• Title/Summary/Keyword: Perception of CAD

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A Visual Image Perception of Clothing Colors, Color combinations of Korean Traditional Dress for Woman(Part 2) (복식색과 색조합의 이미지 지각(제2 보)-여자 한복의 상.하 색조합 효과를 중심으로-)

  • 이혜숙;김재숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.1052-1059
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    • 1998
  • The purposes of the study were to analyse the colors and, color combinations effect on the image perception using gestalt theory. The research method was a quasi-experimental with a between subjects design. The experimental materials developed for the study were a set of stimuli and a response scale. The stimuli was consisted of 17 drawings of females wearing Korean traditional dress, by using CAD simulation. A response scale consisted of semantic differential scales. The subjects were 1138 undergraduate students of Taejon city, Chungnam province and Chungbuk province. Their responses to the semantic differential scales were analyzed using factor analysis, ANOVA, Duncans multiple range test. Results were as follows; 1) The colors effect of blouse was significantly greater than the effect of skirt, and no interaction effect was found between blouse colors and skirt colors. 2) In bi-color combination dress set, the combined image of the two colors were compared to the image of the two mono color sets: No single principle was found, however, salient color (such as yellow) and unattractive color (such as green) seemed to act as central trait colors on the image perception. On conclusion the visual image of Korean traditional dress wearer was affected by central trait colors in bi-color combination, and this results support the gestalt theory with central traits.

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The Effect of Perceiver′s Fashion Involvement on Clothing Color Perception and Preferences (지각자의 유행관여가 의복색 지각과 선호도에 미치는 영향)

  • 이명희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.851-861
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    • 2003
  • The objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of perceiver's fashion involvement, clothing color, and background of object person on image perceptions of clothing, and to examine how clothing color preference vary according to perceiver's fashion involvement. Subjects were 273 college women in the metropolitan area of Seoul. The T-shirt was changed into 11 colors by using the CAD system. Five factors were derived to account for the dimensions of image perception. These were individuality, elegance, femininity, activity, and neatness. Perceiver's fashion involvement gave a significant influence on perception of individuality. Clothing color gave significant influences on 5 image dimensions. White and beige were evaluated neat image. Neatness factor had an interaction effect by fashion involvement and clothing color. The high involvement group evaluated white and beige shirt more neatly, and orange and yellow less neatly than the low involvement group. Individuality and elegance had an interaction effect by fashion involvement and background of object person. The high involvement group liked red, violet, and black shirt more than the low involvement. Refined and becomingness image gave significant influences on clothing color preference in both high and low involvement groups.

Evaluation of Colour Difference Between Cotton Dyed Fabrics and Reflection Print Images Using CAD Systems (CAD 시스템을 이용한 면염직물과 스캐닝 프린트 이미지간의 색차 평가)

  • Kim, Jeong-hwa;Song, Kyung-hern;Baek, Min-sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.1381-1389
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    • 2003
  • 컴퓨터와 첨단영상매체의 발달로 디자인 분야에서도 컴퓨터를 사용하여 색을 자유롭게 선택할 수 있는 그래픽 소프트웨어가 도입되고 있으나 영상정보의 색채 재현성과 영상입출력 장치의 다양화로 인한 색채 불일치에 대한 문제들이 극복해야할 시급한 과제로 부각되고 있다. 따라서, 색채 영상정보 입출력장치의 색채구현 성능과 인간의 색채인지 원리이론을 바탕으로 색보정 알고리즘이 발전하여 색보정 엔진의 개발이 국제적으로 활발히 진행되고 있는 연구 분야임에도 불구하고 국내에서는 그 연구사례가 상대적으로 극히 미비한 실정이며, 더욱이, CAD 시스템을 이용한 패션/텍스타일 디자인 분야에서는 이에 대한 연구가 거의 이루어지지 않고 있다. 본 연구에서는 염색 직물의 색을 CAD시스템을 이용하여 soft-copy로 재현하고 이것을 다시 hard-copy로 출력하여 물리적 측정치와 주관적 색채 인지도간의 일치도를 비교하고, 물리적, 주관적 색차의 한계치를 제시함으로써, 패션/텍스타일 디자인 CAD시스템 운용에 기초가 되는 자료를 제공하려 하였다. 연구의 절차는 객관적 측정과 주관적 평가 두 단계로 나누어 진행되었다 연구에 사용된 직물은 7가지 색상의 면 염직물로써, CAD시스템을 이용하여 각 직물당 5개의 soft-copy를 재현하고, 이것을 다시 hard-copy로 출력하여 spectrophotometer를 이용해 물리적 측정(ΔE, ΔL, Δc, Δh)을 실시하였다. 또한 주관적 평가에는 20명의 의류학 전공 학생들이 참여하였다. 결과 분석에는 분산분석과 Friedman분석이 사용되었다. 연구 결과 색차 측정에 대한 물리적 측정치와 1차 주관적 평가치 사이의 일치도는 90.5%로 나타났으며, 2차 주관적 평가치와의 rank order는 거의 일치하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 주관적 평가에서 피험자들은 색차인지에 있어 CIELAB 색채공간의 각각의 색요소 차이보다는 전체 색차에 더 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다.녹색콩풍뎅이의 유충에 의하여 피해를 받는 것이 확인되었다. 녹색콩풍뎅이 유충의 피해를 받은 금잔디는 황화되거나 시들음 증상이 있었고, 이듬해 봄에는 잔디의 회복이 지연되었다.ic conductivity. The changes of $varepsilon$′ and $varepsilon$" were well estimated with this modified Havriliak-Negami model.05). 상기의 결과를 토대로, 성장과 전어체내 지방산조성에 있어서 뱀장어 치어의 사료내 EPA와 DHA의 첨가효과 미약한 것으로 판단되며, 사료내 LNA (n-3)와 LA(n-6) HUFA을 각각 0.35%, 0.65% 첨가했을 때 WG, SGR, FE, PER이 가장 높았으나, 이전의 실험(Takeuchi, 1980)과 동일한 수준인 n-3와 n-6를 각각 0.5%씩 첨가한 실험구와는 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 이렇게 볼 때, 뱀장어 치어의 필수지방산은 LNA (n-3), LA (n-6)이고, 그 적정수준은 각각 0.35-0.5%, 0.5-0.65%임을 보여준다.George W, Bush)가 새로운 지도자로 취임하여 얼마 되지 않은 2001년 9월 11일 사상 초유로 본토에서 알 카에다 테러리스트 조직에 의해 공격받게 되었다. 뉴욕의 세계무역센터 빌딩 2개가 완전히 붕괴되고, 펜타곤에 민간 여객기가 충돌하여 많은 사람이 살상 당하고, 전체적으로 세계 80여 개국으로부터의 6천여 명이 살상되었다. 전 세계와 미국은 국제 테러리스트들의 야만적 행위에 대해 경악하고 이제 미국은 그 대외정책의 최우선순위를 국제 테러를 발본색원하는 것에 두게 되었다. 본 논문은 1998년 한국에서 새로이 출범한 김대중 행정부가 북한에 대해 실시한 포용정책이 어떠한 성과를 거두고 어떠한 문제점을 간과하고 있는가에 대해 논의하고, 대북 정책의 새로운 지평을 논의하는 것을 목적으로 하고

A Visual Image Perception of Clothing Colors, Color Combinations of Borean Traditional Dress for Woman(Part I) (복식색과 색조합의 이미지 지각(제1보) -여자 저고리, 치마를 중심으로 한 준실험 연구 -)

  • 이혜숙;김재숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.597-606
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    • 1998
  • The purposes of the study were 1) to evaluate the visual image of colored Korean traditional dress for woman 2) to analyze the colors and, color combinations effect on the image perception using gestalt theory. The research method was a quasi-experimental with a between subjects design. The experimental materials developed for the study were a set of stimuli and a response scale. The stimuli was consisted of 17 drawings of females wearing Korean tradinational dress, by using CAD simulation. A response scale consisted of semantic differential scales. The subjects were 1138 undergraduate students of Taejon city, Chungnam province and Chungbuk province. Their responses to the semantic differential scales were analyzed using factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test, 1-test. Results were as follows; 1) The image of the stimulus was consisted of the 4 different dimensions.(sociability, evaluation, visibility, attractiveness) 2) Clothing colors had significant effects on image perception of the evaluation dimension, visibility dimension and attractiveness dimension in the mono-color set. The blue showed the most positive image on the evaluation dimension, and the yellow and the gray showed negative image on the same dimension. The yellow showed the most salient image and the gray showed the least salient image on the visibility dimension. The red showed the most attractive image and the green showed the least attractive image on the attractiveness dimension. 3) In hi-color set stimulus, the perceived image was influenced by color combinations. The yellow blouse-the red skirt set showed the most sociable image on the sociability dimension. The blue blouse-the green skirt set showed the most positive image on the evaluation dimension. The yellow blouse-the red skirt set showed the most salient image and the blue blouse-the green skirt set showed the least salient image on the visibility dimension. And the red blouse-the yellow skirt set showed the most attractive image on the attractiveness dimension. On conclusion the visual image of Korean traditional dress wearer was affected by dress colors and color combinations.

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Embodiment of Firewall Block for Safety in the Cave (동굴 공간의 안전과 방재차단벽)

  • Kim, Bo-Su;Kim, Kang-Won;Kim, Tae-Hwan;Park, Jung-Ho;Lee, Yung-Jae;Soh, Dea-Wha
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.87
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2008
  • The automatic firewall block and fire alarm system was embodied by using gas circuit and wireless communication equipment, using a smoke sensor (ST-QA1A) and RF Module. OR-CAD was also used for testing circuit system and experiment circuit after assembling circuit. As a result in experiment, the gas sensor detected well an imaginary smoke and worked reliably for driving action of firewall block motor and wireless warning alarm. Through the smoke sensitive perception from the fire, the warning alarm and the preventing fire propagation from the specific closed region were verified reliably. The gas sensor and RF module for firewall and fire alarm system were actually available.

Effects of Motif Categories and Colors of Dress on Evaluating Impressions of Dress Wearers - Focusing on Male and Female University Students - (의복의 색과 문양이 의복착용자 인상에 미치는 영향 - 남녀 대학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, So-Ra;Kim, Jae-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.1160-1168
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of motif categories and motif colors on evaluating impressions of dress wearers. The research was conducted on a quasi experimental basis, with subjects numbering 187 male and 207 female college students. Data were collected in the period from march 19th to march 31st, 2007. A set of stimuli of dress wearers and semantic differential scales were developed. The stimuli were thirteen photographs editing by Youngwoo CAD system. Variables included; (a) motif colour(red, blue, achromatic and white) (b) motif categories(flower, paisley, stripes, zebra effect and plain). The semantic differential scale to measure impressions of dress wearer stimuli included 22 sets of hi-polar adjectives. The data were analysed by factor analysis and ANOVA and the major finding were as follows. Four factors emerged to account for dimension of impression. There were salience, attractiveness, comfort and femininity. The motif category effected on the four impression dimensions while the motif color effected on salience, comfort and softness sensory dimensions, and the results supported the gestalt theory of the impression perception.

Sketch-based 3D modeling by aligning outlines of an image

  • Li, Chunxiao;Lee, Hyowon;Zhang, Dongliang;Jiang, Hao
    • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.286-294
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    • 2016
  • In this paper we present an efficient technique for sketch-based 3D modeling using automatically extracted image features. Creating a 3D model often requires a drawing of irregular shapes composed of curved lines as a starting point but it is difficult to hand-draw such lines without introducing awkward bumps and edges along the lines. We propose an automatic alignment of a user's hand-drawn sketch lines to the contour lines of an image, facilitating a considerable level of ease with which the user can carelessly continue sketching while the system intelligently snaps the sketch lines to a background image contour, no longer requiring the strenuous effort and stress of trying to make a perfect line during the modeling task. This interactive technique seamlessly combines the efficiency and perception of the human user with the accuracy of computational power, applied to the domain of 3D modeling where the utmost precision of on-screen drawing has been one of the hurdles of the task hitherto considered a job requiring a highly skilled and careful manipulation by the user. We provide several examples to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the method with which complex shapes were achieved easily and quickly in the interactive outline drawing task.

Influences of luting cement shade on the color of various translucent monolithic zirconia and lithium disilicate ceramics for veneer restorations

  • Ghada Alrabeah;Nawaf Alamro;Atif Alghamdi;Ahmed Almslam;Meshari Azaaqi
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.238-247
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    • 2023
  • PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of resin cement shade on the color of different novel ultratranslucent monolithic zirconia and lithium disilicate veneer materials. MATERIALS AND METHODS. For a total of 40 specimens, flat cylindrical discs with a 9-mm diameter and 0.5-mm thickness were created using CAD/CAM technology. The specimens were divided into five groups according to their material (n = 8) (e.max, Prettau, Aidite, Shofu and Dima) using A1 shade. Resin discs with the same diameter and shade as the specimens served as tooth-colored substructures. Three shades (neutral, light and warm) of resin cement try-in pastes (Variolink Esthetic LC) were used as the luting cement material. The color of each material group was measured before and after cementation using the three cement shades, and the CIE L*a*b* coordinates were obtained with a spectrophotometer. Values for the translucency parameter (TP) and color change delta E (E) before (baseline) and after cementation of each specimen were determined. To compare differences among the material groups within each shade of cement and among various shades of cement within each material, the data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and post hoc testing. RESULTS. Color coordinates L*, a* and b* significantly changed after the application of try-in pastes relative to baseline values, with a noticeable decrease in lightness (L*) (P < .05). A significant color change (ΔE) was observed in all tested materials after cementation, with ΔE values exceeding 3.3 (P < .05). Although TP changed after cementation for most materials tested, these changes were not statistically significant (P > .05). Shofu and Dima ceramics showed the lowest TP values, while Aidite and Prettau showed the highest TP values. For e.max, translucency decreased after cementation with neutral and warm shades, and it significantly increased after cementation with a light shade. CONCLUSION. The shade of cement significantly altered the final color of the ceramic veneer material to a level above the threshold at which the clinical perception of color change occurred (> 3.3). The TP was not influenced by the cement shade. The translucency levels of the novel ultratranslucent multilayer monolithic zirconia ceramics Aidite and Prettau were higher than that of the lithium disilicate e.max material.

A Study on the Document viewer optimized for VR environment (VR 환경에 최적화 된 문서 뷰어에 관한 연구)

  • Joo, Yong-Ho;Kim, Sang-Mok;Cho, Ok-Hue
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 2021
  • Through this study, we intend to study user satisfaction in order to verify whether there is a need for full-scale research, development and commercialization of document viewers in a VR environment. VR content consists of realistic 3D graphics and 360-degree video, and provides a synesthesia experience and immersion. We developed and tested a VR document viewer prototype that can utilize this concept as a document viewing system. It can act as a viewer that provides an interactive viewing environment according to the user's body interaction and the direction of the field of view, and it can be said that the feature of VR document viewer is that it can draw the user's high level of immersion and concentration when using the viewer. The developed prototype was tested in a test group consisting of 100 VR experiences and device owners for about 1 hour and 3 days a day, and then a questionnaire survey in the form of a fixed selection question was conducted. This study is a prototype study of a document viewer suitable for a virtual reality environment, and can lead to a sense of immersion when reading a document, and suggest a new document viewer direction that is effective for visual fatigue and visual perception of the document.