• Title/Summary/Keyword: Personnel Provided

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White radish and swine scapular cartilage models for auricular framework carving training

  • Hwang, Kun
    • Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.225-228
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    • 2020
  • Background: The aim of this study is to develop a two-stage training module using radish and swine scapular cartilage for carving ear cartilage. Methods: In the first stage, white radish was cut in 3-6 mm thick slices. The ear cartilage framework was carved using a graver and the helix and antihelix were fixed with pins. In the second stage, swine scapular cartilage was obtained. The thickness varied 3-6 mm. The ear cartilage framework was made. And triangular fossa and scaphoid fossa were carved with graver. A curvilinear cartilage for helix was assembled to the framework by pin fixing. Six participants were recruited for an ear reconstruction training workshop and figures of the cartilage framework were provided. Participants were asked answer the pre-workshop questionnaire and post-workshop questionnaire on a Likert scale to rate their satisfaction with the outcome. Results: On the pre-workshop questionnaire, participants indicated that they did not have sufficient knowledge and skill for fabricating the ear cartilage framework (1.5±0.5 using white radish; 1.3±0.5 using swine scapular cartilage). On the post-workshop questionnaire, participants responded that they had learned useful knowledge from this workshop, reflecting a significant improvement (3.8±1.0 using white radish; 4.0±1.1 using swine scapular cartilage). They also indicated that they had become somewhat confident in this skill (4.2±0.8 using white radish; 4.3±0.5 using swine scapular cartilage. The participants generally found the workshop satisfactory (practically helpful, 4.7±0.5; knowledge improved, 4.8±0.4; satisfied with course, 4.5±0.5; would recommend to others, 4.8±0.4). Conclusion: This model can be useful for ear reconstruction training for medical personnel.

The Mental Effects on Child Actors in Playing a Role: Observations on Filming Sites and Interviews with Filming Personnel (배역이 아역 연기자들의 정신건강에 미치는 효과 : 영화 촬영 현장 및 관계자 면담 중심으로)

  • Bahn, Geon Ho;Kim, Bongseog;Hwang, Jun-Won;Yoo, Hee-Jeong;Min, Jung-Won;Kwack, Young-Sook;Hong, Min-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the psychological changes and influences of child actors depending on their role. First, we met the film producer of Dogani and discussed about the filming condition. Second, we visited filming locations during the filming of Neighborhood, when shooting of parts involving the female child actor was taking place and evaluated the emotional states of the child actor before and after she played her role. Third, we interviewed various people of the movie industry, which included adult actors, directors, a professor of films and broadcasting who was a former child actor and a scriptwriter. In case of the film Dogani, the production crew provided enough care and protection and we concluded that child actors had no psychological sequelae. After interviewing the child actor and visiting filming locations, we confirmed that the child actor was not influenced by playing certain roles. In addition, after interviewing various people related to filming, we thought that child actors might not have psychological sequelae related to the character played. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study about influences of the playing character for child actors. We concluded that playing certain roles would not have negative effects on child actors.

Difference of visiting time and major cause of disease by operating time changes of a university dental emergency room (일개 치과대학병원 응급실 운영시간 변경에 따른 환자의 방문시기와 주요상병의 차이)

  • Noh, Hie-Jin;Mun, So-Jung;Jeon, Hyun-Sun;Bae, Sung-Suk
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.661-669
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study is to investigate of visiting time and major cause of disease by operating time changes of a university dental emergency room. Methods: This study was a retrospect study carried out by reviewing 9,172 records visiting the university emergency room from January 1997 to December 2009. Data were analyzed by frequency test, chi-square test, and logistic regression using SAS version 9.3. Results: Twenty four hours emergency room had 19 percent more patients than those in daytime emergency room. Daytime emergency room had more male patients during spring(26.6%) and winter(20.2%) than female patients(p<0.05). Female patients exceeded male patients during summer(24.4%) and autumn(36.2%)(p<0.05). Twenty-four hours emergency room had the maximal patients in autumn and the minimal patients in winter(p<0.05). The most common injury in the daytime was tooth fracture from 0 to 19 years old(p<0.05). Tooth fracture, jaw fracture, and soft tissue injury were the most common injury in dental emergency room and majority of the patients were the male(p<0.05). Conclusions: Twenty-four hours dental emergency room had a variety of causes of dental emergency thant that in the daytime. Twenty four hours dental emergency room must be prepared for the dental emergency patients at any time provided with personnel and facilities.

Perception of Importance and Management of Food Allergy among Elementary and Middle School Nutrition Teachers (Dietitians) in Busan (부산지역 일부 초·중학교 영양(교)사의 식품알레르기 관리 현황 및 중요도 인식)

  • Hong, Hea-Ri;Lyu, Eun-Soon
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted in order to evaluate the current status of management of students affected by food allergy and provide basic data necessary to school foodservice. A survey was conducted on 300 nutrition teachers (dietitians). For food allergy management, 79.3% of participants regularly checked on students with food allergy. The rate of providing allergy-free or alternative food for students with food allergy was 35.7%; and the reasons for not providing such food was 'lack of cooking time and employees' (69.4%). Furthermore, 79.7% of participants provided nutrition education and counseling for students with food allergy and the reasons for not providing education and counseling was 'lack of time' (59.0%). Nutrition teachers (dietitians) with experience of job training related to food allergy comprised 53.7%. The mean score of importance of food allergy management was 4.02/5.00. The items with high scores of importance of ${\geq}4.20/5.00points$ were periodical check on students with food allergy, sending newsletters or homepage posting of foods causing allergy; however, provision of allergy-free or alternative food scored 3.64/5.00 points. The score of importance was significantly higher in those who checked on students with food allergy (p<0.05), offered allergy-free or alternative food (p<0.01), and in those with experience of job training (p<0.05) than those who did not. Therefore, in order to manage students with food allergy, nutrition teachers (dietitians) require on-going training on food allergy in order to practice provision of alternative foods and administrative support to the cooking personnel and facilities.

Feasibility Study for a Lab-chip Development for LAL Test (LAL 시험용 Lab-chip 개발을 위한 타당성 연구)

  • 황상연;최효진;서창우;안유민;김양선;이은규
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.429-433
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    • 2003
  • LAL (Limulus amebocyte lysate) test to detect and quantity endotoxin is based on gellation reaction between endotoxin and LAL from a blood extract of Limulus polyphemus. The test is labor intensive requiring dedicated personnel, takes relatively long reaction time (approximately 1 hr), requires relatively large volume of samples and reagents, and its end-point detection method is rather subjective. To solve these problems, we attempted to develop a miniaturized LOC (lab-on-a-chip) prototype using PDMS and glass. Using the 62 mm (length) ${\times}$ 18 mm (width) prototype in which 2 mm (width) ${\times}$ 44.34 mm (length) ${\times}$ 100 $\mu\textrm{m}$ (depth) microfluidic channel was provided, we compared the various detection methods of gellation, turbidometric, and chromogenic assays to find the chromogenic method to be the most suitable for small volume assay. In this assay, kinetic point method was more accurate than end point method. We also found the PDMS chip thickness should be minimized to around 2 mm to allow sufficient light transmittance, which necessitated a glass slide bonding for chip rigidity. Through the miniaturization, the test time was reduced from 1 hr to less than 10 minutes, and the sample volume could be reduced from 100 ${\mu}\ell$ to 4.4 ${\mu}\ell$. In sum, this study revealed that the mini LOC could be an alternative for a semi-automated and reliable method for LAL test.

A Comparative Study on the Financial Index of Hospital in accordance with the Weight of Medical Treatment Fee for the Rehabilitative Medicine Department (재활의학과 진료비 비중에 따른 병원 재무지표 비교연구)

  • Oh, Chang Seok;Jung, Cu Jin;Park, Bo Kyung;Bae, Sung Kwon
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2007
  • The current hospital industry is showing relatively low profitability in comparison with other industries due to the low medical fees and high costs. Therefore, our government presented the direction of improvement through model execution and support of the specialized hospitals. However, it is estimated that the specialized hospitals also will show differentiated management performances in accordance with their specialized fields due to the characteristics of medical treatment. Therefore, this study had attempted an analysis on the financial index in accordance with the weight of medical treatment items for the rehabilitative medicine department among the whole hospital groups through getting out of analyzing financial indices of individual hospitals centered at their costs. For this p개pose, this study had carried out its research by partially reciting the study on the plan for utilizing participations of private health resources to expand rehabilitative medicine services into the private people of the Korea Health Industry Development Institute(KHIDI). As its results, it was shown that the stability, profitability, activity and productivity of hospitals with high weight of medical treatment for the rehabilitative medicine department were lower than those for the general hospitals. To support smooth operations of these hospitals 'with high weight of medical treatment for the rehabilitative medicine department or of specialized rehabilitation hospitals, it is judged that the plan such as the support for hospital management fund and the additional recognition on the rehabilitative fees, etc. together with the actualization of medical fees must be provided for the institutions which are providing rehabilitative medical services more than the fixed percentage and being equipped with the sufficient medical equipment and personnel to do them.

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Study on the Water Quality Control of Water Supply the Reside: Effects of Chlorinations (상수도의 수질관리와 타소소독의 잔류효과에 관한 연구)

  • 유귀현
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.33-47
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    • 1991
  • 1. Water supply treatment plants personnel could not test the water quality control, because most of them rely on the provincial health laboratories about water quality rely rant test. However, in future, plants have to been provided the facilities and equipment of water quality laboratory. 2. Chlorination methods are 89.5% of liquid chlorine and 10.5% of solid chlorine, and the cost per 1 $\m^{3}$ of chlorination is about 1.30 won which chlorination cost is very cheap as 1/142 of drinking water production cost. Input method of chlorine is 35% of automatic method, 56% of semi-automatic, and 9% of other methods, and this is no problem 3. Residual effects of chlorination, in the case of distilled water as a standardized material and 0.2 ppm of seperated residual chlorine, were continued 32 hours in $0^{\circ}C$, and 25 hour in $20^{\circ}C$, of water temperature and in the case of 0.4 ppm of seperated residual chlorine were continued 47 hours in $0^{\circ}C$ and 23 hours in $20^{\circ}C$. 4. In the case of 4 ppm of seperated residual chlorine, residual effects were continued 23 hours in $5^{\circ}C$, 90 hours in $10^{\circ}C$, 78 hours in $15^{\circ}C$, and 60 hours in $20^{\circ}C$ : by the temper; lure of water, continuing residual effects of chlorination are different, so we have to car for the warm season chlorination in the hider temperature. 5. Chlorination effects of drinking waters in the case of 0.4 ppm of seperated residual chlorine were continued 237 hours in $22^{\circ}C$ water : and in the case of rechlorination as 4 ppm of residual chlorine, continued 71 hours in $22^{\circ}C$ water.

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A Study on the Industry Food Service Management Practice in Chonbuk Province (산업체 단체급식소의 급식관리실태에 대한 조사연구)

  • 유정희
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 1993
  • This study was attempted to investigate the current status of industry food service management in Chonbuk province. The survey for the analysis was conducted through the questionaires to dietitian. The following results are to be noted. 1. Only one dietitian was employed regardless of feeding numbers and feeding times, and the average number of cooks comes to 5∼6 persons. Among 51 food service places for the study, 84.3% provided more than two meals a day. Feeding number were 200∼1000 people per one meal (64.7%) and feeding cost amounts to 700∼1000 won per meal per one person. 2. The food preferences and budget were primary considerations in menu planning. The type of menus was a non-selective menu with a seven-day cycle (83.7%). Most of dietitian (94.1%) had control of food purchasing, receiving and checking procedure and prefered placing orders by phone (94.5%) through the purveyors (86.4%). 3. In many food service places (70.5%), the mass food preparation was controlled of cooking method and standardized recipes were not undertaken by management Also, the food quality control such as flavor, texture, appearance and temperature was not fully established in food service system. 4. They used the method of manual dish washing operations (88%) and about 71.4% of them are dependent on boiling method of ultrabiolet light for disinfection of kitchen utensils. 5. The performance rates of dietitian management responsibility showed as nutritional management 100%, working management 72.4%, sanitary management 85.6%, personnel management 64.5% and nutrition education 40.7%, but they did not perform the objective and systematic their own responsibility as specialized dietitian because only few dietitian used basic check list and management tools. In addition, dietitian (21.6%) worked beyond their field. In the result, only 54.9% dietitian have satisfied their own occupation and most of them emphasized on practical working in educational curriculums.

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A Study of Advertisement Businessmen's Perceptions of Advertisement Education in College (대학광고교육에 대한 광고실무자 인식연구)

  • Kim, Jun-Whai
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.193-204
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    • 2007
  • In accordance with the rapid growth of advertisement business, the advertisement education in college also has grown in quantity. But compared with this growth in volume, the dissatisfaction with curriculum and alumni's business ability is a problem to be settled in advertisement education. The purpose of this research is to provide creative ideas for the improvement of advertisement education in college that is needed for the advertisement field, by means of a survey for those who are concerned in advertisement education including personnel managers in advertisement companies and senior workers who have worked with new faces. The survey was done for 137 employees who are working for advertisement companies. The result of this research shows that there are differences between the education content provided by advertisement education in colleges and the ability needed for business. This research suggests that the curriculum in college should be operated to create the ability required in advertisement business, and two parties concerned in advertisement education (college and advertisement company) need to continually try to extend the mutual interest and understanding.

Risk factors of fisher on stow net fishing vessel using analysis of adjudication (재결서 분석을 통한 안강망어선에 승선하는 선원의 위험요인)

  • KIM, Wook-Sung;HYUN, Yun-Ki;LEE, Yoo-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2020
  • The adjudication of Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal (KMST) was analyzed to collect basic data to identify the cause of the risk that did not appear in the current data provided by the fishermen's occupational accidents of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative (NFFC) in stow net fishing vessel from 2015 to 2019. The personnel's carelessness was the most common in 29 out of 33 accidents (87.9%), followed by 25 cases (75.8%) of inadequacy of instructions, 24 cases (72.7%) of inadequacy of education on hazard factor, 20 cases (60.6%) of no personal protection equipment, 18 cases (54.5%) of poor guard, 17 cases (51.5%) of inadequacy of work method, 16 cases (48.5%) of absence of emergency stop button, 14 cases (42.4%) of work practice of poor safety precautions that affected more than 40% of all accidents as accident causes. These causes had a strong influence on each other, and the ratio of accident causes is high. With this relationship, accidents can be prevented or the severity of human injury can be reduced if types of accident process can be estimated with a scenario, and the key points before the accident in the scenario are switched to safe points.