• Title/Summary/Keyword: Policy Improvement

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우리나라 농촌지역의 출산조절행태 및 출산조절행위의 결정요인 분석

  • Chung, Kyung-Hee;Han, Seung-Hyun;Bang, Sook
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.33-53
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    • 1988
  • This study aimed at developing a desirable family planning policy and strategy by examining the current status of family planning practice in rural Korea and by indentifying the crucial factors which affect fertility control behavior. For this purpose, an analytical study was conducted, using the survey data collected in July 1985, on an interview basis, on 1, 440 married women living in the Soyi, Wonnam and Maingdong townships of Eumseong County(in North Chungcheong Province). This study population has the typical characteristics of rural areas, and the results of the analysis can be summarized as follows: 1. In regard to the demographic characteristics of the study population : their average age at marriage was 23.7, they had an average of 2.6 children( 1.3 boys, 1.3 girls) :10% experienced the death of their child (ren) :14% had spontaneous abortion(s) :4% weathered stillbirth(s) :35% went through induced abortion (s) : and 5.5% were currently pregnant. The average of their ideal numbers of children was 2.2, while 44% felt that they must have a son. 2. Looking at the contact rate with medical & health institutions, over the past 1 year, the visit rate to health subcenters was 43.7%, while 26.9% visited the (county) health center :59.6% had been to private clinics : and 41.5% went to the Soonchunhyang - Eumsung hospital : thus showing a relatively high rate of accessibility. 3. The utilization rate of family planning services was 76.5%, with tubectomy being the most prominent method at 52.3%, while the informants were health workers in 54.2% of the acceptors. Of the 8.4% who discontinued the use of contraceptive methods, only 26% did so due to want for pregnancy, natural infertility (meno - pause), or other reasons, while the remaining 74% stopped usage on account of side effects, failure in the methods themselves, and inconvenience of use, thus pointing to a situation where the proper choice of family planning methods have not yet been made. It can be noted that there is a strong motivation for early birth stopping as 35.3% practice family planning even with only one child, of which 38.3% have had sterilization operations. According to results of a multiple regression analysis, among the variables affecting contraception usage the most significant variable was the number of sons. 4. 34.8% experienced induced abortions. It was shown as a result of multiple regression analysis that the number of children and attitudes toward induced abortions extensively affected their frequency of abortions conducted. 5. In the regard to the relation between family planning and induced abortions, 33.7% of the women used both, while 52.0% of them used only the former(family planning), with only 1.4 % utilizing solely the latter(abortion), and 12.9% totally abstaining from fertility regulation : again, the discriminant analysis indicated that the choice of family planning and/or induced abortion was determined by the number of children and attitudes toward induced abortion. In view of the above mentioned results, the following are some comments and suggestions concerning problems related to the current family planning policies, in Korea : 1. It is difficult to expect a further quantitative expansion in family planning program operations, as there has been an excessive supply of target-oriented sterilization operations on women. From a maternal and child health care point of view, it will be desirable to have a diversification of service points in the future where family planning methods may be properly chosen, so that choices of methods which suit the mothers' characteristics and tastes may be made by the individuals themselves by strengthening their quality of family planning information services. 2. Along with the strengthening of the qualitative improvement of family planning services policies must be implemented to effectively promote the moral (ethical) deterrents to induced abortions and to preference for sons. From a maternal care standpoint, the social permissive norm toward induced abortion must be modified, and the bias towards son must be analyzed as the women with more daughters have a lower rate of family planning acceptance. Such changes in attitudes, however, can not be hoped to be accomplished with ad hoc policies, but will only be possible when an enhancement of the women's status(within the society) is brought about in a long - term perspective.

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In-House Subcontracting and Industrial Relations in Japanes Steel Industry (일본 철강산업의 사내하청과 노사관계)

  • Oh, Haksoo
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.107-156
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    • 2018
  • This article examines the history of the in - house subcontracting and the stabilization of labor - management relations in the steel industry in Japan. The ratio of in-house subcontract workers among steel workers has increased steadily until the mid-2000s, and about 70% in case of the largest company. In-house subcontracting was used as a strategy of the company to increase the quantity flexibility of employment and to save labor costs. The in-house subcontracting company needed company-specialized skills, and the internal labor market was formed because the rate of full-time workers was high and the turnover rate was low. The in-house subcontractor introduced long-term business relationship with the steel factory by introducing the equipment and materials necessary for the performance of the work, and the factory implemented the productivity improvement policy of the in-house subcontractor, and the win-win relationship between the factory and in-house subcontractor was developed. The trade union did not oppose the idea that the expansion of in-house subcontracting contributed to corporate profits, the stability of employment of the members and maintenance of their working conditions. Since 2000, the steel factory has pursued the transformation of in - house subcontractors into subsidiaries, which has been supported by capital relations. By the way, since the mid-2000s, there has been an increase in the number of regular workers' employment. The major factors are as follows: more strengthened compliance with laws and regulations, the higher quality request of customers, stricter keeping of deadlines, and problem in recruiting of workers at in-house subcontract companies. The wage gap between the factory and in - house subcontracting was less at company B than at company S, and the wage level of in - house subcontracting was about 90% of the factory at company B. The relatively small gap at company B seems to be due to the union's movement of narrowing the gap, low market dominance and unfavorable labor market. The internal labor market has been formed in the in-house subcontracting, and the wage gap is not large, and the possibility of labor disputes is low. Industrial relations are stable in the in-house subcontract company as well as the factory. The stabilization of labor-management relations in the steel industry in Korea is required to reduce the wage gap between the factory and in-house subcontract enterprises by raising productivity and expanding the internal labor market at in-house subcontract enterprises.

Compensation Criteria for Investigation Services and Strengthening Normative Force Plans for Detailed Qualification Criteria for Examination of Archaeological Heritage (매장문화재 조사용역 대가기준과 적격심사 세부기준 제도의 규범력 강화 방안)

  • Choi, Min-jeong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.240-253
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    • 2019
  • Archaeological heritages are precious cultural relics and public assets that must be preserved, conserved, and shared with people all over the world. Investigating archaeological heritage is valuable and plays an important role for the public good; our ancestors' cultures can be restored, and it helps with developing a clear understanding of the cultural and social aspects of a historical period as well as teaches about historical factors unreported in the literature. One of the most basic and important conditions necessary for recognizing the value and importance of archaeological heritage investigation, expertise, and quality improvement is to establish detailed criteria for investigation services and the qualification examination of archaeological heritage. Observation of detailed criteria and the qualification examination of archaeological heritage can partially demonstrate society's recognition of strengthening transparency, public property, and the objectivity of the investigation of archaeological heritage. However, the detailed criteria for investigation services and the qualification examination of archaeological heritage currently implemented as administrative rules are neither followed by all institutes in the public and private sectors nor the government. Thus, there are serious problems in terms of the effectiveness and stability of institutions. The detailed criteria for the qualification examination breach the principle of statutory reservation, the principle of statutory regulation, and regulations on the announcement and management of orders and rules. Non-compliance with compensation criteria for investigation services or with detailed criteria for the qualification examination of archaeological heritage will be one of the reasons for the failure of the investigation foundation for archaeological heritage in the future. That is, it will result in the expansion, reproduction, and repetition of a vicious cycle of conflict between developers, who are the decision-makers responsible for selecting an investigating organization for archaeological heritage and determining the cost, and investigating organizations. This includes the impractical shortening of investigation periods and reducing costs by developers, distrust of the values and the importance of investigations of archaeological heritage, a decrease in quality, accidents caused by a lack of safety, a lack of occupational ethics, and non-recruitment of new experts, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to change the structure from a vicious cycle to a virtuous cycle, and promote the enactment of regulations that will ensure effectiveness and stability in the process of attaining the goals of the institution and application of the institution, as well as the continuous advancement of work to fill the gaps with reality.

Analysis on Socio-cultural Aspect of Willingness to Pay for Air Quality (PM10, PM2.5) Improvement in Seoul (서울지역 미세먼지 문제 개선을 위한 사회문화적 지불의사액 추정)

  • Kim, Jaewan;Jung, Taeyong;Lee, Taedong;Lee, Dong Kun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2019
  • Over the last few years, air pollution ($PM_{10}$, $PM_{2.5}$) in the Seoul metropolitan area (SMA) has emerged as one of the most concerned and threatening environmental issues among the residents. It brings about various harmful effects on human health, as well as ecosystem and industrial activities. Governments and individuals pay various costs to mitigate the level of air pollutants. This study aims to empirically find the willingness to pays (WTP) among the parents from different socio-cultural groups - international and domestic groups to mitigate air pollution ($PM_{10}$, $PM_{2.5}$) in their residential area. Contingent Valuation Methods (CVM) is used with employing single-bounded dichotomous choice technique to elicit the respondent's WTP. Using tobit (censored regression) and probit models, the monthly mean WTP of the pooled sample for green electricity which contributes to improve air quality in the region was estimated as 3,993 KRW (3.58 USD). However, the mean WTP between the international group and domestic group through a sub-sample analysis shows broad distinction as 3,325KRW (2.98 USD) and 4,449 KRW (3.98 USD) respectively. This is because that socio-cultural characteristics of each group such as socio-economic status, personal experience, trust in institutions and worldview are differently associated with the WTP. Based on the results, the society needs to raise awareness of lay people to find a strong linkage between the current PM issue and green electricity. Also, it needs to improve trust in the government's pollution abatement policy to mobilize more assertive participation of the people from different socio-cultural background.

A Study on Human Rights Behavior of Korean Care Workerin Long Term Care Facilities: The Interaction Effect of Human Rights Awareness and Service Orientations (장기요양기관 요양보호사의 노인인권옹호행동 영향요인: 개인의 인권의식과 조직의 서비스 지향성을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Min-Kyoung;Kim, Mee-Hye;Kim, Ju-Hyun;Chung, Soon-Dool
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.673-691
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    • 2016
  • As the provision of long-term care policy takes root and with a gradual increase in elderly population, the use of elderly care service has become a growing norm. More than ever, there exists an urgent need for a paradigm shift in the building of an institutional basis for the improvement of care service, from the prevalent practice of 'need based service' toward the concept of 'human rights based service'. A great focus is being shed on care-workers, at the 'front line' of advocating human rights, as their human rights advocacy behaviour is seen as a key variable in providing high quality care service for elders. This study aims to examine how care-workers' individual human rights awareness levels, and the influence of their respective organizations, as an environmental factor, affect their human rights advocacy behaviour. The study includes a comprehensive analysis of the interactions between the regulatory effect of environmental factors (service orientation?) on an organizational level, human rights awareness (individual level) and the service environment (organizational). The analysis sample consisted of 782 registered non-profit corporation of long-term care facilities all over the country in 2014. The findings of the thesis suggest that human rights awareness at individual levels has a significant influence on human rights advocacy behavior. The interaction of human resources management in service orientations was also found to influence human rights advocacy on a significant level. Both human rights awareness at individual level and service orientations at organizational level were thus determined as key variables for improving the human rights awareness of care worker in long-term care facilities in Korea.

The Process of Overcoming Prejudice and Discrimination Experiences of Mothers with Disabilities (장애아동 어머니가 겪는 편견 및 차별경험 극복과정)

  • Oh, Yeon Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.477-490
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzes the process of overcoming prejudice and discrimination experiences of mothers with disabilities and looks for improvement points. It is interviewed 9 mothers of children with disabilities who were experiencing prejudice and discrimination while raising children with disabilities. The data collection was conducted from October to November, 2018 and one by on one in depth interview by using semi - structured questionnaires. Data analysis was done through consensual qualitative research (CQR). The result of CQR while it is a experiencing the process of prejudice and discrimination as well as coping the raising disabled children. 'Prejudice and discrimination experience of mothers with disabilities' and 'overcoming of discrimination experiences of mothers with disabilities' were derived. And the seven sub-regions, 28 categories, were finally constructed. The results of the study are as follows. Firstly, Prejudice and discrimination experiences of mothers with disabilities in raising children with disabilities are view of looking at children with disabilities comparing to those of normal children and children with disabilities. It seems that they want to treat the disabled child as the general child with an attitude of understanding and accepting the disabled child rather than looking at the disabled child with wrong perception, prejudice, stereotypes and rejection. Secondly, The process of overcoming the discrimination experiences of the mother of the disabled child is strengthening the cohesion and cohesion within the family in the process of accepting and coping with the disability family of the child with disabilities even if they raise the child with disability and have difficulties such as recognition bias and discrimination of the general public. Based on the results of this study, we suggested practical and policy implications for the mother's psychological stability of the child with disability and the disabled child's healthy life.

China's Government Audit and Governance Efficiency of Companies: Analyses of Listed Companies Controlled By China's Central State-Owned Enterprises (중국의 정부감사와 기업의 관리효율성 : 중국 중앙기업 상장자회사 분석)

  • Choe, Kuk-Hyun;Sun, Quan
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.55-75
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    • 2018
  • In China, different from the private enterprises or the locally-administered state enterprises, central state-owned enterprises generally spread over cornerstone industry which is greatly influenced by the public policy, which results in the objective existence of government influence in their productive activities. As the strategic resource, listed companies controlled by central state-owned enterprises, mostly distributed in the lifeblood and security of key industries. Therefore, listed companies controlled by central state-owned enterprises' governance efficiency play an important role in optimal allocation of state-owned assets, improve capital operation, improve the return on capital, and maintain state-owned assets safety. As the immune systems of national governance, the government audit strengthen the supervision of listed companies controlled by central state-owned enterprises in case of the loss of state-owned assets and significant risk events occur, to ensure that the value of state-owned assets. As an important component of national governance, government audit produced in entrusted with the economic responsibility of public relationship. Government audit can play an important role in maintaining financial security and corruption, and also improve listed company's accounting stability and transparency. While government audit can improve governance efficiency and maintain state-owned assets safety, present literature is scarce. Under the corporate governance theory and the economical responsibility theory, the thesis select data from 2010-2017 to verify the relationship between government audit and listed companies controlled by central state-owned enterprises' corporate performance. Results show that listed companies controlled by central state-owned enterprises are more likely to be audited by government of poor performance. Results also show that the government audit will have a promoting effect on listed companies controlled by central state-owned enterprises, and through to the improvement of the governance efficiency will enhance its companies' value. The results show that China's government audit has appealing role in accomplishing central state-owned enterprises to realize the business objectives and in promoting the governance efficiency.

A Study on Institutional Reliability of Open Record Information in the Information Disclosure System (정보공개제도에서 공개 기록정보의 제도적 신뢰성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Bo-ram;Lee, Young-hak
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.35
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    • pp.41-91
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    • 2013
  • There have been numerous steps of growth in policy system since the legal systemization through the enactment of Information Disclosure of public institution Act in 1996 and Records Management of public institution Act in 1999 as well as infrastructure advancement led by government bodies, but it still shows insufficiency in some aspects of information disclosure system and records management. In particular, the issue of reliability on record information disclosed through information disclosure system is raised, and institutional base through the legal and technical devices to ensure the reliability are not well prepared. Government has attempted to enact laws and regulations to guarantee the public right to know through information disclosure and records management at government level, and establish the national system in a way that advances the infrastructure for encouraging the participation in state affairs and utilization of national record information resources. There are limitations that it lacks internal stability and overlooks the impact and significance of record information itself by focusing upon system expansion and disclosing information quantatively. Numerous record information disclosed tends to be falsified, forged, extracted or manufactured by information disclosure staffs, or provided in a form other than official document or draft. In addition, the disclosure or non-disclosure decisions without consistency and criteria due to lack of information disclosure staff or titular supervising authority, which is likely to lead to societal confusion. There are also frequent cases where the reliability is damaged due to voluntary decision, false response or non response depending upon request agents for information disclosure. In other cases, vague request by information disclosure applicant or civil complaint form request are likely to hinder the reliability of record information. Thus it is essential to ensure the reliability of record information by establishing and amending relevant laws and regulations, systemic improvement through organizational and staff expertise advancement, supplementing the information disclosure system and process, and changing the social perception on information disclosure. That is, reliable record information is expected to contribute to genuine governance form administration as well as accountability of government bodies and public organizations. In conclusion, there are needed numerous attempts to ensure the reliability of record information to be disclosure in the future beyond previous trials of perceiving record information as records systematically and focusing upon disclosing more information and external development of system.

Analysis of Utilization and Maintenance of Major Agricultural machinery (Tractor, Combine Harvester and Rice Transplanter) (핵심 농기계(트랙터, 콤바인 및 이앙기) 이용 및 수리실태 분석)

  • Hong, Sungha;Choi, Kyu-hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.292-299
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    • 2018
  • In a survey in which farmers were asked about their levels of satisfaction with agricultural machines, Japanese products scored higher than local products by 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 times for tractors, combine harvesters, and rice transplanter, respectively. Japanese products corresponded to generally high satisfaction levels in terms of operating performance, operability, frequency of breakdowns, and durability, excluding sales price and after-sales services. Effective countermeasures through quality improvement are therefore necessary for Korean products. Furthermore, a survey of dealers showed that the components and consumables for core agricultural machines had high frequencies of breakdowns and repairs. Four major components of tractors represented 85.3% of all breakdowns and repairs, five components of combine harvesters represented 89.6%, and three components of rice transplanters represented 80.5%. Moreover, a comparison of the technological levels between local and imported machines showed that the local machines' levels were at 60-100% for tractors, 70-100% for combine harvesters, and 70-95% for rice transplanters. Small and mid-sized tractors, 4 interrow combine harvesters, and 6 interrow rice transplanters showed similar levels of technology. The results of the analysis suggest that action is urgently needed at a policy level to establish an agricultural machinery component research center for the development, production, and supply of commonly-used components, with the participation of manufacturers of agricultural machines and components, in order to enhance the competitiveness of local manufacturers and to revitalize the agricultural machine market.

Breeding Status and Management System Improvement of Pseudemys concinna and Mauremys sinensis Designated as Invasive Alien Turtles in South Korea (법적지정 생태계교란생물의 사육 현황과 관리 개선 방안 - 리버쿠터와 중국줄무늬목거북을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Philjae;Yeun, Sujung;An, Hyeonju;Kim, Su Hwan;Lee, Hyohyemi
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.388-395
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    • 2020
  • Exotic species have been imported for economic purposes, but more recently, an increasing number of animals are imported as pets. With the increasing popularity of two species of turtles, Mauremys sinensis and Pseudemys concinna, the number of pet turtle owners has gradually increased since 2014. The number of turtles increased by 180 in 2017 and 281 in 2019. However, these turtle species have been abandoned to nature, owing to their long lifespans and the changes in conditions of pet owners. The two turtle species have been designated as invasive alien species (AIS) in Korea considering their ecological risks, and the Biological Diversity Act prohibits their release. The owners of Mauremys sinensis and Pseudemys concinna are required to submit the "Application for Approval of Breeding and Grace for AIS" document. In this study, the breeding conditions for the two turtle species were investigated by analyzing the information in the submitted applications for six months (e.g., the suitability of breeding facilities, number of turtles, breeding period, type of pet adoption, and local district of pet owner). A total of 614 cases were analyzed. Because only 58% of breeders provided suitable breeding conditions, breeding information and responsible pet ownership training should be offered to prevent abandonment in natural ecosystems. In addition, continuous monitoring is necessary to prepare for potential problems caused by the lack of information in many applications and the one-off licensing policy.