• Title/Summary/Keyword: Plate analysis

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A COMPUTER ANALYSIS ON THE KOREAN CONSONANT SOUND DISTORTION IN RELATION TO THE PALATAL PLATE THICKNESS -Dentoalveolar and hard palatal consonant- (구개상의 두께에 따른 한국어 자음의 발음 변화에 관한 컴퓨터 분석 - 치조음, 경구개음-)

  • Woo, Yi-Hyung;Choi, Dae-Kyun;Choi, Boo-Byung;Park, Nam-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.71-94
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    • 1987
  • This study was carried out to investigate the sound distortion following the alternation of the palatal plate thickness. For this study, 2 healthy male subjects (24-year-old) were selected. Born in Seoul, they both spoke Seoul dialect. First, their sounds of /na(나)/, /da(다)/, /1a(라)/, /ja(자)/, /cha(차)/, /ta(타)/, without inserting plates were recorded, and then the sounds with palatal plates of different thickness were recorded, successively. The plate was fabricated in 3 types, each palatal thickness being 1.0mm, 2.5mm, dentoalveolar portion 2.5mm, other residual portion was 1.0mm, successively. Each type plates named B, C, D-type, in succession. Series of analysis were administered through Computer(16 bit) to analyze the sound distortions. These experiments were analyzed by the LPC (without weighting, pre-weighting, post-weighting) of the consonants, vowels portion, formant frequency of the vowels and word duration of the consonants. The findings led to the following conclusions: 1. There was no correlation of the distortion rate on the 2 informants. 2. Generally, vowels were not affected by the palatal plate thickness in the formant analysis, however, more distortion was detected in the LPC analysis, especially C, D-type plates. 3. Consonants distortion was more evident in the C, D-type plate. 4. The second formant was most disturbed and reduced in the all consonants with insertion of the palatal plate, especially C, D-type plate. 5. Word duration was shortened in the plate inserted(except /ja/, /cha/), especially C, D-type. 6. It was found that dentoalveolar, hard palatal sounds were severely distorted in plate inserted, and they were mainly affected by the dentoalveolar portion thickness. 7. There was correlation between palatal thickness and consonants quality.

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A Study on Recognition of Both of New & Old Types of Vehicle Plate (신, 구 차량 번호판 통합 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Kun-Young;Woo, Young-Woon;Han, Soo-Whan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.1987-1996
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    • 2009
  • Recently, the color of vehicle license plate has been changed from green to white. Thus the vehicle plate recognition system used for parking management systems, speed and signal violation detection systems should be robust to the both colors. This paper presents a vehicle license plate recognition system, which works on both of green and white plate at the same time. In the proposed system, the image of license plate is taken from a captured vehicle image by using morphological information. In the next, each character region in the license plate image is extracted based on the vertical and horizontal projection of plate image and the relative position of individual characters. Finally, for the recognition process of extracted characters, PCA(Principal Component Analysis) and LDA(Linear Discriminant Analysis) are sequentially utilized. In the experiment, vehicle license plates of both green background and white background captured under irregular illumination conditions have been tested, and the relatively high extraction and recognition rates are observed.

Analysis of Rectangular Plates under Distributed Loads of Various Intensity with All Edges Built In (분포하중(分布荷重)을 받는 주변고정(周邊固定) 구형판(矩形板)의 탄성해석(彈性解析))

  • Suk-Yoon,Chang
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 1976
  • Some method of analysis of rectangular plates under distributed load of various intensity with all edges built in are presented in. Analysis of many structures such as bottom, side shell, and deck plate of ship hull, and flat slab, deck systems of bridges is a problem of plate with continuous supports or clamped edges. When the four edges of rectangular plate is simply supported, the double fourier series solution developed by Navier can represent an exact result of this problem. If two opposite edges are simply supported, Levy's method is available to give an "exact" solution. When the loading condition and boundary condition of a plate does not fall into these cases, no simple analytic method seems to be feasible. Analysis of a plate under distributed loads of various intensity with all edges built in is carried out by applying Navier solution and Levy's method as well as "Principle of Superposition" In discussing this problem we start with the solution of the problem for a simply supported rectangular plate and superpose on the deflection of such a plate the deflections of the plate by slopes distributed along the all edges. These slopes we adjust in such a manner as to satisfy the condition of no rotation at the boundary of the clamped plate. This method can be applied for the cases of plates under irregularly distributed loads of various intensity with two opposite edges simply supported and the other two edges clamped and all edges simply supported and this method can also be used to solve the influence values of deflection, moment and etc. at arbitrary position of plates under the live load.

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Flexural Analysis of Radiata Pine Plywood Plate for the Concrete Form by the Laminate Plate Theory (적층판이론을 적용한 Radiata Pine 콘크리트 거푸집용 합판의 휨해석)

  • Nam, Jeong-Hun;Son, Kyong-Wook;Yoon, Soon-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2004
  • The plywood for concrete form is regarded as a laminate plate composed of orthotropic materials and the flexural analysis is conducted by applying the laminate plate theory, in which the four edges of the plate is assumed to be simply supported and the concentric point lateral load is applied. The results of flexural experiment are compared with the theoretical ones. Theoretically predicted results coincide with experimental ones up to the point of deflection less than 1/4 of plate thickness. In addition, when the plywood is regarded as an isotropic plate for simple analysis, the geometric average of the elastic modulus measured in the direction parallel to the face grain (E11) and perpendicular to the face grain (E22) could be used for the elastic modulus of isotropic plate.

Wave Transmission Analysis of Co-planar Coupled Semi-infinite Mindlin Plate (동일 평면상에서 연성된 반무한 Mindlin 판의 파동전달해석)

  • Park, Young-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.574-580
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    • 2013
  • At high frequencies, the statistical approach such as statistical energy analysis(SEA) and energy flow analysis(EFA) has been applied for estimation of vibroacoustic responses of various built-up structures. The energy coupling relationship between finite coupled structures is required to estimate vibrational energetics of built-up structures. Mindlin plate theory includes the rotatory inertia and shear deformation effects which are dominant as frequency increases. In this paper, the wave transmission analysis is successfully performed for EFA of co-planar coupled Mindlin plates.

Impact Analysis of a plate structures Employing Hertzian Contact Theory (Hertz 접촉 이론을 이용한 평판 구조물의 충돌 해석)

  • Lim, Hong-Seok;Yoo, Hong-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.383-388
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    • 2008
  • A modeling method for the impact analysis of plate structures employing Hertzian contact theory is presented in this paper. Since local deformation as well as bending deflection of the plate occurs due to the collision, it has to be considered for the impact analysis. When the coefficient of restitution is employed for the impact analysis, the local deformation is not considered. For more accurate and reliable impact analysis, however, the local deformation should be considered. The effects of the location of collision and the collision mass on the impact duration time and the contact force magnitude are investigated through numerical studies employing Hertzian contact theory.

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The Analysis of Eddy Current Testing Signals Considering Influence of Ferromagnetic Support Plate (강자성체 지지판의 영향이 고려된 와전류탐상의 신호해석)

  • Kim, Yong-Taek;Lee, Hyang-Beom;Yim, Chang-Jae;Choi, Young-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.10c
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    • pp.50-52
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, the analysis of the eddy current testing(ECT) signals under thc Influence of the ferromagnetic support plate was performed in steam generator(SG) tube of nuclear power plant. In order to remove the influence of the ferromagnetic support plate, a multi-frequency ECT was used. The models which was established for the analysis of the signals is calculated using numerical analysis of finite element method. Through the result of numerical analysis, improved signals is acquired considering the influence of the ferromagnetic support plate using mixing of multi-frequency This paper is presented the residual errors and the phase changes for analysis of the defect signals which should be considered when conducting a ECT using multi-frequency.

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A Study on the Analysis toy Perforated Plate with Irregular Section (불규칙 단면을 갖는 유공 탄성 평판의 해석에 관한 연구)

  • 이성용;장명호;김재열
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1999.04a
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 1999
  • This paper is focused on numerical analysis for perforated plate with irregular section based on Kirchhoff's fundamental equations of a circular plate. The dimensions of analysis model are as following; 1) radius:100cm, 2) hole in center:20cm, 3)thickness: l0cm and variable and have a simple support in boundary. The theoretical results are compared with data obtained by the F.2.M analysis. Both data have good agreement with each other.

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Research on Cold Leveler in Thick Plate Mill using FEM (FEM해석을 이용한 후판 냉간교정 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Bin;Chun, Myung-Sik;Park, Hae-Doo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.233-235
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    • 2007
  • Finite element analysis was conducted for cold roller leveler to verify numerical model of roller leveler developed by POSTECH. On-line model of roller leveler was developed to predict rapid and precise roll intermesh of roller leveler in thick plate mill. The cold roller leveler in thick plate mill was analyzed using MARC & MENTAT and the results are compared with the results of numerical model of roller leveler calculated by POSTECH.

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Free Vibration Analysis of Thin Plate on Inhomogeneous Pasternak Foundation (비균질 Pasternak 지반위에 얹혀진 박판의 자유진동 해석)

  • Kim, Il-Jung;Lee, Young-Soo;Oh, Soog-Kyoung;Lee, Hoy-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.395.2-395
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    • 2002
  • Recently, as size of building structure becomes larger, mat area of building structure is supported on Inhomogeneous foundation. The equipment machineries in building are mostly on basement story. The slab of the lowest basement story with equipment machineries is considerded as concentrated masses on plate supported on foundation. In this paper. vibration analysis of rectangular thin plate is done by use of rectangular finite element with 4 nodes. (omitted)

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