• Title/Summary/Keyword: Plants

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Effect of Organic Fertilizer Ratios on the Growth of Spiraea × bumalda 'Gold Mound' in the Container Green Wall Systems with Rainwater Utilization (빗물활용 벽면녹화 용기 내 유기질비료 배합비에 따른 노랑조팝나무의 생육 반응)

  • Ju, Jin-Hee;Kim, Hya-Ran;Yoon, Yong-Han
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.1417-1423
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    • 2011
  • For evaluating the effect of various organic fertilizer ratios on the Spiraea${\times}$bumalda 'Gold Mound' growth, a container green wall system experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at Konkuk university. The experimental planting grounds were prepared with different organic fertilizer ratios ($A_1L_0$, $A_8L_1$, $A_4L_1$ $A_2L_1$ and $A_1L_1$) and with drought tolerance and an ornamental value Spiraea${\times}$bumalda 'Gold Mound' was planted. The change in soil moisture contents, plant height, number of branches, number of dead leafs, number of leaf, number of shoots, length of node, length of leaf, width of leaf, root-collar caliper, chlorophyll contents and survival rate were investigated from April to Jun 2010. 1. The result of soil moisture contents was analyzed with weight unit in the container green wall system during the dry summer season. The soil moisture contents were significantly enhanced in the container green wall system in increasing order as the amount of fertilizer level increased $A_1L_1$ > $A_2L_1$ > $A_4L_1$ > $A_8L_1$ > $A_1L_0$. 2. Compared to the control treatment (amended soil with 100% + organic fertilizer 0%) application, the highest plant growth was observed in the treatment of $A_2L_1$(amended soil with 67% + organic fertilizer 13%) application. However, the differences between the organic fertilizer ratio treatments of $A_1L_1$, $A_4L_1$, $A_8L_1$, and the $A_1L_0$ organic fertilizer application were mostly not significant. 3. The survival rate increased with the increasing application of organic fertilizer, but in the control treatment (amended soil with 100% + organic fertilizer 0%) application all the plants died. Experimental results from the presented study clearly demonstrated that the organic fertilizer improved the survival rate more than the Spiraea${\times}$bumalda 'Gold Mound' growth at different levels of organic fertilizers. This strain can be utilized as a plant growth application in living wall systems during the dry summer season. Therefore, Spiraea${\times}$bumalda 'Gold Mound' is expected to be a highly valuable shrub for the green wall system if it should be considered in integration with stormwater retention or as a soil conditioner for increasing soil water contents in planting ground.

The Significance of the " GukMinSoHakDokBon", published in 1895, on the History of Science Education (1895년에 발간된 "국민소학독본"의 과학교육사적 의의)

  • Park, Jongseok;Kim, SooJung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.478-485
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    • 2013
  • "GukMinSoHakDokBon", published in 1895, is the first national textbook designated by the Education Institute. Ten of the 41 chapters consist of scientific contents. In this thesis, some the contents are reviewed in detail and studied to see what significance it has in view of science education. The scientific contents described in "GukMinSoHakDokBon" include Plants Change, Clock, Camels, Wind, Hive, Respiration, Crocodiles, Nature of Animals, and Chemical Elements. For that kind of diversity, it was told that "GukMinSoHakDokBon" was not considered for normal students, and there were many ambiguities due to in sufficient explanations. Some of the contents were even technically wrong. So it has been noted that the scientific contents of "GukMinSoHakDokBon" have more significance in providing new information at that time but not in understanding newly-organized scientific knowledge. However, it is obvious that the early science education in Korea is composed of the methods of reading "GukMinSoHakDokBon". This is a common figure, which can be found in "Willson's Reader", the elementary reading textbook in the U.S. in the 1860's or "小學讀本" by the Ministry of Education in Japan. One thing remarkable is "GukMinSoHakDokBon" induced students' interests through the use of storytelling method for introducing some unfamiliar scientific knowledge. There is no doubt that "GukMinSoHakDokBon" has a very positive role in increasing students interest and intelligence. These advantages are being actively applied in the present model of storytelling education these days. Therefore, "GukMinSoHakDokBon" can be regarded as both a language textbook and an early figure in science education, and it can be also considered that "GukMinSoHakDokBon" has a significance not only in approaching scientific substances theoretically but in using storytelling methods to deliver unfamiliar and strange knowledges to students.

Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Nutrient Contents of Pinus densiflora S. et Z. and Forsythia koreana Nak. Seedlings (인공산성우(人工酸性雨)가 소나무 및 개나리묘(苗)의 식물체내(植物體內) 함유성분(含有成分)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Cheong, Yong Moon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.77 no.3
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    • pp.259-268
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    • 1988
  • For the purpose of examining the effects of simulated acid rain on nutrient contents of plant tissues in Pintos densiflora seedlings and Forsythia koreana rooted cuttings, the experimental design of randomized block arrangement with three replications was implemented in the experimental field of Yesan National Agricultural Junior College. One-year-old Pinus densiflora seedlings and Forsythia koreana cuttings were planted in the pots filled the mixed soils(nursery soil : forest soil of siliceous sandy loam=1 : 1 v/v) in the early spring of 1986. The regime of artificial acid rain, in terms of spray frequency per month and spray amount at single treatment per plot, was simulated on the basis of climatological data averaged from 30 years records. Simulated acid rain(pH 2.0, pH 4.0, and pH 5.5 as control) containing sulfuric and nutric acid in the ratio of 3 : 2(chemical equivalant basis) diluted with ground water were treated on the experimental plants under condition of cutting off the natural precipitation with vinyl tunnel, during the growing season(May 1 to August 31) in 1986. The results obtained in this study were as follow : (1) As for the nitrogen contents in plant tissues, P. densiflora increased significantly in one-year-old stembranch and root tissues, and F. koreana increased significantly in leaf and root tissues, as the pH levels of acid rain decreased. (2) The available phosphate contents in root tissues of P. densiflora, and in leaf and root tissues of F. koreana were significantly decreased, as the pH levels of acid rain decreased. (3) $K_2O$, CaO and MgO contents in plant tissues were significantly decreased in the both species as the pH levels decreased. And the effects of acid rain on F. koreana were higher than those of P. densiflora. (4) Sulfur contents of plant tissues in the both species were increased at pH 2.0 treatment. There were significant differences among three acid rain treatments in leaf and root tissues of P. densiflora, and in all parts of F. koreana. (5) In the effects of simulated acid rain on the both species and the tested soils, in general, F. koreana revealed higher sensitiveness than P. densiflora, and the lower pH levels of simulated acid rain were treated, the more sharp reaction was showed.

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Studies on the Host Plant, Bionomics, and Damage of Bamboo Leaf Rollers in Chonnam Province Area (대나무의 잎말이나방류(類)에 대한 기주(寄主), 생태(生態) 및 피해(被害)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Kyu-Chin;Lee, Tae-Sik
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.25 no.2 s.67
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 1986
  • This study was conducted to investigate host plant, bionomics, and damage on Bamboo Leaf Rollers in Chonnam area. Species of the leaf rollers attacking the bamboo trees in Chonnam area were Microstega jessica (Butler) and Sinibotys evenoralis (Walker). Among these species, M. jessica (B.) and S. evenoralis (W.) were observed in Damyang but S. evenoralis (W.) alone was found in Naju and Hwasoon. Among the 4 host plant species observed, Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis S., and P. nigra M. were first recorded as host plants of M. jessica (B.), and P. nigra var. henonis (S.) as host plant of S. evenoralis (W.). The occurrence of the M. jessica (B). was once a year with the peak about late May, whereas the occurrence of S. evenoralis (W.) was 2 times a year and the peaks were early June and mid-July, respectively. The average periods of each stage of M. jessica (B.) were 8 days for egg, 293 days for larva, 16 days for pupa, and the longevity of the adult was 12 days for females and 9 days for males. The average periods of each stage of S. evenoralis (W.) were in 1st generation, 11 days for egg, 28 days for larva, 12 days for pupa, and the longevity of the adults was 18 days for females and 15 days for males; and 2nd generation was 7 days for egg, 261 days for larva, 20 days for pupa, and the longevity of the adults was 11 days for females and 10 days for males. The time of most adult emergence of M. jessica (B.) was from 6 p.m. to 4 a.m. and the peak was 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. M. jessica (B,) overwintered as 6th instals in Bamboo shoot sheath but S. evenoralis (W.) overwintered as $1st{\sim}2nd$ instals on the tree leaves of Bamboo. The percentage of damaged leaves with different heights of Bamboo trees were 67.1% at upper portion, 19.0% at middle portion, 14.0% at lower portion. The percentage of damaged loaves with different Bamboo species was 57.0% on P. nigra var. henonis S., 36.5% on P. bambusoides S. et Z., 14.5% on P. pubescens M.. It was showed highly significant negative correlation between percentage of damaged bamboo leaves an tree growth stages.($r=-0.739^{**}$)

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A Study on contents related to geography in "Myriad Things"(萬物門) of $Miscellaneous$ $Explanations$ $of$ $Seongho$(星湖僿說) (성호사설 '만물문(萬物門)'의 지리 관련내용 고찰)

  • Sohn, Yong-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.60-78
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    • 2012
  • The main objective of this study is to conduct subnational population projections of Korea based on a Myriad Things" (萬物門), which is part of Seongho's representative work entitled $Miscellaneous$ $Explanations$ $of$ $Seongho$ (星湖僿說), has been in this paper in order to understand Seongho's "thinking on geography". To do so, contents related to geography were selected and these were discussed and interpreted in terms of the classification system of today's geographical knowledge. Following is the result of this research. First, information on astronomical geography and natural geography such as uplift, tornado, structure of soil, and the $yut$ board as well as humangeographical topics such as wild $ginseng$, cigarettes, hot pepper, traditional fruits and nuts (chestnuts, jujubes, and persimmons), Goryeo paper (Korean paper), mulberry trees, cotton plants, natural dye, policy about horses, magnetic compass needles, and farming implements for rice transplantation are mentioned in "Myriad Things" in relation to geography. Second, the depth of information described varies from topic to topic, but the topics on tornado and magnetic compass needles, horses, wild ginseng, traditional fruits and nuts, and $yut$ board are described in depth and in detail. Third, authenticity of the contents on these topics are "true" insofar as bibliographical information and citations are provided for support. Fourth, these topics reflect the interests and circumstances that are related to the "economic improvement of common people's livelihood" in those days, such as agriculture, crops, and transportation of goods. Fifth, the bibliography and citations explaining all instances reveal that China (Qing) is a great civilization of the advanced world and that the scholarship of Joseon relied on and accepted it. Sixth, except for horse raising and management, farming implements for rice transplantation, sericulture, and natural dying of cloth, most of the topics are useful even today. In short, theres is a profound aspect to the content that makes it possible to estimate the "geographical thinking". In general, the focus of the content of this book directly linked to the practical agricultural economy of the common people.

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A Comparative Study on the Perception of A Beautiful Landscape According to the Differences of Living Environment (성장환경의 차이에 따른 아름다운 경관 인지의 비교연구 -도시와 농촌 국민학생을 대상으로-)

  • 성현찬;임승빈
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.64-78
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    • 1992
  • In this study, elementary school students of both urban and rural areas as its subjects were asked to draw 'A beautiful landscape' by employing the perspective representation technique, i. e., the Perception Map, and to write down the elements comprising 'A beautiful landscape' in the questionnaire sheets. By doing so, an attempt was made 1) to analyze whether there are differences in perceiving 'A beautiful landscape' according to the differences of the environment in which they were brought up ; and, if there are differences. 2) to identify them ; and based on that , 3) to present basic data for evaluation on landscape, on its preference analysis and for Park Planning. The summary of this study is as follows ; 1) The main elements, elementary school students think, comprising 'A beautiful landscape' are 25 ones such as Sky(7), Sea(2), Water(2), Topography(5), Plants(5), Animals(3), School(1), Rural village(1). The natural elements showing a difference are ; Water fall in urban areas and School landscape in rural areas ; the artificial elements are ; City groups(Structures, Facilities, Necessities, Transportation means and Space) in urban areas and School groups in rural areas. Especially, in case of rural area children, they regard 'Trees' as an essential element to be 'A beautiful landscape' comparing to those in urban areas. 2) According to the analysis result on the correlation between the elements comprising a beautiful rural landscape and a beautiful ruban landscape, the correlation between boys and girls is high, showing the same trend with any difference. In comparison of urban areas with rural areas, there is no difference between natural elements, but in artificial elements(7 groups without family) the correlation is quite low, showing that all comprising elements are not the same between rural schools and cities, between schools within the same areas, and between schools of different areas. 3) In identifying the names of elements comprising 'A beautiful landscape', Back-Du Mountain and Sorak Mountain are shown the highest frequency in the category of mountains. In the names of trees and flowers, the elementary school children are thought to consider the kinds of trees and flowers they can see always at hand, i. e., those in their school ground where they spend most of their day time. 4) In the analysis of the numbers of comprising elements according to the responses in the questionnaire sheets and in the Perception Map, 'less than 10' is the most frequently counted number of comprising elements by individual students regardless of rural and urban differences. When the total frequency is divided by the number of students, the mean score is 6-7 without any differences between rural and urban areas, implying that there are no differences in the expression ability between urban and rural schools. 5) According to the result of classyfying and analysizing the landscape appeared on the Perception Map by similar elements and by similar scenes, 'A beautiful landscape' thought by elementary school children is defined not as a standardized form but as 11 types such as the landscape of fields, the landscape of a sea, the landscape of a rural village, a type where elements are assembled, the landscape of cities, the landscape of a school, the landscape coming out of a imagination, and other landscape. Both rural and urban children all consider the landscape of mountains and field and the landscape where several elements are assembled as a commonly beautiful one. Among the landscapes showing rural and urban differences, it can be analyzed that urban children regard the landscapes of cities, imagination, and waterfalls as something characteristic, while rural children regard the landscape of schools and rural villages as something characteristic.

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Roots Growth Characteristics of Zelkova serrata Makino. after Replanting in the Reclaimed Land from the Sea - On the Root Structure and Spatial Distribution of Fine Root Phytomass - (임해매립지의 느티나무 식재 이후 뿌리 생장특성 -뿌리구조 및 세근의 공간적 분포를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Do-Gyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to analyze both the root structure and the fine root phytomass of the vertical and horizontal distribution of Zelkova serrata Makino. which was transplanted in the reclaimed land from the sea in Gwangyang, Jeonnam, South Korea. The base ground was reclaimed land from the sea. $Z_1$ of the planting ground was filled to a $100{\sim}150cm$ thickness with the improved soil instead of the reclaimed soil from the sea, $Z_2$ of the planting ground was covered to a $20{\sim}30cm$ thickness with the improved soil and $Z_3$ of the planting ground was mounded to 120cm thickness with the improved soil on the reclaimed land from the sea. In addition, $Z_4,\;Z_5\;and\;Z_6$ of the planting grounds were at the large-sized mound on the reclaimed land from the sea. $Z_4$ of the planting ground was located at the lowest level, $Z_5$ planting ground was located at the slope and $Z_6$ planting ground was located at the top of the large-sized mound. The large-sized mounds contain 3 layers, the base layer was reclaimed land from the sea and the second layer was mounded to a $200{\sim}300cm$ thickness with the desalinized soil from the sea on the base layers and the finally layers were mounded to a $80{\sim}120cm$ thickness with improved soil on the second layer. The planting grounds $Z_3,\;Z_4,\;Z_5\;and\;Z_6$ developed roots such as tap roots, lateral roots and heart roots. However, in $Z_1\;and\;Z_2$ roots development were inhibited. The fine-root phytomass of the 6 planting ground types was as follows: $113.5g\;DM/m^2$ for $Z_5$, $105.5g\;DM/m^2$ for $Z_4$, $88.3g\;DM/m^2$ for $Z_3$, $81.0g\;DM/m^2$ for $Z_6$, $73.0g\;DM/m^2$ for $Z_2$, $43.3g\;DM/m^2$ for $Z_1$. The vertical distribution of the fine root phytomass decreased from the upper to the deeper soil profiles in the 6 mound types. The fine root phytomass was $43.3{\sim}71.8%$ in a $0{\sim}20cm$ thickness of soil layer and it decreased according to the distance from the nearest trees. The root growth in the improved soil was better than in the reclaimed soil from the sea. However, root growth decreased more in the disturbed soils even though the planting grounds contained the improved soils. The retarded development of roots and the spatial distribution patterns of the fine root phytomass were closely connected to the reclaimed soil from the sea. In the disturbed soil, the soil hardness and alkalic cation($Na^+,\;K^+,\;Ca^{2+},\;Mg^{2+}$). were high and the soil water was lacking. We suggest that the construction of planting grounds and the improvement of bad soil are necessary for the proper and effective growth of landscaping plants.

Effects of Planting Soil on the Soil Moisture and the Growth of Vitex rotundifolia for Green Roof (옥상녹화 식재지반이 토양수분과 순비기나무의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jun-Suk;Park, Je-Hea;Ju, Jin-Hee;Yoon, Yong-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2010
  • This study focuses on the appropriate planting soil for Vitex rotundifolia by planting soil. Different soil depth levels were achieved at 15cm and 25cm in the green roof module system that was created with woody materials for a $500{\times}500{\times}300mm$ area. The soil mixture ratio was $S_{10}$, $L_{10}$, $S_7L_3$, $S_5L_5$, $P_7P_1L_2$, $P_6P_2L_2$, $P_5P_3L_2$ and $P_4P_4L_2$. This study was carried out over five months between April and September, 2006. The amount of soil moisture tends to decrease according to the planting soil. For the experimental items $S_{10}$, $S_7L_3$ and $S_5L_5$, the amount of soil moisture tends to decrease rapidly. However, for the experimental items $P_7P_1L_2$, $P_6P_2L_2$, $P_5P_3L_2$ and $P_4P_4L_2$, conditions containing perlite and peat moss, the amount of moisture tends to decrease more gradually. As a result, the use of soil-improving amending for the afforestation planting of roofs with a low level of management is need. After experimenting with the ratio of soil mixture for Vitex rotundifolia, the planting soil for experimental item $P_6P_2L_2$, $P_5P_3L_2$ and $P_4P_4L_2$ appeared excellent. For experimental item $S_{10}$, the growth of Vitex rotundifolia seemed to be weaker than that of others, because of the low levels of moisture and organic matter in the soil. For experimental item $L_{10}$, there appeared to be a low level of growth, even when the levels of moisture and organic matter were high. This may have occurred because of the low level of soil pH and the excessive amount of exchangeable cation. At the depth of 25cm, the growth of Vitex rotundifolia is vigorous overall. For experimental item at 15cm, Vitex rotundifolia was able to survive for 14 days without any rainfall and Vitex rotundifolia was better in amended soil, $P_6P_2L_2$, $P_5P_3L_2$ and $P_4P_4L_2$, than natural soil, SL.

Landscape Plants and Planting Characteristics of Three-Treasure Temples (삼보사찰의 조경식물 및 식재특성)

  • You, Ju-Han;Hong, Kwang-Pyo;Lee, Dong-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to find a basic theory about Korean traditional planting pattern by analyzing a characteristic of planting and planted species in Haein, Tongdo and Songkwang Temples. The results are as follows. The planted species in three-treasure temples were 129 taxa; 57 families, 96 genera, 110 species, 12 varieties and 7 forma. The species related in Buddhism were Viburnum sargentii for. sterile, Hydrangea macrophylla for. otaksa and Musa basjoo. They are related in plant form and Buddhist ceremony. The results of forms were 34.1% in trees, 33.3% in shrubs, 3.9% in vine and 28.7% in herbage. The results of leaf fall were 56 taxa in broad-leaved deciduous trees, 27 taxa in broad-leaved evergreen trees and 14 taxa in needle-leaved evergreen trees. The native species were 32 taxa in Haein Temple, 27 taxa in Tongdo Temple and 44 taxa in Songkwang Temple. And the exotic species were 20 taxa, 28 taxa and 44 taxain the Haein, Tongdo and Songkwang Temples, respectively. In the results of analyzing the characteristics of planting, in the case of Haein Temple, Abies holophylla was linearly planted in Yiljumun, and Magnolia denudata was single planted in plant stairs of Haetalmun. In the case of plant stairs of Jeokmukdang, Cephalotaxus koreana was planted at regular intervals. In the case of Tongdo Temple, Celtis sinensis, Zelkova serrata and so forth were planted in Yiljumun, and Phyllostachys nigra was planted in form of screen planting in Youngsanjeon. The form of Hwanghwagak was a planting of symmetry in the center of a building, and the one of Daekwangmyyeongjeon was a mixed planting. The regular planting pattern was not shown in Yiljumun of Songkwang Temple. In the case of Dosungdang, Corunus officinalis was linearly planted in the west. In the case of Gwaneumjeon, Juniperus chinensis var. globosa and Camellia japonica were planted in symmetry. The old aged trees were planted in front of specimens planted in front of Daewoongbojeon.

Studies on the Host Range of Colletotrichum dematium Isolated from Anthracnose of Pepper and Toxic Metabolites Produced by the Pathogen (고추 탄저병균(炭疽病菌) Colletotrichum dematium의 기주범위(寄主範圍) 및 대사독소(代謝毒素)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kang, Hi Wang;Yu, Seung Hun;Park, Jong Seong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 1987
  • This studies were conducted to investigate pathgenicity and host range of Colletotrichum dematium isolated from anthracnose of pepper, and phytoxicity of its culture filtrate and the partially purified toxin. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Investigation on the host range of C. dematium has revealed that pepper as well as soybean, tomato, spinach, and beet were highly susceptible, egg plant and water melon were moderately susceptible and stone leek was slightly suceptible, but no symptoms were produced on carrot, tabacco, cucumber and melon. 2. The culture filtrates of C. dematium in Czapeck dox liquid media were toxic to leaves of pepper and caused necrosis and wilting of the plant. The toxicity of culture filtrates was most active at 15 days after fungal growth in Czapeck dox liquid media and the toxin productivity in still culture was higher than that in shaking culture. 3. The partially purified toxic substance was isolated from the culture filtrates by the acetone precipitation method. When cuttings of various pepper cultivars were placed in the toxin solutions, suceptible cultivars and resistant cultivars were equally toxic and showed necrosis and wilting of the leaves. 4. Several other plants such as soybean, tomato and carrot were also affected with the toxin solution by shoot cutting bioassay and showed veinal necrosis, leaf spots and wilting of the shoots. 5. The acetone precipitation toxin affected seed germination of pepper, cucumber, sesame and egg plant and inhibited the growth of root and hypocotyl of the seedlings.

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