뇌혈관질환자와 관련된 간호진단 및 간호진단별 특성 규명과 타당성 조사연구 - 가정간호 대상자를 중심으로 -

Validation of Nursing Diagnose and Defining Characteristics for Patients with Cerebrovascular Accidents - Home Health Care Nursing

  • 김혜영 (세브란스병원 가정간호시범사업소)
  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


This study was done to define nursing diagnose and to test the validity of the characteristics for patients with cerebrovascular accidents being seen at home by home health care nurses. This study was a descriptive study. The sample consisted of 10 experts(professors and home health care nurses) who had had a variety of experience using nursing diagnoses in clinical practice, and 336 nurse progress notes for 18 patients with cerebrovascular accidents. First, 32 nursing diagnoses were defined by the analysis of 336 nurse progress notes, and ten nursing diagnoses were selected according to a criteria of frequency and four nursing diagnoses from home health care clinical practice. Second, content validity was examined by an expert group which considered the sign / symtoms of the fourteen nursing diagnoses. The instrument used for this was a checklist for sign / symtoms based on the nurse progress notes and literature : Carpenito(1993), Kim Cho Ja et al (1994), Lee Sun Ok et al.(1994), Kim Mae Ja et al. (1992), Seoul University Hospital (1993) , Kim Mi Ja et al. (1991). The data were collected from March 1995 to April 1995. Data were analyzed using Content Validity Incidence where if 80% or more of the expert group agreed, characteristics were defined as a major sign/symtoms, if between 50% and 79% of the expert group agreed with the characteristic it was defined as a minor sign / symtoms. The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1. Thirty-two nursing diagnoses related to patients with cerebrovascular accidents were defined. There was a high frequency for the following : 'Potential for disuse syndrome (61%)', 'Impaired physical mobility(50%)', 'Impaired skin integrity (44.4%)', Potential for aspiration(33.3%)', 'Potential for infection: respiration(33.3%)', 'Self-care deficit : bathing /hygine(27.8%)', 'Ineffective family coping(22.2%)', 'Potential for trauma(22.2%)', 'Alteration in nutrition: less than body requirements(22.2%)'. The following diagnoses were also used in home health care clinical practice : 'Anxiety in family (50%)', 'Caregiver fatigue(27.8%)', 'Ineffective treatment behavior (22.2%)', 'Ineffective Levin tube management and Levin tube feeding(22.2%)'. Fourteen nursing diagnoses were selected. 2. Ten of the nursing diagnoses for patients with cerebrovascular accident were listed as nursing diagnoses by NANDA but four nursing diagnoses were new nursing diagnoses used in home health care clinical practice. 3. Characteristics of the ten Nursing Diagnoses from NANDA were developed from the sign /symtoms in the literature and in the nurse progress notes. These characteristics was verified as major or minor sign / symtoms by the expert group. 4. Characteristics of the four nursing diagnoses used in home health care were not defined by the literature but only by the nurse progress notes and verified as major or minor signs /symtoms by the expert group. On the basis of the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made : 1. Continual study is necessary to identify other signs /symtoms not verified in this study. 2. It is necessary to use verified signs /symtoms in home health care clinical practice. 3. It is necessary to define related factors which define each diagnoses in this study. 4. It is necessary to develop of standardized nursing are plans which include defined signs and symtoms. 5. It is necessary to study the outcomes of the standardized nursing care plans.
