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Processing and Mechanical Properties of Mullite Fiber / Fe Composite

  • Niibo, Yoshihide;Yuchi, Kazuhiro;Sameshima, Soichiro;Hirata, Yoshihiro
    • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Crystal Growth Conference
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    • 2000.06a
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    • pp.195-214
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    • 2000
  • The high-speed steel (shorten as HSS) consists of Fe and several kinds of transition metal carbides. The cutting tools or wear-resistant materials made from HSS experience relatively high thermal shock because a coolant such as water or oil is flowed over the surface of heated HSS. The purpose of this research is to increase the hardness, strength, fracture toughness and thermal shock resistance of HSS. A possible strategy is to incorporate a hard ceramic material with high strength in HSS matrix. This paper describes the processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of the oriented unidirectional mullite fiber/HSS composite. The unidirectional mullite fibers of 10{\mu}{\textrm}{m} diameter were dispersed by the ultrasonic irradiation of 38 kHz in an ethylenglycol suspension containing HSS powder of 11{\mu}{\textrm}{m} median size. The dried green composites with 4-68 vol% fibers were hot-pressed for 2h at 1000C in Ar atmosphere under a pressure of 39 MPa. The higher density was achieved in the composite with a lower content of fibers. The oriented unidirectional fibers were well dispersed in the HSS matrix. The average distance between the center of fibers in the cross section was close to the value calculated from the fiber fraction. No reaction occurred at the interfaces between HSS and mullite fibers in the composites. The composite with 13.6 vol% fibers showed 100 MPa of four point flexural strength at room temperature. The thermal expansion of composite with heating was influenced by the orientation of mullite fibers.

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Analysis of Knitwear Preferences and Purchase Behavior of University Students for Pullover Design Development Based upon Baekje Traditional Patterns as Culture Oriented Clothing Products (백제전통문양을 활용한 풀오버 패션문화상품 개발을 위한 대학생의 니트웨어 선호도와 구매행동 연구)

  • Suh, Mi-Young;Kim, Byeong-Mee;Lee, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.47-62
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the knitwear preferences and purchase behaviors of university students. The subjects were 493 university students in Daejeon and Chungnam Provinces. The method of this study was a survey and measurement instruments were 34 stimuli which were manipulated pullover patterns and shapes and self-administrated questionnaire with knitwear design preference items and knitwear purchase behavior items. Data were analyzed by factor analysis, frequency analysis, Cronbach'α, t-test, ANOVA and $Sch{\acute{e}}ffe$ test using SPSS program. The results of the study were as follows. First, university students most preferred achromatic colors, pastel tones, solid patterns, and 100% cotton. Second, as for knitwear purchase behaviors, university students considered the esthetical factor to be most important among 4 dimensions (comfortable, esthetical, economical, and conspicuous factors) as important purchase criteria, and they used internet web sites for knitwear purchases. Third, there were significant differences in preferred pullover shape depending on neckline shape, neck depth, sleeve shape and clothing length. University students preferred the classic pullover design with V neckline, normal neck depth, set-in sleeves and normal length. Fourth, university students preferred the cloud motif and riding man motif among the 9 Baekje traditional motifs and one point small pattern on the left chest and crosswise bending pattern for pattern arrangement.

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A Study on the Implementing Strategies and components of Space for the Placeness Formation - Focus on Public Space Case - (장소성 형성의 공간구현 전략과 실행요소 연구 - 공공 공간 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Mi-Young;Moon, Jeong-Min
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.190-198
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    • 2013
  • With globalization and the execution of a self-governing system, the government-oriented system has been transformed into a city-oriented system. The importance of the competitive power of a city is thus increasing. Because of this each region is trying to develop its own differentiated image and to create branding using unique historical and cultural resources and, as one of the strategies for this, public spaces have been developed. For a public space to be used as a means to promote the attractiveness of a city, creates a local image and works as a medium to help a community of people realize a pleasant life. Therefore, in this study, I am clarified theoretically the meaning of placeness and form factors. and study realization methods in the space around the public space case. The results of the study are as following. In the modern space, Place is to be understood as a recognition and experience. Therefore rather than spatial structure physical fixed, recognition through the human experience is an important feature of the place-making, it is necessary to access in spatial planning based on this point of view. The factors of the placeness formation are physical environment factors, activity elements of the human, the meaning factors. and these elements form the placeness through via interaction. Therefore, even space implementation of the place, it is necessary to grasp the elements of each, as well as the physical aspects in particular, planning programmatic and various functions must be parallel strategically. There is a need to implement a space device that can be carried out in space activities.

A Study on Changes of Furniture Hard Ware in Korea - From the Joseon Era to Modern Times - (한국 가구 하드웨어 변화 연구 - 조선시대부터 현대까지 -)

  • Cho, Sook-Kyung;Moon, Sun-Ok
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 2012
  • This article was intended as fundamental materials to recognize the current status of furniture hard ware in Korean market and to fix the identity of Korean furniture, by investigating and comparing the furniture hard ware used in the Joseon era and in modern times by type, function, shape and material. The analysis of furniture hard ware of the Joseon era and modern times from the view of functional aspects was oriented to the hard ware necessary to open and close the door & drawer on one side, and to that being attached to the main body of furniture not to scratch the wood by another wood on the other side, and from this the following conclusion was drawn. First of all, "Gwangdoojung" - a kind of spike- and metal decoration on the edge of the furniture disappeared, while the function-oriented hard wares have been diversified in modern times, from the perspective of the change of kinds. Second, the functional aspect of the furniture hard ware was emphasized in modern times than the Joseon era. In other words, the hard wares of the Joseon era came into view due to their strong appeal to decoration, whereas those of modern times were mostly hidden or moderated, keeping the function substantially. Third, the hard wares from the Joseon era were shown in concrete and detailed shape motivated by natural objects and furthermore even gloriously, but the modern hard wares are simple & basic geometry, from a formative point of view. Fourth, the material aspects present that the Joseon era's hard ware was mainly cast iron, whereas that of modern times shows the diversification from metal to even plastic. Finally, the recent trend in naming of the hard wares is the words of foreign origin. This resulted from that the foreign names of hard wares are valid also after import process in Korean market, so the domestic development of hard ware as the essential factor for the furniture design is urgently necessary to establish the identity of Korean modern furniture.

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Design and Implementation of a Language Supporting Compositional Approach to Multiparadigm Programming (결합 방식 멀티패러다임 프로그래밍을 지원하는 언어의 설계 및 구현)

  • Choi, Jong-Myung;Yoo, Chae-Woo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.10A no.6
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    • pp.605-614
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    • 2003
  • In this paper we introduce a new style multiparadigm language named Argos which applies a compositional approach [20] to multiparadigm programming. Argos is a superset of the Java, and its grammar has an extension point which allows other languages to be used in Argos programs. Therefore, Argos can support object-oriented programming and multiparadigm programming by enabling each method in a class to be implemented with one of the Java, C, Prolog, Python, and XML languages. Since Argos allows the existing languages to be used, it has advantages such as easiness of learning and high reusability. The Argos compiler is implemented according to the delegating compiler object (DCO) model[28,29]. The compiler partitions a program Into several parts according to the languages used in methods and delivers the parts the languages' processors which compile the parts.

Construction of Management System of Road Position Information Using GPS Surveying Data

  • Kim, Jin-Soo;Roh, Tae-Ho;Lee, Jong-Chool
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2003
  • This study aims to construct a management system of road position information as part of the build-up to a maintenance and management system of highways. First, information on the positions of the roads were obtained by a real-time kinematic satellite surveying, and then the degree of accuracy was analyzed in comparison with the data of the existing design drawings. The linear coordinates of road center line obtained by using RTK GPS showed about 7.6-13.2cm errors in X and Y directions in the case of the national road No.2 section, and about 8.4-9.2cm errors in the case of local road No.1045 section. These errors were within the tolerance scope regulated by the TS survey, and could be practically used. In the case of vertical alignment, there were about 6.2cm errors in the Z direction in local road No.1045 section. Aerial photographs are normally used in producing numerical maps, and it can be practically used because the tolerance scope of the elevation control point is l0cm when the scale of aerial photographs is 1/1000. The management system of road position information, utilizing Object-Oriented Programming(OOP), was built having the data acquired in this way as the attribute data. The system developed in this way can enable us to spot the positions of road facilities, the target of management with ease, to easily update the data in case of changes in the positions of roads and road facilities, and to manage the positions of roads and road facilities more effectively.

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Environmental Education Program in Small Planning Community -In Cases of yamagiscism Village, Findhorn & Dongsasup Program- (공동체 학습 프로그램의 환경교육적 실현 -야마기시, 핀드혼 공동체와 동사섭 프로그램을 중심으로-)

  • 김태경
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.72-89
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    • 1996
  • Environmental problem and eco-crisis don't mean pollution itself any more, although general people have believed that environmental problems can be resolves by removing pollution. The mos important is environmental problems are linked with social structure which individualism, rationalism is extremely prevailed in the market oriented capitalism society, so public value is ignored especially. In the point of environmental education, this is very important because environmental education is not completed through schooling process, such s class learning, discussion. observation etc, but in the our practical life itself. This means that environmental education can be done by changing of lifestyle anywhere we live, and anytime. But any places governed our social life are polluted by efficiency pursuiting individualism in market oriented capitalism society. So environmental education can't hold the water in this system, in the aspect that we can't stimulate feelings of the student and general people, getting to public resource value and harmony with nature by throwing individual mind away. It is big problem. In this field, I have thought the unique space and social structure which can be used as environmental education place is small-planning community, such as Kibbutz in Israel, educational community Finhorn in Scotland, harmony community Yamagicism Village in Japan and DURE in Korea etc. For the research of this educational possibility in these small community, I visited and investigated immediately, and confirmed. In this thesis, I insist that the training process and practical life experience in this community themselves are good environmental education. So, in case of YAMAGICISM in Japan and FINDHORN in Scotland, DONGSASUP program in Korea, I introduce these small community environmental- education program.

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A Study on a Development of the Consumer-Oriented School Uniform by the Partial Liberalization of the Dress Code (부분 자율화를 통한 교복 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Whi;Jeon, Eun-Kyung;Yoo, Hwa-Sook
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.76-82
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    • 2008
  • Most of the students in middle and high schools today wear school uniforms. The school uniform is the most important and intimate clothes in adolescences and makes students feel a sense of group identity and belonging, and lessen the difference of economical capabilities. However levels of satisfaction is low because school uniforms do not express their individualities and do not keep up with the fashion. In this paper, we studied the partial liberalization of schools uniforms to raise the levels of satisfaction. The subjects were 378 male and female students from middle schools and high school in Ulsan, and a questionnaire was sent out. The survey was conducted in February 2007, and frequency analysis, χ2-analysis, and t-test were used for the analysis of the data. The results are as follows: The students recognized the partial liberalization of the dress code as loosening of the regulation As the result of analysis on attitudes toward the partial liberalization of the dress code, most of the students support the introduction of the plan. They chose a shirt as the most appropriate item and length as the best extent in liberalization. Among the elements of school uniform required to be unified, they selected a jacket and design as the item and extent, respectively. Through this study, we came to know the demands of students for school uniform and confirmed the possibility of the partial liberalization of the dress code as an improvement of consumer-oriented school uniform. In the future, it seems that their desires would be accepted and reflected in the design and school uniforms would be manufactured from the view point of consumer.

Modeling of Damage Initiation in Singly Oriented Ply Fiber-Metal Laminate under Concentrated Loading Conditions (집중하중을 받는 일방향 보강 섬유 금속 적층판의 손상 개시 모델링)

  • 남현욱;변현중;정성욱;한경섭
    • Composites Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.42-50
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    • 2001
  • Modeling of damage initiation in singly oriented ply (SOP) Fiber Metal Laminate (FML) under concentrated loading conditions was studied. The finite element method (FEM) base on the first order shear deformation theory is used for th\ulcorner modeling of damage initiation in SOP FML. The failure indices (FI) of the fiber prepreg and the metal laminate were calculated by using the Tasi-Hill failure criterion and the Miser yield criterion, respectively. To verify the present method, the failure analysis was conducted under uniaxial loading and cylindrical bending, then the analysis under concentrated load was conducted. The results show that the analysis is reasonable. An indentation test was conducted to compare a damage initiation load with a calculated FI. The test was conducted under two side clamped conditions to study the fiber orientation effect. Indentation curve was fitted using the Hertz equation and a damage initiation load is defined that the point which deviate the fitted curve from the real indentation curve. The damage initiation loads were obtained under various fiber orientations and compared with calculated FIs. The experiment was well matched with calculated FI. This results shows that the present method is suitable for the damage initiation modeling of SOP FML.

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A study on activation method of beacon service in cultural art space (문화예술 공간의 비콘(Beacon) 서비스 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Jung, Ran-gun;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.287-292
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is suggest the guideline by analyzing and categorizing the case of trends of Beacon technological development and Beacon-Based service in culture and art space of domestic and overseas. I did some literature research followed with theoretical background of beacon service, also did case study of beacon service application in domestic and overseas culture space. The result indicate that beacon technology can provide a variety services in a wide space. Through domestic and overseas case studies, it was found that beacon service in domestic exhibition space should be given as experience-oriented services beyond benefit-oriented services. As this point of time, this study will become a good resource for various communication services through beacon service in Korea.