• 제목/요약/키워드: Play Environment

검색결과 1,759건 처리시간 0.031초

Board of Directors Attributes and Sustainability Performance in the Energy Industry

  • GARDAZI, Syeda Saba Nazir;HASSAN, Ahmad Fahmi Sheikh;JOHARI, Jalila Binti
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제7권12호
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    • pp.317-328
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    • 2020
  • The board of directors play an important role in corporate climate strategy-making and decisions but might also compromise environmental policies to minimize agency cost. This study critically investigates the relationship between the attributes of the board of directors and the degree of sustainability performance for the energy sector as discussed in the literature. Our study cumulates existing knowledge offering important characteristics for a balanced board structure to increase the board's effectiveness in adopting sustainable initiatives that could reduce the adverse impact of an energy corporation's operation on the environment. Crucial attributes of the board of directors deemed to be positively associated with the commitment to reduce carbon footprint in the environment have been identified. Based on our extensive analysis of the literature we propose a conceptual framework that measures the influence of the board of directors' attributes on corporate environmental and social sustainability performance. The proposed framework will be useful as an initial step for top management and regulators to gain a better understanding of the balanced board structure required to achieve the social and environmental sustainability performance of corporations. Further, this paper contributes to a body of knowledge about how the board of directors could play a crucial role in monitoring social and environmental threats.

뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스를 사용한 공간 기반 게임 설계 (Designing Intuitive Spatial Game using Brain Computer Interface)

  • 김나영;유원대;이용일;정승은;한무경;여운승
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국HCI학회 2009년도 학술대회
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    • pp.1160-1165
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    • 2009
  • 사용자들에게 새로운 경험을 전달해주는 중요한 요소인 게임 인터페이스는 게임 플레이어에게 새로운 경험을 전달해주는 중요한 요소이며, 그 역할이 점점 커지고 있다. 최근에는 게임 플레이어의 움직임을 게임 컨트롤에 직접 반영하는 새로운 게임 인터페이스가 주목받고 있으며, 이렇게 직관성이 강화된 게임 인터페이스를 사용한 체감형 게임은 플레이어에게 컨트롤러를 조작하는 방식의 기존 게임보다 더 나은 몰입감을 제공하고 있다. 게임 플레이어들은 비슷한 형태로 반복되던 기존의 인터페이스에서 얻을 수 없는 새로운 경험을 원하고 있으며, 플레이어에게 다른 사용자 경험을 제공하기 위해서는 직관성이 강화된 새로운 게임 인터페이스와 더불어 그에 적합한 게임 컨텐츠가 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 뇌파를 이용한 Brain Computer Interface를 활용하여 직관적인 게임 인터페이스를 개발하고, 개발된 인터페이스를 통해 플레이어의 경험을 최대한 높일 수 있는 게임 환경 디자인을 제안해 보고자 한다.

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멀티 플랫폼 환경 게임 캐릭터 개발 방법에 관한 모델 연구 (A study about multi platform environment game character development)

  • 최태준;유석호
    • 한국콘텐츠학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘텐츠학회 2007년도 추계 종합학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.647-651
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    • 2007
  • 어느 순간부터 게임은 한 기종의 타이틀로 발매되기 보다는 멀티 플랫폼으로 발매되기 시작하였다. PS(Play Station)나 XBOX와 같은 경쟁기종의 경우에 '파이널 판타지' 나 '기어 오브 워' 등의 대표작이 있다. 하지만 게임의 타이틀이 멀티 플랫폼으로 제작되기 시작하였고 이는 게임의 제작비 상승에 따른 위험을 최소화하기 위한 게임 개발자들의 선택으로 많은 게임이 멀티 플랫폼으로 제작되고 있는 단계이다. 본 연구는 이러한 멀티 플랫폼 환경에서 게임 캐릭터 개발 방법에 관하여 멀티 플랫폼의 개요와 멀티 플랫폼 환경에서의 게임캐릭터를 분석 및 사례제안을 통하여 멀티 플랫폼에 대한 방향을 제시를 위한 기초 자료로 활용하고자 한다.

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작동하는 복합환경조절장치 및 녹색기반시설로서 조경 - 국립해양생물자원관 옥외공간 설계 - (Constructing Landscape as an Operational Multi-Environmental Control Utility and Green Infrastructure - Landscape Design for National Marine Biology Resource Institute -)

  • 성종상
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 2012
  • Landscape space can and should play as a multi-functional agent : healing contaminated soil, reducing natural hazards, supporting living things, making comfortable environment for human, and appealing to human aesthetics, etc. This article aims to show the possibility and role of landscape space as such agent. In landscape design for National Marine Biology Resource Institute, distributed rain water treatment system and rain gardens are introduced to replace a mono-functioning large detention pond which was suggested by disaster impact assesment. Phytoremediation and vegetation filtering system with muti-cell wetlands are also adapted to heal the contaminated soil. This kind of landscape as a 'living machine' which can play as an operational control utility of multi-environment and thus can be combined effectively into green infrastructure is important for post-industrial city, especially in an era of climate change.

- Invited Review - Hydrogen production and hydrogen utilization in the rumen: key to mitigating enteric methane production

  • Roderick I. Mackie;Hyewon Kim;Na Kyung Kim;Isaac Cann
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • 제37권2_spc호
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    • pp.323-336
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    • 2024
  • Molecular hydrogen (H2) and formate (HCOO-) are metabolic end products of many primary fermenters in the rumen ecosystem. Both play a vital role in fermentation where they are electron sinks for individual microbes in an anaerobic environment that lacks external electron acceptors. If H2 and/or formate accumulate within the rumen, the ability of primary fermenters to regenerate electron carriers may be inhibited and microbial metabolism and growth disrupted. Consequently, H2- and/or formate-consuming microbes such as methanogens and possibly homoacetogens play a key role in maintaining the metabolic efficiency of primary fermenters. There is increasing interest in identifying approaches to manipulate the rumen ecosystem for the benefit of the host and the environment. As H2 and formate are important mediators of interspecies interactions, an understanding of their production and utilization could be a significant starting point for the development of successful interventions aimed at redirecting electron flow and reducing methane emissions. We conclude by discussing in brief ruminant methane mitigation approaches as a model to help understand the fate of H2 and formate in the rumen ecosystem.

아동친화적인 지역사회에 대한 부모와 아동관계자의 인식 비교 - A기초자치단체를 중심으로- (A Comparison of Assessment of Child Friendly Cities by Parents and Child Service Providers in Selected Local Government)

  • 김진숙
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제15권11호
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구의 목적은 한 지역사회를 중심으로 부모와 아동관계자의 아동권리보장실태에 대한 인식을 살펴보고 아동친화도시를 구성하기 위한 방안을 모색하고자 하는 것이다. 이를 위해 서울시의 한 기초자치단체에서 실시된 조사데이터를 활용하여 놀이, 지역사회 참여, 보건 및 사회서비스, 안전, 교육환경, 주거 부분에서의 인식차이를 확인하였다. 분석 결과, 6개 영역중 교육환경과 주거환경이 상대적으로 잘 보장되고, 지역사회참여는 덜 보장되고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 아동관계자들은 아동친화적 지역사회를 구성하기 위한 물리적 환경에 있어 더 부정적이었고, 부모는 참여권과 같은 제도적/문화적 환경에 더 부정적인 것으로 나타났다. 이를 바탕으로 본 연구는 다음과 같이 제안했다: 첫째, 아동친화도시를 구성하기 위한 기준 중 물리적 환경은 아동관계자의 기준을 참조하고, 제도문화적 환경은 부모의 기준을 참조해야 한다. 둘째, 지역사회 의사결정구조에 아동, 부모, 아동관계자의 참여를 확대해야 한다.

Effect of Coordination Environment on the Photophysical Properties of Luminescent Europium(III) Complexes

  • Baek, Nam-Seob;Kim, Yong-Hee;Lee, Dong-Hyun;Seo, Kang-Deuk;Kim, Hwan-Kyu
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제30권7호
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    • pp.1553-1558
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    • 2009
  • A series of Eu(III) complexes with various neutral ligands (2,2’:6’,2"-terpyridine (T), diglyme (D), 1N-(2-dimethylamino) ethyl)-1N, 2N, 2N-trimethylethane-1,2-diamine (PT), di-(2-picolyl)-amine derivative (HT), and multidentate terpyridine derivative (DT)) were synthesized to investigate the effect of coordination environment on the sensitized luminescence of Eu(III) complexes. The nine coordination sites of the $Eu^{3+}$ ion are occupied by three bidentate carboxylate moieties and one neutral ligand. The highest emission intensity is obtained for $Eu^{3+}$- $[NA]_3$ (PT), due to the difference in energy transfer efficiency and symmetry of the first coordination sphere of $Eu^{3+}$ ion. But, the lowest emission intensity is obtained for $Eu^{3+}$-$[NA]_3$(T). Terpyridine may not play an important role antenna for photosensitizing $Eu^{3+}$ ion. It could be attributed to the weak spectral overlap integral J value between its phosphorescence band and $Eu^{3+}$ion absorption band. Therefore, different coordination environment of $Ln^{3+}$ ion play an important role in providing sensitization of lanthanide ion emission.

'가난한 연극, 가난한 미술' - 그로토프스키 연극이론과 아르테 포베라 ("Poor Theatre, Poor Art" - Jerzy Grotowsky's Play and Arte Povera)

  • 강영주
    • 미술이론과 현장
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    • 제5호
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    • pp.109-133
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    • 2007
  • What a concept of theatricality in modern art became more controversial is through a review "art and object-hood" on Michael Fried's minimal art, as having been already known broadly. As he had been concerned, the art following the minimalism is accepting as the very important elements such as the introduction of temporality, the stage in the exhibition space, and the audience's positive participation, enough to be no exaggeration to say that it was involved in almost all the theatricality. Particularly even in the installation art and the environment art, which have substantially positioned since the 1970s, the space is staged, and the audience's participation is greatly highlighted due to the temporal character and the site-specific in works. In such way, the theatricality in art work is today regarded as one of the most important elements. In this context, it is thought to have significance to examine theatricality, which is shown in the works of Arte Povera artists, who had been active energetically between 1967-1971. That is because the name of this group itself is what was borrowed from "Poor Theatre" in Jerzy Grotowski, who is a play director and theorist coming from Poland, and because of having many common points in the aspect of content and form. It reveals that the art called Arte Povera is sharing many critical minds in the face of commanding the field called a play and other media. Grotowski's theatre theory is very close to the theory and substance in Arte Povera in a sense that liberates a play, which was locked in literature, above all, renews the relationship between stage and seat and between actor and audience, and pursues a human being's change in consciousness through this. That is because Arte Povera also emphasizes the communication with the audience through appealing to a human being's perception and through the direct and living method, not the objective art concept of centering on the work. In addition, the poor play or poor art all has tendency that denies a system, which relies upon economic and cultural system, and seeks for what is anti-cultural, elemental, and fundamental. It is very similar even in a sense that focuses on the exploration process itself rather than the result, excludes the transcendental concept, and attaches importance to empiricism. However, Arte Povera accepts contradictoriness and complexity, and suggests eclecticism and tolerance, thereby being basically the nomadic art and the art difficult to be captured constitutively. On the other hand, there is difference in a sense that the poor play is characterized by purity, asceticism, seriousness, and solemnity. If so, which significance does this theatricality, which was introduced to art, ultimately have? As all the arts desire to be revealed with invisible things beyond the visual thing, theatricality comes to play a very important role at this time. If all the artists and audiences today came to acquire actual or virtual freedom much more, that can be said to be a point attributable to that art relied upon diverse conditions in a play.

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환경그림책 연계 로봇 놀이가 만 5세 유아의 환경친화적 태도에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Robot Play linked to Environmental Picture Books on the Environmentally Friendly Attitudes of 5-Year-Old Children)

  • 최은나;안지수;남기원
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구는 환경그림책 연계 로봇 놀이가 만 5세 유아의 환경친화적 태도에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 서울시 위치한 Y유치원 만 5세 유아 24명을 실험집단, E유치원 만 5세 유아 20명 비교집단을 연구대상으로 선정하였다. 집단 간 차이를 살펴보기 위해 실험집단은 '환경그림책 연계 로봇 놀이'를 실시하였고 비교집단은 '환경그림책 감상 후 자유놀이'를 실시하였다. 사전과 사후의 환경친화적 태도를 비교하기 위해 검사도구를 이용하여 자료를 수집하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 29.0 통계 프로그램을 사용하여 두 집단 간 평균을 비교하는 독립표본 t검증을 통해 분석하였다. 연구결과, 유아의 환경친화적 태도의 모든 하위 영역(자연친화적 태도, 환경보전 태도)에 유의미한 차이를 보였으며, 이러한 연구결과는 로봇이라는 새로운 놀이 매체 지원의 가치를 기반으로 유아 주도의 놀이중심 유아환경교육의 새로운 환경교육의 방향의 근거자료로서 의의가 있다.

조현병과 치유환경 (Schizophrenia and Healing Environment)

  • 이해경;이명수;노재성
    • 생물정신의학
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 2015
  • Treatment of schizophrenia is one of the most challenging areas in the field of psychiatry. There has been much improvement in psycho-pharmacotherapy, and at present, psycho-pharmacotherapy along with milieu therapy and social rehabilitation is the standard first-line treatment for schizophrenia. Healing environment, a concept which has arisen from the architectural field, has similarities in meaning to milieu therapy in psychiatry. In other words, healing environment may be an encountering point between psychiatry and architecture. In this encountering, each field can understand each other and expand its concept to aid the treatment of schizophrenia and to plan the build-up of the entire environment considering its social and psychological effects. In this paper, we aim to establish the basic concept of healing environment to alleviate the psychopathologies in schizophrenic patients. We worked under the premise that physical setting affects human behavior and mind, and that physical setting should play a role as a medium with therapeutic potential for patients with medical problems. The aims of this paper are as follows. First, theoretical discussion of the concept and the constructs of healing environment : second, understanding of the schizophrenic symptoms that may be affected by supporting environment : and third, discussion of supporting environment that may alleviate the symptoms of schizophrenia.