• Title/Summary/Keyword: Perceived Consistency

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Effect of Inconsistency Between Visually Perceived Walking Speed and Physically Perceived Walking Speed on VR Sickness in VR-Treadmill Walking (가상현실-트레드밀 보행에서 시각적 속도감과 보행 속도감의 불일치가 가상현실 멀미에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, InBeom;Park, Jong-Jin;Kim, ShinWoo;Li, Hyung-Chul O.
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2020
  • The inconsistency in different sensory information causes virtual reality (VR) sickness. This research verifies whether the consistent sensory information reduces VR sickness within treadmill-based virtual reality. Furthermore, we examined the inconsistency between the visually perceived walking speed by optical flow in VR and the physically perceived walking speed in treadmill walking on VR sickness. In Experiment 1, participants reported VR sickness levels while experiencing an increase in the virtual reality. We compared the VR sickness level reported on the standing still condition with that on the treadmill-walking condition. Based on our results, less VR sickness and more sense of presence and immersion were reported on the treadmill-walking condition than on the standing still condition. In Experiment 2 and Experiment 3, the effect of inconsistency between perceived visual speed and perceived walking speed on VR sickness was examined. Interestingly, participants reported less sickness when the perceived visual speed was faster than the perceived walking speed, compared to when the sense of speed was consistent. These results imply that allowing participants to walk on a treadmill while experiencing virtual reality reduces VR sickness. Hence, the perceived visual-walking speed consistency is not necessarily required to reduce VR sickness.

Effects of Perceived Similarity between Consumers and Product Reviewers on Consumer Behaviors (상품후기 작성자에 대해 상품후기 독자가 느끼는 유사성이 상품후기 독자에게 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Suh, Eung-Kyo;Suh, Kil-Soo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2008
  • Prior to making choices among online products and services, consumers often search online product reviews written by other consumers. Online product reviews have great influences on consumer behavior because they are believed to be more reliable than information provided by sellers. However, ever-increasing lists of product reviews make it difficult for consumers to find the right information efficiently. A customized search mechanism is a method to provide personalized information which fits the user's requirements. This study examines effects of a customized search mechanism and perceived similarity between consumers and product reviewers on consumer behaviors. More specifically, we address the following research questions: (1) Can a customized search mechanism increase perceived similarity between product review authors and readers? (2) Are product reviews perceived as more credible when product reviews were written by the authors perceived similar to them? (3) Does credibility of product reviews have a positive impact on acceptance of product reviews? (4) Does acceptance of product reviews have an influence on purchase intention of the readers? To examine these research questions, a lab experiment with a between-subject factor (whether a customized search mechanism is provided or not) design was employed. In order to enhance mundane realism and increase generalizability of the findings, the experiment sites were built based on a real online store, cherrya.com (http://www.cherrya.com/). Sixty participants were drawn from a pool that consisted of undergraduate and graduate students in a large university. Participation was voluntary; all the participants received 5,000 won to encourage their motivation and involvement in the experiment tasks. In addition, 15 participants, who selected by a random draw, received 30,000 won to actually purchase the product that he or she decided to buy during the experiment. Of the 60 participants, 25 were male and 35 were female. In examining the homogeneity between the two groups, the results of t-tests revealed no significant difference in gender, age, academic years, online shopping experience, and Internet usage. To test our research model, we completed tests of the measurement models and the structural models using PLS Graph version 3.00. The analysis confirmed individual item reliability, internal consistency, and discriminant validity of measurements. The results show that participants feel more credible when product reviews were written by the authors perceived similar to them, credibility of product reviews have a positive impact on acceptance of product reviews, and acceptance of product reviews have an influence on purchase intention of the readers. However, a customized search mechanism did not increase perceived similarity between product review authors and readers. The results imply that there is an urgent need to develop a better customized search tool in order to increase perceived similarity between product review authors and readers.

Service quality, satisfaction, and behavioral intention in home delivered meals program

  • Joung, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Hak-Seon;Yuan, Jingxue Jessica;Huffman, Lynn
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to evaluate recipients' perception of service quality, satisfaction, and behavioral intention in home delivered meals program in the US. Out of 398 questionnaires, 265 (66.6%) were collected, and 209 questionnaires (52.5%) were used for the statistical analysis. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with a maximum likelihood was first conducted to estimate the measurement model by verifying the underlying structure of constructs. The level of internal consistency in each construct was acceptable, with Cronbach's alpha estimates ranging from 0.7 to 0.94. All of the composite reliabilities of the constructs were over the cutoff value of 0.50, ensuring adequate internal consistency of multiple items for each construct. As a second step, a Meals-On-Wheels (MOW) recipient perception model was estimated. The model's fit as indicated by these indexes was satisfactory and path coefficients were analyzed. Two paths between (1) volunteer issues and behavioral intention and (2) responsiveness and behavioral intention were not significant. The path for predicting a positive relationship between food quality and satisfaction was supported. The results show that having high food quality may create recipient satisfaction. The findings suggest that food quality and responsiveness are significant predictors of positive satisfaction. Moreover, satisfied recipients have positive behavioral intention toward MOW programs.

Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure the Job Satisfaction of Perioperative Nurses (수술실 간호사의 직무 만족도 측정 도구 개발 연구)

  • Yoon, Ke Sook;Park, Sung Ae
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.93-106
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable instrument to explore and measure job satisfaction as perceived by perioperative nurses, specifically from the perspective of contemporary perioperative nursing in Korea. Method: Items (69) were developed from the responses to two open-ended questions by 168 perioperative nurses in one teaching hospital; (a) reasons that make work enjoyable, (b) reasons that make work unpleasant. Finally 55 items were selected, excluding items with lower correlation with the total scale. The instrument was completed by 885 perioperative nurses from 89 different hospitals nationwide who were attending the annual conference of the Korean Association Operating Room Nurses (KAORN), yielding a response rate of 95.6%. Results: Ten factors were extracted by factor analysis, which explained 60.0% of the total variance; Reliability and internal consistency were established (Cronbach's alpha=.95). A smaller sample of 39 perioperative nurses completed the instrument on two occasions, with a 2-week interval between. Mean scores were computed and two sets of scores were analyzed by Weighted Kappa (W-Kappa=0.680, p=.029). Conclusion: This instrument is a concise, highly practical and flexible tool, which can be used for the perioperative nurse in a wide range of hospital settings.

A Study on Factors Affecting the Acceptance of E-Learning Class Using Technology Acceptance Model (기술수용모델을 이용한 사이버강의 수용의 영향요인)

  • Chang, Chung-Moo;Kim, Tae-Ung;Lee, Won-Jun
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2004
  • E-Learning is another way of teaching and learning. E-learning is a networked phenomenon allowing for instant revisions and distribution, and goes beyond training and instruction to the delivery of information and tools to improve performance. The benefits of e-learning are many, including cost-effectiveness, enhanced responsiveness to change, consistency, timely content, flexible accessibility, and providing customer value. The proponents of e-learning stress the importance of using communities of interest to support and enhance the learning process. They also emphasizes that people learn more effectively when they interact and are involved with other people participating in similar endeavors. Although the role of e-learning in higher education has significantly increased, the resistance to new technology by professors and lecturers in university and colleges worldwide remains high. The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of attitude and planned behavior toward e-learning class in universities. A survey methodology was used to investigate a proposed model of influence, and structural equation modeling was used to analyze the results. The hypothesized model was largely supported by this analysis, and the overall results indicate that attitude toward e-learning systems is mostly influenced by the perceived ease of use as well as the level of perceived usefulness, where both factors are influenced by years of experiences in using cyber system and the technical support level. As in other TAM related research, it can be concluded that the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness contribute to the future use of e-learning system.

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A study on Korean collegians' health perception toward Eggs contaminated with pesticide: Will preventive behavioral intention be predicted by perceived susceptibility and severity, trust in government, evaluation of information from government, and subjective knowledge? (한국대학생의 살충제 오염 달걀에 대한 건강인식에 관한 연구: 지각한 민감성과 심각성, 정부에 대한 신뢰성, 정부 출처 정보에 대한 평가 및 주관적 지식이 예방행동의도를 예측하는가?)

  • Joo, Jihyuk
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.355-363
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    • 2018
  • Found pesticide-contaminated eggs in 2017, the situation became a hot issue in many countries in the world as well as Korea. In the context of the pesticide-contaminated egg, this study explored that preventive behavioral intention would be predicted by perceived susceptibility and severity from health belief model, trust in the government and evaluation of information from the government, and subjective knowledge. We found that preventive behavioral intention was explained by perceived severity (${\beta}=.262$, t=3.531, p<0.001), trust in the government (${\beta}=.25$, t=3.281, p<0.001), and evaluation of the information from the government (${\beta}=.226$, t=2.936, p<0.01) through stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. The findings imply the government would administer policy in terms of credibility, accuracy, and consistency for decreasing the public's sense of unease and panic when a similar incident occurs.

The Type of Attachment of e-commerce Users Impact on the Intention to Accept Technology (e-커머스(e-commerce) 이용자의 애착유형이 기술수용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jun-seok;Kim, Seong-jun;Kwon, Do-Soon
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2021
  • The e-commerce industry using mobile or web is growing rapidly, and the emergence of various platform services is causing innovative changes in the e-commerce industry. This study aims to identify the attachment types of e-commerce users and to demonstrate the relationship between the PPerceived Usefulness, and Perceived Ease of Use by TAM. In order to empirically verify the research model of this study, a survey was conducted on ordinary people with experience using e-commerce and path analysis was conducted by using PLS to analyze its Internal consistency, Confirmatory factor analysis, Discriminant validity and Goodness-of-fit verification. As a result, a significant relationship between Perceived Stability, Perceived Usefulness, and Perceived Ease of Use was identified, could verify the association with the TAM and Acceptance Intention.

The Effect of Influencer's Characteristics and Contnets Quality on Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention: Trust and Self-congruity as a Mediator (소셜미디어 인플루언서의 개인특성과 콘텐츠 특성이 브랜드 태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 신뢰와 자아일치성을 매개로)

  • Lee, Myung Jin;Lee, Sang Won
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.159-175
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    • 2021
  • This study attempted to analyze the relationship between influencer's characteristic factors such as professionalism, authenticity, and interactivity and content quality factors consisting of accuracy, completeness, and diversity on brand attitude and purchase attitude through trust and self-consistency. To reveal the structural relationship between main variables, a survey was conducted on 201 users. An EFA, CFA, and reliability analysis were performed to confirm reliability and validity. And structural equation was conducted to verify hypothesis. The main results are as follows. First, it was found that professionalism and interactivity had a significant positive effect on trust. And, accuracy, completeness, and variety were all found to have a significant positive effect on trust. Second, in the relationship between individual characteristic factors and self-consistency, it was found that professionalism and authenticity had a significant positive effect on self-consistency. In addition, in the relationship between content quality and self-consistency, accuracy, completeness, and diversity were found to have a positive effect on self-consistency along with trust. Third, in the relationship between trust and self-consistency on brand attitude and purchase intention, both trust and self-consistency were found to have a statistically significant positive effect on brand attitude. It was found that only self-consistency and brand attitude had a statistically significant positive effect on purchase intention. These findings showed that when users perceive professionalism and interaction with influencer, trust increases, and professionalism and progress increase self-consistency with influencer. In addition, in the case of content quality, it was found that trust and self-consistency responded positively when perceived content quality through content accuracy, completeness, and diversity. Also, trust and self-consistency increased attitudes toward brands and could influence consumption behavior such as purchase intention. Therefore, for effective marketing performance using influencer's influence in the field of influencer marketing, which has a strong information delivery on products and brands, not only personal characteristics such as professionalism, authenticity, and interactivity, but also quality of content should be considered. The above research results are expected to suggest implications for marketing strategies and practices as one available basic data to exert the expected effect of marketing using influencer.

Relationships among Perceived Life Stress, Self-esteem and Depression in Middle-Aged Women (중년여성의 지각된 생활 스트레스와 자아존중감 및 우울의 관계)

  • Park, Geum-Ja;Lee, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Mi-Ok;Bang, Boo-Kyeong;Youn, Su-Jung;Choi, Eun-Ju
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.354-362
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    • 2002
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to examine the relationships among perceived life stress, self-esteem, and depression in middle-aged women. Methods: Data were collected from March 30 to May 25, 2000. The study subjects were 123 middle-aged women living in Pusan. The instruments used for this study were the Perceived Life Stress scale developed by Lee (1984), based on the original scale designed by Yu, et al. (1994), Self-esteem scale developed by Rho, et al. (1997), and the Depression scale developed by Ahn (1988). For data analysis, the SPSS PC+ was utilized, by which frequency and percentage, mean and standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Sheffe's test and Pearson's correlation coefficients were examined. The reliability of the instruments were tested by Cronbach's $\alpha$, showing the internal consistency of 0.7328 for the self-esteem scale. and 0.8987 for the depression scale. Results: 1) The results showed a relatively low perceived life stress score in the middle-aged women with a mean and standard deviation of 363.18 and 72.92 (range: .00 - 1877.38). 2) The results showed a relatively high self-esteem score in the middle-aged women with a mean and standard deviation of 29.77 and 5.06 (range: 10 - 40). 3) The results showed a relatively high depression score in the middle-aged women with a mean and standard deviation of 39.46 and 9.38 (range: 0 - 61). 4) There were no statistically significant differences in perceived life stress by demographic related factors. 5) There were statistically significant differences in self-esteem by health status (F=8.930, p= .000) and economic status (t=4.792, p= .010). 6) There were statistically significant differences in depression by age (F=3.770, p= .0261). education (F=4.850, p= .003) and regularity of menstrual cycle (F=13.180, p= .000). 7) There was no statistically significant correlation between perceived life stress, and self-esteem in the middle-aged women (r=-.077, p= .399). 8) There was no significant correlation between perceived life stress. and depression in the middle-aged women (r= .010, p= .916). 9) There was a significant negative correlation between self-esteem, and depression in the middle-aged women (r=- .359, p= .000). Conclusion: Higher self-esteem was related to a lower depression status. Therefore, it is necessary to elevate the level of self-esteem in order to reduce the level of depression in middle-aged Korean women.

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Wine Gustative Assessment Gap Analysis of College Student Wine Consumers and Wine Experts (대학생 와인소비자와 와인전문가의 와인 미각 평가 차이 분석)

  • Do, Hyun-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.364-372
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    • 2016
  • This study was to evaluate the taste of the wine assessment gap analysis to compare the taste of the wine intended for college student wine consumers and wine experts. Research analysis was carried out frequency analysis to the strength of the wine taste a difference in the intensity of the consistency review and wine for the wine flavor between the two groups. According to result, red wine, bitter and salty taste was perceived higher. For white wines are perceived sweetness of wine was sour and higher consumer groups. Body was found that wine experts perceive higher. The Second difficulty is when college student wine consumers selected wine got another show to the lack of information, lack of expertise, price, taste, the combination of food. Another wine on difficult points during the wine expert wine recommendations wine selection, price, prejudices then guest it showed a preference and communication, considering that the customer's budget, customer preferences, taste and aroma, the combination of the food and the customer response was configured. Although the criteria have different tastes for wine through college student wine consumers if future studies presented by symbolic reference to the wine tasting, can be self-objectification of subjective criteria subjective wine experts are wine consumers to take advantage of these data.