• Title/Summary/Keyword: Preceding displacement

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Prediction of Preceding Displacement of a Soil-Tunnel by Displacement Monitoring using Horizontal Inclinometer (수평경사계를 이용한 토사터널의 선행변위 예측)

  • Kim, Chu-Hwa;Chae, Young-Su;Park, Yeon-Jun
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.355-365
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    • 2008
  • Displacement caused by tunneling is difficult to predict since it is affected by many factors such as ground condition, excavation method and supplementary method of reinforcement. In this study, horizontal inclinometer was employed to monitor ground settlements above a tunnel face before and after the excavation. Monitoring results were analyzed to predict the preceding displacement and settlement of the surface structures. The result of the analysis can be used to establish a proper counter measure which keeps the serviceability of the surface structures. Based on the analysis of the monitoring result, ground properties of the site were deduced and the influence of the tunnel excavation on the settlement of the foundation above the tunnel is analyzed.

Prediction of Preceding Crown Settlement Using Longitudinal Displacement Measured on Tunnel Face in Fault Zone (단층대가 분포하는 터널에서 굴진면 수평변위를 이용한 선행 천단변위 분석)

  • Yun, Hyun-Seok;Do, Kyung-Ryang;Seo, Yong-Seok
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2017
  • Preceding displacements in tunnel are difficult to predict since the measurements of displacements after excavation can not be performed immediately. In the present study, The longitudinal displacements which can be measured immediately after excavation are used to predict the crown settlements occurring before excavation only if fault is located at the tunnel crown. Three-dimensional finite element analysis was conducted using 28 numerical models with various fault attitudes to analyze the correlation between the longitudinal displacements on tunnel face and preceding crown settlements. The results, $L_{face}/C$ ratio show 2~12% in the drives with dip models and 2~13% in the drives against dip models individually. In addition, each model has a certain $L_{face}/C$ ratio. The result of the regression analysis show that the coefficient of determination is over 0.8 in most models. Therefore, crown settlements occurring before excavation can be predicted by analyzing the longitudinal displacements occurring on tunnel faces.

Deformation Behavior and Reinforcement Design of a Tunnel Excavated in Weak Rock by the NATM (연약암반에 굴착되는 NATM 터널의 변형거동과 보강설계)

  • 서영호;이정인
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.132-141
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    • 1993
  • Laboratory and field tests were performed to find out the effectiveness of ground improvement by grouting for an urban subway tunnel that was excavated in weak rock by the NATM. Field measurements were carried out to monitor the behavior of rock mass around the tunnel and to ensure the validity of the current design of the distance form the measuring points to the tunnel face. The final converged displacement and the peroid were predicted using the gamma function. It was found that the ground improvement in terms of reduced permeability and increased stength in the self-supportability of the excavation face enabled the NATM applied in poor gorund. As the result of applying the gamma function to the predicting of displacement, the final displacement including the preceding one and the converged period could be approximately predicted at the early excavation stage.

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Flexural Modeling of Bonded and Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Beam (부착과 비부착된 프리스트레스트 콘크리트보의 휨 모델)

  • 김민경;이차돈
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.467-470
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    • 1999
  • An analytical method based on the nonlinear layered finite element method is developed to simulate overall load-deflection behavior of bonded and unbonded prestressed concrete beams. The model which uses rather advanced numerical technique for iterative convergence to equilibrium can be regarded as superior one compared to the models mainly based on either load control or displacement control methods. Model predictions were compared with preceding experimental results and it was observed that there were good agreements between them.

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Estimation of Preceding Displacement at Tunnel Excavation by NATM (NATM 시공에 의한 터널 굴착시 선행변위 추정에 관한 연구)

  • 신동오;임한욱;김치환
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 1998
  • Field instrumentation and numerical analysis by the finite difference method were applied to estimate the relaxed zone in a subway tunnel of shallow depth in soft rock, excavated by NATM. The convergence and ground displacement can be used to estimate the deformation behavior and the relaxed zone. Parameters for the several models previously suggested were measured using regression analysis techniques adopting a function of time and the face advance. The estimated relaxed zone by the MPBX and FDM analysis were 1.5~3.0 m and 1.5~2.0 m, respectively. It was concluded that the visco-elastic model and the time-dependent elasto-plastic model correlate very well ($r^2$>0.9) with results of the numerical analyses.

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An Analysis for the Stress Redistribution around Tunnel Face Using Three-Dimensional Finite Element Method (3차원 유한요소법을 이용한 터널 막장 주위에서의 응력 재분배 해석에 관한 연구)

  • 문선경;이희근
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 1995
  • In this paper the stress redistribution around tunnel face was analyzed by using a three-dimensional finite element model. The effects of in-situ stress levels, excavation sequences, stiffness difference between the hard ground and the weak zone on the stress redistributions were considered. Displacement and stress changes at tunnel crown, side wall, and invert were investigated throughout the sequential excavation. To show ground response, percentage of the displacement and stress variations are used as a function of normalized distance that is between the face and monitoring section. Preceding displacements and stress variations were presented to be adopted in the two-dimensional tunnel analysis.

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Occupant Neck Injury Assessment Caused by Backward Movement of a Preceding Vehicle at a Low Impact Velocity (선행 차량의 후진에 의한 저속 충돌 시 탑승자 경추 상해에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Seongjin;Jeon, Woojung;Park, Woosik;Seo, Youngil;Son, Kwon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2013
  • This study assesses neck injury of occupants in a real traffic accident case that a preceding vehicle moved backward and impacted a parked vehicle at a low velocity. This case is different from a case of whiplash injury caused by rear impact on vehicle. The impact velocity was estimated from damages of the two vehicle bumpers and the displacement of the parked vehicle was also estimated from CCTV images. MADYMO simulation was performed based on the vehicle specifications and investigation report. The comparison of neck flexion moments with the corresponding injury criteria revealed that occupants of the parked vehicle might have hardly neck injury.

Relations between Initial Displacement Rate and Final Displacement of Arch Settlement and Convergence of a Shallow Tunnel (저심도 터널의 천단침하 및 내공변위의 초기변위속도와 최종변위의 관계)

  • Kim, Cheehwan
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.110-119
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    • 2013
  • It is generalized to measure the arch settlement and convergence during tunnel construction for monitoring its mechanical stability. The initial convergence rate a day is defined from the first convergence measurement and the final convergence defined as the convergence measured lastly. The initial and the final tunnel arch settlement are defined like the preceding convergence. In the study, the relations between the initial and final displacements of a shallow tunnel are analyzed. The measurements were performed in the tunnel of subway 906 construction site in Seoul. The overburden is 10-20 m and the tunnel goes through weathered soil/rock. The width and height of the tunnel are about 11.5 m, 10m, respectively. So this is a shallow tunnel in weak rock. The length of tunnel is about 1,820 m and the tunnel was constructed in 2 stages, dividing upper and lower half. The numbers of measurement locations of arch settlement and convergence are 184 and 258, respectively. As a result, the initial displacement rate and the final displacement are comparatively larger in the section of weathered soil.

Selection of Bearing Position for Improving Static and Dynamic Stiffness of 40,000rpm High-speed Spindle (40,000rpm 고속 주축의 정·동특성 향상을 위한 베어링 위치 선정)

  • Lim, Jeong Suk;Chung, Won Jee;Lee, Choon Man
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2009
  • Spindle design is very important for the improvement of the competitive power in production cost of high quality machine tools. The important factor in spindle design is not only to improve the natural frequency of spindle but also to reduce displacement of spindle end. In this paper, parameters those influence on static and dynamic stiffness of high-speed spindle have selected form preceding studies. And those selected parameters are applied to Taguchi Method. To perform FEM analysis, bearing conditions are selected with optimized condition. To know how to improve static and dynamic stiffness of machine tool spindle, natural frequency and displacement of spindle end are obtained by FEM analysis. The Taguchi Method was used to draw optimized condition of bearing position and it's stiffness. From these results, amplitude of vibration is enough good less than $3{\mu}m$ pk-pk of the spindle of 40,000rpm manufactured in this work by the optimal design.

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3D Finite Element Analysis of Rock Behavior with Bench Length and Gther Design Parameters of Tunnel (터널의 벤치길이를 중심으로 한 설계변수에 따른 암반거동의 3차원 수치해석)

  • 강준호;정직한;이정인
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 2001
  • Focusing on the bench length, this paper presents the results of 3-dimensional elafto-plastic FE Analysis un tunnels of full face, mini-bench and short bench excavated in weathered rock. Influences of unsupported span, horizontal to vertical stress ratio, thickness of shotcrete on the behavior of rock and support were a1so studied. Results showed that displacements of mini-bench tunnels responded more sensitively to bench lengths than those of short bench. The effects of bench excavation on upper half displacement increased with longer unsupported span. Horizontal to vertical stress ratio showed a greater influence on displacement and preceding displacement ratio or sidewall rather than those of crown and invert.

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