• Title/Summary/Keyword: Philosophy of science

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Gu Am Huh Jun's Achievement in an Aspect of Practical Science (실학적(實學的) 의미(意味)에서 본 구암(龜岩) 허 준(許 浚)의 업적(業績))

  • Kang, Byung-Soo
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1992
  • Practical science means open and objective attitude as a new scholarly tone which gets out of Confucianism tradition and its closeness. It is concerned about practical aspect and its thought prevailed from the mid-16th century to the mid-19th century in feudal system. It is, also, the attitude seeking truth based on the facts, which is removed from the falsehood in politics, economics and social life. It is regarded as a social revolution which governs tile country economically and is utilized to stabilize and enrich a human living life. The new academic tradition appeared in the process of development of modernization proclaimed it to be utilized in modern-oriented independency. Modern historians have greatly studied the knowledge of early philosophy, while Korean oriental medicine has developed, basing on the cultivation of the mind, virtue, and benevolence through Han Bak-Keun(who showed much interest in realistic, economic and social system) and Jung Yak-Youg(who compiled all available data into one book). From Ko-Ryo dynasty to the mid-Yi dynasty Korean oriental medicine scholars struggled to develop oriental medicine in an attitude searching truth based on the facts. Among them Huh Jun's achievements and the content of his writings suggest any things with a view of practical science. These are neglected by most scholars so far, but I have surveyed as follows : 1) the revolution in oriental medical science system 2) the standardization of pharmacy appliance 3) the popularization of medicine supplies 4) cooperation of industry and academy in medical science field From the above I concluded as follows : practical science in Korean medical science began from Ko-Ryo dynasty and compiled in Ku Am Huh Jun in the period of King Sun-Jo of Li dynasty. With this repect, the pioneer in practical science in Korea is Ku Am Huh Jun. To search tile pioneer in practical science rightly we should study the history of Korean medical science.

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Middle School Science Teachers' Philosophical Perspectives of Science (중학교 과학교사들의 과학철학적 관점에 관한 연구)

  • Soh, Won-Ju;Kim, Beom-Ki;Woo, Jong-Ok
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.221-231
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    • 1998
  • Middle school science teachers performed activities to identify their philosophical perspectives of science through a series of "card game" planned for this research. The subjects of the research were 156 middle school science teachers participated in the 1997 in-service science teachers' training course of the Gyeong Sang Nam Do province. The teachers performed the activities for this research for three hours during their workshops. We found that the subjects in the research were turned out predominant in the inductivistic views regardless of their major. gender, and career. In addition, in the process of collective consensus making, views of (a) the criteria of demarcation and (b) the patterns of scientific change were shifted to the extreme inductivism, (c) the epistemological status of scientific knowledge to the relativism, and (d) the scientific methods to the falsificationism, respectively.

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A Study on Development of Instructional Models for Secondary School Science (중등 과학교과의 수업모형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hee-Hyung;Lee, Moon-Won;Cho, Yung-Shin;Kang, Soon-Hee;Park, Jong-Yoon;Hur, Myung;Kim, Chan-Jong;Song, Jin-Woong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1994
  • The primary goal of this study was to suggest the ways of developing various types of instructional models which could be effectively used for science lessons in secondary schools. In order to attain this goal this study used literature review as its main method. This study was carried out through the process of three steps as follows: The conceptual relationship among instruction. teaching, and learning was examined. Then the general instructional models built on the traditional epistemology and psychology were reviewed and analyzed in terms of their characteristics and limits. The nature of instructional models developed for science education in secondary schools were analyzed The essential features and limits of the models were discussed in relation to their theoretical background and applicabilities to actual practices of science education. The implications for science learning were drawn from modem philosophy of science, which were used for developing instructional model. The strategies for using the new instructional model was also suggested. One general model of science instruction was given as an example applicable for science classrooms. The model was composed of appropriate teaching strategies and processes.

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Research Trends on Gigong in Korea from 1950 to 2016 (1950년에서 2016년까지 한국에서 발표된 기공관련 연구 동향)

  • Lee, Jae Heung;Beag, Ji You;Cho, Min Gun;Jung, Jae Hun;Lee, Eun Mi;Ahn, Hun Mo
    • Journal of Korean Medical Ki-Gong Academy
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.52-112
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    • 2018
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to understand trends of "Gi-Gong" related studies from 1950 to 2016 and to help guide the research direction of Gigong study. Methods : The computerized Korean database was searched from 1950 to 2016. The search terms used were only Korean language terms such as '기, '기공', '도인', '명상', '생체에너지', '수련', '양생'. Results : 1. A total of 310,184 (155,565(1950~2007) + 13,705(2016) + 140,914(2008~2016)) studies were searched in this study. A total of 6,240 studies were finally selected as Gigong related studies. 2. In the results according to the Main Subject Categories(KCI;Korea Citation Index), the 'Humanities' was the largest with 2,686 studies and the 'Marine Agriculture, Fishery' was the least with 10 studies. 3. In the results according to the Middle Subject Categories(KCI;Korea Citation Index), the 'Philosophy' was the largest with 1,014(16.26%) studies. 4. A result of the Gigong Categories showed that the 'Philosophy of Gi' was the highest with 2,151(33.82%) not including duplication. 5. As a result of Research Method, the most frequently used method was 'Analysis Research' with 4,199(67.33%) studies. 6. In the author search, 'Kim Nak Pil' was searched 112 times and was the most.. 7. The journal that published the most relevant studies with Gigong was 『Conference Proceedings OF The Korean Society OF Jungshin Science』 (189), and the university that had the largest number of studies related to Gigong was 'Wonkwang University'(212). Conclusions : 1. The number of Gigong related studies had increased rapidly from the late 1990s to the early 2000s, and reached to a peak in 2007 and has been gradually increasing since 2008. 2. The three major academic fields of Gigong related studies are Thought Field, Korean Medicine Field, and Kinesic Field. 3. In the Gigong related studies, the best authority is 'Kim Nak-pil' and the most active academy is the 'Korean Society OF Jungshin Science'. 4. Although most categories of Gigong have been generally studied evenly, studies on External Gi Therapy and Taoist Sexual Practices are very insufficient.

Protection of Information Sovereignty as an Important Component of the Political Function of the State

  • Zadorozhnia, Halyna;Mykhtunenko, Viktoriia;Kovalenko, Hanna;Kuryliuk, Yurii;Yurchenko, Liubov;Maslennykova, Tetiana
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.151-154
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    • 2021
  • State information policy is an important component of foreign and domestic policy of the country and covers all spheres of society. The rapid development of the information sphere is accompanied by the emergence of fundamentally new threats to the interests of the individual, society, state and its national security. The article considers the components of the state information policy to ensure information security of the country and identifies the main activities of public authorities in this area. Internal and external information threats to the national security of Ukraine and ways to guarantee the information security of the country are analyzed. Information security is seen as a component of national security, as well as a global problem of information protection, information space, information sovereignty of the country and information support of government decisions. Approaches to ensure the process of continuity of the information security system of the state in order to monitor new threats, identify risks and levels of their intensity are proposed.

Features Of Pedagogical Support Of Digital Competence Formation In Educational Activity

  • Kharkivsky, Valeriy;Romanyshyn, Ruslana;Broiako, Nadiia;Kochetkova, Iryna;Khlystu, Olena;Kobyzhcha, Natalya;Poplaska, Alina
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.276-280
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    • 2021
  • The article presents the concept of ICT - competence, which is considered as the most important characteristic of professional competence, which includes a combination of the following components: motivational-value (orientation of the individual to the development of his ITC-competence in future professional activities); technological (complex of skills and abilities of ICT activities); cognitive (a system of knowledge of modern technologies of future professional activity); it is determined that the pedagogical support of the formation of ICT competence of future specialists is the individualization of the process training, due to their personal and professional needs and the specifics of a regional university, providing the necessary conditions for the implementation of this process.

Formation Of Digital Culture Of Scientific And Pedagogical Workers In The Conditions Of General Digitalization Of Education

  • Kononenko, Andrii;Smyrnova, Iryna;Rybalko, Petro;Obraz, Vasyl;Balakhovska, Yuliia;Prepotenska, Maryna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.189-192
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    • 2021
  • The article theoretically substantiated, developed and practically implemented a structural and functional model of the formation of ICT competence, taking into account interdisciplinary integration, defines the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of ICT competence: interdisciplinary integration as a basis for building an interdisciplinary course, the content of which is aimed at the formation of ICT competence; the use of IEE, including information, didactic, technological components as a basis for the formation of ICT competence; integration of formal, non-formal and informal education for the implementation the integrity of the acquired knowledge, skills, experience as the basis for the formation of the ICT competence of teachers; creation and use of a set of tasks (educational (UZ), educational and methodological (UMP), educational and professional (UPZ)) as special tools for the formation of ICT competence.

European Experience in Implementing Innovative Educational Technologies in the Training of Management Specialists: Current Problems and Prospects for Improvement

  • Tatiana, Voropayeva;Marina, Jarvis;Svitlana, Boiko;Hanna, Tolchieva;Nataliia, Statsenko
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.294-300
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    • 2022
  • The article highlights the European experience of innovative educational technologies of training management specialists. Based on existing strategies, relevant in the European educational space, the introduction of regulatory elements to maintain a balance between the traditional and innovative format of the educational process, which is typical for the Ukrainian education system is proposed. The article aims to single out educational and technological innovations into a separate cluster of managerial training at different levels in the context of the principles of the modern synergetic sociocultural paradigm. The main objectives of the work are to develop settings to ensure the effective functioning of innovative educational technologies. Among the synergetic principles of educational technologies, providing the formation of necessary competencies of future managers, are: self-organization, interdisciplinarity, nonlinearity, individuality, and technologization. The methods used in the scientific study can be attributed to the group of scientific synergetic methodology. So, the training of specialists in management, implemented in the European practice assumes the use of new educational strategies. These technologies provide both the necessary skills of different levels (hard-soft-digital skills) and the observance of value components (solidarity, ethics, inclusiveness, openness).

Use of Innovation and Information Technologies In Music Lessons

  • Potapchuk, Tetiana;Fabryka-Protska, Olga;Gunder, Liubov;Dutchak, Violetta;Osypenko, Yaroslav;Fomin, Kateryna;Shvets, Nataliia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.300-308
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    • 2021
  • The processes of informatization of the modern educational space are inextricably linked with the active introduction of innovative information technologies, which diversify the forms of education and upbringing. The use of these technologies in education due to their specific properties significantly enhances the clarity of learning, emotional impact on students, helps to deepen interdisciplinary links, intensifies students' work, and improves the organization of educational activities. Innovative information technologies offer new opportunities for the use of text, audio, graphic, and video information in lessons, enriching the methodological possibilities of the lesson. Today, the use of these technologies is becoming an integral part of the study of any subject. Using multimedia presentations, publications, and websites created by students in the learning process, they can develop learning skills. According to researchers, there are many multimedia programs for working with a computer in a music lesson, namely: a music player, a program for singing karaoke, a music constructor, music encyclopedias, and training programs. The introduction of innovative information technologies in the system of music education allows expanding learning opportunities.

Development of a Family Pattern Appraisal to Guide a Rogerian Nursing Practice (Rogers 이론에 근거한 가족양상 사정지침개발)

  • 이광옥;한영란;김희정
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.751-773
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    • 1995
  • We, clinical nurse specialists practising and guiding student practice in a Community health nursing clinic, wanted to develop a family pattern appraisal consistent with Rogers' conceptual system, the nursing model guiding our practice. We use Rogers' model because it is harmonious with the traditional Korean view of the one human, natural and cosmic world. The purpose of our research was to contribute to science - based nursing practice, not only, one helpful model, but also a model of how to use, in guiding practice, a conceptual system which reflects nurse practitioners' philosophy of nursing, is intellectually satisfying, and enriches meaning in daily nursing life. The research objectives were to review the literature on Rogers' model and analyse it according to Kim's five - level analytical framework, to explore Rogers' definition of family, to review appraisals based on Rogers' model, and to develop a family appraisal which is culturally appropriate for use in our community. This work including the use of the appraisal and its refinement with families in our practice which was done during 1994 and 1995, in Seoul, in the Capital of the Republic of Korea. At the highest level of analysis, Rogers conceptual system emphasizes acausality and multidimentional meaning ; the world view is characterized by process, movement and wholeness. The epistemology Is one of holism and the knowledge base includes all forms of experience, from sensory to mystical, objective, and subjective. At the metaparadigm level, nursing focuses on the unitary human being and the environment. At the level of nursing philosophy, the model identifies human being, nursing, nurse, and illness and health. At the paradigm level the model assumes the irriducibility of the human to parts, noncausality and continual change. Rogers' practice methodology consists of pattern manifestation appraisal and deliberative mutual patterning. Under-standing patterns and patterning of people is the key to helping them achieve their potential. At the theory level, the basic assumptions, key concepts, and homeodynamic principles were identified. Rogers states the family energy field is an undividable, four-dimensional negentropic energy field which is in a larger envircinmental field show-ing such characteristics as cannot be predicted by knowledge of individual family members. Based on the word of Rogers scholars, we chose Rogers' correlates of patterning to understand the family unit as a whole-frequency, rhythms, motion, time perception, sleeping-waking beyond waking, pragmatic -imaginative-visionary to develop the appraisal. We, also used some of Barrel's (1988) criteria including interpersonal network and professional health care access and use, and Cordon's (1982) criteria including self perception - self concept modified to fit the family. Our family Pattern appraisal included 1. Influencirg data, 2. Professional health care access and use, 3. Family self perception-self concept, 4. Family interpersonal network, 5. Sleep-wake-be-yond waking, 6. Pragmatic-imaginary-visionary, 7. Family frequency and rhythm, 8. Family motion, 9. Family time perception. The appraisal was used with four families and modified to eliminate overlap and to make it possible for the family member to express themselves more easily. We plan to gain more experience with the appraisal toward further development of the tool.

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