• Title/Summary/Keyword: Personal information Security

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Construction of Complemented Hybrid Group Cellular Automata with Maximum Equal Lengths (최대 동일 길이를 갖는 여원 HGCA구성)

  • Cho S.J.;Choi U.S.;Hwang Y.H.;Kim J.G.;Pyo Y.S.;Kim H.D.
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.1565-1572
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    • 2006
  • Recently with the ever increasing growth of data communication, the need for security and privacy has become a necessity. The advent of wireless communication and other handheld devices like Personal Digital Assistants and smart cards have made the implementation of cryptosystems a major issue. The Cellular Automata(CA) can be programmed to implement hardware sharing between the encryption and decryption. In this paper, we give conditions for a linear hybrid cellular automata with 60, 102 or 204 to be a linear hybrid group cellular automata C. And we present the conditions which the complemented hybrid group cellular automata C' with complement vectors derived from C has maximum equal lengths in the state transition diagram of C' Also we analyze the relationship among cycles of C' These results generalize Mukhopadhyay's results.

A Case Study of Mainframe Load Reduction Using The Client and Server Model (클라이언트/서버 모델에 의한 메인프레임 부하 분산 사례연구)

  • 고광병;공승욱;권기목;강창언
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.1628-1639
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    • 1994
  • In order to increase the utilization of the computing resources, universities connect a variety of computing resources such as mainframes, workstations, and personal computers via LAN. However, due to management and security reasons, most administrative applications are concentrated on mainframes which is the main cause of large work overload on mainframes for such applications as on-line course registration system where the entire student body must have access to the system during a short period of time. In this study, using a university system as the model and choosing on-line course registration system as the targeted distributed computing. APPC through IBM SNALU 6.2 link is proposed as the most appropriate means of distributed computing for the environment of the model university. In addition, the on-line course registration system is redesigned as client-server model where a mainframe serves as the file server responsible for file input and output and workstations becomes the client. Actual implementation and experiments have shown that the proposed distributed computing system yields a significant reduction in processing time.

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A Study about problem and a correspondence strategy along a beauty culture-Ubiquitous implementation (미용 부분의 유비쿼터스 구현에 따른 문제점과 대응전략에 관한 연구)

  • Lim Jin-Sook;Kang Jang-Mook
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2004
  • Ubiquitous is an agriculture revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the fourth revolution to equal an information revolution are Ubiquitous. Historic agriculture was revolutionary, but the Industrial Revolution was a revolution of the physics space that was a base of a mankind civilization, and the informatization revolution that Cyber Space saw a prime while world wide web service was expended was a revolution of cyber space. Be charmed with this, and, as for the Ubiquitous revolution, it is achieved a physics space and an intelligent union of cyber space in the space where an off-line space was integrated with compunction on-line. It is combined with a life space naturally, and Ubiquitous technology. Also, I presented the plan that derivation tried a problem about Ubiquitous, and can solve an each problem. Specially, infringement about personal privacy very has a lot of possession to occur in the world that radio communication between all appliances is possible. It is Ubiquitous by becoming the data which is useful to thorough preparation about the Ubiquitous world to come with presenting policy a little technical solution plan about this to the future Republic of Korea. many company has been cracked by crackers information security and everyday new computer virus come out.

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The Comparative Study of Purchasing Characteristics of the Apparel Products Consumer using Internet Shopping Mall and the Cable TV Home Shopping (인터넷 쇼핑몰과 케이블 TV 홈쇼핑 이용자들의 의류제품 구매특성 비교연구)

  • 최은정;김문숙
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.808-825
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to research the reasons of this outcome by comparing the consumers purchasing characteristics of the Internet shopping mall and cable TV home shopping. A questionnaire was designed for on-line survey panels residing in Korea and the period of the survey was from July 30 to August 6, 2002. 1362 questionnaires were collected and 665 were chosen. The Frequency, %, t-test, and x2-test was performed using Korean version of SPSS 10.0. The summarized results of this study are as follows: The reasons of purchasing Apparel products through Internet and Cable TV home shopping are low price, time Saving, and convenience. The Item that is purchased most often at the Internet shopping mall is casual T-shirt. In case of the cable TV home shopping, it is inner-wears. Most of the users were satisfied with the home shopping. There are significant difference in ‘inexpensiveness of price’, ‘variety of product’, ‘sufficiency of product information’, ‘easiness of searching product’, ‘security of personal information’, ‘convenience of order’ in the side of consumers satisfaction. The reason of not using the media shopping are as follows: ‘Distrust of the product’ appeared one of the main reason of not using internet shopping mall and cable TV home shopping, accounting for 34.3%(Internet)/25.3%(Cable TV) of all respondents, followed by ‘absence of products(18.7%)’, In case of the cable TV home shopping, ‘lack of necessity of home shopping(24.7%)’ was the main reason.

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Face Recognition Evaluation of an Illumination Property of Subspace Based Feature Extractor (부분공간 기반 특징 추출기의 조명 변인에 대한 얼굴인식 성능 분석)

  • Kim, Kwang-Soo;Boo, Deok-Hee;Ahn, Jung-Ho;Kwak, Soo-Yeong;Byun, Hye-Ran
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.681-687
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    • 2007
  • Face recognition technique is very popular for a personal information security and user identification in recent years. However, the face recognition system is very hard to be implemented due to the difficulty where change in illumination, pose and facial expression. In this paper, we consider that an illumination change causing the variety of face appearance, virtual image data is generated and added to the D-LDA which was selected as the most suitable feature extractor. A less sensitive recognition system in illumination is represented in this paper. This way that consider nature of several illumination directions generate the virtual training image data that considered an illumination effect of the directions and the change of illumination density. As result of experiences, D-LDA has a less sensitive property in an illumination through ORL, Yale University and Pohang University face database.

Improvement of User Recognition Rate using Multi-modal Biometrics (다중생체인식 기법을 이용한사용자 인식률 향상)

  • Geum, Myung-Hwan;Lee, Kyu-Won;Lee, Bong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.1456-1462
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    • 2008
  • In general, it is known a single biometric-based personal authentication has limitation to improve recognition rate due to weakness of individual recognition scheme. The recognition rate of face recognition system can be reduced by environmental factor such as illumination, while speaker verification system does not perform well with added surrounding noise. In this paper, a multi-modal biometric system composed of face and voice recognition system is proposed in order to improve the performance of the individual authentication system. The proposed empirical weight sum rule based on the reliability of the individual authentication system is applied to improve the performance of multi-modal biometrics. Since the proposed system is implemented using JAVA applet with security function, it can be utilized in the field of user authentication on the generic Web.

Strategic Analysis of the Multilateral Bargaining for the Distribution Channels with Different Transaction Costs (거래비용이 상이한 복수의 유통채널에 대한 다자간 협상전략에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hyung-Rae;Rhee, Minho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 2015
  • The proliferation of the Internet and communication technologies and applications, besides the conventional retailers, has led to a new form of distribution channel, namely home sopping through the telephone, TV, catalog or the Internet. The conventional and new distribution channels have different transaction costs perceived by the consumers in the following perspectives: the accessibility to the product information, the traffic cost and the opportunity cost for the time to visit the store, the possibility of 'touch and feel' to test the quality of the product, the delivery time and the concern for the security for the personal information. Difference in the transaction costs between the distribution channels results in the different selling prices even for the same product. Moreover, distribution channels with different selling prices necessarily result in different business surpluses. In this paper, we study the multilateral bargaining strategy of a manufacturer who sells a product through multiple distribution channels with different transaction costs. We first derive the Nash equilibrium solutions for both simultaneous and sequential bargaining games. The numerical analyses for the Nash equilibrium solutions show that the optimal bargaining strategy of the manufacturer heavily depends not only on the degree of competition between the distribution channels but on the difference of the business surpluses of the distribution channels. First, it is shown that there can be four types of locally optimal bargaining strategies if we assume the market powers of the manufacturer over the distribution channels can be different. It is also shown that, among the four local optimal bargaining strategies, simultaneous bargaining with the distribution channels is the most preferred bargaining strategy for the manufacturer.

A Study on the Development of Crime Prediction Program(CPP) (범죄발생 예측프로그램 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Young-Hwan;Mun Jeong-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.11 no.4 s.42
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2006
  • Changing drastically, the life in a modern city has forced citizens to gradually shorten their average period of settlement, which has weakened the identity of city habitation, thus causing serious crimes and damaging the security of city greatly. Haying a highly composite structure with not only macro, but micro characteristics, city is grasped as a very composite phenomenon shown in the social, economic and spatial constitution relationships, including the personal motives of criminals. Accordingly, this study puts stress on the necessity of any crime prediction program to predict the occurrence of crimes by analyzing the occurrence patterns of sharply increasing intra-city crimes of violence on a typical, time and spatial basis and clarifying their structural dynamic relationships in a both macro and micro manner. Moreover, the deduction of various factors closely related to crime occurrence will contribute to elucidating the occurrence structure of city crimes.

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Establishment and Management of an Educational Outcome Cohort at the Keimyung University School of Medicine (계명대학교 의과대학 교육성과 코호트의 구축과 운영 사례 )

  • Soongu Kim;Aehwa Lee;Garam Lee;Ilseon Hwang
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.109-113
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    • 2023
  • An educational outcome cohort has been established at Keimyung University School of Medicine to help make educational policy decisions and improve educational programs based on data. The purpose of the educational outcome cohort is to support educational policy decisions for achieving graduation outcomes smoothly and to accomplish the intended human resources development of the university through objective analyses and regular monitoring, providing continuous feedback. The data collected for the educational outcome cohort include the student identifications of freshmen, entrance exam scores, premedical and medical school grades, titles and forms of student academic research, the results of psychological testing, scholarship recipient lists, volunteer clubs, and so forth. The data are collected using an information utilization agreement approved by the Institutional Review Board, and the collected data are encrypted and stored on a dedicated computer for enhanced personal information security. Proposals to access and utilize the educational outcome cohort data must be discussed and approved by the Educational Outcome Cohort Committee, which decides on the scope and method of utilization. The collected and managed educational outcome cohort data have been used to develop comparative programs to improve students' competency and to support admission policy decisions through an analysis of the characteristics and performance of medical school students. The establishment and utilization of the educational outcome cohort will play an important role in determining the School of Medicine's educational policies and suggesting new directions for educational policies in the future.

A Study on the Priorities of Enabling Digital Healthcare Platform for Small and Medium Enterprises : A Comparative Analysis of Consumers and Suppliers

  • Yeon-Kyeong Lee;Min-Jung Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2024
  • The aging population and worsening lifestyle habits have increased the risk of chronic diseases. This has heightened the importance of preventive healthcare, particularly through personalized health management services based on individual health data. Despite this, the domestic digital healthcare industry remains underdeveloped. Given the need for acceptance from both consumers and providers, this study uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to identify success factors for health management service platforms. AHP evaluates the relative importance of various factors to aid decision-making. Results show that providers prioritize data analysis and platform design, laws and regulations, and data standardization, while consumers prioritize system stability, laws and regulations, and system security. These findings highlight the need for strategies to bridge the expectation gap to effectively promote health management service platforms.