• Title/Summary/Keyword: Preliminary survey

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A Study on the Appropriateness of Community Rehabilitation Job Knowledge and Education for Community Care : Focusing on the Job as an Occupational Therapist (커뮤니티케어를 위한 지역사회 재활 직무 지식과 교육의 적절성 조사연구 : 작업치료사 직무 중심으로)

  • Bae, Seong-Hwan;Jo, Seok-Min;Baek, Ji-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to find out the appropriateness of knowledge and education of occupational therapists' community rehabilitation jobs for community care. A questionnaire was developed to find out the job knowledge level of occupational therapists working in the community and the appropriateness of school education and maintenance education, and the validity and reliability were verified through a preliminary survey. Based on the verified questionnaire, a survey was conducted on occupational therapists working in the community. As a result, overall, the average score was low in the level of knowledge about the job of occupational therapists engaged in the community and the appropriateness of school education and maintenance education. Through this study, we were able to know the necessary knowledge in the practice of community occupational therapy, understand the level of knowledge retention of occupational therapists working in the community, and learn about the appropriateness of school education and maintenance education. Referring to the results of this study, if a systematic education program related to community occupational therapy jobs is developed in existing medical institution-centered education, the job knowledge level of occupational therapists in the community can be raised. Amid the rapidly changing times and the pandemic of infectious diseases, additional research is needed on job-related knowledge and education corresponding to various occupations in charge of rehabilitation in the community.

Upstream Risks in Domestic Battery Raw Material Supply Chain and Countermeasures in the Mineral Resource Exploration Sector in Korea (국내 배터리원료광종 공급망 업스트림 리스크와 광물자원탐사부문에서의 대응방안)

  • Oh, Il-Hwan;Heo, Chul-Ho;Kim, Seong-Yong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 2022
  • In line with the megatrend of 2050 carbon neutrality, the amount of critical minerals used in clean-energy technology is expected to increase fourfold and sixfold, respectively, according to the Paris Agreement-based scenario as well as the 2050 carbon-neutrality scenario. And, in the case of Korea, in terms of the battery supply chain used for secondary batteries, the midstream that manufactures battery materials and battery cell packs shows strength, but the upstream that provides and processes raw materials is experiencing difficulties. The Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources has established a strategy to secure lithium, nickel, and cobalt and is conducting surveys to respond to the upstream risk of these types of battery raw materials. In the case of lithium, exploration has been carried out in Uljin, Gyeongsangbuk-do since 2020, and by the end of 2021, the survey area was selected for precision exploration by synthesizing all exploration data and building a 3D model. Potential resources will be assessed in 2022. In the case of nickel, the prospective site will be selected by the end of 2022 through a preliminary survey targeting 10 nickel sulfide deposits that have been prospected in the past. In the case of cobalt, Boguk cobalt is known only in South Korea, but there is only a record that cobalt was produced as a minor constituent of hydrothermal deposit. According to the literature, a cobalt ore body was found in the contact area between serpentinite and granite, and a protocol for cobalt exploration in Korea will be established.

The Investigation of Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Awareness on the Sources of Microplastics (미세플라스틱 배출원에 대한 초등예비교사들의 인식 조사)

  • Kyungmoon Jeon
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.223-236
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate pre-service elementary teachers' awareness on the sources of microplastics. The participants were 75 male and 91 female undergraduates. A 15-item survey questionnaire was developed based on prior researches regarding microplastics emission sources and were modified through expert review and preliminary research. The survey results show that over 80% of the respondents had heard of microplastics before through news, internet, TV, etc. However, they tended not to be aware that things such as lab coats, wet tissue, dust protective mask, or paper cup were made of microplastics-causing substances. For the questions on the expected situation of microplastics contamination, the frequency of their choices were relatively low in 'Tires of cars running are worn out' and 'The gum stuck to the floor becomes smaller.' These results show that many of them were not aware that synthetic fiber or synthetic rubber was one of the microplastics emission sources. Gender differences were found in the attitudes toward microplastics problems. Female students are more interested in the issues and are more willing to participate in the solution, and recognize the need for more education on microplastics. The implications and future directions for science education were discussed.

A Metaverse-based Collaborative Content Building Model for Representative Libraries: Focusing on the Gyeonggi-do Region (광역대표도서관의 메타버스 기반 협력적 콘텐츠 구축 모델: 경기도 지역을 중심으로)

  • Seonghun Kim;Mi Ryung Kim;Yoon Ju Roh;Hyojung Sim
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.221-244
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    • 2023
  • Focusing on Gyeonggi Library, which is preparing Metaverse services using resident participatory budgets, we deduced the role of Metaverse suitable for metropolitan representative libraries, conducting a preliminary study and analyzing various informational resources. Subsequently, we presented a collaborative content construction and service model primarily centered around the metropolitan representative library. We conducted a survey targeting on-site librarians from metropolitan representative libraries, as well as various libraries across Gyeonggi Province and the entire nation. Through this survey, we extracted insights into the Metaverse role, content possibilities, and considerations for seamless cooperation within the scope of the metropolitan representative library. Based on the opinions of surveyed librarians, it was evident that the role of the metropolitan representative library's Metaverse should function as a tool for continuous utilization of library resources and serve as a space for the entire local community. Approximately three-fourths of the respondents expressed willingness to participate in collaborative content development. However, concerns were raised about human resource limitations, budget constraints, and excessive workloads as potential obstacles to participation. This highlighted the need for systematic support from the metropolitan representative library to address these concerns.

Development of Standard Program on Dietary Life Education for Adolescents and Evaluation of the Program through Pilot Operation (청소년 식생활교육 표준 프로그램 개발 및 시범교육 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Sun Hyo;Jo, Sung Suk
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.89-103
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a dietary life education program for adolescents and evaluate its effectiveness. The program was divided into three areas: 'Natam' (taste education), 'Wetam' (traditional dietary life education), and 'Gitam' (sustainable dietary life education), consisting of a total of 10 units primarily focused on cooking activities. For participants aged 14~17 years, face-to-face pilot education was conducted by a trained instructor once a week for 10 weeks. A questionnaire survey was performed to evaluate the educational effect(n=72) and satisfaction(n=82) during education period. Significant improvements were observed in knowledge levels for the 'traditional dietary life education', and 'sustainable dietary life education' which were identified as insufficient in the preliminary survey. Attitude and behavior levels were significantly improved across all areas. Satisfaction was high with a score of 4 out of 5 points for all areas. In conclusion, this program was found to be effective, and further emphasis should be placed on traditional and sustainable dietary life education to enhance its impact.

A Study on the Development and Validation of Digital Literacy Measurement for Middle School Students

  • Hee Chul Kim;Ji Young Lim;Iljun Park;Myoeun Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.9
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a scale for measuring digital literacy by identifying the factors consisting of digital literacy and extracting items for each factor. Preliminary items for the Delphi study were developed through the analysis of previous literature and the deliberation of the research team. As a result of two rounds of the expert Delphi study, 65 items were selected for the main survey. The validation of the items was carried out in the process of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, reliability test, and criterion validity test using the data collected in the main survey. As a result, a 4-factor structure composed of 31 questions(factor 1: digital technology & data literacy- 9 questions, factor 2: digital content & media literacy- 8 questions, factor 3: digital communication & community literacy- 9 questions, factor 4: digital wellness literacy - 5 questions) was confirmed. Also, the goodness of fit indices of the model were found to be good and the result of reliability test revealed the scale had a very appropriate level of Cronbach's alpha(α=.956). In addition, a statistically significantly positive correlations(p<.001) were found between digital literacy and internet self-efficacy and between digital literacy and self-directed learning ability, which were predicted in the existing evidence, therefore the criterion validity of the developed scale was secured. Finally, practical and academic implications of the study are provided and future study and limitations of the study are discussed.

A Survey Study of IT Vocational Education Contents Development in Ubiquitous Learing for Persons with Hearing Impairments (u-Learning 기반 IT 직업교육과정 개발을 위한 청각장애인의 욕구조사)

  • Rhee, Kun Min;Kim, Dong Ok;Lee, Shin Young
    • 재활복지
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.351-375
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to research the actual condition of on-line and off-line computer education in order to create more opportunities for the possibility of effective learning and u-Learning - based IT vocational education development of persons with hearing impairments. To carry out this study, we had a preliminary education of this study for a sign language interpreters who had working in a association of the deaf in Daegu, and had conducted a survey study participating for 100 persons with hearing impairments living in Daegu-Kyungbook Region. The results of this study were as follows: First, during on-line and offline education environment for persons with hearing impairments, factors such as teaching methods and contents, screen organization, learning effects, offering lecture material and subtitle, subtitle and sign language video of position and size, offering computer instructor who have a sign language interpreter with IT mentoring, on-line educational user environment setting must be considered factors for u-Learning - based IT vocational education development. Second, 74% of the subjects showed their interest in taking a course, after u-Learning contents are developed for persons with hearing impairments. Third, the subjects preferred IT device was a tablet PCs and IT certification related courses as their IT vocational education curriculum. Also, to link between professional training and job opportunity, subjects will need a IT vocational education courses such as computer intermediate and advanced levels.

Development and Validation of a Fun Perception Scale for the Korean Employees (직장인의 일에 대한 재미지각척도 개발 및 구성타당도 검증)

  • Cheongyeul Park ;Youngmi Sohn ;Chungwoon Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.241-260
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    • 2011
  • This study was to develop the fun perception scale measuring what conditions employees experience fun feeling in work and to examine the construct validity of it. For this, the pre-studies(open-ended questionnaire, in-depth interviews, literature survey, pre-survey) were conducted to develop the preliminary questions of fun scale. In main study, 250 employees(male: 125, female, 125) were responded to a questionnaire consisted of 40 questions of fun perception scale extracted by pre-studies. The results were as follow. First, through the item analysis, factor analysis and reliability analysis, 7 factors composed of 29 items were extracted: 'self-determination', 'extrinsic reward', 'goal achievement', 'pleasure in the process', 'contribution to the company', 'worthless', 'challenge'. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of each factor was suitable. Secondly, EFA was conducted to test the construct validity of fun scale with AMOS 16.0. Several goodness of fit indexes were used to assess model fit: X2/df, TLI, CFI, RMSEA. The results were revealed that all the indexes were acceptable with no additional modification. Based on these findings, the theoretical and the practical implications of fun perception scale were discussed.

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A Study on Middle School Student Users' Perceptions of Spatial Characteristics of School Libraries as Reading Spaces (독서공간으로서 학교도서관 공간특성 요소에 대한 중학생 이용자 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Munji Jeong;Jee Yeon Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.229-257
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to understand students' perceptions of the spatial characteristics of school libraries when they use them for reading. We selected a set of spatial characteristics by reviewing the literature and conducting a preliminary investigation. Then, we examined how students perceived the importance of and how satisfied they were with each characteristic. In addition, we investigated how students' perceptions differ by the library uses and reading-related activities. We also studied whether the satisfaction of school library users affects their continued use of the libraries. We also verified whether school library user satisfaction is an intervening variable in continued-use intention, which is affected by spatial characteristics perception. We conducted a survey of 342 students from four middle schools. The analysis of the survey outcomes shows differences in library use due to spatial characteristics such as convenience, communicability, diversity, and safety. Factors such as communicability, comfortability, and ambience affected user satisfaction positively. Both aesthetics and communicability also positively influenced the continued-use intention. Furthermore, we identified that communicability, comfortability, and ambience eventually impacted the continued-use intention via user satisfaction, an intervening variable. The significance of this study is that it considered the direction of the school library to support students' reading by regarding the school library as a space for reading.

Case Studies of Site Investigation Factors and Methods for Site Selection for High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal (고준위방사성폐기물 처분 부지선정을 위한 조사인자 및 조사기법에 대한 국외사례 분석)

  • Hyo Geon Kim;Si Won Yoo;Dae Seok Bae;Soo Hwan Jung;Ki Su Kim;Jun Kyum Kim;Man Ho Han;Junghae Choi
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.611-626
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    • 2023
  • Overseas examples of the characterization stage of site selection proposed by the International Atomic Energy Agency were reviewed to highlight the factors necessary for consideration in the deep disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Studies in Sweden, Finland, the USA, and Canada were considered. Site investigations in Sweden and Finland commonly covered the fields of geology, hydrogeology, and hydrogeochemistry using similar field investigation techniques. The USA considered survey groups and factors under pre- and post-lockdown guidelines, as well as those for desaturated and saturated surveys. involving geophysical, hydrological, hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical, mechanical/physical, and thermal-characterization investigations. Canada provided a list of investigative methods for both preliminary and detailed site assessments including geological, physical, boring, hydrological, laboratory testing, and chemical analysis studies. Results of this study should elucidate site-selection investigation factors and survey methods applicable to Korea.