• Title/Summary/Keyword: Patterns of care

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An Investigation of Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Medical Use in Juvenile and Adolescents : Using Korea Health Panel Data (2015) (아동과 청소년의 인구사회학적 특성 및 의료이용 연구: 2015년 한국의료패널 자료를 이용하여)

  • Moon, Jonghoon;Park, Kyoungyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2019
  • Purpose : The aim of this study was to investigate patterns of medical use among juveniles and adolescents, including for chronic disease, in Korea. The study sought to do the following: (a) investigate the extent to which chronic diseases account for medical expenditures, (b) investigate and the socio-demographic characteristics associated with medical use, and (c) identify the differences in medical use between juveniles and adolescents. Methods : We used data from the 2015 Korean Health Panel and selected 12 variables. The socio-demographic characteristics investigated included, growth period (juvenile, adolescents), gender, family income, national basic livelihood act status, disability registration, and degree of disability. There were five medical factors that were considered: emergency room use, hospitalization use, hospital outpatient use, chronic disease, and medical expenditure. Data were analyzed using stepwise multiple and logistic regression. Results : The prevalence of chronic disability in juveniles and adolescents was 31.1 % and 1 %, respectively. The factors affecting medical expenditures included hospitalization use, hospital outpatient use, family income, disability, gender, chronic disease, and emergency room use ($R^2=.160$, p<.05). For national basic livelihood act recipients, the probability of having chronic disease was about 1.6 times higher (OR=1.597, 95 % CI=1.092-2.335, p=.016), compared with non-national basic livelihood act recipients. People with disabilities were 6.6 times more likely than those without disabilities to suffer from chronic disease (OR =6.571, 95 % CI=2.776-15.556, p<.001). Hospital outpatient user was 2.3 times higher than non-user (OR=2.260, 95 % CI=1.702-3.001, p<.001). Juveniles had a 1.7 times and 6.2 times higher likelihood of emergency rooms user (OR=1.654, 95 % CI=1.270-2.155, p<.001), and hospital outpatient user than adolescents (OR=6.208, 95 % CI=4.443-8.676, p<.001). Conclusion : The findings of this study suggest that health care services for juveniles is needed to manage chronic diseases that have an effect on medical expenditures.

Macrobenthos Assemblages on the Rocky Shores of Wando and Jodo islands in Dadohaehaesang National Park in Summer (다도해해상국립공원 완도·조도 암반조간대 하계에 출현한 대형저서무척추동물)

  • Lee, Changil;Yang, Sehee;Gang, Sunhwa;Seo, Chonghyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.843-852
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    • 2022
  • To determine the composition of benthic species on the southwest coast, a macrobenthos study was conducted at 18 sites on the islands of Wando and Jodo for seven summers (2014-2021) from June to September. Two hundred and twenty species(645 ind./m2) were collected on the rocky shores of Wando and Jodo. A similar number of species was observed in Wando (165 species) and Jodo (167 species). The mean density was higher in Wando (726 ind./m2) than in Jodo (564 ind./m2). The number of species was the highest at Site 15 (116 species), and the density was highest at Site 7 (1,664 ind/m2). The dominant species were Nodilittorina radiata with 175 ind./m2 (27.1%), Littorina brevicula with 97 ind./m2 (15.1%), and Heminerita japonica with 41 ind./m2 (6.3%). The climate change indicator species, Tetraclita japonca, appeared in 15 sites, and the endemic species, Ptilohyale bisaeta, appeared in some sites. Fusinus spectrum, which appears on the Red List as a Near Threatened (NT) species, the lowest level of extinction risk, appeared in Jodo. The macrobenthos of Wando and Jodo demonstrated the general characteristics of rocky shores in Korea. Based on the tides and substrate, the rocky shores revealed a vertical distribution trend where Nodilittorina radiata, Littorina brevicula, Chthamalus challengeri, and Reishia clavigera were dominant. Wando and Jodo exhibited similar habitat distribution patterns.

Diagnosis-Specific Analysis of Small Area Variations in Hospital Services (일부 다빈도 진단명들의 지역간 의료이용 변이)

  • 이선희;조우현;남정모;김석일
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.49-76
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    • 1994
  • Small area variations in health care utilization have long been studied as an important issue related to boto cost containment and quality assurance. This study was conducted to investigate if variations in hospital services across small geographic areas in Korea existed. The claims data of the fiscal year 1992 obtained from the regional health insurance societies were used for the study. Main findings of the research can be summarized as follows : 1. Extremal Quotients(EQ) of hospital expenditure per capita and hospital days per capita varied among diagnosis types. The EQ ranged from 2.05(cataract) to 41.67(pneumonia) in hospital expenditure per capita and from 1.86(cataract) to 45.89(pneumonia) in hospital days per capita. The diagnosis groups which showed high variation were pneumonia, cephalo-pelvic disproportion, gastritis and duodenitis, fracture of rib, and acute bronchitis. Those which showed low variation were acute appendicitis and cataract. 2. The EQ level of admission rate was different in terms of diagnosis types, ranging from 2.57(catarct) to 44.45(pneumonia). The variations were high in medical disorders such as pneumonia, oephalo-pelvic disproportion, gastritis and duodenitis and acute bronchitis, while relatively low in surgical conditions such as acute appendicitis and cataract. 3. As an indicator of service intensity, the EQ of expenditure per admission ranged from 1.67(acute appendicitis) to 31.27(essential hypertension). The diagnoses which had high variation were essential hypertension, gastric ulcer, whereas those which had low variation were cephalopelvic disproportion and acute appendicitis. With regard to hospital days per admission, the EQ ranged from 1.55(acute appendicitis) to 28.13(gastric ulcer) by diagnosis types. The diagnosis groups with showed high variation were gastric ulcer, essential hypertension, and acute bronchitis, whereas those with low variation were cephalo-pelvic disproportion, intervertebral disc disorders, and acute appendicitis. Both the expenditure and hospital days per admission showed lewwer variations than the expenditure per capita, hospital days per capita and admission rate. 4. Comparing patterns of variation in utilization indices, diagnoses such as essential hypertension, gastric ulcer, fracture of rib showed higher variations in expenditure per admission than in admission rates, whereas diagnoses such as pneumonia, cephalo-pelvic disproportion and gastric ulcer showed higher variations in admission rate than expenditure per admission. These findings suggest that wide variations existed in several diagnoses groups across small areas in Korea. Further research should be performed to investigate factors related to small area variations including provider behavior.

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Factors influencing the intent to return to practice (work) of inactive RNs (유휴간호사 재취업 의향에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Hwang, Nami;Jang, Insun;Park, Eunjun
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.791-801
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to examine factors affecting the intent of re-employment of inactive registered nurses. This study presents a secondary analysis of data collected in 'Nurse Turnover On-line Survey' by Korean Nurses Association and Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs in 2014. The analysis shows that 70.9% of inactive RNs has an intent to return to practice, and most of them preferred 'flexible working options' (47.8%) or 'fixed day shifts' (43.3%) as a work pattern. Main reasons for resigning from their last job have been found to be 'high work intensity' (18.8%) and 'difficulties of night shifts' (16.7%). Inactive married RNs who have working histories in a general hospital or a long-term care hospital or have preferences for traditional shift works showed a stronger intent to return to practice than their reference group. Our study shows that, for inactive RNs to return to practice, it is recommendable to adopt various non-traditional working patterns, to make a staffing distribution considering the labor intensity and to develop education programs designed to increase RNs' professional satisfaction.

Analysis of Multi-Cultural Education Contents of 'Human Development and Family' Area of Middle School Technology-Home Economics Textbooks in Accordance with the 2015 Revised Curriculum (2015 개정 교육과정 중학교 기술·가정 교과서 '인간발달과 가족' 영역에 반영된 다문화교육 내용 분석)

  • Lee, Seong Min;Yu, Nan Sook
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.79-94
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this research study was to examine how multi-cultural education contents are reflected in the contents related to the 'Human Development and Family' area of middle school Technology-Home Economics textbooks, based on the multi-cultural education criteria developed by Paek(2014). The sample of the study consisted of the 'Human Development and Family' contents in 'Technology-Home Economics 1·2' textbooks from five publishers (10 volumes) written in accordance with the 2015 revised curriculum. The research results of the study can be summarized as follows: First, all the four multi-cultural education criterion components were shown in the textbooks from five publishers. Cooperation was shown in the highest frequency, followed by Identity, Diversity, and Equality. Second, the analyses of text, image, and learning activities in the textbooks confirmed that Home Economics as a subject contains multi-cultural education contents that allow students to establish self and identity, respect others, accept diverse family patterns, understand family changes from multiple viewpoints, and form family community culture from gender equality perspective without prejudice. Ultimately, it can be concluded that Home Economics is a subject that enables learners to learn how individuals and families can cooperate and care for each other in order to harmoniously coexist.

A Longitudinal Exploratory Study on Change Research Trends and Patterns of Children's Problem Behaviors for Their Temperament and Parenting Behaviors -Focured on the Category and Content Analysis of Chronological Problem Behaviors from 1970 to 2015- (유아의 기질과 부모의 양육 행동 관련 유아의 문제행동 변화 연구 추이 및 유형에 대한 종단적 탐색 연구 -1970~2015년까지의 연대별 문제행동 범주와 내용분석을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Joeng Kyoum;Kang, Young-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.6722-6742
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    • 2015
  • This study is intended to look for implications through longitudinal exploratory research on the change of children's problem behaviors for their temperament and parenting behaviors. The results are as follows. The factors influencing children's problem behaviors rose to 62 factors between 1990 and 2000, and 93 factors between 2000 and 2010 from total 41 factors between 1970 and 1990, which they were more than doubled after the 2000s compared with the earlier studies, subdividing children's problem behaviors. The proportion of the factors influencing children's problem behaviors showed that parents' moral thinking had the highest, and their negative thinking or emotion for children were higher than their moral thinking, which their problem behaviors were more greatly affected by parenting attitudes toward them than their own temperament or attitudes. The earlier studies were more likely to find the cause of children's problem behaviors for looking into the factors and causes influencing children's problem behaviors in terms of children's personal mental health, but there was more proportion of social environment, peer and teacher relationship while soaring family, relationship, home environment and child care center environment factors as well as children's personal factors after the 2000s. Consequently, the alternative resources or the environments of the times should be applied in other ways.

Pattern Making Method and Design of Power Shoulder Jackets (파워 숄더 재킷의 디자인 및 패턴전개 방법)

  • Park, Sanghee;Lee, Eunhae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2013
  • Power shoulder look is most noticeable trend in women's wear in the 09/10 season. Specially jackets with sharper angle and wider shoulder became the best item since then, and were chosen for must-have item by fashion directors. Jacket occupied 50% in power shoulder items. Its shoulder angle was from 0 to 30 degree but items with 15 degree stood out among them. There are three methods to make power shoulder look jackets; shoulder extension method with moving shoulder tip up and sleeve cap height, method of extension and cutting sleeve cap with shorten shoulder length, and method of extension and moving shoulder tip up in the sleeve with shoulder line like raglan sleeve. As a result, shoulder angle is higher, starting point of shoulder line is closer to side neck point and shoulder point is extender to outside for appearance and fit. In shoulder extension method, the arm hole line was drawn with care by matching joining shoulder seam and setting the sleeve into the arm hole. In sleeve cap transformation, it is desired that starting point shoulder angle is moved closely to side neck point. In case of the sleeve with shoulder line, it needs to consider enough ease of shoulder and upper arm. For making patterns of power shoulder look jacket, it need to consider arm hole line, shoulder length, shoulder point position, sleeve cap height and sleeve width with interpretation design facts. In this study, through the analysis clothing construction method of power shoulder jacket, it is of help to pattern making for various power shoulder design items.

A Case Study on the Restoration to Designated State Based on the Scientific Analysis of Gold Threads of Gwanghwadang-Wonsam (광화당 원삼의 금사 분석과 원형복원 사례)

  • An, Boyeon;Lee, Ryangmi;Lee, Jangjon
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.144-153
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    • 2021
  • Gwanghwadang-Wonsam was designated as National Folklore Cultural Heritage No. 52 in 1979, it is in good condition. However, a problem is the attached a phoenix insignia badge that did not exist when it was designated recently. As it became known as the only purple Wonsam artifact with "phoenix insignia", raising the need for its conservation. In this regard, scientific analysis was required to correct misinformation about designated cultural assets and restore the original designated state by analyzing the history of the Gwanghwadang-Wonsam, other relics of the phoenix insignia and its making design patterns. An X-ray fluorescence analysis was used to confirm that the Phoenix insignia's metal threads were titanium-plated silver. Phoenix insignia using titanium-plated gold thread was not identified in Gwanghwadang-Wonsam photographs in 1986, and the TiN-type membrane plating method was used in various industries in the 1990s, which can be estimated to be attached in the early and mid-1990s. Especially, the scientific analysis results from the X-ray fluorescence analysis in this study provide key evidence for conservation processing. This study demonstrates the importance of investigating relics and similar artifacts in the conservation process of inherited relics and as a precedent for restoration that corrects misinformation about designated cultural properties.

A Network Analysis of Multicultural Education Contents according to Transitions of National Kindergarten Curriculum: 2009 Educational Activities and Materials Guidebooks for Kindergarten and the Nuri Curriculum Teacher Guidebooks for the Age of 3-5 (교육과정 변화에 따른 유아다문화교육 내용의 연결망 비교 분석: 2009 유치원 교육활동 지도서와 3-5세 누리과정 교사용 지도서를 중심으로)

  • Nam, Mi Kyoung;Yoon, Gab Jung
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.189-210
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    • 2015
  • This study's aim was to find a patterns of network dynamics focused on multicultural education contents within the teacher's guide books which are based on national kindergarten curriculum. It was analysed that the 43 guidebooks(2009 Educational activities and materials guidebooks for kindergarten, 11 and the Nuri curriculum teacher guidebooks for the age of 3-5, 32) were analysed using the UCINET 6 program with multicultural education contents frameworks. The findings were as follows: First, multicultural contents' density is connected to life theme of the Nuri curriculum was higher than the 2009 kindergarten curriculum. And life theme with high connectivity was 'I and my family' in the 2009 kindergarten curriculum and 'animals, plants and nature'(3 years old), 'kindergarten and friends' & 'I and my family'(4-5 years old) in the Nuri curriculum. Second, the highest connection content was 'having interests in culture' & 'knowing similarities and differences' in the 2009 kindergarten curriculum, and 'having interests in culture' & 'promoting a sense of community' in the Nuri curriculum. Finally, multicultural education for young children according to the national educational curriculum transition was changed from 'identity' to 'interaction and cooperation'. It means that the Nuri curriculum is more focused on international knowledges and competencies as a world citizen. It suggests the directions for multicultural education for young children in the future.

Factors Related to Smartphone Dependence among Adults in Their 20s (20대 성인의 스마트폰 의존 관련 요인)

  • Park, Jeong-Hye
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.195-204
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to explore factors associated with smartphone dependence among adults in their 20s. The data were derived from the 2017 Survey on Smartphone Over-dependence conducted by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the National Information Society Agency. There were 3,684 participants. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and weighted hierarchical multiple regression analysis. For the results, factors related with higher smartphone dependence of participants were duration (β=.18, p=.000) and frequency (β=.04, p=.000) of usage, gaming (β=.15, p=.000), watching videos (β=.09, p=.000), mobile shopping (β=.05, p=.000), working (β=.05, p=.010), e-mailing (β=.13, p=.000), and sports betting (β=.07, p=.000). Music (β=-.07, p=.000) and adult content (β=-.07, p=.000) significantly reduced their smartphone dependence. SNS (Social Networking Services) (β=.01, p=.358) and instant messengers (β=-.02, p=.330) were not factors related to smartphone dependence. However, instant messengers were the most used by participants and had a strong correlation with working (r=.55, p=.000). This study shows that smartphone usage patterns related with smartphone dependence among adults in their 20s are different from those of children and adolescents. These results could be used to more deeply understand smartphone dependence among adults in their 20s and plan early detection and prevention and care of dependence.