• Title/Summary/Keyword: Potential accidents

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A Study on The Relationship between Human Errors Caused by Psychological Stress of Helicopter Pilots and Conditions of Potential Accidents and Incidents (국내 헬리콥터 조종사 정신적 스트레스에 의한 인적 오류와 잠재적 사고 및 준사고 조건 간 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Kyungjin Yum;Kyuwang Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2024
  • Pilots are indispensable and central to the aviation industry, with the relevance of their psychological stress and resultant human errors increasingly recognized as critical. This study aims to meticulously explore the interrelations between psychological stressors and associated factors among helicopter pilots, assessing the consequent effects on potential accidents and incidents. The study comprised active pilots from domestic helicopter airlines, with data collated through both focus group interviews (FGI) and comprehensive surveys. These data were subsequently analyzed using SPSS and AMOS for structural equation modeling. The results reveal that heightened psychological stress in helicopter pilots correlates with an increased incidence of human errors, which in turn, elevates the likelihood of potential safety incidents. Based on these findings, it is proposed that interventions designed to mitigate psychological stress among pilots could significantly reduce human errors and enhance overall aviation safety. This research provides crucial insights into specific ways to improve the operational conditions for helicopter pilots and strengthen the safety protocols within the aviation industry.

The Study on a Notification Service for Preventing Accidents Using an Analysis for Stress of Enlisted Men in Korean Army (육군 병사 스트레스 분석을 이용한 사고예방 알림 서비스 연구)

  • Moon, Hoseok;Im, Yooshin
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.255-268
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this paper is to propose a notification service for preventing unexpected accidents which will be occurred by enlisted men's stress in Korean Army. For this purpose we first evaluate the enlisted men's stress with reliable evaluation tools through survey. A representative sample size of about 1,500 enlisted men from all seven unit types was selected and surveyed considering types of unit, ranks, and regional characteristics. In the second, we analyse the results of level of stresses and stress reactions to distinguish high potential enlisted men who will happen to accident. Through the second step, we know enlisted men's stress reactions are different depending their unit types. Therefore the basic information about their stresses will be judged respectively according to their unit types. In the final step, we propose a notification service that offer the information about high potential enlisted men who will happen to accident to their managers rapidly through military Intranet and information systems. Their managers will get the previous information about occurrence of unexpected accidents and have time to check various things before they are occurred. We hope the proposed service contributes to prevent unexpected accidents and reduce the effort of military managers. Furthermore this paper offers several recommendations to apply the proposed service to Korean Army.

The Suggestions for the Minimization of Safety Accidents in the Primary Science Experiments (초등학교 과학 실험에서의 안전사고 최소화 방안)

  • Kwon, Chi-Soon;Choi, Eun-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2009
  • This study examined the dangerous elements in primary science textbooks and had some suggestions for the minimization of safety accidents in the science class experiments. The research results are as follows: 1) The rate of accident in the primary science experiments was not high, but potential for the outbreak of safety accidents was always present. 2) it is necessary to include safety contents on science textbooks. The survey revealed that only 18 percent of safety education materials include on science textbooks. 3) It will be desirable for science experiment lessons to include safety education materials for safety experiments. This could also help the students develop the right recognition and attitude regarding safety. 4) There was lack of safety devices those were required to be kept at science labs. The survey showed that about 20 percent of the schools had the experimental clothing. 5) Safety training is often conducted in an overly simplified manner, and no special time is allocated to it. In conclusion, to improve the problems pertaining to school safety accident, courses on safety training are essential as textbooks and teachers. Constant and systematic instructions on safety should be done in order to prevent potential safety accidents.

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A Study on the Characteristics of Elementary School's Accidents in the Interior Environments - Focused on the Elementary Schools in In-Cheon Area - (초등학교 실내안전사고의 특성연구 - 인천지역 초등학교를 중심으로 -)

  • 서정연
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.36
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    • pp.84-92
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    • 2003
  • Schools should be a safe and comfortable environment for learning and studying. However, school facilities are usually used by many students during restricted time. These conditions such as many people, restricted time and space mold a chain of school accidents. In Korea, the school accidents are increasing annually and many students experience 'big or small incidents' and are exposed to 'potential accidents'. In this study, I investigated the present situation of the elementary schools' accidents in In-Cheon area, and analyzed the various characteristics of them. The accidents in elementary school have tendencies of occuring frequently in higher grade and boy students relatively. As analyzed in the place of accident, classrooms have a set of factors of accident, on the other hand, corridor and staircase show single distinct cause of safety problem. And also, the major portion of accidents is associated with the door in restroom and entrance space. In order to reduce the severity and frequency of school accidents, there should be needed multilateral and interdisciplinary approach. To achieve the safe school environments, this study focused on establishing a foundation of practical directions in designing elementary schools.

WSN Safety Monitoring using RSSI-based Ranging Technique in a Construction Site (무선센서 네트워크를 이용한 건설현장 안전관리 모니터링 시스템)

  • Jang, Won-Suk;Shin, Do Hyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of societal Security
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2009
  • High incident of accidents in construction jobsite became a social problem. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), more than 60,000 fatal accidents occur each year in construction workplace worldwide. This number of accidents accounts for about 17 percent of all fatal workplace accidents. Especially, accidents from struck-by and falls comprise of over 60 percent of construction fatalities. This paper introduces a prototype of a received signal strength index (RSSI)-based safety monitoring to mitigate the potential accidents caused by falls and struck-by. Correlation between signal strength and noise index is examined to create the distance profile between a transmitter and a receiver. Throughout the distributed sensor nodes attached on potential hazardous objects, the proposed prototype envisions that construction workers with a tracker-tag can identify and monitor their current working environment in construction workplace, and early warning system can reduce the incidents of fatal accident in construction job site.

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Risk Assessment of Agricultural Construction Works using Accident Analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process (재해분석을 통한 농업토목공사의 공종별 위험성 평가)

  • Yang, Young Jin;Oh, Sue Hoon;Noh, Jae Kyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2018
  • The accident risk at the construction workplace associated with agricultural engineering is comparatively higher than those of other fields due mainly to its complex work types and processes. Agricultural engineering deals with a variety of agricultural infrastructures from irrigation and drainage facilities to giant-scale coastal reclamation land infrastructures. The characteristics that most agricultural projects have conducted on a small-scale even worsen the situation drawing low attentions to risk management. Therefore, systematical risk assessment that focuses on details of agricultural construction work process is required in order to enhance safety management capacity and to prevent repetitive accidents ultimately. This study aims to categorize construction work types and processes of agricultural construction works, and to quantitatively assess the accident risk of them based on accident analysis. Regarding classification of construction works, actual 827 accident cases were thoroughly reviewed and coded by their construction site, facility and work type, project scale and so on. Most accidents (71.8 % of total cases) occurred in small-scale construction workplaces with less than 5 billion Korean won project budget. And those accidents related to agricultural infrastructure project (37.4%) and agricultural water development project (22.4%). In terms of work types, accidents frequently took place in form-work followed by pipe installation work, steel bar work and concrete work. The potential risks were compared with actual outbreak of accidents based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results show that the potential conditions of accident expected to be took place is somewhat different from the actual conditions where accidents actually happened. This implicates that risk management manuals or education needs to be adjusted by reflecting unexpected circumstances. Overall, this study is meaningful in that the results could be foundations as to strengthen risk management capacity for agricultural engineering projects.

A Case Analysis of the Economic Impact on Accidents during Excavation (터파기 공사 사고의 경제적 영향 사례분석)

  • Go, Kwang-Ro;Lee, Ghang;Choi, Myung-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.7-10
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    • 2008
  • As the land price in the downtown area increases, buildings are becoming bigger, deeper and higher. Consequently, the importance of underground construction has increased. Although construction engineers make every effort to complete underground construction without any problem, construction failures like landslides and the collapse of a retaining wall occur because of the uncertainty of the soil conditions as well as the unexpected risks of excavation work. In order to prevent potential excavation accidents, it is essential to understand the causes and impacts of such accidents. However, there are only a few examples of construction failures, which show the economic impact on accidents during excavation because of the sensibility of the information. This paper presents two cases of excavation accidents, which were investigated by construction insurance company. The compensation for the accidents paid by the insurance company was compared with the estimated costs calculated based on the estimation method for excavation accidents proposed by our previous study. The comparison results showed that the estimate calculated by our method was much less than the actual compensation because the estimate solely focused on the construction costs whereas the compensation included other external factors.

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Validation of Nursing Diagnose and Defining Characteristics for Patients with Cerebrovascular Accidents - Home Health Care Nursing (뇌혈관질환자와 관련된 간호진단 및 간호진단별 특성 규명과 타당성 조사연구 - 가정간호 대상자를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hae-Young
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.2
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    • pp.35-51
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    • 1995
  • This study was done to define nursing diagnose and to test the validity of the characteristics for patients with cerebrovascular accidents being seen at home by home health care nurses. This study was a descriptive study. The sample consisted of 10 experts(professors and home health care nurses) who had had a variety of experience using nursing diagnoses in clinical practice, and 336 nurse progress notes for 18 patients with cerebrovascular accidents. First, 32 nursing diagnoses were defined by the analysis of 336 nurse progress notes, and ten nursing diagnoses were selected according to a criteria of frequency and four nursing diagnoses from home health care clinical practice. Second, content validity was examined by an expert group which considered the sign / symtoms of the fourteen nursing diagnoses. The instrument used for this was a checklist for sign / symtoms based on the nurse progress notes and literature : Carpenito(1993), Kim Cho Ja et al (1994), Lee Sun Ok et al.(1994), Kim Mae Ja et al. (1992), Seoul University Hospital (1993) , Kim Mi Ja et al. (1991). The data were collected from March 1995 to April 1995. Data were analyzed using Content Validity Incidence where if 80% or more of the expert group agreed, characteristics were defined as a major sign/symtoms, if between 50% and 79% of the expert group agreed with the characteristic it was defined as a minor sign / symtoms. The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1. Thirty-two nursing diagnoses related to patients with cerebrovascular accidents were defined. There was a high frequency for the following : 'Potential for disuse syndrome (61%)', 'Impaired physical mobility(50%)', 'Impaired skin integrity (44.4%)', Potential for aspiration(33.3%)', 'Potential for infection: respiration(33.3%)', 'Self-care deficit : bathing /hygine(27.8%)', 'Ineffective family coping(22.2%)', 'Potential for trauma(22.2%)', 'Alteration in nutrition: less than body requirements(22.2%)'. The following diagnoses were also used in home health care clinical practice : 'Anxiety in family (50%)', 'Caregiver fatigue(27.8%)', 'Ineffective treatment behavior (22.2%)', 'Ineffective Levin tube management and Levin tube feeding(22.2%)'. Fourteen nursing diagnoses were selected. 2. Ten of the nursing diagnoses for patients with cerebrovascular accident were listed as nursing diagnoses by NANDA but four nursing diagnoses were new nursing diagnoses used in home health care clinical practice. 3. Characteristics of the ten Nursing Diagnoses from NANDA were developed from the sign /symtoms in the literature and in the nurse progress notes. These characteristics was verified as major or minor sign / symtoms by the expert group. 4. Characteristics of the four nursing diagnoses used in home health care were not defined by the literature but only by the nurse progress notes and verified as major or minor signs /symtoms by the expert group. On the basis of the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made : 1. Continual study is necessary to identify other signs /symtoms not verified in this study. 2. It is necessary to use verified signs /symtoms in home health care clinical practice. 3. It is necessary to define related factors which define each diagnoses in this study. 4. It is necessary to develop of standardized nursing are plans which include defined signs and symtoms. 5. It is necessary to study the outcomes of the standardized nursing care plans.

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Reasoning Model of the Case-Based Construction Safety Management System (사례기반 건설안전 관리시스템의 추론 모형)

  • 예태곤;이재용;이현수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 1999
  • Construction accidents occur reiteratively in similar fashions. There have been several attempts to develop a safety program for preventing construction accidents on sites. It will be very effective to use previous accident cases for establishing proper safety plan and managing safety process. This research develops a case-based construction safety management system which enables construction managers or safety managers to prevent potential accidents during the construction process. The case-oriented approach is performed through the representation of previous accident cases in accordant with the similarity to the conditions of current site. It uses a case-based reasoning which is one of the reasoning methods of an expert system. A prototype system for the reasoning model was implemented using one of the case based system development tools. The system was applied to a real construction site to verify its capability and validity. It was founded that the causes of accidents were successfully removed, so the proposed model proved to be reasonable. Additional research is needed to resolve the technical problem how to adapt the countermeasures for accident prevention provided by the reasoning model.

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Evaluation of Human Factors in Ship Accidents in the Domestic Sea (국내 해양선박사고의 인적 오류의 요인 평가)

  • Kim, Dong-Jin;Kwak, Su-Yong
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we investigated and identified criterial human factors(errors), most of which lead to terrible ship accidents such as collisions, sinking, fire and explosions resulting both in human lives and physical damages to ships as well as surrounding environments. To this end, we went through the accident reports of 413 cases over 2005~2009 period and classified the human factors into 6 major factors with 19 sub ones which were constructed in hierarchical order. The relative importance of major factors was calculated and among others the lack of awareness turned out to be the most important factor with the weight of 0.391. The contributions of the results in the research are two fold: it will help (i) identify the root causes of ship accidents and prevent further potential ship related incidents, (ii) analyze the degree of the risk associated with the ship accidents, when risk analysis is performed.