings. To receive a good grade, Dohyung showed a strong preference for anticipating situations that could occur in class and planning responses to them. He understood inquiry-based lessons as ones in which students conduct experiments to produce results expected by the teacher. On the other hand, Jinwoo emphasized the reasoning process based on students' prior knowledge and explained inquiry-based lessons as ones in which students construct new knowledge through a scientific reasoning process based on their knowledge. The findings of this study will contribute to developing strategies to support PSTs' development of their epistemic understandings of knowledge construction in inquiry-based lessons.

A Study on the Manual Skills of Experimental Apparatuses of Preservice Elementary School Teachers (초등 예비교사의 실험 기구 조작 능력에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, So-Ree;Choi, Hyun-Dong;Lim, Jae-Keun;Shin, Se-Young;Yang, Il-Ho
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.80-90
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate manual skills of experimental apparatuses of pre-service elementary school teachers by examining and analyzing the process of experiments conducted by pre-teachers. For this study, 24 pre-service elementary school teachers were selected as the subjects and 4 experimental apparatuses were chosen through analyzing science textbooks from 3rd grade to 6th grade in elementary school. The selected experimental apparatuses were alcohol burner, dropper, microscope, instruments for making a prepared specimen. In addition, a task was carefully chosen to conduct an investigation in real settings and a series of evaluation standards was developed. While 3 subjects conducted experiments in separated and independent space at the same time, 3 collaborators observed the experiment process and recorded whether the subject met the evaluation standards or not, using O, X. The study suggests that pre-service elementary school teachers' manual skills of experimental apparatuses were under far below our projections. Particularly, in case of alcohol burner, the subjects showed lower ability to properly light the burners - which is to brush through the lampwick with fire - and to adjust the height of tripods according to the flame. Also, when it comes to dropper, they were not held the way they were supposed to be. In addition, when designing prepared specimen, the subjects used their hands instead of tweezers and often skipped the process of dripping water drop and wiping water with an oilpaper. Moreover, they did not know how to use a microscope properly so there were many times that they could not focus a microscope, failing to observe the objects. Educational implications are discussed.

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An Analysis of Types and Sources of Background Knowledges of Elementary Preservice Teachers' Questions about Astronomy Contents in Elementary Science Text Books (초등 과학교과서 천문 내용에 대한 예비교사들의 질문의 배경지식 유형과 출처 분석)

  • Lee, Myeong-Je
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.194-204
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between types and sources of background knowledges of elementary preteachers' questions about astronomy contents in the elementary science text books. Data were extracted from the preteachers' classes established in a university of education. The results are as follows. First, right background knowledges of questions were found in about 58% questions, wrong background knowledges 15%, and no background knowledges 26%. Second, it was found that 'school' as a source of background knowledges was found in 29% questions, 'friend' 21%, 'internet' 14%, 'book reading' 12%, 'others' 9%, 'TV' 7%, 'institute' 4%. In case of the type that right background knowledges have casual relation or correlation with question contents, 'book reading' and 'TV' sources rate increased, but 'internet' and 'others' decreased when compared to total questions. In the type which background knowledges are right and did not have casual relation or correlation with question contents, 'internet' source rate increased and 'friend' decreased. In case of the type that wrong background knowledges do not have casual relation or correlation with question contents, 'friend' and 'TV' sources rate increased, but 'school' and 'book reading' decreased. The type which background knowledges are right and did not have casual relation or correlation with question contents, 'internet' source rate increased and 'friend' decreased. In case of the type of no background knowledges, 'TV' and 'institute' source rate increased, but 'internet' and 'book reading' decreased. Third, the questions in 'Earth and Moon' unit have little background knowledges. The questions in 'solar system and stars' have background knowledges with no relation to the questions. Especially, in the unit 'changes of seasons', right background knowledges were found in more than half questions, but the contents of questions and background knowledges were not connected scientifically.

Development of Teaching Strategy Using Inter-Disciplinary Analogy to Enhance Students' Creative Problem Solving Skills and Examination of Its Effectiveness (II) (학문 통합적 비유를 활용한 창의적 문제 해결력 지향 대학교 화학 실험 수업 전략의 개발 및 효과 (제II보))

  • Bang, Dam-I;Kang, Soon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.857-874
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    • 2011
  • The purposes of this study were to develop teaching strategy enhancing creative problem solving skills and to examine the instructional influences on studints' creative thinking skills, critical thinking skills, creative personality and academic self-regulation. In this study, a model using inter-disciplinary analogies(PDCA model) was designed and applied to the existing 'Teaching model for the enhancement of the creative problem solving skills'. And it was implemented to preservice science teachers for the one semester. Results indicated that the experimental group presented statistically meaningful improvement in creative thinking skills, especially in the originality of identifying a problem, making hypothesis, and controlling variables (p<.05). In addition, the strategy contributed to improving critical thinking skills, especially in inquiry process of recognizing problems, making hypothesis, interpreting and transforming of data (p<.05). This strategy also helped students' academic self-regulation (p<.05). But there was no significant improvement in creative personality(p<.05).

The Effect of Inquiry Instruction Strategy Enhancing the Activity of Making Variables to Improve on Students' Creative Problem Solving Skills (변인 탐색 활동을 강화한 탐구 수업 전략이 창의적 문제 해결력 신장에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Jieun;Kang, Soonhee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.58 no.5
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    • pp.478-489
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    • 2014
  • The purposes of this study were to develop teaching strategy enhancing the activity to explore variables and to examine the instructional influences on students' creative thinking skills and critical thinking skills. In this study, a model using listing-excluding-controlling variables (DPAS model) was designed and applied to the existing 'Teaching model for the enhancement of the creative problem solving skills'. And it was implemented to preservice science teachers for the one semester. Results indicated that the experimental group presented statistically meaningful improvement in creative thinking skills, especially in recognizing problems, making hypothesis, controlling of variables and interpreting & transforming of data (p<.05). In addition, the strategy contributed to improve critical thinking skills, especially in making hypothesis and making conclusion & generalization (p<.05).

A Qualitative Study on the Learning Outcome of PBL Instruction (PBL 수업적용에 따른 학습 성과에 관한 질적 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.191-201
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the learning outcome of problem-based learning as an efficient teaching method to improve the competencies of great talents for future society. A general education course of a university that was one of teaching profession courses titled "prevention of school violence and countermeasures" was provided in the form of PBL, and data were gathered, which were reflective journals, evaluation sheet and observational journals. As a result, PBL produced learning effects such as understanding and applying learning contents, fostering cooperativeness, problem-solving skills and a sense of responsibility, extended thinking and good understanding of PBL. Also, that provided a great opportunity for the students to build up their character by learning caring and by improving cooperativeness, a sense of responsibility and communicative competency, which preservice teachers should have. The findings of the study suggest that the expansion of PBL is necessary to bolster problem- solving skills, self-directed learning, cooperativeness and creativity that are competencies required in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The Development and Application for Multimedia Rich Project Based Learning (멀티미디어 기술을 활용한 프로젝트 학습 전략 개발 및 적용)

  • Lee, YoungMin;Ryu, JinSon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.213-232
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is that after developing and applying multimedia rich project-based learning methods in a Korean Special high school(Industrial and Technical Area), to provide how the learners recognize the effectiveness for it and to obtain the implication from effectiveness which they recognized. This study was conducted as action research based on a high school situation. The study included 100 participants in two classes purposively selected from 9 classes at 450 student high school. Data were collected through observations, surveys and interview. Results indicated the multimedia rich project-based learning allowed students to understand the contents of major subject overall, improve the handling skill for computer multimedia and be better at investigating and organizing skill for subject content. Also, it allowed them to improve interaction among students and participation, motivation, satisfaction, interest and confidence for learning. And there was close cooperation with and among group members to create better products.. Finally, the flexibility in the project-based learning environment allowed the participants to make decisions about their abilities, resources, and plans. Recommendations and implications for teacher educators as well as inservice and preservice teachers are also presented.

A Case Study on Block Coding and Physical Computing Education for University of Education Students (교육대학생을 대상으로 한 블록 코딩 및 피지컬 컴퓨팅 교육 사례)

  • Han, Kyujung
    • Journal of Creative Information Culture
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.307-317
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    • 2019
  • This study is an example of the education of block coding and physical computing teaching tool for preservice teachers at the college of education. The students were familiar with coding and improved their coding skills in solving various problems through 'Entry' that support block coding. In addition, the students configured the computing system with various input / output devices of the physical computing teaching tool and controlled things through programming and produced the educational portfolio to experience the whole process of problem analysis, design, implementation, and testing in coding. We applied Flow based coding and Pair programming as the teaching methods, and the results of the survey to measure the effectiveness of the study show that students have a good understanding of the entry and physical computing teaching tool and using the combination of the entry and physical computing teaching tool were more effective in learning than the Entry-only coding. In addition, it was confirmed that the effect of Pair programming applied in the physical computing teaching tool.

Analyzing the Child Care Practicum Experience of Foreign Students: Exploring Challenges and Benefits (외국인 유학생의 보육실습 경험 분석: 어려움과 가치를 중심으로)

  • Jeongwon Kang;Soyoung Kook;Myungeum Park
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.19-39
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    • 2023
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the experiences of foreign students in childcare practicum, with a specific focus on identifying the difficulties they encountered and the values they derived from their practicum experiences. The aim was to gain insights that can contribute to improving practicum support for these students. Methods: A total of 6 foreign students were selected as participants for this study using snowball sampling. The data collection period spanned from May 2021 to March 2023, during which semi-structured interviews were conducted and qualitatively analyzed. Results: Foreign students faced challenges in securing practicum placements prior to the start of their program. Communication difficulties necessitated the use of interpreters to interact with children. Additionally, documenting information in a language other than their mother tongue posed a challenge. Consequently, there was a need for tailored training support to address the specific needs of foreign students in childcare practicum. Despite these challenges, the students reported rewarding and valuable experiences during their practicum. These experiences included discovering the teaching identity in Korea, learning about desirable practices in the field, recognizing and addressing personal shortcomings, and developing a sense of vocation for the advancement of infant education in their home countries. Conclusion/Implications: If we actively listen to and provide appropriate support for the specific needs of foreign students in their childcare practicum, they have the potential to become excellent childcare teachers who can foster a harmonious and inclusive environment within our multicultural society.