• Title/Summary/Keyword: Popular literature

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American Myth and the Spectatorship of SF Films: Reviewing Star Wars and "Deep Space Homer" of The Simpsons (미국적 신화의 관점에서 본 SF영화의 관객성 -『스타워즈』와 『심슨가족』의 "우주비행사 호머"를 중심으로)

  • Choe, Youngjeen
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.461-482
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    • 2008
  • The science fiction was established as a typical genre of the American popular culture by the monumental releases of two series: Star Wars and Star Trek. Based on the popular science discourse, these two series have functioned as an ideological apparatus for re-appropriating Frontierism which reflects the essential values of American myth. Arguably, the SF genre owes its success mainly to the increasing popularity of science during the 1960s and 1970s, which was well represented in the space project of NASA. This power of popular science, however, tended to weaken in the 1990s as the public interest in NASA's project gradually decreased. "Deep Space Homer," an episode of The Simpson's fifth season, reflects the changing attitude of the American audience toward the new American hero created in the SF series of popular science in the previous popular culture.

The Phenomenon of Interference in Popular and Articistic Literature: Comparing Red Summer by Nguyễn Nhật Ánh and Goodbye Tsugumi by Yoshimoto Banana From the Perspective of Japanese Shoujo Manga

  • Nguyen, Thi Mai Lien;Thanh, Duc Hong Ha
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.161-189
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    • 2022
  • Nguyễn Nhật Ánh and Yoshimoto Banana are authors from two different literary movements, cultures, and countries. Their works are all best-sellers and have received many prestigious awards. Comparing their works from the perspective of shoujo manga, we can see that there are many similarities between them. Regarding the concept of composition, they all want to create works that are accessible to the majority of the public. Therefore, they choose topics which are close and attractive to mass readers as well as simple style, characters, literary devices, artistic space and time that are famous in shoujo - a popular art form of Japan. However, the ideological content in the works of both is not explicit and simple, but expresses the eternal feelings and values of humanity such as love for people, love for the homeland, country, reflecting the depths of both the conscious and the subconscious as well as profound aesthetic and philosophical values, profound aesthetic and philosophical values. Their works present the trend of interference between popular culture and elite literature. We can draw lessons for young writers, cultural managers and a wide audience from the success of these two writers.

Cross-currents of Change and Continuity: Korean National Literature and Korean National Cinema

  • Kim, Daniel H.
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.7
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    • pp.247-269
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    • 2005
  • The decade of the 1960s in Korea is normally regarded as a transitional period, but this transition has been consistently viewed in either economic or political terms. In this paper I examine the 1960s and the 1970s as a period of cultural transition―from a neo-Confucian emphasis on "high" art to a broader, more inclusive acceptance of "popular" forms of cultural expression. Although these two realms of cultural production are often viewed as fundamentally antithetical, I argue that there is actually significant continuity in terms of both artistic expression and cultural engagement. In particular, I look at the trajectories of Korean national literature and cinema and their areas of confluence. I examine the career of Kim $S{\breve{u}ng-ok$, who in the 1960s was the preeminent literary voice of a new generation and who in the 1970s was the screenwriter for some of the most popular films of that era, and I show how Kim's career changes track parallel changes in both literature and cinema. Artistically, Kim continued his literary expressions of a new sensibility in his screenplays, bringing to cinema a new infusion of seriousness and respectability. Culturally, Kim continued his explorations of the ways in which rapid changes in Korean politics and the booming economy led to miscommunication and chaos in society. By consistently exploring processes of national identity formation and re-formation, Kim's 1960s literature can be seen as crucial instances of Korean national literature (minjok munhak). In the same manner, Kim's 1970s screenplays can be seen as foundational moments in a Korean national cinema.

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Feeling Florence Nightingale: Theorizing Affect in Transatlantic Periodical Poetry

  • Bonfiglio, Richard
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.58 no.6
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    • pp.1063-1083
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    • 2012
  • Florence Nightingale is best remembered today as the Lady with the Lamp, but modern research on the English nurse primarily addresses her popular iconography as a historical misrepresentation of her character and career. This scholarly reluctance to analyze critically Nightingalean iconography, however, has obscured important cultural work performed by the popular tropes. This article argues that the proliferation of Nightingale's iconic image as a symbol of Christian womanhood in transatlantic periodical poetry, when examined separately from biographical considerations, reveals important insights into the complex relationship between form and affect in mid-nineteenth periodicals. Popular representations of Nightingale give form to the disorienting effects produced on newspaper readers by the nascent field of international journalism and reflect a key generic paradox at the heart of the Victorian periodical: the simultaneous aim to report news objectively and to move readers affectively in response to events beyond national contexts and interests. Focusing on Lewis Carroll's "The Path of Roses" and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "Santa Filomena," this article contends that Nightingalean periodical poetry mirrors back to readers their own affective response to modern media and functions as a new technology for managing an increasingly acute awareness of events and ethical responsibilities beyond the nation.

Ramayana Retellings in Southeast Asia: Ravana and Hanuman in Popular Culture, Case study in Thailand and Vietnam

  • Nguyen, Thi Tam Anh;Nguyen, Duy Doai
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.89-110
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    • 2021
  • The Ramayana is a very popular epic in Southeast Asia. It is the story of King Rama who must save his kidnapped wife, Sita. After Sita was abducted by the Demon King Ravana (Tosakanth) and taken to Lanka, Rama and his brother rescued her with the help of the monkey warriors, especially with the help of the Monkey King Hanuman. Along the way, the epic teaches Hindu life lessons. Today The Ramayana is told and retold through literature, theatre, orally, in movies, and is referenced in many other forms of popular culture. Nowadays, in Thailand, Ravana and Hanuman deconstruct the role of divine and become folk deities that also find their places in calendar art, advertising and stamps, etc. And in Vietnam, Ravana and Hanuman have become the two figures that can't be absent from Southern Vietnam Khmer ceremonies. In this article, our aim is to show how Ravana and Hanuman became symbols of popular culture (case studies in Thailand and Vietnam). The data provided in this article is drawn from field surveys with reliable reference resources.

The Influence of Popular Culture in the Fashion Politics Phenomenon of Leader (리더의 스타일에 표현된 패션 폴리틱스 현상이 대중문화에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Mikyung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.88-105
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of popular culture in fashion politics phenomenon of leader. As study methods the literature study concerning fashion phenomenon and nature of popular culture were used for theoretical background and visual data from magazine, news paper, and internet were used for exploratory study. The results of this study are as follows. First, fashion politics phenomenon of leader in fashion merchandising through the marketing strategy is characterized as commercial profit. These characteristics enable the fashion industry and popular culture affect the formation to provide opportunity. Second, the fashion politics phenomenon of leader projected through mass media are the fashion icons and strong role models that are copied by consumers, conformity the popular, set a powerful fashion trend. The conformity by the mechanism of the interaction of the public will contribute to the formation of popular culture. Third, Semotics symbolism expressed in the fashion politics phenomenon of the leader, the intended message is communicated to the public by creating a positive image. Positive image of the leader of the public support and acceptance is the power to create.

A Review of the Korean Nursing Research Literature with Focus on Quantitative Measurement of Caring (돌봄 측정 관련 국내 간호학 연구 문헌고찰: 양적 연구를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hee;Park, Young Sook
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.155-169
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to review the quantitative research literature on measuring caring in order to identify overall trends in measuring caring. Methods: Fifty three papers were selected from four databases including RISS4U, DBpia, KISS, and Korea Med. Results: The number of measuring caring papers has increased since 2000. Approximately 60 % of the total papers were descriptive and correlative design researches with convenience sampling. Jean Waston's theory was the most popular conceptual framework, but much of the research tended to be conducted without any conceptual framework. In that kind of research, 'caring' terms were used without definition. The most frequently used term for the concept of caring was nurses' caring behaviors. Also, 'nurses' was one of the most popular subjects. Thirty six measuring caring instruments were used. Twenty were developed in foreign countries and translated into Korean. The others were developed originally in Korean. Interpersonal Caring Technique - Communication Skills Scale, based on the interpersonal process model, was the most frequently used tool. Among the translated instruments, Coates' Caring Efficacy Scale was the most popular. Some instruments were used without validation. Conclusion: These results provide basic data on measuring caring and indicate directions for further research. In particular, validation studies of measuring caring instruments are needed.

A Study on Diversification of the Ancillary Materials for Chinese Education: Focusing on Some Songs of Jay Chou (중국어교육의 보조자료 다양화를 위한 모색: 주걸륜(周杰倫)의 몇 곡을 중심으로)

  • Park, Chan-Wook
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.46
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    • pp.253-279
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to examine how the Chinese popular culture, especially music, can contribute to diversification of the ancillary materials for teaching Chinese language, literature and culture, based on the analysis of some songs of Jay Chou. For this purpose, this study analysed 10 songs that have been used in the tests or the text contents in China or Taiwan in terms of rhyme, words relation to the ancient poems, and the Chinese culture. Consequently, the songs of Jay Chou show that they can be used as an ancillary material in the Chinese class from the linguistic, literary, and cultural angles. For use in the Chinese language, literature, culture class in the future, there is a constant need to discover and analyse new materials from the Chinese popular culture.

Social Media and Popular Places: The Case of Chicago

  • Al-Kodmany, Kheir
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.125-136
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    • 2019
  • This paper offers new ways to learn about popular places in the city. Using locational data from Social Media platforms platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, along with participatory field visits and combining insights from architecture and urban design literature, this study reveals popular socio-spatial clusters in the City of Chicago. Locational data of photographs were visualized by using Geographic Information Systems and helped in producing heat maps that showed the spatial distribution of posted photographs. Geo-intensity of photographs illustrated areas that are most popularly visited in the city. The study's results indicate that the city's skyscrapers along open spaces are major elements of image formation. Findings also elucidate that Social Media plays an important role in promoting places; and thereby, sustaining a greater interest and stream of visitors. Consequently, planners should tap into public's digital engagement in city places to improve tourism and economy.

"Blackness" Revisited: The Rhetoric of Slavery and Freedom in E.D.E.N. Southworth's The Hidden Hand

  • An, Jee Hyun
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.409-427
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, I revisit and problematize "blackness" in THH by building on Toni Morrison's call for the theorization of "blackness" in American literature. THH has received much critical attention in the decades that followed its revival, but this paper argues that the meaning of "Africanist presence" has not been adequately addressed in 19th-century women writers' works. This paper is an effort to fill in this gap, and examines the ways in which "blackness" informed and shaped this most popular text of 19th-century America. This paper argues that THH demonstrates contemporary America's fear of "blackness," and rather than celebrating Capitola's feminist credentials or criticizing the lack of sensitivity to racial issues in THH, shows that the significance of the text lies in the ways in which it prophesies an impending national crisis mediated through the disruptive force of Capitola and Black Donald. THH certainly reiterates the popular, contemporary racial paradigms and excludes blacks from the conceptualization of "manhood," and it may seem that the issue of race is subsumed under gender issues when the text continuously privileges gender over race. However, at the same time, Black Donald and Capitola's disruptive energies signify the fear of explosive "blackness," and the disruptive stirrings of "blackness" permeate the novel as the energy that might rupture the seemingly tranquil order of antebellum South. The novel encodes and reflects the fear of blackness in the minds of its readers, and the popularity of this novel foretells nothing less than the explosion of Civil War.