• Title/Summary/Keyword: Patient satisfaction level

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Does Market Competition Reduce Hospital Charges & LOS for the Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Disease?: A Two-point Cross Sectional Study (병원시장 경쟁이 퇴행성 요추질환 환자의 진료비 및 재원일수에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Joo Eun;Park, Eun-Cheol;Lee, Sang Gyu;Kim, Tae Hyun
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.33-49
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    • 2017
  • Background: Health care utilizations and costs of the patients with degenerative lumbar spine disease in Korea increased dramatically. We analyzed whether hospital market competition is associated with charges and length of stay for patients with degenerative lumbar spine disease. Methods: We used Medical claims data of 2002 and 2010 from the nationwide representative sample of National Health Insurance Service of Korea. The study subjects were inpatients with degenerative lumbar spine disease (N=24,768) in 2002 and 2010. We employed a multilevel linear mixed model that included patient- and hospital-level variables in hierarchical data. Results: Higher hospital competition was associated with lower charges (${\beta}=57.5$, p<.0001 in 2002; ${\beta}=353.7$, p<.0001 in 2010) and shorter length of stay (${\beta}=0.3$, p<.0001 in 2002; ${\beta}=0.9$, p<.0001 in 2010) in both 2002 and 2010. Compared to 2002, the magnitude of such association became greater in 2010. However, subgroup analyses show that the influence of competition on charges and length of stay differed by hospital size. Conclusions: This study showed that hospital market structure (e.g., hospital competition) affects hospital efficiency (i.e., hospital charges and length of stay). It is necessary to continue to monitor how changing market structure influences hospital outcomes, including more detailed outcomes such as patient satisfaction.

Comparison between Subjective and Actigraphic Measurement of Sleep in Psychiatric Inpatients (주관적 수면평가와 활동기록기를 이용한 수면평가의 비교 - 정신과입원환자를 대상으로 -)

  • Jeong, Hyun-Ghang;Lee, Moon-Soo;Ko, Yong-Hoon;Lim, Se-Won;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Jung, In-Kwa;Joe, Sook-Haeng
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2010
  • Objectives:Assessment of sleep disturbance is an essential part of the diagnostic criteria used for several psychiatric disorders. Change in sleep patterns over time may indicate response to treatment. In clinical practice, sleep is usually evaluated subjectively by patient self-report. This study was aimed to compare subjective sleep assessment with objective sleep measurement by actigraphy in psychiatric inpatients. Methods:A total of 32 psychiatric inpatients were studied. Patients were asked to wear a wrist actigraphy for three consecutive days and nights and to fill out a sleep log each morning. The severity of depression and anxiety was evaluated according to Beck Depression Inventory and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory on the first day of the study. The subjective level of satisfaction with quality of sleep was also evaluated according to visual analog scale. Nurses assessed sleep at one hour interval between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM for three consecutive nights. Results:There was statistically significant difference of sleep latency between patient's sleep log and acti-graphic measurement. Nursing reports were more consistent with actigraphic measurement than sleep log. Interestingly, subjectively poor sleepers show no significant difference in sleep parameters compared with those of good sleepers. Subjectively poor sleepers report longer sleep latency than that of actigraphic assessment. The discrepancy between subjective and objective assessment of sleep latency was significantly correlated with scores of Beck Depression Inventory and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Conclusion:These results show that there are discrepancies between subjective and objective assessment of sleep. The discrepancy of sleep assessment could be influenced by severe depression and anxiety. Especially objective sleep measurement is needed to assess sleep in psychiatric inpatients with severe depression or anxiety and the subjectively poor sleepers for more reliable measurements.

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Safety and efficacy of target controlled infusion administration of propofol and remifentanil for moderate sedation in non-hospital dental practice

  • Douglas Lobb;Masoud MiriMoghaddam;Don Macalister;David Chrisp;Graham Shaw;Hollis Lai
    • Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2023
  • Background: Fearful and anxious patients who find dental treatment intolerable without sedative and analgesic support may benefit from moderate sedation. Target controlled infusion (TCI) pumps are superior to bolus injection in maintaining low plasma and effect-site concentration variability, resulting in stable, steady-state drug concentrations. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of moderate sedation with remifentanil and propofol using TCI pumps in non-hospital dental settings. Methods: A prospective chart review was conducted on 101 patients sedated with propofol and remifentanil using TCI pumps. The charts were completed at two oral surgeons and one general dentist's office over 6 months. Hypoxia, hypotension, bradycardia, and over-sedation were considered adverse events and were collected using Tracking and Reporting Outcomes of Procedural Sedation (TROOPS). Furthermore, patient recovery time, sedation length, drug dose, and patient satisfaction questionnaires were used to measure sedation effectiveness. Results: Of the 101 reviewed sedation charts, 54 were of men, and 47 were of women. The mean age of the patients was 40.5 ±18.7 years, and their mean BMI was 25.6 ± 4.4. The patients did not experience hypoxia, bradycardia, and hypotension during the 4694 min of sedation. The average minimum Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and heartbeats were 75.1 mmHg and 60.4 bpm, respectively. 98% of patients agreed that the sedation technique met their needs in reducing their anxiety, and 99% agreed that they were satisfied with the sedation 24 hours later. The average sedation time was 46.9 ± 55.6 min, and the average recovery time was 12.4 ± 4.4 min. Remifentanil and propofol had mean initial effect-site concentration doses of 0.96 µ/.ml and 1.0 ng/ml respectively. The overall total amount of drug administered was significantly higher in longer sedation procedures compared to shorter ones, while the infusion rate decreased as the procedural stimulus decreased. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, no patients experienced adverse events during sedation, and all patients were kept at a moderate sedation level for a wide range of sedation times and differing procedures. The results showed that TCI pumps are safe and effective for administering propofol and remifentanil for moderate sedation in dentistry.

A Study of variables Related to Nursing Productivity (간호생산성에 관한 연구: 관련변수의 검증을 중심으로)

  • 박광옥
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.584-596
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    • 1994
  • The objective of the study is to explore the relationships between the variables of nursing productivity on the framework of system del in the tertiary university based care hospital in Korea. Productivity is basically defined as the relation-ship between inputs and outputs. Under the proposition that the nursing unit is a system that produces nursing care output using personal and material resources through the nursing intervention and nursing care management. And this major conception of nursing productivity system comproises input, process and output and feed-back. These categorized variables are essential parts to produce desirable and meaningful out-put. While nursing personnel from head nurse to staff nurses cooperate with each other, the head nurse directs her subordinates to achieve the goal of nursing care unit. In this procedure, the head nurse uses the leadership of authority and benevolence. Meantime nursing productivity will be greatly influenced by environment and surrounding organizational structures, and by also the operational objectives, the policy and standards of procedures. For the study of nursing productivity one sample hospital with 15 general nursing care units was selected. Research data were collected for 3 weeks from May 31 to June 20 in 1993. Input variables were measured in terms of both the served and the server. And patient classification scores were measured drily by degree of nursing care needs that indicated patent case-mix. And also nurses' educational period for profession and clinical experience and the score of nurses' personality were measured as producer input variables by the questionnaires. The process varialbes act necessarily on leading input resources and result in desirable nursing outputs. Thus the head nurse's leadership perceived by her followers is defined as process variable. The output variables were defined as length of stay, average nursing care hours per patient a day the score of quality of nursing care, the score of patient satisfaction, the score of nurse's job satis-faction. The nursing unit was the basis of analysis, and various statistical analyses were used : Reliability analysis(Cronbach's alpha) for 5 measurement tools and Pearson-correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and canonical correlation analysis for the test of the relationship among the variables. The results were as follows : 1. Significant positive relationship between the score of patient classification and length of stay was found(r=.6095, p.008). 2. Regression coefficient between the score of patient classification and length of stay was significant (β=.6245, p=.0128), and variance explained was 39%. 3. Significant positive relationship between nurses’ educational period and length of stay was found(r=-.4546, p=.044). 5. Regression coefficient between nurses' educational period and the score of quality of nursing care was significant (β=.5600, p=.029), and variance explained was 31.4%. 6. Significant positive relationship between the score of head nurse's leadership of authoritic characteristics and the length of stay was found (r=.5869, p=.011). 7. Significant negative relationship between the score of head nurse's leadership of benevolent characteristics and average nursing care hours was found(r=-.4578, p=.043). 8. Regression coefficient between the score of head nurse's leadership of benevolent characteristics and average nursing care hours was significant(β=-.6912, p=.0043), variance explained was 47.8%. 9. Significant positive relationship between the score of the head nurse's leadership of benevolent characteristics and the score of nurses' job satis-faction was found(r=.4499, p=050). 10. A significant canonical correlation was found between the group of the independent variables consisted of the score of the nurses' personality, the score of the head nurse's leadership of authoritic characteristics and the group of the dependent variables consisted of the length of stay, average nursing care hours(Rc²=.4771, p=.041). Through these results, the assumed relationships between input variables, process variable, output variables were partly supported. In addition it is also considered necessary that-further study on the relationships between nurses' personality and nurses' educational period, between nurses' clinical experience including skill level and output variables in many research samples should be made.

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A Study on Image of the Nurse (간호사 이미지에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Ja;Kim, Hyeon-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2001
  • An image exists in the thought of every subjective person and it exercises its influence over everything, having a great power in the real world. An positive image of the nurse has an influence on her faith, value and confidence, therefore increasing her job satisfaction, helping to upgrade her level of profession of nursing through qualitative nursing service as a result, considering the necessity of such an image when it comes to improvement of the profession, the confirmation of the image is indispensable to its evaluation of a speciality in nursing. This study is intended to help that improvement of the nursing profession in the present so that the total effort in every field of nursing is made and to offer basic material for developing a strategy to improve the image of nurses. This study is designed to investigate such an image descriptively. The subjects include 105 nurses, 60 doctors, 68 office workers, 88 medical engineers, 127 patients and there protectors with a total of 448 adapted with accidental sampling, who work at Y and W general hospital in Chonju. The measuring instrument consists of 40 question, with the researcher amended and made from on of Inja Song(1993), Donsoon Lee(1995), Ilsim yang(1998), and its Cronbach's alpha coefficient is .95. Data were collected from March 1 2000 to March 20, 2000 using self-reported questionnairs, analyzed with SPSS WIN 7.5 after encoding. The results are as follows: 1. Most of the subjects thinks the nursing as a hard, stressful, always busy job(more than 75%), and consider nurses as good-looking, supportive and responsible to co-workers to above average degree($50.0{\sim}74.9%$), especially it shows the idea that nursing is independently academic job and has come to fasten itself upon the public. But it shows below the everage($25.0%{\sim}49.9%$) in regard to self development as a specialist, affection for there job, an association activity, service to the community, high intelligence level and direct given patient nursing service. It also rated low as a recommendable job, independently nursing accomplishment, social position. 2. The nurses, patients and there protectors expressed more positive opinions than doctors, medical engineers, office workers about the image of the nurse(F=18.80, p=.00). This fact indicates that the former group evaluated the image similarly contrary to lowness of the latter. 3. In the study on what influenced upon the image, it defines to 79.8% by direct contact in the hospital or acquaintance with nurses, and 16.3% by mass media. 67.3% answered that they saw the image in a new light through hospitalization, which suggests an important source for the image management originates from caring for the quality of nursing service. Considering the evaluation of the image above, we need strategies to lead a unique professional knowledge and technological development, insurance of professional self-determination, high social position, participation in group activities, dedication to lifetime job, in order that nursing comes to expand as a professional occupation. Also, as for generating more positive images, we must take the quality of nursing service into account and offer and monitor correct information about the expanded role and function of the nurse continuously so that mass media reflect a more accurate image of nurses in general.

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Characteristics of Patients' Self-Perceived Health in Traditional Korean Medical Facilities - Based on the Ministry of Health and Welfares Report on Usage and Consumption of Korean Medicine in 2011 - (주관적 건강인식수준에 따른 한방의료기관 이용환자의 특성 비교 - 2011년 한방의료이용 및 한약소비실태조사(보건복지부)를 중심으로 -)

  • Sung, Angela Dongmin;Choi, Sungyong;Park, Haemo;Kim, Hyundo;Lee, Sungdong
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2015
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to identify characteristics of patients' self-perceived health in traditional Korean medical facilities. Method : This research was conducted based on the survey on patients whom have visited traditional Korean medical facilities in 2011 by the Ministry of Health and Welfares and Korean Institute for Health and Social Affairs. Using a sample of 3,931 (1,180 male and 2,751 female) outpatients' self-perceived health based on the data from usage and consumption of Korean Medicine. 'Healthy', 'Fair', and 'Poor Health' were used to measure patients' self-perceived health status. The data was analyzed by frequency, t-test, cross correlation analysis and multiple logistics regression analysis using the SPSS program package. Results : Sex(P<0.001), age(P<0.001), marital status(P<0.001), education(P<0.001), employment status(P<0.001), occupation(P<0.001), health insurance(P<0.001) and income level(P<0.0001) showed statistical significance. Main Treatment Facilities(P<0.001), experience of taking Korean medicine(P=0.032), experience of receiving acupuncture treatment(P<0.001), number of visits(P<0.001), medical expense (P=0.005), and subjective health status after the treatments showed statistical significance for Korean herbal medicine(P=0.038), acupuncture (P=0.001), cupping therapy(P=0.006), oriental physiotherapy(P=0.003), and treatment satisfaction(P<0.001). For subjective health status based on suffering disorders in the past three months, the response of poor health was higher in the group suffering recent illnesses. Statistical significance was seen in hypertension (P=0.002), arthritis(P<0.001), lumbar pain(P<0.001), diabetes mellitus(P=0.001), stroke(P<0.001), hwa-byung (P=0.001), gastric disorders(P=0.021), common cold(P<0.001), ankle sprain(P<0.001), muscular injury(P<0.001), lumbar sprain(p=0.009) and fracture(P=0.03). Also the number of diseases during the past three months showed statistical significance(P<0.001). Statistical significance was also seen in Level of knowledge(P<0.001), route of information(P<0.001), reliability of Korean medicine(P=0.003), insurance coverage(P=0.005), medical costs(P<0.001), and future willingness to use Korean medicine(P<0.001). As a result of the multiple logistics regression analysis, risks of subjective poor health statistically increased in female population, elderlies, medicaid beneficiaries, less educated, higher medical expense, and more disorders during the past three months. Conclusion : Patients' self-perceived health status has significant differences with each variables such as sex, age, marital status, education, health insurance, medical expense, number of diseases.

The Development and Evaluation of Web-based Education Program for Lung Cancer Patient (폐암환자를 위한 웹기반 교육프로그램 개발 및 평가)

  • Yoo, Han-Jin
    • Asian Oncology Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study were to develop an web-based education program for Lung cancer patients and to test its effects on patients' self-care knowledge, compliance to medical regimen, nutrition status and pain. The program was developed by the following process: first, Lung cancer patients demand on the web-based program was investigated. and second, the program was developed with the help of various reference books and then validation of experts group. last, educations effects on the patients is evaluated and compared the differences in self-care knowledge, compliance to medical regimen, nutrition status and pain between on experimental group and a control group on before discharge 1day and 3weeks after. SPSS/Win 11.0 program was used for data analysis. It was proven with $x^2$ test and t-test, and Pearson Correlation coefficient, and Chronbach's alpha coefficient were done for the reliability of measuring instruments. 1. The summary of the Program development is as follows. The program is based on patients' questionnaire and reference material and is made for users friendly. Not only Bigger font size and bright colors but also illustrations or pictures were adopted to help enhance patients' understanding. 2. The summary of the study results is as follows. 1) Compared with control group, the web-based educated experimental group showed a statistical significant difference on self-care knowledge, Especially disease, radiation treatment, medication & analgesics, chemotherapy side effect, but there was no significant difference in the field of chemotherapy, in the fields of operation, diet & general knowledge. 2) Compared with control group, the web-based educated experimental group showed a statistical significant difference on compliance to medical regimen, especially in the field of follow up care, everyday life, diet, but there was no significant difference in the field of medication, exercise. 3) Compared with control group, web-based educated experimental group showed no significant difference in nutrition status, but partially significant difference in body weight. 4) Compared with control group, the web-based educated experimental group showed no significant difference in pain level. 5) The significantly positive correalation self-care knowledge with the compliance to medical regimen. 6) Users satisfaction with the web-based education program of the contents quality, the level of recommendation to others, content layout, medical information quality, but interesting got a low mark.

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The Empirical Exploration of the Conception on Nursing (간호개념에 대한 기초조사)

  • 백혜자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.65-87
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    • 1981
  • The study is aimed at exploring concept held by clinical nurses of nursing. The data were collected from 225 nurses conviniently selected from the population of nurses working in Kang Won province. Findings include. 1) Nurse's Qualification. The respondents view that specialized knowledge is more important qualification of the nurse. Than warm personality. Specifically, 92.9% of the respondents indicated specialized knowledge as the most important qualification while only 43.1% indicated warm personality. 2) On Nursing Profession. The respondents view that nursing profession as health service oriented rather than independent profession specifically. This suggests that nursing profession is not consistentic present health care delivery system nor support nurses working independently. 3) On Clients of Nursing Care The respondents include patients, family and the community residents in the category of nursing care. Specifically, 92.0% of the respondents view that patient is the client, while only 67.1% of nursing student and 74.7% of herself. This indicates the lack of the nurse's recognition toward their clients. 4) On the Priority of Nursing care. Most of the respondents view the clients physical psychological respects as important component of nursing care but not the spiritual ones. Specially, 96.0% of the respondents indicated the physical respects, 93% psychological ones, while 64.1% indicated the spiritual ones. This means the lack of comprehensive conception on nursing aimension. 5) On Nursing Care. 91.6% of the respondents indicated that nursing care is the activity decreasing pain or helping to recover illness, while only 66.2% indicated earring out the physicians medical orders. 6) On Purpose of Nursing Care. 89.8% of the respondents indicated preventing illness and than 76.6% of them decreasing 1;ai of clients. On the other hand, maintaining health has the lowest selection at the degree of 13.8%. This means the lack of nurses' recognition for maintaining health as the most important point. 7) On Knowledge Needed in Nursing Care. Most of the respondents view that the knowledge faced with the spot of nursing care is needed. Specially, 81.3% of the respondents indicated simple curing method and 75.1%, 73.3%, 71.6% each indicated child nursing, maternal nursing and controlling for the communicable disease. On the other hand, knowledge w hick has been neglected in the specialized courses of nursing education, that is, thinking line among com-w unity members, overcoming style against between stress and personal relation in each home, and administration, management have a low selection at the depree of 48.9%,41.875 and 41.3%. 8) On Nursing Idea. The highest degree of selection is that they know themselves rightly, (The mean score measuring distribution was 4.205/5) In the lowest degree,3.016/5 is that devotion is the essential element of nursing, 2.860/5 the religious problems that human beings can not settle, such as a fatal ones, 2,810/5 the nursing profession is worth trying in one's life. This means that the peculiarly essential ideas on the professional sense of value. 9) On Nursing Services. The mean score measuring distribution for the nursing services showed that the inserting of machine air way is 2.132/5, the technique and knowledge for surviving heart-lung resuscitating is 2.892/s, and the preventing air pollution 3.021/5. Specially, 41.1% of the respondents indicated the lack of the replied ratio. 10) On Nurses' Qualifications. The respondents were selected five items as the most important qualifications. Specially, 17.4% of the respondents indicated specialized knowledge, 15.3% the nurses' health, 10.6% satisfaction for nursing profession, 9.8% the experience need, 9.2% comprehension and cooperation, while warm personality as nursing qualifications have a tendency of being lighted. 11) On the Priority of Nursing Care The respondents were selected three items as the most important component. Most of the respondents view the client's physical, spiritual: economic points as important components of nursing care. They showed each 36.8%, 27.6%, 13.8% while educational ones showed 1.8%. 12) On Purpose of Nursing Care. The respondents were selected four items as the most important purpose. Specially,29.3% of the respondents indicated curing illness for clients, 21.3% preventing illness for client 17.4% decreasing pain, 15.3% surviving. 13) On the Analysis of Important Nursing Care Ranging from 5 point to 25 point, the nurses' qualification are concentrated at the degree of 95.1%. Ranging from 3 point to 25, the priorities of nursing care are concentrated at the degree of 96.4%. Ranging from 4 point to 16, the purpose of nursing care is concentrated at the degree of 84.0%. 14) The Analysis, of General Characteristics and Facts of Nursing Concept. The correlation between the educational high level and nursing care showed significance. (P < 0.0262). The correction between the educational low level and purpose of nursing care showed significance. (P < 0.002) The correlation between nurses' working yeras and the degree of importance for the purpose of nursing care showed significance (P < 0.0155) Specially, the most affirmative answers were showed from two years to four ones. 15) On Nunes' qualification and its Degree of Importance The correlation between nurses' qualification and its degree of importance showed significance. (r = 0.2172, p< 0.001) 0.005) B. General characteristics of the subjects The mean age of the subject was 39 ; with 38.6% with in the age range of 20-29 ; 52.6% were male; 57.9% were Schizophrenia; 35.1% were graduated from high school or high school dropouts; 56.l% were not have any religion; 52.6% were unmarried; 47.4% were first admission; 91.2% were involuntary admission patients. C. Measurement of anxiety variables. 1. Measurement tools of affective anxiety in this study demonstrated high reliability (.854). 2. Measurement tools of somatic anxiety in this study demonstrated high reliability (.920). D. Relationship between the anxiety variables and the general characteristics. 1. Relationship between affective anxiety and general characteristics. 1) The level of female patients were higher than that of the male patient (t = 5.41, p < 0.05). 2) Frequencies of admission were related to affective anxiety, so in the first admission the anxiety level was the highest. (F = 5.50, p < 0.005). 2, Relationship between somatic anxiety and general characteristics. 1) The age range of 30-39 was found to have the highest level of the somatic anxiety. (F = 3.95, p < 0.005). 2) Frequencies of admission were related to the somatic anxiety, so .in first admission the anxiety level was the highest. (F = 9.12, p < 0.005) 0. Analysis of significant anxiety symptoms for nursing intervention. 1. Seven items such as dizziness, mental integration, sweating, restlessness, anxiousness, urinary frequency and insomnia, init. accounted for 96% of the variation within the first 24 hours after admission. 2. Seven items such as fear, paresthesias, restlessness, sweating insomnia, init., tremors and body aches and pains accounted for 84% of the variation on the 10th day after admission.

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Necessity of Education for Emergency Medical Technicians to Improve Awareness of Early Symptoms of Stroke and Assessment of Stroke Patients (응급구급대원에서 뇌졸중 조기증상 인지 및 환자평가 향상을 위한 교육 필요성)

  • Lee, Jeong-Mi;Lee, Jang-Yeol;Park, Seong-Bin;Lee, Young-Hoon;Oh, Gyung-Jae
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.130-141
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to reconsider the necessity of stroke-related educational programs by investigating early symptoms of stroke that emergency medical technicians (EMTs) may experience. Methods: An interview survey was carried out, targeting all EMTs 298 people who were working at 119 fire safety centers and local units in Jeollabuk-do province, from April 1 to 30, 2011. An interviewer administered questionnaire was used to obtain data on ETMs' demographic characteristics, educational level on stroke, and awareness level about early symptoms of stroke and treatment-related characteristics of stroke patients. Results: The results showed that 63.2% of those surveyed had completed the required educational programs on stroke during the past year. The level of awareness about early symptoms of stroke and assessment of stroke patients' condition was relatively high for women, those who were 30 years under, low position people, emergency service practitioners, emergency medical technicians, and people who have completed education, respectively. It was also turned out that 82.8% of those surveyed took stroke patients to the nearest hospitals first so that they could receive appropriate treatment. The level of awareness about early symptoms of stroke and assessment of stroke patients' condition in people who have completed education were higher than non-complete. The level of awareness about early symptoms of stroke was positively correlated with confidence, satisfaction and appropriateness in treatment of stroke patients. Conclusions: These results strongly suggest that it is necessary to operate specialized educational programs to enhance EMTs' appropriate awareness of the early symptoms of stroke and assessment of stroke patient's condition.

A Study of Home Care Needs of Patients at Discharge and Effects of Home Care -Centered on Patients Discharged from a Rural General Hospilal- (퇴원환자의 가정간호요구와 가정간호사업의 효과 분석 - 일 종합병원을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Yun Soon;Kim, Dai Hyun;Storey, Margaret;Kim, Cho Ja;Kang, Kyu Sook
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.77-99
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    • 1992
  • The study was carried out at W. hospital, an affiliated hospital of Y university, involved a total of 163 patients who were discharged from the hospital between May 1990 und March 199J. Data collection was twice, just prior to discharge and a minimum of three months post discharge. Thirty patients who lived within a hour travel time of the hospital received home care during the three months post discharge. Nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions For these patients were analyzed in this study. The results of the study are summarized as follows : 1. Discharge needs for the subjects of the study were analyzed using Gordon's eleven Functional categories and it was found that 48.3% of the total sample had identified nursing needs. Of these, the needs most frequently identified were in the categories of sexuality, 79.3 %, health perception, 68.2 % self concept, 62.5 %, and sleep and rest 62.5 %. Looking ut j he nursing diagnosis that were made for the 30 patients receiving home care, the following diagnoses were the most frequently given; alteration in sexual pattern 79.3%, alterations in health maintenance, 72.6%, alteration in comfort, 68.0%, depression, 64.0%, noncompliance with diet therapy, 6.3.7%, alteration in self concept, 55.6%, and alteration in sleep pattern, 53%. 2. In looking at the effects of home nursing care as demonstrated by changes in the functional categories over the three month period, it was Found that of the 11 functional categories, the need level for health perception, nutrition, activity and self concept decreased slightly over the three month period. On the average sleep patterns improved, but restfulness was slightly less and bowel elimination patterns improved but satisfaction with urinary elimination was slightly less. On the other hand, role enactment, sexuality, stress management and spirituality decreased slightly. The only results that were statistically significant at the 0.05 level were improvement. in digestion and decrease in pain. No statistically significant changes were found in ability related to ADL, the total ADL Score at discharge was $19.78{\pm}8.234, and after 3 months $19.01{\pm}8.12$. Considering that a majority of the patients were over 60 years of age and that many had brain or spinal cord injuries, the fact that their ADL ability did nor deteriorate after discharge can be interpreted as related to a positive impact by the home health care nurses. Similarly there was a slight be not statistically significant decrease in the quality of life scores between the two lest times(l47.83 at discharge and 113.02 at the three month period). Again, when the chronic nature of thee problems facing these patients is considered this maintenance of quality of life can be interpreted as a positive impact by the home health care nurses. 3. One of the home care nursing activities was diagnosis. For this activity it was found that for nine functional health categories(sexuality and spirituality excepted) there were 20 nursing diagnoses. The most frequent were noncompliance, alteration in skin integrity both actual and potential, and impaired physical mobility in that order. 4. Delivery of home health care by the home health nurses included the following nursing activities; assessment, patient education, demonstration of care activities, counselling, direct care to the patient and referrals. Direct care included changing dressings, bladder irrigations, changing Foley catheters, measurement of residual urine, perineal care, position change, back care, oral hygiene, exercise and massage of motion exercises, cleansing enemas, tracheostomy suctioning and tracheostomy care, care of dentures, applications of heat and other similar nursing activities. In conclusion almost 50% of (he sample indicated a need for continued nursing care at the time of discharge and for the patients in the sample who received home care there was a slight decrease in nursing needs but while the patients had chronic and debilitation problems there was ill decrease in ADL abilities or in quality of life. Further study needs Lo be done La increase the reliability and validity of the tool that was used to measure home health care needs. It is also recommended that study by done using a randomized sampling with a control group to compare patients who receive home care with those who do not.

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