• Title/Summary/Keyword: Preliminary survey

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Epidemiologic Investigation for the Etiology of an Epidemic Ocurred among Animals and Humans in an Isolated Island, Korea(I) (신안군(新安郡) 낙도(落島)에서 발생(發生)한 괴질(怪疾)의 원인(原因)에 관한 역학적(疫學的) 조사(調査)(I))

  • Kim, J.S.;Heo, Y.;Yoon, H.Y.;Lee, W.Y.
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.22 no.2 s.26
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    • pp.290-301
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    • 1989
  • This is preliminary report on anthrax epidemic occurred in an island with about 100 residents. Since 1982 there had been sudden deaths among all kinds of domestic animals including cattle, dogs, ducks, chicken and goat but only a few among cats in an isolated island about three hours distance away by ferry boat from Mokpo city. From 1986 through 1988 nine human deaths and four patients occurred, which made the government intervene for investigation on June 25 1988. The epidemiological investigation consisted of interview survey and medical examination, medical record analysis, laboratory work to isolate the pathogens under the direction of hypothesis derived from the study and further confirmation of the pathogens by international institute. The summarized results are as followings: 1. According to the interview survey there were many deaths among domestic animals usually in cold and dry season such as January through March and September through November; 36 heads of cattle leaving one head, more than 40 hogs(all), hundreds of chicken leaving few alive, goats that had taken home from mountain and two or three cats out of around 40 had sudden deaths from 1982 till 1985, when the residents stopped to purchase and take them into the island anymore. Also there were eleven persons who had experienced the similar syndrome complex to those of admitted and expired patients and four of them revealed typical chest X-ray findings; from one of these four patients(Rho) B. anthracis is isolated. 2. Medical record on patients who had been admitted, showed common characteristics of the disease course. On admission they had either gastrointestinal or upper respiratory infection symptoms which invariably progressed to septicemic nature with pulmonary interstitial infiltration and mediastinal widening/bulging, and then to deadly acute respiratory distress syndrome. At the end stage chest X-ray revealed multiple bullous emphysema. One of another characteristics was oral ulceration with bleeding occurred in about 50% of the patients. Laboratory test results in common were leukocytosis with left shift and abnormal liver and kidney functions, particularly at the later stage of the illness. 3. Epidemiological characteristics was striking in that both mortality and incidence rates were high: the mortality rate was 8.7% average, male being three times higher than females but there was no distictive clustering by age group. The incidence rate for both sexes was 28.2% and there was no sex difference although a tendency of higher incidence among older ages was noticed. The highest mortality and incidence were observed in Won village where the first death of animal occurred and with the highest frequency among three villages of the island. 4. Among twelve bacilli species isolated from various specimens, two strains, one from patient and the other from soil where the recently died cow is hurried, were confirmed as B. anthracis by Pasteur Institute and CDC of USA(strain from soil). CDC reported that the strain did not produce capsule in bicarbonate media but reacted with the bacteriophage and one of five sera taken from the patients. Mode of transmission as well as incubation period of the agent has not been established yet, which needs further investigation in relation to the antigenic structure of the variant when it is confirmed.

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A Studies of Amendment a Standard of Estimated Unit Manpower and Material of Landscape Architectural Construction Work Classification (조경공사 표준품셈 공종 개정에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Ju-Cheul;Lee, Kwan-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2011
  • The standard unit manpower and material in landscape architectural construction was consist of a standard and universal work classification. However, these constructional methods have created a number of problems in utilizing and responding on a variety of recently-developed working methods such as new constructional skills and technologies. This research decided that presenting the amendments of work classification of a standard unit manpower and material in landscape architectural construction was very important, and investigated those work classifications which required these new amendments. First of all, assessment items were selected through the literature reviews and a preliminary survey. Then, these assessment items were surveyed to the total of 60 professional landscape architecture field. The results of this study were as follows; First, the utilization level of the a standard unit manpower and material in landscape architectural construction was highest in the area of work classification of planting unit manpower and material. Second, the work classifications that needed to be added were recognized as leveling the ground construction, landscape structure construction, paving construction, water facilities construction, and outdoor facilities construction. Third, in the field of the a standard unit manpower and material in landscape architectural construction, 66.7% of the respondents replied that some amendments were necessary, and those amendments needed work classifications were identified as work classification of planting unit manpower and material was gigantic plant, topiary tree, temporary planting, exchange dead tree, etc. In the area of digging out was gigantic plant and plastic tree were recognized. The survey respondents also answered that, in keeping and management work classifications some amendments in pruning waste were necessary, and in the fields of rubble masonry work classifications some improvements were required in rubble aperture planting unit manpower and material and sodding and herbaceous sowing was a realistic lawn size unit manpower and material was needed. Based on the results explained above, this study suggests that amendments for a standard unit manpower and material in landscape architectural construction are necessary, especially in the areas of planting size and quality of work classifications unit manpower and material and in the unit manpower and material that affects the quality of lands caping constructions.

Study on the Effect of Bizcool Education Satisfaction to Career Awareness - Focused on the Differences among Students (창업교육(Bizcool) 만족도가 진로인식에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Moon, Kyoung Mok;Yang, Young Seok;Kim, MyoungSook
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.9-23
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    • 2013
  • 'Entrepreneurship' spread like fashion, then it was a term that is no stranger to the youth. Entrepreneurship education for young people is being activated. Recently conducted many educational institutions, as well 'Bizcool' entrepreneurship education. Performance will be clear that the purpose of education and, where appropriate, external training. Currently operating business through 'Bizcool' homepage, 'Bizcool' budget is concentrated in high school. Entrepreneurship education are made aware of the need to equip the correct career awareness is spreading. Preliminary founder, as well as for students. Students will be more structured training support. And many more will be supported by the budget. Therefore, the present study is to analyze the impact of entrepreneurship education career awareness satisfaction. And try to give elementary school students, middle school students, high school students due to the difference in effective entrepreneurship education and ways to activate. The first result, entrepreneurship education training information satisfaction has a significant impact on the career awareness. Satisfaction of the second result, entrepreneurship education teaching methods have a significant impact on the career awareness. The third result, operating the way entrepreneurship education has a significant impact on the recognition of the career satisfaction. The difference between the fourth result, depending on the satisfaction of the entrepreneurship education, career awareness, depending on the level of education does not represent. This study, the results of entrepreneurship education has a positive impact on the career recognition. And have a positive 'Bizcool' education could help implication. However, did not differ according to the difference in student career awareness. So I think it would need more concrete preparation. Also want to provide entrepreneurship education opportunities to students based on the results of this study a little more evenly. Career awareness for students through entrepreneurship education from an early age who would establish the correct values. And students will have a huge impact on the development of the society. The purpose of this study was a survey of students who participated in the 2012 'Bizcool Camp'. This study derives meaningful results. But will need to be interpreted with caution. Some students are first surveyed who participated in the 2012 'Bizcool Camp'. Therefore, there is a limit to generalize the findings. Second, junior high school students surveyed rate is low. So there are limits to students representing the difference. Third, most survey respondents per participant. Therefore, the study subjects, as there is a limit. This study, the impact of career awareness, youth entrepreneurship education satisfaction were analyzed by student differences. The results of this study, more study will be needed for students.

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  • Youm, Hyun-Kyung;Shin, Yun-O;Lee, Kyung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2000
  • This study was to develop Korean version of Parenting Stress Scale. Primary research was processed thru Abidin's PSI(Parenting Stress Index) scale. For the pilot primary study, distri-buted questionnaire to the mothers who have three to twelve age children and tried factor analysis with 382 data sheets. At the result, 29 items and 5 factors among the 47 items of child domain, 28 items and 5 factors among the items of parent domain were extracted. At the secondary pilot study survey, reanalyzed the 57 items extracted by primary pilot survey with the 392 data collected from three to six age children's parents. For the item discrimination analysis, calculated item-total correlation and deleted the items under r=.20. For the validity test, reviewed content validity and construct validity. For the verification of construct validity, tried factor analysis. At the result, in child domain area, the four factors, 'Reinforces Parent's, 'Accep-tability', 'Attention Distractiveness', 'Demandingness' and 24 items were extracted. Among the common variance of child domain, 'explained common variance' was 82.05%. In parent domain area, the five factors, 'Restriction of Role', 'Depression', 'Social Isolation', 'Parent Health', 'Spouse Relationship' and 24 items were extracted. Among the common variance of parent domain, 'explained common dominator' was 82.40%. For the verification of reliability, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ coefficient was calculated and in child domain, .69, .70, .67, .66 were produced by each item, respectively and total reliability coefficient was ${\alpha}$=.81. Reliability coefficient of parent domain was .73, .70, .70, .55, .73 by each item, respectively and total reliability coefficient was ${\alpha}$=.83. This study was processed as a primary research to develop the Korean version of parent stress scale which is originally from U.S.A. version of PSI and apply it to proper Korean culture. Therefore, the necessity of continuous study was discussed with more localized items and factors.

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Comparative Analysis of the Use of Leisure Resources and Leisure Activity According to the Execution of Forty-hour-a-week Working System: Based on 2012 Survey on National Leisure Activity (근로자의 주 40시간 근무제 시행 유무에 따른 여가자원 이용 및 여가활동 비교분석: 2012년 국민여가활동 조사 결과를 기초로)

  • Bark, Min-Jeng;Yoon, So-Young
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2013
  • From the perspective of labor welfare, forty-hour-a-week working system:(FWS) has been an important goal throughout world, and in fact, advanced countries implemented this a long time ago. However, there are differences in opinions concerning FWS; some people emphasizes the improvement in life quality, while others point out that this measure increases the cost of wages and has limited effectiveness. Thus, discussions about the success of FWS have emerged from diverse perspectives; One thing that should be made clear before debating FWS is that reducing laborers' working hours is already a global trend, and Korea, also intends to extend it. Therefore, in order to maximize the benefits resulting from the execution of the system and to identify measures that can be used to solve the problems related to FWS, it is necessary to consider actual laborers' use of leisure resources and whether they have increased or decreased as a result of FWS. It is also necessary to look at the differences in workers' leisure activity with and without the system. To evaluate and diagnose FWS's political effect from the perspective of laborers' leisure satisfaction and improvements in life quality, this study examines differences in leisure expenses, leisure hours, use of and demand for leisure resources such as leisure space, and types of leisure activity, according to the execution of FWS, This research is based on the "2012 Survey on National Leisure Activity" conducted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. In addition, through analysis of the differences in leisure satisfaction and happiness levels, the study intends to confirm the necessity of executing FWS and ensuring that the system is in use. The study results can be briefly summed up as followa:: First, regarding the general findings of the study, a significant result was shown in terms of the execution of FWS according to income level. The finding that the execution of FWS works differently according to the working environment or life quality reassures us of the common notion in society that working environment or life quality may differ in relation to social characteristics. The utility of weekday leisure hours did not indicate a statistically significant difference, but in terms of weekend leisure hours, laborers practicing FWS had an additional 30 minutes of leisure time than those who did not. Furthermore, regarding leisure expenses, laborers practicing FWS indicated more monthly average leisure expenses or expected leisure expenses. In relation to leisure activity, those working at a company executing FWS engaged in culture and art activities more frequently than those working at the companies that did not. On the other hand, those working at companies without FWS indicated more hobbies, amusement activities, rest, and other activities than those working at the companies with FWS. In terms of vacation experience, those working at companies with FWS had more vacation time than those working at companies without it; on average, they had longer vacations by 1.64 days. Regarding their leisure life satisfaction and happiness level, those working at companies with FWS indicated higher satisfaction and greater happiness than those working at companies without it. The findings mentioned above represent the preliminary results of this paper, and the remainder of the research will provide more detailed analysis results and suggestions corresponding to them.

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A Study on the Effects of Health Behavior upon Health Status in Some Old People (일부 노인의 건강행동이 건강상태에 미치는 영향)

  • 김정원;김초강
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.73-95
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    • 1997
  • Elderly problem from being aging society, especially health related problem of the elderly is very serious in many parts of this country. The reason is that most of geriatric disease are chronic and debilitating. The cause of chronic and debilitating disease are bad lifestyle and wrong health habit. Health is affected by a result of interaction of environment and human being. Because of difference of lifestyle between a city and a farm village, health behavior and health status of urban elderly and rural elderly may be dissimilar. Thus the purpose of this study was to grasp health behavior and health status, to identify the factors that effect on health status of the elderly. The subfects for this study, 488 persons aged 60 and over who live in Seoul or Cheonbuk Province. The preliminary survey was carried out from Aug. 19, to Aug. 22, 1996. With complement of questions, main survey was carried out from Sep. 29, to Oco. 10, 1996. The data was analysed by using in SPSS/PC+ program. The results were as follows. 1. General Characteristics 1) In the individual characteritics of the respondents, Seoulites aged 80 and over were 24.7%, the average age was 73.14 years old and rural residents aged 60-69 were 63.7%, the average age was 68.90 years old. In Seoul, 142 men and 101 women were respondents. In Cheonbuk Province, 101 men and 144 women were answered. In Seoul, those who graduated form elementary school were 35.4%, in farming region, illiteracy persons were 44.9%. In Seoul, 47.7% of respondents had spouse and in farming village, 66.1% of respondents had spouse. 39.0% of respondents who's imcome type was independent were Seoulite, and 66.1% of respondents who's income type was independent were rural residents. Employed persons in Seoul and in rural region were 16.9% and 62.0%. 2. Health Behavior 1) For the health behavior total score, the difference by region was not statistically significant. But the score of individual item was different and statistically significant. 2) For the Seoulites, younger person(p〈0.01), the female(p〈0.001) showed better health behavior and for the farming village residents, younger person(p〈0.01), the female(p〈0.01), independent income type(p〈0.05), employed person(p〈0.05) showed better health behavior. 3. Health Status 1) For the self-rated health status total score, the difference by region was statistically significant and individual item score was different and statistically significant. For ADL and IADL total score, the difference by region was not statistically significant, but individual item score was different and statistically significant. 2) For the Seoulites, woman(p〈0.05), lower education(p〈0.00l), independent income type(p〈0.05) showed higher score in self-rated health status. For rural residents, woman(p〈0.05), lower education(p〈0.01), independent Income type(p〈0.001) showed higher score in self-rated health status. For the Seoul residents, younger person(p〈0.001), employed(p〈0.05) showed higher score in ADL and IADL, and for the farm area residents, younger person(p〈0.001), higher education(p〈0.01), having spouse(p〈0.001), family type(p〈0.01) showed higher score In ADL and IADL. 3) For the Seoulites, drinking(p〈0.05), breakfast(p〈0.05), exercise(p〈0.05) and for the rural residents, drinking(p〈0.05), deep sleeping(p〈0.05), exercise(p〈0.01), washing hands before meal(p〈0.01) showed higher score In self-rated health status. For the Seoulites, deep sleeping(p〈0.05), exercise(p〈0.05) and for the farm village residents, fruit(p〈0.05), deep sleeping(p〈0.05), exercise(p〈0.001) showed higher score in ADL and IADL. We carried out this study to analyze the effectiveness through health education program in short term which was performed to use the special subject activities. This study was conducted on 63 students who were first grade in S Junior High School from Dec. 1995 to Feb. 1996. To analyze the effectiveness, we performed the Pretest, 1st Posttest, and 2nd Posttest for learned health knowledge. The results were as follows: 1. Most of the students(69.8%) responded that their health were good, and they got the information for health through Mass Com.. The students who had experience of health education were 15.9%, and the 77.8% of the respondents needed the health education. 2. The means of health knowledge on tests were 18.2(Pretest), 21.5(1st Posttest), and 21.4(2nd Posttest). Increase of health knowledge between Pretest and 1st Posttest was 10.9%. 3. The mean of differences between Pretest and 1st Posttest was 3.26, it was significant(p〈0.01). And the mean of differences between Pretest and 2nd Posttest was 3.19, it was significant(p〈0.01);however, the mean of differences between 1st Posttest and 2nd Posttest was not significant(p=0.2514). 4. The significant main contents were Health Facilities(d=0.42), Pregnancy and Labor(d=0.39), Hygiene(d=0.35), Safety Education(d=0.66), and Drug Abuse(d=0.60)(p〈0.01).

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Factors of Students' Career Choice Related to Science (초.중.고 학생들의 과학 관련 진로 선택 요인)

  • Yoon, Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.906-921
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to survey the students' career choice related to science. Important factors of career choice were identified through factor analysis. 'Perception of career related to science', 'preference for science learning' and 'participation in science-related activity' were three main factors of science-related career choice. Students' responses to the three main factors were compared according to their career choice, grade and gender using ANOVA. Regression analysis was adopted to find out the relative importance among the three main factors. The subjects were 947 grade 6, 9 and 11 students in Seoul. Numbers of boys and girls in each grade was almost same. The questionnaire was developed to know the factors of students' science-related career choice after preliminary research and literature survey. The ratio of science-related career choice was not high (26%). Students' responses to and the relative importance of the three main factors differed with the grade and gender. From the results, making students have preference for science and giving them more opportunities of science-related activity is more important than making them have positive perception of science-related career. It is required to make a material for science career education considering the differences of age and gender using this study results.

Development of a Occupation-Based Bilateral Upper Extremity Training Protocol in a Medical Setting for Stroke Patients (뇌졸중 환자를 대상으로 한 병원 환경에서의 작업 기반 양측성 상지 훈련 프로토콜 개발)

  • Kim, Sun-Ho;Kim, Jung Ran;Park, Hae Yean;Han, A-Reum;Kim, Jong-Bae;Park, Ji-Hyuk
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.24-44
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    • 2020
  • Objective : To develop an occupation-based bilateral upper extremity training protocol that can be effectively applied in a medical setting Methods : The research process using the delphi technique was carried out in 3 stages. The first stage was an open questionnaire development stage, The first draft is prepared through literature review and open questions were developed through preliminary research based on the draft. The second stage was the delphi survey. Based on the responses of the experts obtained through the open Delphi survey, the adequacy of the training protocol was shown on a Likert 5 point scale. The items were edited and deleted, reconstructed by analyzing the mean and standard deviation, stability, convergence degree, consensus, and content validity ratio through the questionnaire. The third step was the completion of the protocol. After discussions between researchers, the finalized protocol contents were reorganized to complete the occupation-based bilateral upper extremity training protocol for medical setting. Results : The final protocol consisted of 9 items across 3 areas in the occupation-based intervention selection domain and 81 items across 4 areas in the bilateral upper extremity training domain, intervention period, and evaluation. Conclusions : This study suggests an evidence-based method that collects the opinions of occupational therapists in order to use occupation-based activities as interventions in a situation that currently sees occupational therapy primarily performed in hospitals. It is also meaningful that the bilateral upper extremity training can be applied effectively in clinical situations by concretely presenting.

A Preliminary Study on the Development of Korean Medication Algorithm for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (한국형 주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 약물치료 알고리듬 개발을 위한 예비연구)

  • Park, Jae-Hong;Kim, Bung-Nyun;Kim, Jae-Won;Kim, Ji-Hoon;Son, Jung-Woo;Shin, Dong-Won;Shin, Yun-Mi;Yang, Su-Jin;Yoo, Hanik-K.;Yoo, Hee-Jeong;Lee, Soyoung Irene;Cheon, Keun-Ah;Hong, Hyun-Ju;Hwang, Jun-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2011
  • Objectives:This study was conducted to develop a Korean algorithm of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment strategies in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and its specific comorbid disorders (e.g. tic disorder, depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder). Methods:Based on a literature review and expert consensus, both paper- and web-based survey tools were developed with respect to a comprehensive range of questions. Most options were scored using a 9-point scale for rating the appropriateness of medical decisions. For the other options, the surveyed experts were asked to provide answers (e.g., duration of treatment, aver-age dosage) or check boxes to indicate their preferred answers. The survey was performed on-line in a self-administered manner. Ultimately, 49 Korean child & adolescent psychiatrists, who had been considered experts in the treatment of ADHD, vol untarily completed the questionnaire. In analyzing the responses to items rated using the 9-point scale, consensus on each option was defined as a non-random distribution of scores as determined by a chi-square test. We assigned a categorical rank (first line/preferred choice, second line/alternate choice, third line/usually inappropriate) to each option based on the 95% confidence interval around the mean rating score. Results:Specific medication strategies for key clinical situations in ADHD and its comorbid disorders were indicated and described. We organized the suggested algorithms of ADHD treatment mainly on the basis of the opinions of the Korean experts. The suggested algorithm was constructed according to the templates of the Texas Child & Adolescent medication algorithm Project (CMAP). Conclusion:We have proposed a Korean treatment algorithm for ADHD, both with and without comorbid disorders through expert consensus and a broad literature review. As the tools available for ADHD treatment evolve, this algorithm could be reorganized and modified as required to suit updated scientific and clinical research findings.

A Study on the Fashion Information Activities of Clothing Manufactures (의류제조업체의 패션 정보활동에 관한 연구)

  • 송미령
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.22
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    • pp.135-158
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    • 1994
  • The fashion industry of today is closely re-lated with the information activity. This study investigates now they take advantage of the fashion information by analysing some related fields including fashion design. Furthormore this study identify the factor which makes the design activity distinctive and predict and fu-ture trend in design. The purposes of this study through analysis are : to help find the way to facilitate the fashion industry and to develop the fashion merchandising in order to activate the re-cession of manufacturers and to improve competitiveness in the world market and to contribute to the academic achievement in the study of fashion merchandising. In the experimental approach the tasks of research are as follows: Research 1: The application of fashion infor-mation is discussed in terms of process and level. Research 2: The differences of the fashion design activities are captured on the basis of the characteristics of manufactures and fashion specialists and fashion information ac-tivities. The factors are identified which pre-dict and discriminate the results of fashion de-sign activities. The questionaire and interview were conduc-ted among women's clothing manufactures in Seoul and their fashion specialists in charge of merchandise development. The methods of survey were designed on the basis of theories developed so far and on he advice from the social scientists and fashion specialists. the methods were corrected and complemented through the 1st and 2nd preliminary investigations before their application For data analysis cronbach's a coefficient fre-quency percentage average standard devi-ation pearson's correlation coefficient were calculated and t-test F-test(ANOVA) Duncan's multiple range test regression and Discriminant analysis were conducted. The results of analysis throughout the experimen-tal studies were as follows: 1. The analysis of fashion in formation (1) the present application of information a. The source of information : Both the foreign and the domestic information came mostly from fashion journals magazines newspapers and other periodicals, the main source of market information was collected from the survey of popular items in recent years the data about the life-style of customers and their tastes for wearing were widely used as the information about consumers. b. The applicaton of information : The most widely used information was about fabrics. The foreign information was prefered on the whole. The domestic problems pointed out in this investgation were that the domestic journals showed the lack of specialty and the special organizations for fashion informatino were in urgent need. (2) The research of fashion information a. The various processes and levels of in-formation activities: Among the process of collection analysis and distribution the collec-tion process showed a good acheivement whereas the distribution whereas the distribution didn't. In levels of the systematic activities the acceptance of support and the utility of supported instruments the first indicated a high degree whereas the second showed lowest. b. The correlationship among subvariables : There was a significant correlation between the collection and the analysis process. The systematic activities revealed close relation-ship with the analysis process and the accept-ance of support with the distribution process. The close correlation was found between the utility of supported instruments and the analy-sis process. 2. The analysis of the fashion design activities (1) No significant differences were found in the design activities when the characteristics of companies were compared only. (2) According to the characteristics of fashion specialists the one with age experi-ence and high income showed rather good achievement but no significant differences were captured among sex department in charge title academic background education in abroad and field experience (3) The fashion information activities were strongly correlated with the design achieve-ment : The analysis process and the system-atic activity level had a great influence on the design activities. (4) In order to examine which cha-racteristics in (1-3) made it possible to pre-dct and discriminate the achievement in de-sign activities the Discriminant analysis was carried out. The results were as follows: the fashion information activities showed the highest discriminant rate. Next came the in-come level experience and age in that order Those four variables discrimated 37 from 50 who showed great achievement in design area (74%) and 51 from 83 in low achievement group (81%) Thus the total discriminant rate was 77.5%.

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