• Title/Summary/Keyword: Plate analysis

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Quality Characteristics of Fresh Noodles With Hot-air-dried Perilla Leaf powder (열풍 건조 들깻잎 분말을 첨가한 생면의 품질특성)

  • Kim, Jung-Soo;Ahn, Jong-Sung;Ahn, Kwang-Yeol
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2013
  • This study produced hot-air-dried perilla leaf to add Korea's popular perilla leaf to fresh noodles to examine their value as food and get the best fresh noodle recipe by adding 0%, 3%. 6%, 9%, and 12% of perilla leaf to flour. The moisture content of the dough was highest at 34.41% for the control group with 0% perilla leaf, whereas the pH was lowest at 5.59 for the dough with 12% perilla leaf. As a result of WRC analysis of the dough, moisture absorption increased with greater perilla leaf content. The moisture content of fresh noodles was lowest for the control group with 0% perilla leaf, whereas the pH was highest for the control group. The L, a, and b values of the dough were highest for the group with 0% perilla leaf powder. Hardness and cohesiveness were lowest for the 0% group and springiness tended to decrease with increased amounts of hot air-dried perilla leaf. The number of microorganisms decreased significantly with greater perilla leaf content on the third and fourth days. As a result of the sensory test, the 6% dough showed the highest scores for all items including appearance, flavor, color, taste, and texture. Overall acceptability was also highest at 7.20 for the 6% dough and lowest at 3.27 for the 12% dough. Based on the above results, when producing fresh noodles by adding hot-air-dried perilla leaf powder, inhibition of microorganisms improved with greater perilla leaf content for longer storage, but the sensory properties were best when 6% perilla leaf content was added.

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Effects of Electrolyte Concentration on Growth of Dendritic Zinc in Aqueous Solutions (수용액중 아연 덴드라이트의 성장 반응에 미치는 전해질 농도의 영향)

  • Shin, Kyung-Hee;Jung, Kyu-Nam;Yoon, Su-Keun;Yeon, Sun-Hwa;Shim, Joon-Mok;Joen, Jae-Deok;Jin, Chang-Soo;Kim, Yang-Soo;Park, Kyoung-Soo;Jeong, Soon-Ki
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.390-396
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    • 2012
  • In order to understand the nature of dendritic zinc growth, electrochemical zinc redox reaction on nickel plate was investigated in aqueous solutions containing different concentrations, 0.2, 0.1 and 0.02 moldm3 (M), of zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) or zinc chloride (ZnCl2). Zinc ion was efficiently reduced and oxidized on nickel in the high-concentration (0.2 M) solution, whereas relatively poor efficiency was obtained from the other low-concentration solutions (0,1 and 0.02 M). Cyclic voltammetry (CV) analysis revealed that the 0.2 M electrolyte solution decomposes at more positive potentials than the 0.1 and the 0.02 M solutions. These results suggested that the concentration of electrolyte solution and anion would be an important factor that suppresses the reaction of the zinc dendrite formation. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) data revealed that the shape of dendritic zinc and its growing behavior were also influenced by electrolyte concentration.

Effects of Packaging Method on the Quality of Blanched Namul during Storage (포장방법에 따른 데침나물의 저장중 품질변화)

  • Jo, In-Hee;Kim, Hye-Sun;Kim, Gyoung-Mi;Kim, Jin-Sook;Kim, Gi-Chang
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.328-336
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the storage effects of the packaging method of blanched namul(Gosari, Torandae, Chwinamul and Siraegi). The samples were packaged with three packaging types (Vinyl packaging, sealing packaging and vacuum packaging) and were stored for 10 days at 10C. The quality characteristics were evaluated via a microbiological test, hardness, pH and flavor patterns analysis. The pH values of the samples were not affected by packaging method. The total aerobic and coliform plate counts were high, in the order of vacuum packaging < sealing packaging < vinyl packaging. Vacuum packaging resulted in the highest hardness value. The flavor patterns of blanched namul by packaging type were analysed with electronic nose system equipped with 12 metal-oxide sensors, and the storage shelf life of namul was evaluated by measuring the change in volatile production. As a result, it was shown that namul in vacuum packaging had few volatile production changes with higher storage time.

A 17- Year Clinicostatistical Analysis of Cleft Lip and/or Palate Patients in Clinics for Maxillo-Oral Disorders, Tohoku University Dental Hospital (동북대학 치학부속병원 악구강기능치료부에 있어서 구순구개열 환자의 임상통계 -1987년부터 2002년까지-)

  • Moon Cheol-Hyun;Kochi Shako
    • Korean Journal of Cleft Lip And Palate
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2004
  • The frequency of abnormality at birth is average 1-1.5%, and of these, cleft lip & palate is known to be the most frequent congenital abnormality, Cleft is considered to be due to multi-factorial heredity correlated with genetic and environmental factors, Cleft patients require the collaborative treatment with several medical departments, Clinics for Maxillo-Oral Disorders of Tohoku University Dental Hospital performs the total managements related to such as occlusion and language for the patients with congenital maxilla-facial abnormality, This study examined the patients with cleft lip and/or palate who came to the Clinics for Maxilla-Oral Disorders of Tohoku University Dental Hospital for the past 17 years from Jan. 1987 to Dec, 2002, and had the results as follows, 1. Annual mean number of patients The annual mean number of the patients for 17 years from Jan, 1987 to Dec, 2002 was 91 patients, ranging from 63 minimum to 116 maximum, 2, Gender and types of cleft There were 747(51%) males and 709(49%) females, with a male to female ratio 1,05:1. CLP was the most frequent cleft type as shown in 616 patients, and other patients manifested different complaints such as CL, CP, SMCP and MC in order. 3. The laterality in cleft type The lip cleft was frequently expressed orderly on left, right and both sides of CL patients while orderly being shown on left, both and right sides of CLP patients. Accordingly, lip cleft was most commonly found on the left side. 4. Address at first visit Of 1,456 subjects, 850(58.4%) patients were residing in Miyagi Prefecture, where this hospital is located. 5. Age at first visit 615(42.2%) patients came to the hospital at their age younger than 1 year old, comprising 282(19.4%) patients age younger than 2 months old and 333(22.9%) patients age between 2 month old and 1 year old. 6. Mother's age at birth For the mother's age at birth, 526(39.9%) patients were at the age of 25 to 30 years old, and 17(1.3%) patients were over 40 years old. 7. Birth weight 34.3%(443 patients) had a birth weight of 2500-3000gm and 56.0%(724 patients) had a 3000-4000gm. It was also found that 7.9%(102 patients) had a birth weight of less than 2500gm. 8. Familial expression The frequency of familial expression was 6.5%(94 patients).

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Full Aperture Black Body Design, Fabrication and Validation for Infrared Detector Calibration (적외선 검출기 검보정을 위한 대구경흑체 설계, 제작 및 검증)

  • Cho, Hyokjin;Seo, Hee-Jun;Kim, Keun-Shik;Park, Sung-Wook;Moon, Guee-Won
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2013
  • Satellite's infrared detector shall be calibrated under thermal vacuum environment using a reference black body before a launch. The full aperture black body (FABB) as an infrared calibration reference shall be composed of vacuum compatible materials and temperature controlled from 40C to +40C with emissivity higher than 0.95. The temperature homogeneity over the central 80 % area of the FABB front surface shall be better than 2 K. The FABB designed by thermal and flow analysis was 1m×1m×8mm copper plate on which black painted aluminum honeycomb core was attached. Copper tubes were welded on the opposite side of the honeycomb core to allow temperature regulated gaseous nitrogen to flow through them. By the FABB validation test, the temperature homogeneity was observed around 1 K using 20 PT100 sensors and modified COTS infrared camera. The emissivity value was 0.975 at 40C under atmospheric pressure.

Friction and Wear Properties of Plasma-sprayed Cr2O3-MoO3 Composite Coatings at High Temperature (MoO3가 첨가된 Cr2O3 플라즈마 용사코팅의 고온 마찰 마멸 특성)

  • Lyo, In-Woong;Ahn, Hyo-Sok;Lim, Dae-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.39 no.9
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    • pp.851-856
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    • 2002
  • Tribological behavior of plasma-sprayed Cr2O3-based coatings containing MoO3 at 450C was investigated to understand the influence of MoO3. A reciprocal disc-on-plate type tribo-tester was employed to examine fricition and wear behavior of the specimens. The microstructure and phase composition of the coating was characterized with Transmission Electron Microscopy(TEM). The TEM analysis indicated that MoO3 was dispersed into the grain boundary, resulting in the increase of the hardness and density of the coating. Worn surfaces were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and chemistry of the worn surfaces was analyzed using a X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer(XPS). The results showed that the friction coefficient of the MoO3-added coatings was lower than that without MoO3 addition. The larger protecting layers were observed at the worn surface of plasma spray coated specimens with MoO3 composition in the protecting layer appears to be more favorable in reducing the friction.

Metal Matrix Composite(MMC) Layered Armour System (금속복합판재 적용 다층 구조 방호성능 평가)

  • Lee, Minhyung;Park, Sang-Won;Jo, Ilguk
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.752-757
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    • 2017
  • Analysis has been performed for the penetration of a long-rod into MMC/Ceramic layered armour system with several shot test and a series of simulations. Two types of MMC plate have been fabricated by a liquid pressing method; A356/45%vol.%SiCp with a uniform distribution of SiC particle and Al7075/45%vol.B4Cp with B4C particle. The mechanical properties were measured with the high-speed split Hopkins bar test, hardness test and compression test. The popular Simplified Johnson-Cook model was adopted to represent the material characteristics for FEM simulations. The performance of the MMC applied armour system has been made by comparing with the semi-infinite mild steel target using the depth of penetration(DOP). The results show that placing ceramic front layer provides a certain gain in protection, and that placing another ductile front layer provides a further gain. The application of MMC is found to be attractive.

Detection of Endolichenic Fungi Producing Antifungal Compound (항진균성 물질을 생산하는 지의류 내생 곰팡이의 탐색)

  • Kim, Eun-Sung;Choi, Kap-Seong;Choi, Sang-Ki
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2012
  • To isolate a novel antifungal compound, we obtained 100 kinds of endolichenic fungi from Korean Lichen & Allied Bioresources Center and examined their antifungal capability. Three fungi Usnea rigidula (2326), Parmotrema pseudotinctorum (2202) and Myelochroa sp. (2292) showed high antifungal activity against Candida albicans when they grew in both liquid and solid media. We extracted the culture supernatants of these three fungi with chloroform and then with ethyl acetate. Chloroform fraction exhibited the highest antifungal activities when those fractions were examined for the growth inhibition of Candida albicans with disc diffusion method. The chloroform faction was on further analysis with C18 column chromatography to see whether the inhibitors are already known or not. Two peak fractions were collected from 4-day culture extract for Usnea rigidula and from 6-day culture extract for Parmotrema pseudotinctorum on the HPLC. A peak fraction from chloroform extracts of 4-day culture filtrate of Parmotrema pseudotinctorum showed higher antifungal activities against C. albicans and C. glabrata than another peak fraction. It appears that the antifungal materials are relatively nonpolar as usnic acid often found in lichenic fungi.

Model Test for the Behavior of Retaining Walls Under Surcharge Load (상재하중을 받는 토류벽체의 거동에 관한 모형실험 연구)

  • Jung, On-Su;Huh, Kyung-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.5 no.4 s.19
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to closely examine the influence of the surcharge load applied to the retaining wall through some model tests, in which wall stiffness in each stage of excavation, horizontal displacement of the retaining wall and surface displacement of the backfill according to wall stiffness and ground conditions, and change and distribution of the earth pressure applied to it were measured and their values were produced, then these values were mutually compared with their theoretical values and their values after analysis of the data obtained at the field, and they were analytically studied, in order to closely examine the influence of the surcharge load applied to the retaining wall. Findings from this study are as follows: The shape of ground surface settlement curve on the model ground under surcharge load, different from the distribution curve of regular probabilities which is of a shape of ground surface settlement under no surcharge load, appears in that settlement in an arching shape shows where the center part of surcharge load shows the maximum settlement. In examining the maximum horizontal displacement with the surcharge load applied to each stage of excavation, it occured at the point of 0.8H(excavation depth) when finally excavated. Regarding the range in which the displacement of the retaining wall increases according to application of surcharge load, the increment of displacement showed till the point of depth which is of two times of the distance of load from the upper part of the wall. Also since each displacement of the foundation plate caused by the ground surface settlement according to each stage of excavation occured most significantly at the final stage. Also since regarding wall stiffness, the wall of its thickness of 4mm(flexible coefficient p:480m3/t), produced maximum 3 times of wall stiffness than its thickness of 9mm(flexible coefficient p:40m3/t), it was found out that influence of wall stiffness is so significant.

Analysis on the Flexural Behavior of Existing Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Structures Infilled with U-Type Precast Wall Panel (U형 프리캐스트 콘크리트 벽패널로 채운 기존 철근 콘크리트 보-기둥 구조물의 휨 거동 분석)

  • Son, Guk-Won;Yu, Sung-Young;Lim, Cheol-Woo;Ju, Ho-Seong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.56-66
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    • 2015
  • This study aims at developing a new seismic resistant method by using precast concrete wall panels for existing low-rise, reinforced concrete beam-column buildings such as school buildings. Three quasi-static hysteresis loading tests were performed on one unreinforced beam-column specimen and two reinforced specimens with U-type precast wall panels. Seismic resistant test of anchored and welded steel plate connections manifested an average of 2.8 times increase in the maximum loading (average 591.8 kN) in comparison to unreinforced beam-column specimen. The maximum drift ratios were also shown between 1.4% and 2.7%. An analytical study was performed while assuming the RC column on the right side and the vertical element of the reinforced PC panel to behave in completely composite manner and the RC column on the left side and PC panel to behave in completely non-composite manner when loading was exerted from upper right end of RC frame of specimen to its left side. It was found with the assumptions that the overall flexural behavior in principle agreed with the experimental result.