• Title/Summary/Keyword: Power demand and supply

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A Control Algorithm Suitable for High-speed Response Battery Charging System for Elevator Car (승강기 Car용 고속응성 배터리 충전시스템에 적합한 제어알고리즘)

  • Lee, Jung-Hwan;Hwangbo, Chan;Park, Sung-Jun;Park, Seong-Mi;Ko, Jae-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.6_2
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    • pp.1071-1081
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    • 2022
  • As the demand for high-rise buildings increases, the demand for high-speed elevators is also increasing. In order to make a high-speed elevator, a method is needed to reduce the weight of the elevator's components, which is a constraint on the increase in speed. As a measure to reduce the weight, it is possible to remove the traveling cable for power and signal supply. Since the weight of the traveling cable varies depending on the position of the carriage, it is difficult to compensate the weight using the counter weight. The power supply is a structure in which a brush-rail type power input terminal is installed in the elevator hoistway to receive power in a contact-type manner while the carriage is moving. If a small-capacity ESS is installed in a passenger car, power can be supplied uninterruptedly inside the passenger car. A small-capacity ESS charging system to be applied to such an elevator system is required to perform several functions. First, the passenger Car must be able to charge as much as possible even during high-speed operation. A control algorithm with high responsiveness is required because charging starts and ends repeatedly by the partially installed input power stage. In addition, if the input-side line impedance is large due to the structure of the system and the response characteristic is increased, the stability of the system may be lowered. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a control algorithm that has a stable steady-state output while having a fast response in a transient state. To verify the proposed control algorithm, simulation was conducted using PSIM, and the performance of the controller was verified by manufacturing a prototype buck conveter charger.

A Study on the Optimal Planning for Dispersed Fuel Cell Generation Systems in Power Systems (전력계통에 있어서 분산형 연료전지 발전시스템의 최적 도입계획에 관한 연구)

  • Rho, Dae-Seok;Shim, Hun;Oh, Yong-Taek;Choi, Jae-Seok;Cha, Jun-Min
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.265-274
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    • 2001
  • Recently, the operation of power systems has become more difficult because the peak demand load is increasing continuously and the daily load factor is getting worse and worse. Also, the consideration of deregulation and global environment in electric power industry is required. In order to overcome those problems, a study on the planning and operation in power systems of dispersed generating sources such as fuel cell systems, photovoltaic systems and wind power systems, has been performed energetically. This paper presents a method for determining an optimal operation strategy of dispersed co-generating sources, especially fuel cell generation systems, considering thermal supply as well as electric power supply. In other words, the optimal operation of those sources can be determined easily by the principle of equal incremental fuel cost and the thermal merit of those sources can be also evaluated quantitatively through Kuhn-Tucker's optimal conditions. In additions, an priority method using the comparison of total cost at the peak load time interval is presented in order ot select the optimal locations of those sources. The validity of the proposed algorithms is demonstrated using a model system.

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A Study on the DR program operation method based on the pattern analysis (사용량 패턴분석을 통한 패턴분석 DR 프로그램 운영방안에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Jung-Chul;Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2009
  • Recently the stable electric power supply is threaten by the rapid development of all the industries consuming a lot of electric power, thus KEPCO is trying to establish the countermeasures to cope with this circumstance of uprising power consumption by running the efficient and flexible 12-month s price policy for the base price and raisin the electric power price remarkably in peak power consumption period to suppress the maximal power demand of consumers. To resolve these problems, this study propose the method calculating hourly CBL based on the hourly amount at non-event using the pattern of the amount of power consumption and propose the operation method of DR Program.

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Development of a System Dynamics Computer Model for Efficient Operations of an Industrial Water Supply System (공업용수 공급시스템의 효율적인 운영을 위한 시스템다이내믹스 모형의 개발)

  • Kim, Bong-Jae;Park, Su-Wan;Kim, Tae-Yeong;Jeon, Dae-Hun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.383-397
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    • 2012
  • In this study, a System Dynamics (SD) simulation model for the efficient operations of an industrial water supply system was developed by investigating the feedback loop mechanisms involved in the operations of the system. The system was modeled so that as demand is determined the water supply quantity of intake pumping stations and dams are allocated. The main feedback loop showed that many variables such as the combinations of pump operation, unit electric power(kWh/$m^3$), unit electric power costs(won/$m^3$), water level of water way tunnel, suction pressure and discharge of pumping station, and tank and service reservoir water level had causal effects and produced results depending on their causal relationship. The configurations of the model included an intake pumping station model, water way tunnel model, pumping station model (including the tank and service reservoir water level control model), and unit electric power model. The model was verified using the data from the case study industrial water supply system that consisted of a water treatment plant, two pumping stations and four dams with an annual energy costs of 5 billion won. It was shown that the electric power costs could have been saved 7~26% during the past six years if the operations had been based on the findings of this study.

Prospect and strategies of seawater desalination plant in Asia major countries (아시아 주요국의 해수담수화 플랜트 시장전망과 진출방안)

  • Sohn, Jin-Sik;Han, Ji-Hee;Kim, Suk-Hwa;Sheen, Dong-Woo;Lim, Jae-Han
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2010
  • Seawater desalination has vest interest in terms of ultimate water resources for the countries suffering lack of water supply. Water demand is steadily increasing due to the population growth and industrialization in Asia. The objectives of this study are to prospect the desalination market in Asia countries including China, India and Singapore, and to propose possible strategies of getting through Asia water market. Water supply in China is increasing up to $5,322,060m^3$/d in 2015. Northeast coastal areas such as Tianjin, Shandong, Hubei, and Liaoning are expected rapid increase for water demand. The investment of water supply in India would be 1.74 billion dollars during 2006 to 2015. Chennai, Kutch, and Pondicherry have possibility in introducing seawater desalination plants. Singapore is focusing on water reuse, and operating three NEWater plants (water reuse plants). BOT with total solution providing financing, construction, operation etc. is an adequate strategy to getting through China water market, while desalination plant project connecting with power plant is desirable in India. The cooperative system with Korea and Singapore creates synergy effect regarding planning and operating experience of Singapore and EPC ability of Korea.

Classification and function of the Storage System in the Thermal Energy Supply System (축열시스템의 종류 및 열에너지 공급시스템에서의 역할)

  • Lee, Dong-Won;Cho, Soo;Jang, Cheol-Yong
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.141-146
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    • 2008
  • For the efficient use of thermal energy and its related equipments, optimal energy in view of quality and quantity should be timely provided. The core of thermal energy storage technology deals with an energy efficiency for effective energy storage and supply. The relative importance of thermal energy storage technology has been underestimated so far, and the specific projects on this filed have been performed intermittently. For the efficient and systematic approach of the energy supply system projects on thermal energy storage technology, we conduct the survey on the current status of this field. Firstly, classify into the thermal energy storage and describing the recent research for each system. The necessity and importance of thermal energy storage technology is identified through this study. It reveals that the thermal energy storage is the mandatory technology to solve the difference of supply and demand in thermal loads. It would greatly contribute to the combined heat and power(CHP) system. The urgent technologies for the commercial value and the core technologies for the CHP system are classified with this study.

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A Study on the Planning of Urban Energy Supply Systems Including Co-generation System (도시지역 에너지 공급체계 개선방안 검토 연구)

  • Woo, Nam-Sub;Lee, Tae-Won;Kim, Yong-Ki
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate planning of urban energy supply systems configuration and operating conditions for the district heating and cooling system using combined heat and power system. Generally the district heating and cooling system has been known to one of the effective way for energy saving, cost reduction and demand side management of energy. Economical analyses were carried out and operating characteristics for some systems were examined in terms of GER factor which represents to the ratio of gas and electricity costs. Rates of the energy consumption and the $CO_2$ emission were compared from the system configuration of the energy supply system with new district cooling system with the conventional one.

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Experimental Investigation on the Optimal Design of Water Tank for Domestic Hot Water Supply using PEMFC Co-generation System (가정용 고분자 전해질 연료전지 열병합 발전시스템의 급탕 적용을 위한 온수 저장조의 최적 설계에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Hwang, Yu-Jin;Ahn, Young-Chull;Cheong, Seong-Ir;Jin, Keun-Ho;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.394-399
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    • 2008
  • There are many attempts to use a fuel cell system as a residential power generation system. The purpose of this study is to investigate the optimal design of a water tank for a hot water system when the fuel cell co-generation system is combined with a domestic hot water supply system. The demands of hot water supply per month per home are investigated in Busan for a year. It showed somewhat large differences between the actual demand and the designed demand of hot water, but the actual capacity of hourly averaged hot water demands is analyzed as $60{\ell}/h$ in this study based on the actual demand. The experiments are performed in the various inlet and outlet locations of nozzles, and the hot water consumption rates. The experimental results are showed that the optimal capacity of the water tank is $200{\ell}$ when the thermal efficiency, the storing capacity of hot water and the space for installation are considered.

A Study on the Estimations Method of Demand-Side Management Cost Per kW and/or kWh to Find Reasonable Load Factor (전력시스템 적정 부하율 산정을 위한 단위당 수요관리비용 추정 방안 연구)

  • Hwang, Sung-Wook;Kim, Jung-Hoon;Jung, Young-Beom;Yoon, Yong-Beum
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.11b
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    • pp.26-28
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    • 2007
  • To estimate reasonable load factor of power system both supply side and demand side of views should be considered. In the case of this study the demand side is considered and it is supposed that load curves depends on the load factor. The key point of this study is that the cost of demand-side management program per kW and/or kWh should be calculated.

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A Study on the Optimization of the Design of Power Electric Ground Support Equipment according to the Increase in Power Demand due to the Increase in Satellite Power Demand and the Advancement of Satellite Payload (위성 탑재체 고도화에 따른 위성 전력요구도 증가 및 전력요구도 증가에 따른 전력계 전기지상지원장비 설계 최적화를 위한 고찰)

  • Su-Wan Bang;Hyoung-Ho Ko
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.88-96
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    • 2023
  • KOMPSAT (Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite) is a Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) satellite under development in Korea. Its performance has been steadily improving. At this time, power demand of the payload increased according to performance improvement of the payload. Accordingly, design of the satellite, such as design of the internal power supply device and the configuration of the solar array, was changed. Thus, many considerations are required according to an increase in power when designing power EGSE (Electric Ground Support Equipment) for supplying power to satellites and conduct satellite integration tests. This paper deals with matters to be considered when designing power EGSE according to changes in satellite power requirements according to payloads and increase in power requirements.