• Title/Summary/Keyword: Posterior distribution

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A Study on Bayesian Reliability Evaluation of IPM using Simple Information (단순 수명정보를 이용한 IPM의 베이지안 신뢰도 평가 연구)

  • Jo, Dong Cheol;Koo, Jeong Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2021
  • This paper suggests an approach to evaluate the reliability of an intelligent power module with information deficiency of prior distribution and the characteristics of censored data through Bayesian statistics. This approach used a prior distribution of Bayesian statistics using the lifetime information provided by the manufacturer and compared and evaluated diffuse prior (vague prior) distributions. To overcome the computational complexity of Bayesian posterior distribution, it was computed with Gibbs sampling in the Monte Carlo simulation method. As a result, the standard deviation of the prior distribution developed using simple information was smaller than that of the posterior distribution calculated with the diffuse prior. In addition, it showed excellent error characteristics on RMSE compared with the Kaplan-Meier method.

Posterior Screw Fixation in Previously Augmented Vertebrae with Bone Cement : Is It Inapplicable?

  • Park, Jae Hoo;Ju, Chang Il;Kim, Seok Won
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.114-119
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    • 2018
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of screw fixation in previously augmented vertebrae with bone cement. We also investigated the influence of cement distribution pattern on the surgical technique. Methods : Fourteen patients who required screw fixation at the level of the previous percutaneous vertebroplasty or balloon kyphoplasty were enrolled in this study. The indications for screw fixation in the previously augmented vertebrae with bone cement included delayed complications, such as cement dislodgement, cement leakage with neurologic deficits, and various degenerative spinal diseases, such as spondylolisthesis or foraminal stenosis. Clinical outcomes, including pain scale scores, cement distribution pattern, and procedure-related complications were assessed. Results : Three patients underwent posterior screw fixation in previously cemented vertebrae due to cement dislodgement or progressive kyphosis. Three patients required posterior screw fixation for cement leakage or displacement of fracture fragments with neurologic deficits. Eight patients underwent posterior screw fixation due to various degenerative spinal diseases. It was possible to insert screws in the previously augmented vertebrae regardless of the cement distribution pattern; however, screw insertion was more difficult and changed directions in the patients with cemented vertebrae exhibiting a solid pattern rather than a trabecular pattern. All patients showed significant improvements in pain compared with the preoperative levels, and no patient experienced neurologic deterioration as seen at the final follow-up. Conclusion : For patients with vertebrae previously augmented with bone cement, posterior screw fixation is not a contraindication, but is a feasible option.

Posterior Consistency of Bayesian Inference of Poisson Processes

  • Kim, Yongdai
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.825-834
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    • 2002
  • Poisson processes are widely used in reliability and survival analysis. In particular, multiple event time data in survival analysis are routinely analyzed by use of Poisson processes. In this paper, we consider large sample properties of nonparametric Bayesian models for Poisson processes. We prove that the posterior distribution of the cumulative intensity function of Poisson processes is consistent under regularity conditions on priors which are Levy processes.

Classification of Side Somatotype of the Trunk by Analysing Photographic Data (사진자료에 의한 여성 상반신 측면체형 분류)

  • Jung, Myong-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.767-776
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to classify side somatotypes of the trunk by analysing photographic data. Then their distribution according to the age groups was studied. The subjects were 315 females of 18 to 49 year-old. Thirty one photographic measurements were taken to each subject. The factors affecting the side somatotype of the trunk were obtained by principal component analysis, vertical size, posterior/anterior depth and neck posture. The side somatotypes of the trunk were classified into 4 types and their differences were shown by analysing photographic data. The side silhouettes of 4 types were compared with balanced type. By suggesting the canonical discriminant function with the unstandardized canonical coefficient, individual somatotype of the trunk could be discriminated from the photographic data of anterior neck height, anterior waist height, posterior waist depth, buttock height, and anterior depth at the level of back protrusion. The frequency distribution of the side somatotypes of the trunk according to the age groups could be applied for clothing construction and the rate of clothing production.

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Interval Estimation for a Binomial Proportion Based on Weighted Polya Posterior (이항 비율의 가중 POLYA POSTERIOR 구간추정)

  • Lee Seung-Chun
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.607-615
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    • 2005
  • Recently the interval estimation of a binomial proportion is revisited in various literatures. This is mainly due to the erratic behavior of the coverage probability of the will-known Wald confidence interval. Various alternatives have been proposed. Among them, Agresti-Coull confidence interval has been recommended by Brown et al. (2001) with other confidence intervals for large sample, say n $\ge$ 40. On the other hand, a noninformative Bayesian approach called Polya posterior often produces statistics with good frequentist's properties. In this note, an interval estimator is developed using weighted Polya posterior. The resulting interval estimator is essentially the Agresti-Coull confidence interval with some improved features. It is shown that the weighted Polys posterior produce an effective interval estimator for small sample size and a severely skewed binomial distribution.

Generative probabilistic model with Dirichlet prior distribution for similarity analysis of research topic

  • Milyahilu, John;Kim, Jong Nam
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.595-602
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    • 2020
  • We propose a generative probabilistic model with Dirichlet prior distribution for topic modeling and text similarity analysis. It assigns a topic and calculates text correlation between documents within a corpus. It also provides posterior probabilities that are assigned to each topic of a document based on the prior distribution in the corpus. We then present a Gibbs sampling algorithm for inference about the posterior distribution and compute text correlation among 50 abstracts from the papers published by IEEE. We also conduct a supervised learning to set a benchmark that justifies the performance of the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation). The experiments show that the accuracy for topic assignment to a certain document is 76% for LDA. The results for supervised learning show the accuracy of 61%, the precision of 93% and the f1-score of 96%. A discussion for experimental results indicates a thorough justification based on probabilities, distributions, evaluation metrics and correlation coefficients with respect to topic assignment.

Posterior Consistency for Right Censored Data

  • Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Statistical Society Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2003
  • Ghosh and Ramamoorthi (1996) studied the posterior consistency for survival models and showed that the posterior was consistent, when the prior on the distribution of survival times was the Dirichlet process prior. In this paper, we study the posterior consistency of survival models with neutral to the right process priors which include Dirichlet process priors. A set of sufficient conditions for the posterior consistency with neutral to the right process priors are given. Interestingly, not all the neutral to the right process priors have consistent posteriors, but most of the popular priors such as Dirichlet processes, beta processes and gamma processes have consistent posteriors. For extended beta processes, a necessary and sufficient condition for the consistency is also established.

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Evaluation of reliability of zirconia materials to be used in implant-retained restoration on the atrophic bone of the posterior maxilla: A finite element study

  • Degirmenci, Kubra;Kocak-Buyukdere, Ayse;Ekici, Bulent
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.112-119
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    • 2019
  • PURPOSE. Zirconia materials have been used for implant-retained restorations, but the stress distribution of zirconia is not entirely clear. The aim of this study is to evaluate the stress distribution and risky areas caused by the different design of zirconia restorations on the atrophic bone of the posterior maxilla. MATERIALS AND METHODS. An edentulous D4-type bone model was prepared from radiography of an atrophic posterior maxilla. Monolithic zirconia and zirconia-fused porcelain implant-retained restorations were designed as splinted or non-splinted. 300-N occlusal forces were applied obliquely. Stress analyses were performed using a 3D FEA program. RESULTS. According to stress analysis, the bone between the 1) molar implant and the 2) premolar in the non-splinted monolithic zirconia restoration model was stated as the riskiest area. Similarly, the maximum von Mises stress value was detected on the bone of the non-splinted monolithic zirconia models. CONCLUSION. Splinting of implant-retained restorations can be more critical for monolithic zirconia than zirconia fused to porcelain for the longevity of the bone.

Lifetime Assessments on 154 kV Transmission Porcelain Insulators with a Bayesian Approach (베이지안 방법론을 적용한 154 kV 송전용 자기애자의 수명 평가 개발)

  • Choi, In-Hyuk;Kim, Tae-Kyun;Yoon, Yong-Beum;Yi, Junsin;Kim, Seong Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.30 no.9
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    • pp.551-557
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    • 2017
  • It is extremely important to improve methodologies for the lifetime assessment of porcelain insulators. While there has been a considerable amount of work regarding the phenomena of lifetime distributions, most of the studies assume that aging distributions follow the Weibull distribution. However, the true underlying distribution is unknown, giving rise to unrealistic inferences, such as parameter estimations. In this article, we review several distributions that are commonly used in reliability and survival analysis, such as the exponential, Weibull, log-normal, and gamma distributions. Some properties, including the characteristics of failure rates of these distributions, are presented. We use a Bayesian approach for model selection and parameter estimation procedures. A well-known measure, called the Bayes factor, is used to find the most plausible model among several contending models. The posterior mean can be used as a parameter estimate for unknown parameters, once a model with the highest posterior probability is selected. Extensive simulation studies are performed to demonstrate our methodologies.

EP Augmenting / Reducing : Personality Correlates and Topographic Distribution (증감뇌유발전위와 성격의 상호 관계영상)

  • Lee, Sung-Hoon;Haier, Richard J.
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 1995
  • Augmenting-reducing evoked potentials(AREP) were studied in 38 college students to explore the topographic distribution between AR slope and personality. The Zuckerman Seeking Scale(SSS) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ) assessed personality. There was a significant positive correlation between AR slope and Extraversion-Introversion(E) in the frontocentral area ; the right posterior area showed a significant negative correlation with E. The Thrill and Adventure Seeking(TAS) subscale showed a significant negative correlation with slope in the right posterior temporal area. The average slope map of all subjects revealed a distribution showing more augmenting in frontocentral areas and more reducing in posterior areas.

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