• Title/Summary/Keyword: Plane Projection

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A statistical model for interview score based on projection (사영에 근거한 면접 점수의 통계적 모형)

  • Park, Cheol-Yong;Kim, Hyun-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.495-504
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we propose a statistical model based on projection that generates interview scores. In this model, each interviewee's true score and its related variable are viewed as X, Y values respectively in the two dimensional plane, and each interviewer's score is the projected score of true score X to the axis rotated by some angle, which reflects the interviewer's perspective. Each interviewer's observed interview score is obtained by adding personal bias and observed error to this projected score. We compared commonly used standardizing methods of interview scores such as trimmed mean method, rank method, and z-score method based on the proposed statistical model. In this simulation, two types of interview methods, two numbers of interviewers, two degrees of interviewers' expertise and two distributions and three correlations between actual score and its related variable are all considered.

Nipple Reconstruction with the Double Opposing Plow Flap: A Case Report (이중 대립 쟁기피판을 이용한 유두 재건술: 증례보고)

  • Heo, Chan Yeong;Eun, Seok Chan;Baek, Rong Min;Minn, Kyung Won
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.490-492
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Nipple reconstruction is an important step in breast reconstruction after mastectomy. There are considerable number of reconstructive methods developed over the past years. Each of these has not only its own special advantages, but also limitations. Therefore, no single method has become the overwhelming favorite. Sometimes it seems to be compromised when the nipple must be located directly over a linear scar. Methods: A 48-year-old female patient received a central lumpectomy with circumareolar resection of the nipple areolar complex 4 months ago. The newly designed nipple must be positioned directly astride a scar. We drew two equal-sized rectangular flaps sharing a common limb on a transverse scar and the result was two opposing plow form. Each flap size was about 1.3 cm wide and 2.5 cm long. First we elevated the flap from the distal part at a deep dermal plane, then deepened the level of dissection to raise the dermal-fat flaps. The donor site could be closed directly without any dog-ear deformity. Then we folded down the elevated flaps and loosely sutured skin with nonabsorbable materials. Each flap inner side was approximated side by side. Finally we made new natural nipple with 6 mm projection. We applied tattooing in the areola area with micropigmentation device after three months. Results: After ten months of follow-up periods, the nipple projection was stable and symmetric. The nipple projection was 3.1 mm, compared with 2.8 mm for the opposite nipple. Conclusion: Our experiences shows that this double opposing plow flap is a particularly useful and simple technique when there is a traverse scar crossing the center of the proposed nipple area.

Realistic Contents and Interaction Based Realistic Contents Service (상호작용 기반의 홀로그램 실감 콘텐츠 서비스연구)

  • Lee, Wan Jung;Shin, Eun Ji;Yoon, Hyun Sun;Choi, Hee Min;Cho, Dong Sik;Kang, Hoon Jong
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2021
  • In recent, realistic content has been applied in various ways due to the development of display technology and hologram, the final realistic content technology, have been used limitedly in accordance with the growing public demand. However, most realistic content requires additional devices of HMD (head mounted device) or glasses type, and other realistic content display technologies deliver a single image plane in the experience space to the user, providing a monotonous content experience. Various realistic contents with hologram technology are introduced in this work. In addition, we propose an interaction based realistic hologram service based that combines projection mapping and floating holograms. Projection-mapped screens and multi-floating hologram device provide a three-dimensional volumetric space with extended depth orientation from the user's point of view, while allowing users' entire and partial motions to be recognizable through multiple sensors.

Simple Method of Integrating 3D Data for Face Modeling (얼굴 모델링을 위한 간단한 3차원 데이터 통합 방법)

  • Yoon, Jin-Sung;Kim, Gye-Young;Choi, Hyung-Ill
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2009
  • Integrating 3D data acquired in multiple views is one of the most important techniques in 3D modeling. However, due to the presence of surface scanning noise and the modification of vertices consisting of surface, the existing integration methods are inadequate to some applications. In this paper, we propose a method of integrating surfaces by using the local surface topology. We first find all boundary vertex pairs satisfying a prescribed geometric condition on adjacent surfaces and then compute 2D planes suitable to each vertex pairs. Using each vertex pair and neighbouring boundary vertices projected to their 2d plane, we produce polygons and divide them to the triangles which will be inserted to empty space between the adjacent surfaces. A proposed method use local surface topology and not modify the vertices consisting of surface to integrate several of surfaces to one surface, so that it is robust and simple. We also integrate the transformed textures to a 2D image plane computed by using a cylindrical projection to composite 3D textured model. The textures will be integrated according to the partition lines which considering attribute of face object. Experimental results on real object data show that the suggested method is simple and robust.

Stability of a Natural Slope in Sedimentary Rocks (퇴적암 지역의 자연사면 안정성)

  • 권오일;김교원;박덕근
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2000
  • An unstable natural slope located at Icheon-Ri, Dasa-Eup, Dalseong-Kun which has been severely cracked during heavy rain fall in September, 1998, was investigated and analysed for remedial measures. Various geological data were obtained by performing a surface geological survey, a ground penetrating radar(GPR) exploration, four geotechnical borings with field and laboratory tests, and the precipitation records were also reviewed. Based on the these data, the probable sliding plane was determined as a bedding plane with dip angle of 20 to 25 degrees between sandstone and shale layers at depth of 6 to 8 meters. By performing back analyses with the limit equilibrium method, the friction angle and cohesion of the sliding plane were determined as 18$^{\circ}$ and 0, respectively. Based on these results, a series of stability analyses such as stereo-graphic projection method, limiting equilibrium method and numerical method were carried out. The remedial measures for the unstable slope were selected based on the results of the limit equilibrium analyses by considering various conditions expected at the site. Ground grouting or anchoring method with proper surface drainage systems could be employed for the long term safety of the slope.

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Ellipse-Stacking Methods for Image Reconstruction in Compton Cameras (컴프턴 카메라 영상재구성을 위한 타원 누적법)

  • Lee, Mi-No;Lee, Soo-Jin;Kim, Soo-Mee;Lee, Jae-Sung
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.520-529
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    • 2007
  • An efficient method for implementing image reconstruction algorithms for Compton cameras is presented. Since Compton scattering formula establishes a cone surface from which the incident photon must have originated, it is crucial to implement a computationally efficient cone-surface integration method for image reconstruction. In this paper we assume that a cone is made up of a series of ellipses (or circles) stacked up one on top of the other. In order to reduce computational burden for tracing ellipses formed by the intersection of a cone and an image plane, we propose a new method using a series of imaginary planes perpendicular to the cone axis so that each plane contains a circle, not an ellipse. In this case the cone surface integral can be performed by simply accumulating the circles along the cone axis. To reduce the computational cost of tracing circles, only one of the circles in the cone is traced and the rest are determined by using simple trigonometric ratios. For our experiments, we used the three different schemes for tracing ellipses; (i) using the samples generated by the ellipse equation, (ii) using the fixed number of samples along a circle on the imaginary plane, and (iii) using the fixed sampling interval along a circle on the imaginary plane. We then compared performance of the above three methods by applying them to the two reconstruction algorithms - the simple back-projection method and the expectation-maximization algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed methods (ii) and (iii) using imaginary planes significantly improve reconstruction accuracy as well as computational efficiency.

A Study of the Applicability of Cross-Section Method for Cut-Slope Stability Analysis (개착사면의 안정성 해석을 위한 횡단면 기법의 활용성 고찰)

  • Cho, Tae-Chin;Hwang, Taik-Jean;Lee, Guen-Ho;Cho, Kye-Seong;Lee, Sang-Bae
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2012
  • Stability of cut-slope, the orientation and dimension of which are gradually changed, has been analyzed by employing the cross-section method capable of comprehensibly considering the lithological, structural and mechanical characteristics of slope rock. Lithological fragility is investigated by inspecting the drilled core logs and BIPS image has been taken to delineate the rock structure. Engineering properties of drilled-core including the joint shear strength have been also measured. Potential failure modes of cut-slope and failure-induced joints are identified by performing the stereographic projection analysis. Traces of potential failure-induced joints are drawn on the cross-section which depicts the excavated geometry of cut-slope. Considering the distribution of potential plane failure-induced joint traces blocks of plane failure mode are hypothetically formed. The stabilities and required reinforcements of plane failure blocks located at the different excavation depth have been calculated to confirm the applicability of the cross-section method for the optimum cut-slope design.

Human Motion Tracking by Combining View-based and Model-based Methods for Monocular Video Sequences (하나의 비디오 입력을 위한 모습 기반법과 모델 사용법을 혼용한 사람 동작 추적법)

  • Park, Ji-Hun;Park, Sang-Ho;Aggarwal, J.K.
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.10B no.6
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    • pp.657-664
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    • 2003
  • Reliable tracking of moving humans is essential to motion estimation, video surveillance and human-computer interface. This paper presents a new approach to human motion tracking that combines appearance-based and model-based techniques. Monocular color video is processed at both pixel level and object level. At the pixel level, a Gaussian mixture model is used to train and classily individual pixel colors. At the object level, a 3D human body model projected on a 2D image plane is used to fit the image data. Our method does not use inverse kinematics due to the singularity problem. While many others use stochastic sampling for model-based motion tracking, our method is purely dependent on nonlinear programming. We convert the human motion tracking problem into a nonlinear programming problem. A cost function for parameter optimization is used to estimate the degree of the overlapping between the foreground input image silhouette and a projected 3D model body silhouette. The overlapping is computed using computational geometry by converting a set of pixels from the image domain to a polygon in the real projection plane domain. Our method is used to recognize various human motions. Motion tracking results from video sequences are very encouraging.

Slope Failure Along the Weathered And Mobilized Foliation Plane : Studies for Causes of the Failure and the Supporting Methodologies (풍화된 엽리면을 따라 붕괴된 대절토 사면의 붕괴요인 분석과 보강방안에 대한 연구)

  • Hwang, Sang-Gi;Kim, Young-Muk;Ji, In-Taeg;Jeon, Byoung-Choo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.775-784
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    • 2009
  • Weathered foliation could act as a critical failure plane because this type of plane tend to have low roughness and long extensions. A big constructed slope at $\bigcirc\bigcirc$ road construction site was failed due to the block movement along a fault zone which is parallel to foliation. Tectonic activity reactivated a fault zone parallel to foliation, and the fault clay within the shear zone metamorphosed retrogressively to chrolite. The failed block moved when the block weigh lost the balancing with the resisting force of the retrogressively metamorphosed chrolite. Evaluating the three dimensional distribution of the foliation was critical for establishing a plan for the stabilization of the slope. For this purpose, 10 boreholes were drilled as a lattice distribution, and the BIPS analyses are performed at each boreholes. The fractures measured in the boreholes are projected into 15 cross sections and their distributions are analysed, using Fracjection software. The projection analyse show that the strike of the foliation gets dipper towards left side of the slope. This geometry indicates that there are more failure block geometry at left side of the slope. Potential failure planes are searched using the projection method, and these information are provided for further support design.

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Localization of a Monocular Camera using a Feature-based Probabilistic Map (특징점 기반 확률 맵을 이용한 단일 카메라의 위치 추정방법)

  • Kim, Hyungjin;Lee, Donghwa;Oh, Taekjun;Myung, Hyun
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.367-371
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, a novel localization method for a monocular camera is proposed by using a feature-based probabilistic map. The localization of a camera is generally estimated from 3D-to-2D correspondences between a 3D map and an image plane through the PnP algorithm. In the computer vision communities, an accurate 3D map is generated by optimization using a large number of image dataset for camera pose estimation. In robotics communities, a camera pose is estimated by probabilistic approaches with lack of feature. Thus, it needs an extra system because the camera system cannot estimate a full state of the robot pose. Therefore, we propose an accurate localization method for a monocular camera using a probabilistic approach in the case of an insufficient image dataset without any extra system. In our system, features from a probabilistic map are projected into an image plane using linear approximation. By minimizing Mahalanobis distance between the projected features from the probabilistic map and extracted features from a query image, the accurate pose of the monocular camera is estimated from an initial pose obtained by the PnP algorithm. The proposed algorithm is demonstrated through simulations in a 3D space.