• Title/Summary/Keyword: Positive psychology

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A Social Psychology of the Afterlife Views (내세관의 사회심리학: 일상생활과의 관련성을 중심으로)

  • Yoshiyuki Inumiya;Il-Ho Choi;Seong-Yeul Han
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.141-164
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    • 2002
  • The present study examined the variations in personality variables according to different types for the Korean view of the afterlife, including 'extinction type', 'the other world-oriented transmigration type', 'heaven/hell type' and 'obscurity type'. The results may be summarized as follows: (1) 'the other world-oriented transmigration type' and 'heaven/hell type' showed significantly stronger belief in a just world than 'extinction type', (2) 'extinction type' and 'obscurity type' showed more external attribution for accidents than 'heaven/hell type', (3) there was no difference in unrealistic optimism levels, (4) depending upon the types for the view of the afterlife, not only preferred self-enhancing biases but also positive illusions which related to life satisfaction were different, (5) 'extinction type' showed stronger risk-taking tendency than 'heaven/hell type'. These results were explained in terms of features that belong to each afterlife view. Finally, we discussed the limitation of this study and the directions for future study.

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The Effect of Small Business Management Education on the Sustainability of Business: Focusing on the Mediated Effect of Expectations for Management Education (소상공인 경영교육이 사업 지속가능성에 미치는 영향: 경영교육에 대한 기대의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Park, SoYeon;Hyun, ByungHwan
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.217-233
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    • 2021
  • Small business owners are currently greatly affected by the economic downturn caused by COVID-19. It is a study on the expected effect of education on management education of small business owners and the sustainability of the project on the premise that education can increase the self-sustainability of small business owners amid the rapidly changing global economy and consumer sentiment due to COVID-19. The following research results were derived by surveying those who completed management education of the Small Business Market Promotion Foundation. Management education was found to have a positive effect on education expectation effect, and education expectation effect was also found to have a positive effect on sustainability. In addition, management education had a positive effect on the sustainability of the project, and the expected effect of education was mediated between management education and sustainability. These results show that management education has a positive effect on survival and continuous performance in the business of small business owners, and steady efforts to acquire education can be said to be helpful in management activities. As a practical implication, first, since positive education expectations for management education can be seen as affecting the sustainability of the project, it should be possible to increase the expected effect by configuring interest and interest in education when forming management education programs. Second, management education directly affects the maintenance, survival, and sustainability of small business owners, and the knowledge acquired by participating in education helps improve management activities, so you can think of adding the amount and number of educational support. Third, since the sustainability of small business owners also affects the survival of the business, more active promotion of education will be needed so that more small business owners can receive management education.

Case study of Music & Imagery for Woman with Depression (우울한 내담자를 위한 MI(Music & Imagery) 치료사례)

  • Song, In Ryeong
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2008
  • This case used MI techniques that give an imagery experience to depressed client's mental resource, and that makes in to verbalism. Also those images are supportive level therapy examples that apply to positive variation. MI is simple word of 'Music and Imagery' with one of psychology cure called GIM(Guided Imagery and Music). It makes client can through to the inner world and search, confront, discern and solve with suitable music. Supportive Level MI is only used from safety level music. Introduction of private session can associate specification feeling, subject, word or image. And those images are guide to positive experience. The First session step of MI program is a prelude that makes concrete goal like first interview. The Second step is a transition that can concretely express about client's story. The third step is induction and music listening. And it helps to associate imagery more easily by used tension relaxation. Also it can search and associate about various imagery from the music. The last step is process that process drawing imagery, talking about personal imagery experience in common with therapist that bring the power by expansion the positive experience. Client A case targets rapport forming(empathy, understanding and support), searching positive recourse(child hood, family), client's emotion and positive support. Music must be used simple tone, repetition melody, steady rhythm and organized by harmony music of what therapist and client's preference. The client used defense mechanism and couldn't control emotion by depression in 1 & 2 sessions. But the result was client A could experience about support and understanding after 3 sessions. After session 4 the client had stable, changed to positive emotion from the negative emotion and found her spontaneous. Therefore, at the session 6, the client recognized that she will have step of positive time at the future. About client B, she established rapport forming(empathy, understanding and support) and searching issues and positive recognition(child hood, family), expression and insight(present, future). The music was comfortable, organizational at the session 1 & 2, but after session 3, its development was getting bigger and the main melody changed variation with high and low of tune. Also it used the classic and romantic music. The client avoids bad personal relations to religious relationship. But at the session 1 & 2, client had supportive experience and empathy because of her favorite, supportive music. After session 3, client B recognized and face to face the present issue. But she had avoidance and face to face of ambivalence. The client B had a experience about emotion change according depression and face to face client's issues After session 4. At the session 5 & 6, client tried to have will power of healthy life and fairly attitude, train mental power and solution attitude in the future. On this wise, MI program had actuality and clients' issues solution more than GIM program. MI can solute the issue by client's based issue without approach to unconsciousness like GIM. Especially it can use variety music and listening time is shorter than GIM and structuralize. Also can express client's emotion very well. So it can use corrective and complement MI program to children, adolescent and adult.

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Asymmetric Activation in the Prefrontal Cortex and Heart Rate Variability by Sound-induced Affects (음향감성에 의한 전전두엽의 비대칭성과 심박동변이도)

  • Jang Eun-Hye;Lee Ji-Hye;Lee Sang-Tae;Kim Wuon-Shik
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2005
  • This study is aimed to inspect how the different sensitivities in Behavioral activation system(BAS) and behavioral inhibition system(BIS) modulate on the properties of physiological responses stimulated by positive or negative affective sound. We measured the electroencephalogram(EEG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) of 32 students, consisted of four groups depending on the BAS and BIS sensitivities, during listening to meditation music or noise. The EEG was recorded at Fpl and Fp2 sites and Power spectral density(PSD) of HRV was derived from the ECG, and the power of HRV was calculated for 3 major frequency ranges(low frequency[LF], medium frequency and high frequency[HF]). After listening to music or noise, subjects reported the affect induced by the sound. For EEG, the power in the alpha band at Fp2, especially in the alpha-2 band(9.0-11.0 Hz) increased during the subjects listening to music, while the power at Fpl increased during noise. During listening to meditation music, there is a tendency that the left-sided activation in prefrontal cortex(PFC) is positively correlated with the difference of BAS(Z)-BIS(Z). During listening to noise, there is a tendency that the right-sided activation in PFC is dominant in case any of the sensitivity of BAS or BIS is high. For HRV, we found that the index of MF/(LF+HF), during listening to music, was higher significantly in the individuals with a low BIS but high BAS than in the individuals with a low sensitivity both BIS and BAS individuals. With high BIS, regardless of the BAS sensitivity, the difference of this index values was not significant. From these results we suggest that the physiological responses of different individuals in BAS and BIS react differently under the same emotionally provocative challenge.

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Analysis of the Longitudinal Relationship between Recovery and Adaptation Factors According to Types of School Violence Exposure in Youth: Focusing on Resilience and Social Support (청소년의 학교폭력노출 유형에 따른 회복과 적응을 위한 요인 간의 종단적 관계 분석: 사회적지지와 회복탄력성을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dongil;lee, hye eun;Keum, ChangMin;Park, Altteuri;Oh, Jiwon
    • (The) Korean Journal of Educational Psychology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.99-130
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the longitudinal relationship between resilience and social support of school violence exposure types including school bullying, victimization, and dual experience. The study used data obtained from the third year (2012) of the Seoul Education Longitudinal Study of 1,137 elementary school students in grade 6 who reported experiencing school violence. The results of the autoregressive cross-lagged model are as follows. First, as a result of measuring the self-regression coefficients of resilience and social support of the youth exposed to school violence at 3 time points (2012, 2014, and 2016), it was found for all types of violence that resilience and social support at the previous time point showed a signigicant positive effect on the same variable at the next time point. Second, in the case of the cross-lagged effects of resilience and social support, the effect of previous social support on resilience at the next time point was statistically significant for the victimization group, but not for the bullying or dual experience groups. Third, considering the opposite path from resilience to social support, resilience at the previous time point had a significant influence on the social support at the next time point for both the bullying and victimization groups. This result is new and can be complementary to the cross-sectional studies so far using a longitudinal view. The results of this study suggest that the bullying and victimized students who are relatively more resilient are less likely to perceive social support than those who are not resilient. Finally, we discuss the longitudinal relationship between resilience and social support, the limitations of this study, and implications for future research.

The social representation and trust of Korean society and people: Indigenous psychological analysis of the perception of Korean adolescents and adults (한국 사회와 사람에 대한 사회적 표상과 신뢰: 청소년과 성인의 지각을 통해 본 토착심리 분석)

  • Uichol Kim ;Young-Shin Park
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.103-129
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    • 2004
  • This article examines the Korean adolescents and adults' social representation and trust of Korean society and people using indigenous psychological analysis. Respondents were asked to write in an open-ended questionnaire their perception of the following five aspects: Korean politics, economy, society, culture and people. They were then asked to report why they trust or distrust Korean society. A total of 1,064 respondents (218 middle school students, 200 university students, 218 fathers of the middle school students, 218 mothers of the middle school students, and 210 teachers) completed a questionnaire developed by the present researchers. The data were collected during April to June, 2003. The results indicate that 94.5% of Koreans view the existing political system and politicians as being corrupt, inept, factional, and lacking in integrity. A vast majority (84.9%) recognize the existence of systemic problems in the Korean economy. A total of 78.2% see problems in Korean society being dominated by selfishness, factionalism, conservatism, and social uncertainty. For Korean culture, a majority of respondents report being proud of its cultural tradition, accomplishment, and creativity. At the same time, 45.7% report loss of cultural identity and pride due to external influences. More than half of the respondents report negative aspects of Korean people (i.e., selfish, lack of morality, rushed, and overly focused on their social image), while nearly half of the respondents report positive aspects of Korean people as being compassionate, cooperative, good-natured and hard-working. As for reason for trusting Korean society, around a third report "because it is our country," followed by its future potential, and the good-nature and willingness of Korean people to work hard. The reasons for distrusting Korean society is the dishonesty politicians, corruption, institutional ineptness, and economic uncertainty. These results indicate a low level of collective efficacy in influencing and affecting change in Korean society.

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Womans' Father Complex in Fairy-Tales - Focused on two Korean Fairy-Tales <Shimchung> und <Barli Princess> - (한국 민담에서 살펴본 여성의 부성 콤플렉스 - <심청전>과 <바리공주> 중심으로 -)

  • Youkyeng Lee
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.65-101
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    • 2010
  • By considering the final purpose and meaning of two fairy-tales, we can summarize two things. Firstly, a woman with father complex not only positive, but also negative can easily sacrifice her femininity and her own personality as an individual. A woman with father complex has to get out of father imago. By separating from father imago, she can make her own steps to realize her own personality, namely individuation. During normal development, detachment to instinct and archetypal contents can cause problems normally to the ego consciousness. Contrary to this developmental notion, women with father complex experience problems because they are too closely attached to father archetype. Therefore, continuous excessive identification of ego with father imago or a state of ego caught by father imago leads to death of her own personality. Some women intentionally attach to father imago in order to be powerful or to receive magical power of father archetype to make compensation to her inferiority and deficiency. Weak ego wants to be stronger and superior by intentional attachment to father imago. Then, she can succeed in some tasks in life. But These successes are not by her own effort, but by magical or superhuman power of father imago. During early childhood, young girl with weak ego strongly attaches to father imago to make success and achieve goals by magical power. She wants to compensate her weak ego. But the more her ego makes successes in real life with help of father imago, the more she loses her own character or personality. Ego can be strong enough only when it is detached or separated itself from father imago. In other side, there is a woman destined to realize request by the father imago. She is chosen by the collective unconscious, though she try to run away from dominant power. In this case, ego of selected woman is not weak. She is destined to be a heroine. She knows that she has to complete every task given to her to realize what father imago wants, and she will not own any of her products at all. She is a real or true heroine. She wants to avoid her destiny, but she can't and should not do it. Secondly, a woman with father complex is called for again to save father imago or to solve problems of father imago. In this case, father imago of a woman should be considered to be related to the collective conscious. Therefore, it is said that all women with father complex are invited for healing the society or the collective consciousness. To complete this request, she has to heal herself by recovering her femininity. The healing power is based on the maternal receptive capacity. In modern society, the women are always demanded to be a social being. These social demands can make women caught by father complex. In this sense, number of women with father complex are increasing. Through the understanding of two fairy-tales, increased number of women with father complex should be easily considered as events at personal level, but seriously considered as a phenomenon reflecting problems in the collective consciousness of our age. In the other hand, all women with father complex are invited to solve the problem of modern society. She will be able to realize her own individuation without being possessed by father imago, to save our society and to become a heroine of our age.

A Study on the Factors of Satisfaction with Stock Investment : Focusing on the Moderating Effect of the Stock Message Framing (주식 투자 만족도 형성 요인에 관한 연구 : 주식 메시지 프레이밍에 대한 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hae-young
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2018
  • With the recent, rapid changes in the socio-economic environment, organizations of today are now required to present a framework of realistic consumer behaviors based on psychology, economy, and finance, in order to understand their investing customers. Stock investors show differences in terms of their decisions or evaluations in the process of investing. This is due to what is called the 'framing effect.' The decision frames of the investors are defined differently, and, as a result, this affects the decisions made by the investors. Preceding studies on stock investment rarely touched the topic of the effect of message framing on market participants in their stock investment, especially regarding the differences in terms of their risk management behaviors based on the message framing in stock investment. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the influence of stock investment message framing on market participants in their investment decision making and empirically validate whether this message framing effect has a moderating effect on the factors of investment satisfaction. For this, 494 participants with stock investment experiences were interviewed from May 1 to 26, 2018, and the results were used as the data for the empirical analysis. The analysis of the data was conducted using SPSS 22.0 statistical analysis software. The results of this study were as follows; First, of the stock investment behavioral factors, the stock comprehension, recommendation by others for a stock, and the degree of risks of a stock affected stock investment satisfaction in a positive manner. And, of the behavioral factors of stock investment, stock comprehension, stock brand, recommendation on the stocks from others, past performances, and risk levels of stocks affected the intent of continued stock investment in a positive manner. Second, message framing turned out to affect stock investment satisfaction in a positive manner, and it also had a significant moderating effect to the relationship between the stock investment behavior and stock investment satisfaction. Third, message framing was found to affect continued stock investment intent significantly, with a significant moderating effect in the relationship between stock investment behavioral factor and continued stock investment intent.

The Effects of Self-Congruity and Functional Congruity on e-WOM: The Moderating Role of Self-Construal in Tourism (중국 관광객의 온라인 구전에 대한 자아일치성과 기능일치성의 효과: 자기해석의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Yang, Qin;Lee, Young-Chan
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2016
  • Purpose Self-congruity deals with the effect of symbolic value-expressive attributes on consumer decision and behavior, which is the theoretical foundation of the "non-utilitarian destination positioning". Functional congruity refers to utilitarian evaluation of a product or service by consumers. In addition, recent years, social network services, especially mobile social network services have created many opportunities for e-WOM communication that enables consumers to share personal consumption related information anywhere at any time. Moreover, self-construal is a hot and popular topic that has been discussed in the field of modem psychology as well as in marketing area. This study aims to examine the moderating effect of self-construal on the relationship between self-congruity, functional congruity and tourists' positive electronic word of mouth (e-WOM). Design/methodology/approach In order to verify the hypotheses, we developed a questionnaire with 32 survey items. We measured all the items on a five-point Likert-type scale. We used Sojump.com to collect questionnaire and gathered 218 responses from whom have visited Korea before. After a pilot test, we analyzed the main survey data by using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 18.0, and employed structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses. We first estimated the measurement model for its overall fit, reliability and validity through a confirmatory factor analysis and used common method bias test to make sure that whether measures are affected by common-method variance. Then we tested the hypotheses through the structural model and used regression analysis to measure moderating effect of self-construal. Findings The results reveal that the effect of self-congruity on tourists' positive e-WOM is stronger for tourists with an independent self-construal compared with those with interdependent self-construal. Moreover, it shows that the effect of functional congruity on tourists' positive e-WOM becomes salient when tourists' self-construal is primed to be interdependent rather than independent. We expect that the results of this study can provide important implications for academic and practical perspective.

Longitudinal analysis of the influence of parent-child relationship on adolescents' academic achievement: With specific focus on the mediating role of self-efficacy and achievement motivation (한국 청소년의 부모자녀관계와 성취에 대한 종단연구: 자기효능감과 성취동기를 중심으로)

  • Young-Shin Park ;Uichol Kim ;Kabsoon Chung
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.37-59
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    • 2004
  • This study examines longitudinally influences that parents have on their children's academic achievement and the mediating role of various psychological factors. In terms of parents-child relationship, the following variables are examined: Social support from parents, achievement pressure, parental expectation, sense of indebtedness to parents, and respect for parents. For adolescents functioning, the following variables are examined: Efficacy for self-regulated learning, achievement motivation, studying time, and academic achievement. In the first phase of the longitudinal study, a total of 961 Grade 6 students completed a questionnaire. In the second phrase, a total of 856 students completed a questionnaire when they were Grade 7. In the third phrase, a total of 830 students completed a questionnaire when they were Grade 9. In the third phase, a matched sample of 722 fathers and 767 mothers of the adolescents completed a questionnaire. From the sample, 694 matched sample of adolescents, mothers, and fathers have been selected for the following analysis. The results of the path analysis indicate that adolescents' past academic grade was the most powerful predictor of adolescents' current academic achievement. Second, a sense of indebtedness felt towards the parents increased adolescents' achievement motivation, which increased their studying time and which in turn positively affected their academic achievement. Third, adolescents' respect for their parents increased their efficacy for self-regulated learning, which had a positive effect on their academic achievement. Fourth, parental social support increased adolescents' efficacy for self-regulated learning and parental achievement pressure increased adolescents' achievement motivation. Fifth, parental expectation had positive influence on adolescents' academic achievement. Sixth, efficacy for self-regulated learning had direct positive influence on academic achievement. These results indicate that the past achievement is the most important predictor of adolescents' current academic achievement and parent-child relationship and efficacy for self-regulated learning are also important variables that influence adolescents' achievement.

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