• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pleurotus ostreatus(Gonji-7ho)

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Comparative mitogenomics of Pleurotus ostreatus Gonji7ho and its cap color mutant

  • Oh, Min-Ji;Na, Kyeong Sook;Jung, Hwa Jin;Lee, Young Kuk;Ryu, Jae-San
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2022
  • Pleurotus ostreatus is a globally cultivated mushroom crop. Cap color is a quality factor in P. ostreatus. However, cap color can spontaneously mutate, degrading the quality of the mushroom on the market. Early detection and removal of mutant strains is the best way to maintain the commercial value of the crop. To detect the cap color mutant Gonji7ho, molecular markers were developed based on insertion/deletions (InDels) derived from the comparison of mitogenomes of Gonji7ho and Gonji7hoM mushrooms. Sequencing, assembly, and comparative analysis of the two mitogenomes revealed genome sizes of 73,212 bp and 72,576 bp with 61 and 57 genes or open reading frames (ORFs) in P. ostreatus Gonji7ho and Gonji7hoM, respectively. Fourteen core protein-encoding genes, two rRNA, and 24 tRNA with some OFRs were predicted. Of the 61 genes or OFRs in the wild type, dpo, rpo, and two orf139 were missing (or remnant) in the mutant strain. Molecular markers were developed based on the sequence variations (InDels) between the two mitogenomes. Six polymorphic molecular markers could detect the mutated mitochondria by PCR. These results provide basic knowledge of the mitogenomes of wild-type and mutant P. ostreatus, and can be applied to discriminate mutated mitochondria.

Characteristics and breeding of a long-term storable oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) variety 『Gonji-7ho』 (장기저장성 신품종 느타리버섯 『곤지7호』 육성 및 특성)

  • Choi, Jong-In;Ha, Tai-Moon;Jeon, Dae-Hoon;Ju, Young-Cheul;Cheong, Jong-Chun
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.149-153
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    • 2013
  • The oyster mushroom is a wide cultivar among cultivated edible mushrooms in Korea. But, due to the excess of domestic production, the price has been falling. This study has been conducted to develope new variety oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus) which have a long term storage to export in foreign market as well as domestic. 'Gonji-7ho', a new variety of oyster mushroom, for the bottle culture, was bred by mating with monokaryons isolated from 'Nongmin-59ho' and 'MT07156'. In the characteristics of fruit body, pilei were round type and gray and stipes were white color and soft. The fruit body growth was vital and uniform. When fruit-body was stored at 4 degrees after packing with plastic vinyl, storage period was extended 7 days longer than 28 day of chunchu-2ho. The yield was 166 g per a bottle(¢65, 900 ml).

Characteristics and breeding of a new variety 'Sootari' in Pleurotus ostreatus (느타리버섯 신품종 '수타리'의 육성 및 특성)

  • Lee, Kwan-Woo;Kim, Min-Ja;Jeon, Jong-Ock;Kim, Ik-Jei
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.180-185
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    • 2018
  • 'Sootari', a new variety of oyster mushroom, was bred by mating with monokaryons isolated from 'Suhan' and 'Gonji-7ho'. The optimum temperature for the mycelial growth was $20{\sim}25^{\circ}C$ on PDA medium and those for the primordia formation and growth of fruiting body of 'Sootari' were $16{\sim}18^{\circ}C$ on sawdust substrate. In bottle cultivation, mycelial growth required about 25 days. In addition, primordia formation and growth of fruiting body required 4 days each. Regarding characteristics of the fruiting body, the shape and color of pileus were round type and black, respectively, and stipe color and shape were white and short and thin, respectively. The yield of fruiting bodies was $131.3{\pm}26.0g$ per 1,100 mL bottle, which was 2% higher than that of Gonji-7ho.

Effect of postharvest CO2 treatment on the quality of the 'Gonji-7ho' oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) during oriented polypropylene packaging and storage (수확 후 CO2처리가 느타리버섯 곤지7호의 OPP 포장 저장 중 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Ji-Weon;Lee, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Chang-Kug;Shin, Il-Sub;Bae, Yeoung-Seuk
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.115-119
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of post-harvest CO2 treatment on the quality of the 'Gonji-7ho' oyster mushroom. The harvested mushrooms were pre-cooled at 3℃ for 1 day and placed in a gas-tight chamber with 0%, 30%, or 50% of CO2 concentration for 3 hours at 3℃. Next, 400 g of the oyster mushroom sample was packaged into 20-㎛ thick oriented polypropylene (OPP) film bags and stored at 4℃ for 21 days. Treatment with 30% of CO2 treatment maintained the highest stipe firmness of the oyster mushrooms during storage. The stipe lightness (CIE L) was the highest at 14 and 21 days, while the stipe yellowness (CIE b) was the lowest at 2 and 7 days of storage. Therefore, we concluded that the 30% CO2 treatment maintained the overall visual quality of the 'Gonji-7ho' oyster mushroom until 17 days of storage at 3℃. Our results suggest that the shelf life of 'Gonji-7ho' oyster mushroom could be extended by the postharvest application of 30% CO2 for 3 hours during low temperature storage.

Characteristics of a new oyster mushroom variety 『Gonji-2ho』 for bag cultivation (봉지재배용 신품종 느타리 『곤지2호』 육성 및 특성)

  • Choi, Jong-In;Ha, Tai-Moon;Jeon, Dae-Hoon;Ju, Young-Cheul;Cheong, Jong-Chun
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.135-138
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    • 2011
  • 'Gonji-2ho' a new variety of oyster mushroom, fitting for the bag culture, was bred by mating between monokaryons isolated from GMPO35338 and Jangpug. In the major characteristics of fruit body, the pilei were thick and dark-gray and the stipes were thick and long with softness. It was great in elasticity and cohesivness of tissue as compared to Suhan-1ho. The optimum temperature for the mycelial growth was around $26{\sim}29^{\circ}C$ and for the pinheading and growth of fruit body was around $14{\sim}18^{\circ}C$. In the bag culture, it was required around 20 days at incubation period and 5 days at primordia formation. The fruit body was grown vital and uniform. The yields were 323.3g/kg bag. This variety has high yielding capacity, cultivation stability and the resistance to the bacterial brown blotch disease.

Characteristics and breeding of a new cultivar of Pleurotus ostreatus that is tolerant to envirochanges (느타리 신품종 불량환경내성 '고솔'의 육성 및 자실체 특성)

  • Shin, Pyung-Gyun;Oh, Min-Ji;Kim, Eun-Sun;Oh, Youn-Lee;Jang, Kab-Yeul;Kong, Won-Sik;Yoo, Young-Bok
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.59-63
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    • 2016
  • A new commercial strain of oyster mushroom (was developed by hyphal anastomosis, and was improved byhybridization between a monokaryotic strain derived from Pleurotus ostreatus ASI 0635 (Gonji 7ho) and a dikaryotic strain derived from P. ostreatus ASI 0666 (Mongdol). The optimum temperatures for mycelial growth and fruiting body development were $25{\sim}30^{\circ}C$ and $12{\sim}18^{\circ}C$, respectively. When PDA (potato dextrose agar medium) and MCM (mushroom complete medium) were compared, mycelial growth was faster in MCM. Similar results were observed with the control strain P. ostreatus ASI 2504 (Suhan 1ho). Analysis of the genetic characteristics of the new cultivar ('Gosol') showed a different DNA profile from that of the control ASI 2504 strain, when RAPD (raurpDNA) primers URP1, 2, 3, and 7 were used. Fruiting body production per bottle was approximately116 g based on a production performance test. In addition, yields from a farm field trial were stably achieved in an inadequate production enviro. The color of the pileus was blackish gray, and the stipe was long and thick. Therefore, we expect that this new strain will satisfy consumer demand for high quality mushrooms.

Mycelial and cultural characteristics of Pleurotus ostreatus 'Baekseon', a novel white cultivar for bottle culture (병재배용백색느타리신품종 『백선』의 균사배양및생육특성)

  • Choi, Jong In;Lee, Yun Hae;Gwon, Hee Min;Jeon, Dae Hoon;Lee, Yong Seon;Lee, Young Sun
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2019
  • Oyster mushrooms are an economically important crop, accounting for 35% of the total mushroom production in Korea. In this study, we developed a new cultivar of Pleurotus ostreatus, known as 'Baekseon,' which is characterized by a white pileus with a white stipe. It was bred by mating monokaryons isolated from white mutant oyster mushrooms that were naturally generated from 'Gonji-7ho' and 'Wonhyeong-1ho' at the Mushroom Research Institute, GARES, Korea in 2018. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth on potato dextrose agar medium was approximately $28-31^{\circ}C$, and the optimum temperatures for primordia formation and growth of fruit bodies on sawdust media were $22^{\circ}C$ and $20^{\circ}C$, respectively. The time required for the bottle-cultured mushrooms to complete spawn running, primordia formation, and growth of fruit bodies was 30 days, 4 days, and 4 days, respectively. The fruit bodies were bundle-shaped, the pilei were round type and white, and the stipes were white. The stipes were slender and longer than those of the control ('Miso'). In the productivity test, the yield per bottle was 185 g/1100 mL, which was 45% greater than that of the control ('Miso'). In the farm test, the yield per bottle for Farm A (Pyeongtaek) and Farm B (Yeoju) was 184 g/1100 mL and 178 g/850 mL, respectively. With regard to the physical properties of fruit bodies, the springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and brittleness of stipe tissue were 80%, 57%, 720 g, and 57 kg, respectively. These values were lower than those of the control ('Miso'). To test the shelf life, the fruit bodies were wrapped with antifogging film and stored at $4^{\circ}C$ for 28 days and then at room temperature for 4 days; such conditions were sufficient for maintaining edibility.

Effect of Postharvest CO2 Treatment and Packaging Materials on the Quality of 'Gonji-7ho' Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) during Storage (수확후 CO2 처리 및 포장필름 종류가 '곤지-7호' 느타리버섯의 저장 중 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Ji-Weon;Lee, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Chang-Kug;Shin, Il Sheob;Bae, Yeoung-Seuk
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.04a
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    • pp.108-108
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    • 2019
  • 느타리버섯은 전남 장흥군에서 병재배로 재배된 '곤지 7호' 느타리버섯 품종을 $3^{\circ}C$에서 1일간 냉각시킨 후 실험에 사용하였다. 이산화탄소 처리는 10mm 두께의 아크릴로 제작한 밀폐 챔버($40{\times}70{\times}40cm$)를 이용하여 CO2가스를 주입하여 내부의 CO2 농도를 $30{\pm}1%$로 조정하여 3시간 동안 밀폐시켰으며 $3^{\circ}C$ 저온 저장고에서 수행하였다. 처리 후 포장필름은 3처리로 하여 PVC랩, 재배농가에서 이용하는 필름인 $20{\mu}m$ OPP필름, $30{\mu}m$ OPP필름을 재료로 하여 산소투과율을 $5,000cc/m2{\cdot}day{\cdot}atm$로 조정한 필름(OPP5)을 사용하였다. PVC랩 처리는 스티로폼 트레이에 옮긴 후 균일하게 한 겹으로 둘렀고, OPP와 OPP5는 봉지에 옮겨 봉지 입구 4cm 안쪽을 비닐접착기로 열접착하여 밀봉하였으며 $3^{\circ}C$에 저장하면서 필름내부의 기체조성, 경도, 색도, 이취, 종합선도 변화를 조사하였다. 포장된 느타리버섯의 포장재 내 이산화탄소 농도는 저장초기 0.03%에서 점차 증가하여 저장 3일 후 PVC랩은 3.5~3.9%, 나머지 처리는 18%이상으로 증가하였으며 OPP필름보다 OPP5필름의 경우 포장재 내 이산화탄소 농도가 더 낮게 유지되었다. 생체중 감소는 PVC랩에서 저장 26일 후 9.9% 이하로 육안으로 보이는 시들음이 관찰되었으며 나머지 처리들은 저장 26일 후까지 1.6% 이하의 중량감소율을 보였다. 느타리버섯 갓 경도는 유지되었으며 줄기표면의 황색도 $b^*$값은 PVC랩에서는 증가 경향을, OPP나 OPP5에서는 유지 경향을 보였다. 느타리버섯의 이취 및 전체적인 품질은 무처리 후 PVC랩 포장은 저장 6일 후에 이취가 상품성 한계로 발생하였고 OPP5 포장은 포장재 중 가장 이취발생이 늦게 발생하였으며 CO2 처리에 의해 지연되는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이런 결과를 종합하여 느타리버섯의 $3^{\circ}C$ 저장 중 품질유지기간은 각 PVC랩(6일) ${\rightarrow}$ 30% CO2+PVC랩(7일) ${\rightarrow}$ OPP(10일) ${\rightarrow}$ 30% CO2+OPP(17일) ${\rightarrow}$ OPP5(20일) ${\rightarrow}$ 30% CO2+OPP5(22일)로 조사되었다. CO2처리 후 산소투과율을 $5,000cc/m2{\cdot}day{\cdot}atm$으로 조정한 미세천공(OPP5)필름이 가장 높은 전체적 품질점수를 나타내었으며 상대적으로 낮은 이취발생, 갈변과 갓무름이 적어 높은 점수를 얻는데 영향을 준 것으로 보인다.

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