• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pine seedling

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Mycorrhizal Formations and Seedling Growth of Pinus desiflora by in vitro Synthesis with the Inoculation of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi

  • Chung, Hung-Chae;Kim, Dong-Hun;Lee, Sang-Sun
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2002
  • The mycelia were directly isolated from eight species of fungal basidiocarps, confirmed to the ectomycorrhiza in the roots from the fields(forestry); Suillus bovinus, Paxillus involutus, Lactarius hysginus, Russula fragilis, Lepista nuda, Lyophyllum shimeji, Tricholoma matsutake, and Russula integra. The mycelia were pure-cultured with several transferring in various agars, and inoculated to the roots of pine(Pinus densiflora) seedling by in vitro method. After ten months growth under artificially aseptic conditions, all pine seedlings inoculated were stimulated at the growth-height, whereas those not inoculated were nearly dead. Also, the ramifications of ectomycorrhizal pine roots formed in the synthetic in vitro systems and were various according to the different mycelia. Synthesis of ectomycorrhiza were clearly confirmed in ten months growth, but not distinguished at this moment. It was clearly proved that the mycelia isolated caused the ectomycorrhizae in the roots of pine seedlings.

Determination of the Minimum Size of Seedlings with Matsutake Mycelia That Can Survive in the Field for Matsutake-infected Pine Tree Production (송이 감염묘 육성을 위해 야외 조건에서도 송이균 생존이 가능한 소나무의 최소 크기 결정)

  • Ka, Kang-Hyeon;Kim, Hee-Su;Jeon, Sung-Min;Ryoo, Rhim;Jang, Yeongsun;Wang, Eun-Jin;Jeong, Yeun Sug
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.188-195
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    • 2017
  • Despite the high commercial value of the pine mushroom (Tricholoma matsutake) around the world, its production still depends upon natural harvesting. In recent years, mushroom researchers in Korea and Japan have been successful in artificially cultivating T. matsutake by producing single mushroom through matsutake-infected pine seedlings. In this study, we determined the minimum seedling height required for the survival of matsutake mycelia in the infected pine seedlings in the field. The survival rate of matsutake mycelia in the matsutake-infected pine seedlings was 50% (14) in two years and 71% (10) in one year after their transplantation. The average height at time of transplantation of the matsutake-infected pine seedlings that bore surviving mycelia after transplantation was 25 cm (minimum 12 cm to maximum 40 cm). In conclusion, the matsutake mycelium of matsutake-infected pine seedlings was able to survive in field conditions if the height of the seedling at the time of T. matsutake infection was at least 12 cm. These results suggest that the height of the host plants used in conventional matsutake-infected pine seedling production should be greatly reduced to improve the matsutake cultivation. Therefore, standardization of the seedling height for artificial cultivation of pine mushrooms by the matsutake-infected pine seedling method is suggested.

Aboveground Biomass and Nutrient Distribution of Korea Pine (Pinus koraiensis) Advance Growth in Deciduous Oak Forests (참나무림내 천연발생한 잣나무 치수의 지상부 현존량 및 양분분포)

  • Ji, Dong-Hun;Byun, Jae-Kyoung;Jeong, Jin-Hyun;Yi, Myong-Jong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1144-1149
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    • 2011
  • The occurrence of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) advance growth has been noticed in the deciduous oak forest being adjacent to the mature Korean pine plantation. the korean pine seedlings in the forest were regenerated naturally from harvested and transported Korean pine seeds and cones by rodents, mainly red squirrels. Mongolian oak (Quercus bariabilis), which formed dominant overstory, had close-to-normal distributions of height, diameter and age classes. Korean pine, which dominated the understory, had the reverse J-shaped height, diameter and age distributions that are expected of a shade tolerant species. Growing in the summer shade of the oak, Korean pine seedling had slow, but steady height growth during the past four decades. Total biomass of Korean pine seedling ranged from $2,835-8,541kg\;ha^{-1}$ and biomass allocation of Korean pine seedling was follows : stem (with bark) > foliage > branches > roots. Korean pine seedlings allocated more biomass to foliage and branches compare to planted Korean pine. The smaller root/shoot ratio of Korean pine seedling in the site is to believed to be result of competition for light. Contents of N and K for Korean pine seedling were greatest in foliage follow by branches, stem ad roots, while content of P was greater in the order of foliage > roots > stem > branches.

Growth, Carbon and Nitrogen Status of Container Grown Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii) Seedlings at Various Levels of Foliar Fertilization

  • Kim, Choonsig;Jeong, Jaeyeob;Moon, Tae-Shik;Park, Jun-Ho;Lim, Jong-Taek;Kim, Jong-Ik;Goo, Gwan-Hyo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.5
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    • pp.558-562
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    • 2009
  • The growth, carbon and nitrogen status of container grown black pine (Pinus thunbergii) seedlings were examined at various levels of foliar fertilization (control, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%). Root collar diameter, height and dry weight of black pine seedlings increased significantly with increasing levels of foliar fertilization (P<0.05). Carbon concentration in needle of black pine seedlings was significantly higher in the foliar fertilization than in the control treatments (P<0.05), while other seedling components such as stem and roots were not significantly different (P>0.05) between the foliar fertilization and the control treatments. Nitrogen concentration and content were significantly greater in the foliar fertilization than in the control treatments (P<0.05). Shoot/root ratio of black pine seedlings (needle+stem dry weight/root dry weight) was greater in the foliar fertilization (2.40-2.89) than in the control treatments (1.87). However, nitrogen use efficiency was significantly lower (P<0.05) in the foliar fertilization (28-46) than in the control (111) treatments. The results indicate that morphological characteristics and nutritional status on container grown black pine seedlings were enhanced by various levels of foliar fertilization.

Effects of elevated CO2 on growth of Pinus densiflora seedling and enzyme activities in soil

  • Kim, Sung-Hyun;Jung, Soo-Hyun;Kang, Ho-Jung;Lee, In-Sook
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2010
  • Atmospheric $CO_2$ concentrations have increased exponentially over the last century and, if continued, are expected to have significant effects on plants and soil. In this study, we investigated the effects of elevated $CO_2$ on the growth of Pinus densiflora seedling and microbial activity in soil. Three-year-old pine seedlings were exposed to ambient as well as elevated levels of $CO_2$ (380 and 760 ppmv, respectively). Growth rates and C:N ratios of the pine seedlings were also determined. Dissolved organic carbon content, phenolic compound content, and microbial activity were measured in bulk soil and rhizosphere soil. The results show that elevated $CO_2$ significantly increased the root dry weight of pine seedling. In addition, overall N content decreased, which increased the C:N ratio in pine needles. Elevated $CO_2$ decreased soil moisture, nitrate concentration, and the concentration of soil phenolic compounds. In contrast, soil enzymatic activities were increased in rhizosphere soil, including ${\beta}$-glucosidase, N-acetylglucosaminidase and phosphatase enzyme activities. In conclusion, elevated $CO_2$ concentrations caused distinct changes in soil chemistry and microbiology.

Effects of Biomaterials Mixed with Artificial Soil on Seedling Quality of Fraxinus Rhynchophylla in a Containerized Production System

  • Dao, Huong Thi Thuy;Youn, Woo Bin;Han, Si Ho;Seo, Jeong Min;Aung, Aung;An, Ji Young;Park, Byung Bae
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2019
  • The composition of artificial soil in a containerized seedling production plays an important role in seedling quality as well as environmental issues. We investigated the effects of different types of biomaterials and mixed ratio with artificial soil on the growth of Fraxinus rhynchophylla seedlings. Soil medium was supplemented with 3 levels (0%, 10%, 20%) of pine bark, mushroom sawdust and rice husk. Root collar diameter (RCD), height growth, and biomass have significantly increased when rice husk was applied. Compared with the control, RCD and height growth showed highest in 20% rice husk treatment with an increase of 5.7% and 17.6%, respectively. In contrast, the treatments of pine bark and mushroom sawdust showed lower results in growth parameters (RCD, height growth, and total biomass) than control. Seedling quality index was also highest at the 20% rice husk treatment, but there was not statistically different among treatments. Our results suggested rice husk can be substituted up to 20% of substrates for containerized F. rhynchophylla seedling production system.

Effects of Some Common Weed Species on Pinus radiata Seedling Growth (몇 가지 잡초종(雜草種)이 라디아타소나무 유묘생장(幼苗生長)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Seo, Byung-Soo;Richardson, Brian;Vanner, Arthur;Coker, Graham
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.86 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1997
  • Second year results are presented from a trial designed to quantify the reduction in radiata pine(Pinus radiata D. Don) seedling growth caused by competition from a range of important weed species on a moist North Island site in New Zealand. Radiates pine seedlings(1/0) were grown on the weed free control and with either herbaceous broadleaves, grass, broom, pampas, buddleia, or gorse. Resource(nutrient and water) levels were varied by factorial +/- irrigation and fertilizer treatments. Radiata pine seedling volume growth 21 months after planting was greatest when it was grown on the weed free control or in association with gorse, and was least when grown with either buddleia or pampas. There was no evidence that the effects of the weeds on seedling growth were mediated by either competition for water or nutrients. Tall, fast-growing species that overtopped the seedlings(broom, buddleia, pampas) had the greatest effect on seedling growth and the magnitude of the effect was correlated with degree of overtopping. This implies that shading or competition for light is probably an important factor.

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Effects of ectomycorrhizal fungi on soil-borne plant pathogenic fungi in red pine seedlings

  • Seo, Il-Won;Lee, Jong-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Plant Pathology Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.89.1-89
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    • 2003
  • Disease suppression by ectomycorrhizal(ECM) fungi has been demonstrated on red pine seedlings. Culturing of pathogenic fungi on petri plates containing culture filtrates of ECM fungi showed that culture filtrates of the ECM fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum may inhibit the mycelial growth of all tested soil-borne plant pathogenic(SBPP) fungi upto 60%, In order to examine the effects of ECM fungi on SBPP fungi and on red pine seedlings, both symbiotic and pathogenic fungi were inoculated into the soil with red pine seedlings by three inoculation methods; pre-inoculation of SBPP fungi 10 days before inoculation of ECM fungi, simultaneous inoculation of both fungi, post-inoculation of SBPP fungi 60 days after inoculation of ECM fungi. Seedling mortality, seedling growth, and ectomycorrhizal formation by the combined treatments were examined and compared. Pine seedlings were dead by the pre-inoculation of pathogenic fungi, except Rhizina undulate which required 9-12 days, within 6 days after inoculation. Among pathogenic fungi tested, Fusarium oxysporum was the most pathogenic with the mortality of 44%. However, no dead seedlings were shown by simultaneous inoculation of both fungi or pre-inoculation of ECM fungi. In addition, pine seedlings treated by simultaneous or post-inoculation of SBPP fungi were relatively higher than those treated by pre-inoculation in diameter at root crown and the number of ectomycorrhizal roots. There were no significant differences among inoculation methods in root length and dry weight of treated seedlings. It means that ECM fungi somehow play a role in protecting primary roots of red pine seedlings against invasion by the SBPP fungi.

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