• Title/Summary/Keyword: Point of Sight

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Analysis for the causes of sea collisions, with particular emphasis on the lookout (선박충돌사고의 원인분석(경계를 중심으로))

  • Hugh, I.;Joo, J.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 1988
  • For traffic proceeding in random directions on a plane surface the frequency of collision, if no avoiding action in taken ,is approximately proportional to the square of the traffic density and directly proportional to the size and speed of the ship, Avoiding is normally taken and the rte of collisions is therefore also governed by additional factors such as the visibility, the effectiveness of the collisionavoidance rules, the competence of personnel or watchkeeping attitude, the maneuverability of the ship and the efficiency of radar and other equipments. From the viewpoint of watchkeeper who is responsible for maneuvering, watchkeeping attitude such as lookout and action to avoid collision is the most controllable factor among those mentioned above. In practice, according to the investigation of the institution of marine courts, about 50% co collisions occurred is caused by disorbedience to steering and sailing rules of international regulations for preventing collision at sea including lookout. So we classify the process of collisions with first sight of another ship , assessment of risk of collisions and action to avoid collisions and make a factural survey about lookout and action to avoid collisions from the point on "time" and " distance", namely relationship among ship's size, speed, first sight time of another ship, action to avoid collisions ,and distance from sight of another ship to collision occurred. According to the results of the actual survey , we come to conclude that most of collisions occurred are due to improper lookout and ineffective action to avoid collision which means time lag from first sight of another ship to time of action taken to avoid collision is relatively long. is relatively long.

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  • Chae, Jong-Chul;Park, Hyung-Min;Park, Young-Deuk
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.67-82
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    • 2007
  • The basic building block of solar filaments/prominences is thin threads of cool plasma. We have studied the spectral properties of velocity threads, clusters of thinner density threads moving together, by analyzing a sequence of $H{\alpha}$ images of a quiescent filament. The images were taken at Big Bear Solar Observatory with the Lyot filter being successively tuned to wavelengths of -0.6, -0.3, 0.0, +0.3, and +0.6 ${\AA}$ from the centerline. The spectra of contrast constructed from the image data at each spatial point were analyzed using cloud models with a single velocity component, or three velocity components. As a result, we have identified a couple of velocity threads that are characterized by a narrow Doppler width($\Delta\lambda_D=0.27{\AA}$), a moderate value of optical thickness at the $H{\alpha}$ absorption peak($\tau_0=0.3$), and a spatial width(FWHM) of about 1". It has also been inferred that there exist 4-6 velocity threads along the line of sight at each spatial resolution element inside the filament. In about half of the threads, matter moves fast with a line-of-sight speed of $15{\pm}3km\;s^{-1}$, but in the other half it is either at rest or slowly moving with a line-of-sight velocity of $0{\pm}3km\;s^{-1}$. It is found that a statistical balance approximately holds between the numbers of blue-shifted threads and red-shifted threads, and any imbalance between the two numbers is responsible for the non-zero line-of-sight velocity determined using a single-component model fit. Our results support the existence not only of high speed counter-streaming flows, but also of a significant amount of cool matter either being at rest or moving slowly inside the filament.

PSF Deconvolution on the Integral Field Unit Spectroscopy Data

  • Chung, Haeun;Park, Changbom
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.58.4-58.4
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    • 2019
  • We present the application of the Point Spread Function (PSF) deconvolution method to the astronomical Integral Field Unit (IFU) Spectroscopy data focus on the restoration of the galaxy kinematics. We apply the Lucy-Richardson deconvolution algorithm to the 2D image at each wavelength slice. We make a set of mock IFU data which resemble the IFU observation to the model galaxies with a diverse combination of surface brightness profile, S/N, line-of-sight geometry and Line-Of-Sight Velocity Distribution (LOSVD). Using the mock IFU data, we demonstrate that the algorithm can effectively recover the stellar kinematics of the galaxy. We also show that lambda_R_e, the proxy of the spin parameter can be correctly measured from the deconvolved IFU data. Implementation of the algorithm to the actual SDSS-IV MaNGA IFU survey data exhibits the noticeable difference on the 2D LOSVD, geometry, lambda_R_e. The algorithm can be applied to any other regular-grid IFS data to extract the PSF-deconvolved spatial information.

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Eye as a Human/Computer Interface Device (눈으로 조종하는 인간/컴퓨터 인터페이스)

  • 박경수;이경태
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1996.04a
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    • pp.36-47
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    • 1996
  • By integrating the eye head-position monitioring devices, the present authors developed an eye-controlled human/computer interface based on the line-of-sight and an intentional blink to invoke commands. Also modified was an existing calibration method to reduce the visual angle between the target center and the intersection point of the derived line-of-sight. This modified calibration method allowed 108 or more command blocks to be displayed on the 14 inch monitor with the target acquisition probability(hit rate) of 98% when viewed at the distance of 500 mm apart. An active triggering method using an intentional blink was proposed and was shown to be a feasible and efficient alternative to invoke commands with total triggering time of 0.8 sec or less. The system could be used by the normal people as well as the handicapped individuals as a new human/computer interface.

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A Proposal of an LOS Guidance System of a Ship for Path Following (선박의 항로추종을 위한 LOS 가이던스 시스템의 제안)

  • Kim Jonghwa;Lee Byungkyul
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.363-368
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes an LOS(line-of-sight) guidance system of a ship for path following. From the viewpoint of a control configuration, guidance is a special type of compensation algorithm that is placed in front of the controller to accomplish navigational objects. A guidance system generates a reference trajectory for trajectory tracking or path control and decides the desired velocity, position and heading angle. A control system executes commands based on a reliable guidance law during navigation. An LOS vector from the vessel to a point on the path between two way-points in straight-line navigation or a point among turning circle in turning navigation is selected, and then a heading angle is calculated to converge the desired path based on the LOS vector. The LOS guidance law is defined for the straight-line and the turning circle, respectively. The effectiveness of the suggested LOS guidance system is assured through computer simulation.

2 - 5 μm Spectroscopy of Red Point Sources in the Galactic Center

  • Jang, DaJeong;An, Deokkeun;Sellgren, Kris;Ramirez, Solange V.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.67.4-67.4
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    • 2019
  • We present preliminary results of our long-term (2009-2017) observing campaign using the NASA IRTF at Mauna Kea, to obtain $2-5{\mu}m$ spectroscopy of ~200 red point sources in the line of sight to the Galactic center. Point sources in our sample were selected from the mid-infrared images of the Spitzer Space telescope, and include candidate massive young stellar objects, which have previously been identified from our Spitzer/IRS spectroscopy. We show high foreground extinction of these sources from deep $3.1{\mu}m$ H2O ice and aliphatic hydrocarbon absorption features, suggesting that they are likely located in the central 300 pc region of the Galactic center. While many sources reveal photospheric $2.3{\mu}m$ gas CO absorption, few of them clearly indicate $3.54{\mu}m$ CH3OH ice absorption, possibly indicating a large dust column density intrinsic to a massive young stellar object.

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Development of Intelligent Control Point System using RFID & PDA System (RFID와 PDA를 이용한 측량 기준점 체계 개발)

  • Oh, Yoon-Seuk;Kwak, Tae-Suk;Cho, Han-Keun;Kim, Chang-Woo;Koo, Jee-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.31-35
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    • 2007
  • RFID is going to be the core technology for contact-less information transfer means in the era of ubiquitous. Up until recent days, the RFID didn't fit to be used in outdoor environment due to the fact that it was developed for logistics which does not require stability in outdoor. But recently, requests for the RFID to be used in the outdoor environment have increased, and this laid the foundation for the development of outdoor tags, including MetalTag, which can be utilized in many different ways. In this research, to provide information on the control point using the RFID at the sight, RFID tags, which can place at the control point, and PDA based system were developed.

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Development of WiBro Access Point for Offering WiBro Service with Enhanced Quality in Indoor Environment (옥내 WiBro 서비스 품질 향상을 위한 WiBro AP 개발)

  • Kwak, Do-Young;Lee, Jong-Sik;Park, Se-Jun;Lee, Seong-Choon
    • 한국정보통신설비학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.08a
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    • pp.269-272
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    • 2007
  • In order to expand cell coverage, increase system capacity, and offer various multimedia service with high throughput in indoor environment, WiBro Access Point(AP) is developed. Home AP is IFA/Omni type and has stack-up structure of channel card and RF board. SOHO AP is designed to support up to 2FA and has remote RF(RRF) structure using UTP method. Inter-operational test with mobile terminal were completed for 3 terminals using web browsing service simultaneously. The performance test results of WiBro AP are as follows: RCE(EVM) value is -34.431 dB for 64-QAM and throughput is up to 6.79 Mbps(DL) and 1.1 Mbps(UL) with 2.5m Line-of-Sight(LOS) condition.

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A study on the view evaluation by each patterns of the life street (생활가로 유형별 경관평가에 관한 연구)

  • 김성호;김한수;김재홍
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2000
  • This study was inverstigated on that a street view is the important point of the town planning. Until now, the street view has formed with senseless and coarse town planning because of lack of understanding of the street view during the urbanization in the same way and total lack of a consistent plan. On the sight of having a critical mind about the street view, this study was performed to present the analyses of the current problems of the street formation as the vivid directions of development for the future city view of the visual quality and the development of comfort.

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A Study on the view evaluation by each patterns of the life street (생활가로 유형별 경관평가에 관한 연구)

  • 김성호;김한수;정준현
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2001
  • This study was inverstgated on that a street view is the important point of the town planning. Until now, the street view has formed with senseless and coarse town planning because of lack of understanding of the street view during the urbanization in the same way and total lack of a consistent plan. On the sight of having a critical mind about the street view, this study was performed to present the analyses of the current problems of the street formation as the vivid directions of development for the future city view of the visual quality and the development of comfort.

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